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"See, this is why I'm glad you're here. It'll be nice to have someone new to talk to! Someone with a little perspective. Someone who knows how to look on the bright side. You do know how to look on the bright side, don't you?"
— Admiral to Blue when they first met, The Lost Continent

Admiral is an adult male SilkWing who was introduced in The Lost Continent. He is the father of Luna and Blue, as well as the former partner of both Burnet and Silverspot. He is a flamesilk dragon and was last seen enslaved in the flamesilk factory.


Admiral has shimmering blue-green scales, a hue somewhere between Blue's bright morpho blue and Luna's caterpillar green.[1] His eyes are brown with a faint gold tinge to them, and he has darker purple streaks along his wings and matching spots of white on each one.[1] He is mentioned to be quite skinny.[2] Fritillary described him as scrawny.[3]


Admiral is cheerful,[4] naive,[5] optimistic,[6] and happy-go-lucky.[7] He tries to make the best out of even the worst situations, as he has no problem being held captive in the flamesilk factory. He is proud of his accomplishments, despite them being minimal[8] and is a rule-follower[9] who is oblivious to the fact that he is actually a prisoner, believing that he and his coworkers are valuable employees for Queen Wasp.[10] However, Admiral is not completely blind to this situation.[11] He slowly and only semi-successfully attempts to get Wasp to improve the flamesilk factory by regularly sending her lots of letters that she rarely answers.[7] He was also proud to be a father, excited to meet his son for the first time, and looked forward to meeting his daughter when she emerged from her cocoon.[11]

Admiral's ignorance of Queen Wasp's indifference towards the flamesilks cause him to overlook and have a biased view against some of the other flamesilks who do not share his optimism about being imprisoned.[12] It is unknown if Admiral's ignorance of being imprisoned is out of stupidity or wishful thinking, as Blue states that the other flamesilks also behave oddly due to being imprisoned for most of their lives.[13] He is grateful for the times that the queen listened to his letters, and writes thank you letters to her.[14]


Growing up in Hornet Hive, Admiral underwent Metamorphosis and emerged from his cocoon in the flamesilk factory. Later, he was sent out to Cicada Hive temporarily to have eggs with Silverspot and Burnet in the hopes of hatching more flamesilks before returning to the factory.

The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Lost Continent

Blue had various thoughts on his mysterious father, such as why Admiral was whisked off to another Hive before he could see his eggs, and how it was better that way because Burnet and Silverspot "loved each other more than they could ever love him."

Later, when Blue was captured and imprisoned in the factory, he met his father, who was taking care of Luna's cocoon. After Admiral showed his son the dozens of letters he wrote to Queen Wasp, Blue realized he disagreed with Admiral's thoughts on the HiveWing rule and the other flamesilks. After Luna emerged from her cocoon, she and Blue told Admiral about their escape plan, hoping that he would want to escape with them. He refused and tried to sabotage their escape by calling out to the guards. However, Danaid started a shouting match involving all ten flamesilks, which helped Blue and Luna escape through the confusion into the tunnels made by the LeafWings, which had been opened by Sundew with her leafspeak.
The Hive Queen
Blue mentioned Admiral when he told Cricket that flamesilk does not burn after Metamorphosis.


Blue and Luna[]

Admiral loves and cares for both his dragonets. He welcomed them both with open wings[11] and defended them from Fritillary even after knowing their desires to escape.[15] Though Admiral did not seem to understand his children's wishes and possessively wanted to keep them in the factory along with him,[16] he still loves them and tried to keep them away from dragons he sees as potentially harmful. Admiral tried to stop his dragonets from escaping by shouting to the HiveWing guards but Danaid stopped him, allowing his children to escape.[15]


Admiral said that Clubtail, Danaid, and Whitespeck are wrong about everything and that he would never work with them.[17]


The flamesilk factory is divided into factions. Danaid is on the opposite one from Admiral, so they have a hostile relationship.[18] They frequently insult each other and are generally toxic toward each other. Admiral calls her dreadful after Blue talks to her.[13]


Fritillary and Admiral strongly dislike each other,[3] and they get into arguments frequently.


