- "I'm nothing like my father. I don't need saving. I can choose my own future, and I like the one I see, and you're going to learn to like it too."
- — Darkstalker to Clearsight, Darkstalker
(This is the page for the character named Darkstalker. You may be looking for the book or the graphic novel instead.)
Darkstalker was an ancient NightWing-IceWing hybrid and one of the three main protagonists of Darkstalker. The most powerful dragon in Pyrrhian history, Darkstalker was hatched with animus magic, mind-reading, and prophetic powers, on the brightest night. He was in a relationship with Clearsight until she and Fathom were forced to trap him beneath Agate Mountain, by using an enchanted bracelet that put him into a deep sleep for many centuries.
Approximately 2,000 years later, Kinkajou used Darkstalker's scroll to transform him into Peacemaker, using an enchanted strawberry which he ate, turning him into a young RainWing-NightWing hybrid dragonet with none of his former abilities nor memories of his past life.[1]
Darkstalker had ebony[2] black scales[3] and dark midnight-black wings,[4] appearing as almost a pure NightWing except for a line of icy, white,[5] silvery IceWing scales where his wings met his body,[6] which Clearsight described to be cold when touched.[7] He had one silver teardrop scale on the outward corner of each of his dark[8] eyes, which indicated that he was a mind reader,[9] and he had eyes that were as black as underground caverns.[10] He had a narrow, handsome face, long, twisted horns,[10] and was, after re-emerging from Agate Mountain, enormous,[11] at least three times as tall as the largest living dragons.[12] His huge[13] wingspan was as wide as Agate Mountain,[14] and he had a very long neck.[15] He wore a plain, white, half-hoop earring made of bone in his left ear.[16] He was handsome[17] and powerfully built,[18] with scales that felt as hard as armor due to his enchantment.[19] He moved slowly and purposefully[20] and spoke in a cavernous, booming,[21] low rumble.[22]
Before losing Foeslayer, Darkstalker was determined,[23] confident,[24] arrogant,[25] observant,[26] thoughtful,[19] cocky, proud,[27] defiant,[28] happy,[29] hopeful,[30] mischievous,[31] patient,[32] intelligent, intense, knowledgeable,[33] and sarcastic.[34] He was charming, courageous, and cared about those he loved very deeply.[31] He believed in not worrying excessively about the future and preferred to focus on the present.[30] In his youth, he was willing to make an enormous sacrifice by creating his talisman in order to make Clearsight feel safe.[4] Darkstalker later used his talisman to enchant things in secret. He hated sleeping, as he felt that he had so much to do and missing out on things made him feel restless.[35] He was skilled at problem-solving,[36] and he had a nervous energy about him whenever he had to tell someone something.[37] He knew how to play tricks with his words.[38]
Several of his earlier spells were kind and compassionate, examples include: a doll carved to look like a scavenger that would appear at Whiteout's pillow every night; a plate that kept prey warm for Foeslayer when she was late for dinner; a blanket that ensured peaceful sleep for Foeslayer when she was in the Kingdom of Sand with the NightWing army; a set of paints for Whiteout that never dried or ran out; and a bell that rang whenever Fathom felt sad or lonely.[39]
However, his later, larger spells were much more menacing: a dagger to kill one IceWing every full moon for one year; spells to torment classmates he hated in small, creative ways; a spell that sent nightmares to Diamond with all of the ways he planned to kill her.[40] He was crueler than necessary towards Arctic[41] and held a serious grudge against Indigo after she attempted to kill him.[42] He began hiding certain enchantments from both Clearsight and Fathom[43] and despite Clearsight stating she would never be okay with her feelings being manipulated[37] and Fathom pleading with him not to use his animus magic anymore[44] he used his powers without regard to either of them. He was dismissive,[25] defiant, and even grinned at Clearsight when confronted about manipulating her foresight ability to only see the good futures.[45] He looked puzzled as to why Clearsight did not want him to murder Vigilance[46] and might have believed that Clearsight's moonstone earrings were simply a kindhearted, sweet gesture to help her focus less on desolate futures.[47] He was completely willing to force Clearsight and Fathom along the path he desired, even if he had to drag them along it kicking and screaming.[48] He was also willing to keep Clearsight in a relationship with him against her will, even if she had not wanted that.[49]
