- "Trying to keep secrets won't do any good at this point. [...] I only see two ways for this to end: with you all helping us, or dead. In the former case, it'll be much easier if we know your names. Or we could skip to the latter case right now."
- — Belladonna to Blue, Swordtail, and Cricket upon first meeting them, The Lost Continent
Belladonna is an adult female LeafWing who was introduced in The Lost Continent. She was the commander of the PoisonWings and formerly under the control of the othermind. She is the daughter of Linden, mother of Sundew, the partner of Hemlock, and currently resides on Pantala dealing with HiveWings who are still loyal to Wasp. She has the ability of leafspeak.
Belladonna has dark green scales[1] of a lighter shade than Sundew's that are dotted with patches of brown.[2] She has sharp green eyes[3] and strange pale burn scars splattered across her talons and her forearms.[2] She is much taller than Sundew and has an air of authority about her. She wears several small pouches that are woven from long grass or fashioned from leaves.[2]
Belladonna is commanding, fierce, confident, stubborn, and aggressive. Belladonna is sometimes shown to be surprisingly understanding, but in a veiled, vague way.[4] She is proud and impatient and will act upon many things, even when Sequoia forbids her to. She would do almost anything to get revenge. Belladonna often chooses deadlier beetles and insects to put in her leaf-pouches. She is sometimes controlling of Sundew, going so far as taking her friends prisoner, whom she does not even care about. She also has a tendency to exaggerate, especially when it comes to grand plans against Queen Wasp.[5]
The Lost Continent Prophecy[]
The Lost Continent |
While planning out how to invade Wasp Hive, Blue and his friends got captured by three LeafWings: Sundew, Hemlock, and Belladonna. Belladonna forced Blue to tell her who they were, and what they were doing here. After Blue confessed, Belladonna introduced herself and her family to him. When Blue told them that he and Swordtail were fugitives, although Cricket was somewhat innocent, Belladonna became intrigued and began to trace out a plan. Blue also told them that they were there to rescue Luna, his stolen flamesilk sister, which made all three LeafWings come up with a plan. Belladonna told Blue that they knew where the flamesilk factory was and would rescue Luna if Blue and Cricket would help them steal the Book of Clearsight. Cricket refused, and Belladonna rushed over and seized her jaw, growling at her that she had no right to refuse after everything her tribe had done to the LeafWings. Then Belladonna, Hemlock, and Sundew pretended to rush off into the foliage, leaving Blue, Cricket, and Swordtail to decide whether or not to take their offer, although they secretly hid in the nearby trees and eavesdropped on their conversation. Eventually, the decision was made, and Blue, Cricket, and Sundew headed off to steal the Book. Later, Sundew mentioned that her parents were still mad at her for revealing the secret LeafWing tunnels, even though it was already decided that the LeafWings could not use them. |
The Hive Queen |
Belladonna and Hemlock were frequently mentioned to be working with their LeafWing tribe on a secret LeafWing attack plan, which turned out to be the Burning of Bloodworm Hive. Sundew took a piece of Blue's flamesilk to give her parents for the Burning of Bloodworm Hive. |
The Poison Jungle |
Belladonna appeared after Sundew arrived at the PoisonWing village, furious for bringing Cricket and Bumblebee, the "enemies," in. She then started arguing with Sundew as she explained everything she had done while she was gone. After Sundew had left the village to secretly see Willow, she was summoned by Queen Sequoia to fight against Queen Wasp's forces. Belladonna was furious, arguing with both Sundew and the Sequoia. She forced Sundew to take Mandrake and Nettle with her to the Eye of the jungle. Belladonna, Sequoia, and many PoisonWings, went to the edge of the jungle for a battle against the HiveWing army, but instead fell under the othermind's control. |
The Dangerous Gift |
Belladonna was briefly mentioned by Swordtail when he remembered how the breath of evil infected the LeafWings. She was mentioned again when Bryony and Hemlock discussed what was happening as they hid with all the SilkWings from Bloodworm Hive near the abyss. During Sundew and Cobra Lily's argument, Sundew snarls that despite how awful dragons like Belladonna and Nettle were, she still wanted to save them from the othermind. |
The Flames of Hope |
Cottonmouth, who was possessing a SilkWing at the time, taunted Sundew with the possibility of seeing Belladonna again. Belladonna was mentioned to have been in the fight against Moonwatcher, Qibli, Sundew, Lynx, Cricket and Bullfrog. After the othermind was defeated, she was mentioned to be dealing with the HiveWings who wanted Wasp back. |
Field Guides[]
A Guide to the Dragon World |
Belladonna was mentioned by Sundew in her letter to Starflight regarding the letters she found between Linden, Sequoia, and Belladonna. Belladonna was mentioned multiple times by Linden and Sequoia in their letters. Later, Belladonna became the writer and receiver of letters to and from Sequoia following the death of her mother. |
While their relationship was just to create another leafspeak dragonet, Belladonna seems to be close to Hemlock and trusts him, as he is seen accompanying Belladonna during their mission to burn down the Hives.