Sandfly is one of the HiveWings who guards the flamesilk factory. Despite Sandfly's rudeness toward him, Admiral was apologetic to her when he woke up late.[19] He would also try to make conversation with her,[4] even when she told him to stop talking.[19]


Whitespeck is typically on the opposite side in arguments with Admiral, as are most of the other flamesilks; they are generally toxic toward each other. Admiral called him along with Clubtail and Danaid selfish ignoramuses who are wrong about everything.[17]


Admiral seems to like Xenica, as she was the only dragon he properly introduced his son to. He told Blue that she is very sweet and always has clever things to say about the others.[13] Aside from Blue and Luna, she is the only flamesilk Admiral seems to like.

Family tree[]



"We have such an important job. [...] So important! When do you think she'll wake up?"
― Admiral to Blue (The Lost Continent, page 237)

"I can't believe one of mine is flamesilk. [...] And maybe both! Clubtail was taken out to have eggs a year before me, but neither of his had any flame whatsoever."
― Admiral to Blue, about him and Luna (The Lost Continent, page 237)

"They're letters. [...] My copies of them, obviously. I write one to the queen every seven days, outlining the current problems I see and offering proposals for fixing them."
― Admiral to Blue, about his pile of letters (The Lost Continent, page 238)

"That's not true! And it would help if CERTAIN DRAGONS weren't such TROLLS about everything! As IF anyone would EVER believe that LESS citrus might be helpful! I swear, I think he sneaks over and reads my letters just so he can write one arguing for the exact opposite of anything I propose."
― Admiral to Blue, about the other flamesilks and his letters (The Lost Continent, page 242)

"Danaid, stop poisoning my son's mind, he's on my side, not yours."
― Admiral to Danaid about talking to Blue (The Lost Continent, page 253)

"Well, the queen doesn't exactly like to have SilkWings wandering around who know where this cavern is. But tell you what, I'll write her a letter! Or lots of letters! If you're not a flamesilk, I'll think of some very good reasons why you should go home. Don't worry. It might take a while. But then, maybe you'll want to stay? It's quite nice here. And this is where I am."
― Admiral to Blue when he asked what would happen if he was not a flamesilk (The Lost Continent, page 257)

"Flamesilk dragons can't be burned by flamesilk. [...] That would be absurd."
― Admiral to Blue about flamesilks (The Lost Continent, page 265)



  1. 1.0 1.1 The Lost Continent, page 236
  2. The Lost Continent, page 269
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Lost Continent, page 242
  4. 4.0 4.1 The Lost Continent, page 247
  5. The Lost Continent, page 241
  6. The Lost Continent, page 258
  7. 7.0 7.1 The Lost Continent, page 238
  8. The Lost Continent, page 238-239
  9. The Lost Continent, page 272
  10. The Lost Continent, page 255
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 The Lost Continent, page 237
  12. The Lost Continent, page 242-243
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 The Lost Continent, page 254
  14. The Lost Continent, page 270
  15. 15.0 15.1 The Lost Continent, page 274
  16. The Lost Continent, page 271
  17. 17.0 17.1 The Lost Continent, page 256
  18. The Lost Continent, page 253
  19. 19.0 19.1 The Lost Continent, page 246


Present: Monarch
Historical: DiademMonarchMonarchSilverwash

Other Dragons

AdmiralArgusAtalaBlueBurnetClorindeCinnabarClubtailDanaidDuskyFestoonFritillaryGliderGraylingHeliconianIoLappetLunaMorphoPieridSilverspotSwordtailTauTemoraTussockWhitespeck (TLC)Whitespeck (TFoH)Xenica


Bloodworm HiveCicada HiveHornet HiveJewel HiveLeafSilk KingdomMantis HiveTsetse HiveVinegaroon HiveWasp HiveYellowjacket Hive


SilkWing palace


Book of ClearsightChrysalisSilkWing AssemblyTree Wars