After he began to seek vengeance upon the IceWing tribe after Arctic became even crueler, he became more dishonest,[49] devious,[50] vengeful,[51] furious,[52] manipulative,[53] angry, and callous.[54] He radiated menace.[55] He adopted an unsettling[56] new smile that implied Darkstalker thought he would always be okay, and nothing bad could happen to him, and that he could arrange the world the way he wanted. The loss of his mother broke him into a thousand pieces on the inside, making him more furious and devastated, but he could hide it very well.[57] He devolved into a sad, furious mourning,[58] but a strange angry kind where he kept insisting his mother would come home soon, despite Clearsight telling him she would not.[59]
Darkstalker then suddenly appeared happier and more energetic, explaining that he had found a way to deal with all of his most annoying problems.[60] These included enchanting Indigo to become trapped inside of a small wooden dragon, and to leave a note for Fathom to manipulate him into believing she had returned to the Kingdom of the Sea and did not love him anymore;[61] enchanting a pair of moonstone earrings for Clearsight to, unwillingly, be forced to focus on the brightest futures and not be able to see the bad futures of her and Darkstalker together[25] and enchanting Arctic to obey his every command.[62] He acted falsely sympathetic towards Fathom[63] and was grimly determined upon finding and punishing the dragon who had sent Quickdeath to assassinate him.[64] He eventually was eerily blank when facing the concept of Foeslayer's death,[65] and wanted the NightWings to fear and respect him.[66] Clearsight saw multiple highly likely futures in which Darkstalker killed her after she stole his talisman[67] and feared that Darkstalker would soon enchant away her and Fathom's ability to feel and think for themselves freely.[68]
After awakening from his sleeping spell, Darkstalker acted like a charming, sincere,[69] ambitious[70] leader, causing other dragons to follow him.[71] Immediately after being released, he cast a secret enchantment to make other dragons believe that he was charming, friendly,[72] humbled, and unambitious,[73] though he was already convincing enough without magic to win everyone over.[74] However, after being released from said enchantment, Darkstalker was seen as menacing,[75] brainwashing, genocidal,[76] complicated,[77] sinister,[78] evil, and deserving of what had come to him.[79] When Moonwatcher explained how fundamentally wrong killing the entire IceWing tribe was, he only growled that they had started it.[80] He appeared externally to be polite,[81] friendly, at peace, and slightly bored.[82] His gaze was intense and made Qibli feel as though Darkstalker could look through him, to see all the versions of Qibli that had ever existed and all of the ones that might ever be.[83] He was desperately lonely[76] but did not trust other animus dragons; each one was a threat to his absolute power.[84] He believed he was the greatest animus dragon to have ever lived, believing he was completely unstoppable and regarded others around him to be "boring, ordinary creatures".[85] He was careful to feed his subjects' vanity and need for usefulness so that they would love him all the more.[86] He said he wanted to make the world a better place, and he wanted genuine friends,[87] but it was difficult for him to admit when he was wrong,[88] and he was astounded and upset by the soul reader's opinion of his lack of morality.[89] His choices were vengeful,[90] dark, and damaging,[91] even if he genuinely believed they would lead to the best future.
