- "It would be very enriching for everyone if certain parties returned with dragon treasure and shared it with the correct people. But if the expedition were unsuccessful ... that would be such a shame. Such a shame."
- — Crow to Gorge, Leaf, and Rowan, Dragonslayer
Crow is an adult female human who was introduced in Dragonslayer. She was one of the dragonmancers, along with Gorge and Trout, and resides in Talisman.
Crow is tall and gaunt,[1] with a skeletal finger.[2] She has brittle brown hair in a gray toadstool-like shape around her head and wrinkles of disapproval permanently scored around her mouth.[3]
According to Leaf, she always spoke as though she was the only person in the room whose opinion mattered. She also has a habit of repeating the last thing she had said louder than before.[1] Leaf mentioned that Crow had never cared for the village, wanting more treasure and power instead.[4] When Wren and Sky confronted the dragonmancers, Crow tried to sidle behind some of the bigger townspeople.[5]
Crow first appeared during the Gift for the Dragons ceremony, where she and the other dragonmancers tried to sacrifice Wren. Later on in the book, Crow and Gorge found Rowan and Leaf talking about Mushroom's disappearance. She pretended to have received a vision, telling the children that they had to bring back some treasure from the mountain dragon palace or Grove would have to be sacrificed to the dragons. She was present when Wren revealed the dragonmancers' secrets in the end of the book.
- "It is a terrible, terrible idea to lie to a dragonmancer, [...] TERRIBLE. I'm sure you will not make that mistake, apprentice. [...] And while you frantically decide how much to tell me, I will generously mention that we heard you say dragon palace, so please, don't leave that part out. Do NOT leave it out."
- ― to Rowan and Leaf (Dragonslayer, page 163)
- "Much worse than that. [...] If the dragons catch him, they could decide to punish the entire village for his crime. We could all be on fire by this time tomorrow! ON FIRE!"
- ― to Gorge, Leaf, and Rowan (Dragonslayer, page 163-164)
- "That's truuuuue. [...] It would be very enriching for everyone if certain parties returned with dragon treasure and shared it with the correct people. But if the expedition were unsuccessful ... that would be such a shame. Such a shame."
- ― to Gorge, Leaf, and Rowan (Dragonslayer, page 164)
- "I imagine the dragons would require a sacrifice. [...] A big, big sacrifice."
- ― to Leaf and Rowan (Dragonslayer, page 165)
- "Shhh. [...] Your friend set this in motion. This is all his fault. These are the consequences. I only see one happy ending here."
- ― to Leaf (Dragonslayer, page 165)
- "We didn't have to. [...] But thanks to young Mushroom's greed, now we do. Grove will stay with us. All you have to do is follow your friend and return with some treasure, and everyone will be so happy. Ever ever so happy."
- ― to Rowan (Dragonslayer, page 166)
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Dragonslayer, page 162
- ↑ Dragonslayer, page 166
- ↑ Dragonslayer, page 126
- ↑ Dragonslayer, page 164
- ↑ Dragonslayer, page 481
Humans | |
Abyss village | |
Talisman |
Bluebell • Butterfly • Camellia • Crow • Gorge • Mushroom • Tadpole • Trout |
Valor |
Aster • Azalea • Brook • Chipmunk • Daffodil • Daisy • Forest • Foxglove • Heath • Lark • Laurel • Moth • Petal • Pine • Root • Squirrel • Stone • Violet |
Indestructible City | |
Pyrrhia |
Present: Arbutus • Bandit • Cardinal • Cranberry • Grove • Ivy • Leaf • Rose • Rover • Rowan • Thyme • Wren |
Pantala | |
Society |
Dragonmancers • Human settlements • Truth Seekers • Wingwatchers |