Belladonna is frustrated at Sequoia's refusal to attack the Hives but collaborates with her to defend the remaining LeafWings. Sequoia describes her as 'exhausting and annoying to work with' because of her rebellious nature. Belladonna similarly does not respect Sequoia as queen, refusing to bow down to her.[6]
Despite being Sundew's mother, she does not act very maternal, possibly because the only reason she and Hemlock hatched Sundew was to have more stronger leafspeak dragons, in the tribe. Nevertheless, she wants her daughter to make her proud by successfully carrying out plans, and burning down enemies.
Family tree[]
Linden | Unknown | ||||||||||||||||||
Belladonna | Hemlock | ||||||||||||||||||
Sundew | |||||||||||||||||||
- "Trying to keep secrets won't do any good at this point. [...] I only see two ways for this to end: with you all helping us, or dead. In the former case, it'll be much easier if we know your names. Or we could skip to the latter case right now."
- ― to Blue, when the LeafWings capture him, Swordtail, and Cricket (The Lost Continent, page 172)
- "If you want help finding your sister, all you have to do ... is steal the Book of Clearsight for us."
- ― to Blue, Cricket, and Swordtail (The Lost Continent, page 176)
- "Sundew, [...] save that for later. Corpses lying around will notify the queen we're here, which would make our mission harder. Remember?"
- ― to Sundew, about killing Blue, Cricket, and Swordtail (The Lost Continent, page 173)
- "No? [...] You don't say no to me, HiveWing. You have no right, after everything your tribe has done to our homes and our dragons."
- ― to Cricket (The Lost Continent, page 179)
- "All we want is to level the wind currents. [...] Do you really think it's fair that the HiveWings have had this secret knowledge for so long? That they've abused it to dominate and destroy other tribes? Do you think that's what your precious Clearsight intended? [...] Queen Wasp has already read the whole thing. [...] She probably even has a copy somewhere, unless she's an idiot. We just want to read it, too. Then we'll all know the same things; we'll have the same advance information. The LeafWings won't have anything more than what the HiveWings have had for generations. Equality. That's what we're looking for."
- ― to Blue, Cricket, and Swordtail about stealing the Book of Clearsight (The Lost Continent, page 179-180)
- "Make us proud. [...] Do not fail. Remember this is what you were hatched to do. Remember how evil they are. Let your rage carry you."
- ― to Sundew, before she leaves with Hemlock (The Lost Continent, page 190)
- "You can't imagine we'd let a weapon like yours fall into our talons and not use it. [...] Try to think of what we're doing as 'freeing your tribe' rather than 'killing the other one.' Does that help?"
- ― to Blue, about flamesilk (The Poison Jungle, page 55)
- "My daughter could escape and kill you all any time she wanted to. [...] The only reason she hasn't yet is she's trying to infuriate me."
- ― to Swordtail, Blue, and Cricket (The Poison Jungle, page 129)
- "I'm sure she tried. [...] Probably doesn't work on a superior species like LeafWings."
- ― about the breath of evil, and Queen Wasp controlling LeafWings (The Poison Jungle, page 148)
- "Just a moment. [...] I'm not letting my daughter stroll off on a suicide mission with only these two ... these two strangers alongside her. [...] I insist they take two of my dragons with them."
- ― about Sundew, Cricket, and Willow going to the Eye of the jungle (The Poison Jungle, page 153)
- ↑ The Lost Continent, page 168
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 The Lost Continent, page 170
- ↑ The Poison Jungle, page 58
- ↑ The Poison Jungle, page 54
- ↑ The Poison Jungle, page 41
- ↑ The Poison Jungle, page 135
LeafWings | |
Queens | |
Other Dragons (Present) |
Belladonna • Bryony • Byblis • Cobra Lily • Hawthorn • Hemlock • Mandrake • Nettle • Odollam • Pokeweed • Sundew • Willow • Wolfsbane |
Other Dragons (Historical) |
Kingdom |
Eye of the jungle • Hawthorn's home • LeafSilk Kingdom • Poison Jungle • PoisonWing village • SapWing village |
Kingdom (Historical) |
Society |