The Dragonet Prophecy[]
The Brightest Night |
When Strongwings, Fierceteeth, and Preyhunter were asleep, Sunny stole the trio's Obsidian Mirror and wrote in red mud that resembled blood: "TURN BACK. YOU FLY TOWARDS YOUR DEATH." When they woke up, Fierceteeth yelled at Preyhunter for losing the mirror, while Strongwings was paralyzed by fear, saying it was the work of The Darkstalker, a legendary NightWing monster. Preyhunter added that The Darkstalker played with his prey until they were paralyzed with fear before attacking. Fierceteeth disregarded this, and the trio continued flying. |
The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]
Moon Rising |
Darkstalker began to speak telepathically to Moonwatcher when she arrived at Jade Mountain Academy, firstly as an anonymous character in her head before revealing his name. Later, as Moon suffered from a dream of a dark future, Darkstalker pulled her out of the vision. He was devastated when he learned that over 5,012 years had passed since the Scorching. Later, while Moonwatcher read a scroll on animus history in search of information on dreamvisitors, she came across the legend of Fathom and Darkstalker. Darkstalker then admitted that he was the same mind-reading, prophetic animus dragon from the legend. He claimed that history had gotten it wrong, and he was not a monster. After two thousand years, the bracelet that Fathom enchanted to make Darkstalker sleep for all eternity had snapped due to the tremors caused by the Orb in the Sky, allowing him to wake up. After an explosion that killed two students at Jade Mountain Academy, Carnelian and Bigtail, and injured Tamarin, Darkstalker helped Moonwatcher figure out who had caused it, without telling her things that he knew would lead to her death. After discovering the real killer, Sora, and the deadly secret that Icicle had been hiding, he was afraid to let Moonwatcher leave because he was afraid that if she left him too long, he would go insane from being alone. |
Winter Turning |
When Moonwatcher brought up a question about Darkstalker, Winter ranted about how he and his mother ruined everything for the IceWings. Later, when Winter and Hailstorm go to face the Diamond Trial, they encountered Foeslayer, who Winter realized was the mother of Darkstalker. Darkstalker narrated the epilogue, in which he read the minds of Onyx, Anemone, and Peril. |
Escaping Peril |
Darkstalker is noted at the end of the book as the true owner of the animus touched scroll. Moon revealed to her friends that it is Darkstalker's and not for them to use. She then told them that they should return the scroll to its rightful owner. The other dragonets disagree, but Moon sneaks away in the middle of the night to give the scroll to Darkstalker anyway. The dragons tried to follow, but Peril, who got there first, being a SkyWing, was told by Moon that Darkstalker had written the enchantment, "Enchant Arctic the IceWing to obey my every command" and forced Arctic, his father, to disembowel himself. Moonwatcher cried out that dragons are not things that you could enchant like objects, and Darkstalker tried to apologize — Moon refused to listen to this. Winter and Qibli later caught up, arguing over the animus touched scroll. Peril ended the discussion by burning up the scroll, which resulted in Darkstalker being released, following the enchantment "if the scroll is destroyed, all of Darkstalker's power will return to him" in a giant, magic-induced earthquake. When the mountain they were next to begins to crack, Darkstalker emerged, spreading his wings. He thanked Peril for helping him escape, giving a sinister smile to the Jade Winglet. |
Talons of Power |
Eventually convincing the Jade Winglet that he was not evil and casting a spell to help convince Winter, he travelled to Jade Mountain to see the original dragonets of destiny and pick up any information on Clearsight or Fathom. He then had a conversation with Anemone, Tsunami, and Moonwatcher about animus power. Darkstalker revealed that he knew Anemone killed Whirlpool. Afterward, he told Moon he would make something else to keep his soul safe, as well as Anemone's. To this, Moon responded that it might not matter since Darkstalker still caused his father's death with an untainted soul. In his defense, Darkstalker argued that Arctic was about to betray the tribe and told the dragonets what actually happened. He then made a statement about Moon possibly being Clearsight's descendant. After Moon and Tsunami leave, he enchanted both Anemone's and his talismans to keep their souls safe. Afterward, Darkstalker spoke to anyone who came to him and searched scrolls for references of Fathom and Clearsight. Flame passed by, and Darkstalker offered to heal his face. Flame was suspicious and told Darkstalker not to lie to him, as Stonemover had said that he would not, or could not, heal his face. After convincing Flame that he could heal him without any strings attached, Flame agrees, and Darkstalker enchanted a flower to heal his scars. After being healed, Flame bolted away without thanking Darkstalker. Mightyclaws, Mindreader and Fearless were then introduced to Darkstalker by Moon. He told them about the old NightWing Kingdom and agreed to enchant an object for each to give them any power they wish. After speaking to the NightWing students, Moon and Darkstalker sensed danger for Stonemover. They flew off to save him from attempted murder and found him with his throat slashed, lying in a pool of blood, though miraculously, still alive. Darkstalker healed Stonemover with a stalactite, simultaneously removing the stone enchantment on his scales. Stonemover then woke, reacting with fear at the name 'Darkstalker' before beginning to yell that his claws were not his. Darkstalker said he could enchant him to calm down, with Sunny and Stonemover quickly saying that he should not do that. This ends in Darkstalker begrudgingly reverting him to stone. Anemone enters with Flame following, and he admitted that he tried to kill Stonemover because he lied about being able to heal Flame's scars. This leads to Darkstalker opening Flame's pouch, finding the third dreamvisitor inside. Darkstalker then declared that Flame is both the darkness of dragons and the stalker of dreams, causing Flame to protest that he was not any of that, asking what it would mean. Mindreader then hears that Flame had help from a dragon with a weird name similar to "Ogre" and "Okra," assumed to be Ochre. Darkstalker then enchanted Flame's library card to turn it into an iron band and chain, trapping him in place. Later, when Turtle cast the spell to protect Qibli from Darkstalker's enchantments, he came down the hall to Qibli's cave. He asked if Anemone was there and if she cast a spell. Qibli denied that, but Darkstalker tested him for animus magic by telling Qibli to enchant his scroll to roll up. After confirming that Qibli did not and could not cast any animus spells, Darkstalker commented on his intelligence, remarking that he would have been a great animus. When he leaves, Turtle and Qibli realized that he must have cast a spell to sense when animus magic were being cast. The next day, Darkstalker, Anemone, Turtle, and the NightWings at Jade Mountain left for the Rainforest Kingdom. When they arrived at the Night Village, a few NightWings flew away in terror, but most held their ground. Darkstalker convinced them he was not the monster from the stories of the past. Darkstalker then challenged Glory for the throne of the NightWings, but she declined with a different idea: the NightWings that choose to go with Darkstalker could leave, and the NightWings that want to stay could stay. Darkstalker decided to stay in the Rainforest Kingdom for a day. Few NightWings seemed interested in spending time with Darkstalker, knowing his history, but after his offering of superpower enchantments and casting his charm spell on them — they begun to warm up to him. When Turtle got Anemone to wake Kinkajou in the RainWing village, Darkstalker flew there, telling Anemone not to use her magic without permission, simultaneously confirming that he had cast a spell to detect animus magic. Darkstalker also saved Glory's life. When he looked into the future, he saw Fierceteeth leading a band of escapees from Thorn's prison sneaking into the Rainforest and assassinating the queen. He decided to stop this, likely to earn more trust to the RainWing, since he technically was stealing half of her tribe. Darkstalker captures the criminals, except for a SandWing who he sends to Vulture, and puts them in a prison created with his magic. The next morning, Darkstalker left for the lost city of night with most of the tribe, leaving only forty to fifty NightWings in the Rainforest. Darkstalker also freed Fierceteeth and Strongwings from the RainWing prison, bringing them with him. Darkstalker begged Moon to join him, but Moon said that she wanted to stay with Glory but would visit the lost city with Turtle and Kinkajou, as the lost city needed to be found to stop Jade Mountain from being destroyed according to The Jade Mountain Prophecy. Anemone saw Darkstalker begging and said to Moon that she was nothing special and did not deserve his attention. The tribe flew the whole day and rested next to the ocean. In the middle of the night, Darkstalker suddenly left his tribe to fly somewhere, and Turtle was forced to follow him. He went past a mountain range, later to be realized as Darkstalker's Teeth by Winter. When he arrived at his destination, Turtle realized it to be the lost city of night. Darkstalker went over to his rugged, abandoned school and found a painting of Clearsight. He begun to cry, and Turtle felt pity for who had seemingly be portrayed as a monster and wondered if he could even afford that. In an attempt to get Darkstalker talking, Turtle picked up a marble and placed it next to his feet. He picked it up, asking if Clearsight to speak to him if she was still there. He then asked her to listen, apologizing for everything he did and promising that they could still rule the NightWings together if she came back. Eventually, he admitted to himself that Clearsight was not here and that she could not be, thus flying back to his tribe. The next day, Darkstalker led all the NightWings into the old kingdom. While the tribe adjusted to the new territory, he showed Anemone to Fathom's old suite. After 2,000 years, it stood in disrepair, but when Anemone complained about this, she was told to clean it up with her magic. Anemone decided to take out her anger and jealousy on Moon by enchanting a broom to whack her until she cleans up the room herself. She also enchanted jewels to distract Darkstalker and make him forget about Moon. Darkstalker was not fooled by the enchantments, returning to Anemone's room to banish her from the lost city. He cited her as a true descendant of Fathom and "just like him." Darkstalker told her to kill her mother if she wanted, or anyone else who stands in her way. Darkstalker sensed the spells being cast during Anemone and Turtle's battle and summoned all the living animus dragons in Pyrrhia to his throne room. He then asked Stonemover how many dragons were in the room. The old NightWing said four, and Darkstalker finally realized that somebody had been sneaking behind his back, hidden. Anemone told Darkstalker that the dragon was brave and did not trust him from the beginning, and the king cast a spell on her to obey his every command and shut up. He cast another spell to bring in the dragon's loved one, Kinkajou, and said that she would die if he did not appear. Turtle threw his magic stick to Anemone, who caught it and was free from Darkstalker's knowledge; he did not remember her or that he cast a spell on her. Darkstalker then stripped Turtle of his animus power and placed him in his dungeon. |
Darkness of Dragons |
Darkstalker was soaring away with Moon, Turtle, Anemone, and the NightWing students to see the NightWing tribe and become their king. Qibli observed that the NightWings were letting Darkstalker lead the way even though he most likely did not know where the NightWings live in the rainforest. When Qibli gave Sunny and Tsunami copies of his enchanted earring using a bowl Turtle left him, it proved that Darkstalker had set a spell to make every dragon in Pyrrhia to like him and not think he is evil. After Qibli got captured in the Scorpion Den by the Talons of Power and faced his grandfather, Vulture, Vulture confessed that Onyx is the granddaughter of Queen Oasis. A SandWing rushed in and said that Darkstalker was willing to help Onyx and Vulture's Talons of Power take over the SandWing tribe, also stating that Darkstalker was then the king of most of the NightWings. After Qibli escaped the Talons of Power, he went to the SandWing Kingdom to warn Queen Thorn about Vulture and his army. Once he entered the room, Typhoon, a SeaWing-IceWing hybrid, explained the IceWing Plague that was affecting the whole tribe. This was a spell casted by Darkstalker as part of his revenge for kidnapping his mother 2,000 years ago. After Qibli uses the Obsidian Mirror to spy on Queen Glacier, Winter was frightened of all the IceWings getting sick and started to take off to ask Darkstalker for help, proving that Darkstalker did enchant Winter specifically to like him, more so than the enchantment placed on other dragons. Winter remained unaffected by the plague because of Darkstalker's promise to Moonwatcher that he would not hurt her friends. Later, Qibli looked into the Obsidian Mirror again and looked at Moon first. Kinkajou and Moon were fighting about if Darkstalker was evil or not. Kinkajou said he is evil but could not tell Moon why because then Darkstalker would know, and Moon believed he was a good dragon. They also spied on Darkstalker himself and found him giving powers to the NightWings on a limited account. When Qibli got to the lost city of night and talked to Moon, he gave her the earring, and she said nothing had happened, stating Darkstalker had not put a spell on Moon because he liked her as a friend. Darkstalker walked into the library where Moon and Qibli were, noticing the earring Moon is wearing. Darkstalker walked in later with Fierceteeth, enchanted to look and act like Clearsight. Later, Moon and Qibli spied on Darkstalker and overhear him casting spells on the fake Clearsight to recreate her, which ultimately failed. Later during the spell casting, there was a glimpse of Darkstalker's good side, suggesting he was not completely evil. When Moon showed herself, Darkstalker noticed the skyfire she is wearing and asked if they were really friends. Moon responded, saying it was hard to be friends with him when he lied to her and did such terrible things. She also suggested that the fake Clearsight idea was terrible and should be turned back to whoever it was. Darkstalker asked if she would be his friend forever if he changes fake Clearsight back into whoever it was. Moon refused to promote it because of the IceWing plague, and Darkstalker revealed that an IceWing-NightWing battle would take place at Jade Mountain because of his return. When the vision returned, he turned fake Clearsight back into Fierceteeth and prepared the NightWings for war, granting many of them superpowers along the way. During the battle, Anemone used a spell suggested by Qibli on the NightWings, asking them to retreat in Darkstalker's voice telepathic, which failed as he shows up and said it was a fake, also throwing a boulder at Anemone and Turtle, which did not kill them due to Turtle's spell to make his scales invulnerable. When Anemone used the next spell, suggested by Qibli, that linked the minds of all the IceWings and NightWings for a hundred dragon heartbeats, Darkstalker grabbed Qibli with a swift movement and carried him to the spot where he burst from his underground prison after being trapped there for 2,000 years. He stated the similarities between Qibli and himself and offered a deal to make Qibli an animus if he could put a spell on him to make him not try to harm him. He also stated that he needed Qibli's mind to help him make the right choices and just wanted friends. He even summoned Vulture and enchanted him to obey his every command, which he used to quiet him, and showed how he could change Vulture into the grandfather Qibli wanted. When Qibli refused the deal, Darkstalker threatened that he would have to kill him otherwise, but when Qibli suggests that it is evil to kill him, Darkstalker suggested ripping his earring off and putting a powerful spell on him. Before he could do so, Qibli pulled out the soulreader and pointed it at Darkstalker, revealing that he was more evil than good. Darkstalker got terrified by this revelation and thought that it was broken, so he re-enchants it and pointed it at Vulture, showing Vulture was just as evil as portrayed with Darkstalker. He did it on himself again and gets even more terrified of how he was evil even if he protected his soul. Qibli suggested it was because of his actions and not his magic. Darkstalker suddenly got a strange vision and reveals that he knows Moon was watching them. Moon and Kinkajou showed up, and they asked him to come with them. He decided to and finally meets up with Foeslayer, his mother. Darkstalker, happy to see his mother, told her about what the soul reader stated. Foeslayer agreed that his choices were evil, and Moon told Darkstalker her vision of a dragon obsessed with strawberries, getting married, having two dragonets, and living happily for the rest of his life. Moon suggested this dragon is him but with a spell to restart his life. Darkstalker refused to do so because he wanted to remember Clearsight and keep his powers. He said that with his power, he could create a good future. Foeslayer, Moon, Kinkajou, and Qibli all agreed it was better if he did not do that. Foeslayer handed him a strawberry and suggested that he did it because it would make both of them happy. After considering a little, he ate the strawberry, saying that no animus magic will work on him, but Kinkajou furiously told him that his own magic would. As he slowly turned into a RainWing-NightWing dragonet, he begged to keep his powers and memories. Qibli said he had his chances and chose the wrong choices, as he turned into a one-year-old RainWing-NightWing dragonet named Peacemaker. |
The Lost Continent Prophecy[]
The Lost Continent |
In the prologue, Clearsight thought about Darkstalker a couple of times: How she could not return to Pyrrhia until she was not tempted to wake him from his eternal slumber, how she would still miss the dragonets she would have had with Darkstalker, and how she saved Fathom and the NightWings from Darkstalker and could continue saving dragons from harm in Pantala. Later, when Blue and his group read the Book of Clearsight's introduction, Clearsight mentioned how she could not control the future as much as she thought she could and that she should have learned that a long time ago with her first love on Pyrrhia. She was indirectly referring to Darkstalker. |
The Hive Queen |
Darkstalker was mentioned several times throughout the prologue, with Qibli even comparing him to the "great evil" in The Lost Continent Prophecy. He was mentioned by Moonwatcher to be "still haunting her friends." |
The Poison Jungle |
In the SapWing village, when Tsunami talked about Clearsight, she says, "Because I thought she was an idiot who nearly let her boyfriend destroy the world." The "boyfriend" she mentioned was Darkstalker. |
The Dangerous Gift |
Snowfall worried that he was not dead and was sending NightWings to kill her and her dragons. He was mentioned several times by Snowfall later in the book and in a flashback along with other mentions, the damage of his plague was shown. He was also mentioned by Jerboa to be the animus dragon in the Night Kingdom. He later appeared in a vision when Jerboa III was summoned to his throne room. |
Darkstalker |
Darkstalker was first introduced when was still in his egg, hatching on a brightest night under three full moons. His parents, Arctic and Foeslayer, were arguing about Darkstalker's name; Foeslayer, his mother, saw it as a hero that chased back the darkness, while his father, Prince Arctic, saw it as a villain that crept through the shadows. Darkstalker foresaw that he could make his sister's egg hatch on the Brightest Night as well, but he decided against it out of selfishness and the desire for all of his mother's love. He next appeared at his home, where his parents were arguing. He learned by reading his parents' minds that Queen Diamond, Arctic's mother, had made an offer to her son through a carved stone tablet: if Arctic killed both of his dragonets and brought her proof, then she would call off her forces and accept him back into the Ice Kingdom. He later snuck into their room to read the letter to himself. After school had started, Darkstalker defended his sister from an angry trio of NightWing students. Calmly explaining to Whiteout that she had knocked over their marbles, he used his mind-reading to embarrass and infuriate all of them. He then met his destined love, Clearsight, and took her to the beach the next day in the pouring rain. After Clearsight led him to an ocean cave to shelter from the storm, they talked about Darkstalker's animus power. They then unexpectedly met Current, a SeaWing prince that had survived the Royal SeaWing Massacre. Darkstalker was displeased at the amount of worry that Clearsight had felt when she realized that the murderer, Albatross, had also been an animus and had most likely gone insane from the usage of his power. After taking Current to Vigilance, Darkstalker knew what he had to do to restore Clearsight's faith in him. The next day, after school, Darkstalker took Clearsight to his house, which was empty; both of his parents were at work. He showed her a blank scroll, also known as his talisman, that was wrapped in a black leather casing, and explained that he had put all of his animus power into it so that he would not lose any of his soul when he used his magic. Any time a dragon wanted to use the scroll, they only had to write down their specific enchantment, and it would happen, just like natural animus power. Darkstalker enchanted four things with it that day: an inkpot, a blanket, a moonstone bracelet, and one of his history scrolls. However, they were caught in the act by Arctic, who angrily scolded his son, warning him not to waste his animus power. He enchanted more items that included an earring that made him look especially charming and handsome, a goblet that he planned to give to Fathom — which was enchanted to make him forget Indigo, forget about his oath, and use his animus power freely — Clearsight's moonstone earrings to make her see only happy futures, a pebble that made Indigo turn into the SeaWing carving that Fathom made, sneaky enchantments on other students at his school, and many more. Arctic later told Queen Vigilance that Darkstalker has animus powers, and arrangements are made for Prince Fathom, an animus, to come and befriend Darkstalker. This was done in the hope that Darkstalker would be more cautious with his powers since no one besides Clearsight knew about his scroll at this point. Darkstalker formally met Fathom at the SeaWing welcoming party the NightWings had thrown. Darkstalker thought that Fathom looks uncomfortable at the party and possibly terrified since the Royal SeaWing Massacre had happened at a party as well. So, Darkstalker tried to make him more comfortable by inviting him and his guard, Indigo, to go on a flight with him. However, Indigo was suspicious of Darkstalker and showed this when she attempted to kill him once they are outside. Although Fathom convinced Indigo not to kill him, Darkstalker wanted to get revenge on Indigo from then on and made plans to get rid of Indigo for personal reasons. He thought that Fathom would be better off without her. After the party, Darkstalker thought about how Indigo could have killed him right then and there. He did not want anyone ever to murder him or even accidentally kill him, so he decided to enchant his scales to be invincible, hiding the enchantment from Clearsight by writing it in invisible ink. Soon, Darkstalker went with Clearsight for her to meet Fathom. Darkstalker showed Fathom a new item he enchanted, a soul reader that proves how much soul a dragon has left. Clearsight, Fathom, and Darkstalker started to become better friends. After some time, Darkstalker suggested that they all celebrate Clearsight's fifth hatching day in the woods by the Night Kingdom. There, Darkstalker presented the dreamvisitors to his friends, much to Fathom's dismay. However, his protests about Darkstalker using his magic were cut off as Clearsight has a vision about Darkstalker's mother, Foeslayer, being enchanted by Queen Diamond and sent to the Ice Kingdom. Darkstalker received the same vision and, anxious at this, decided to interrupt the party to go and try to save Foeslayer. When he got home, Darkstalker read in his father's, Prince Arctic's, mind that Arctic and Foeslayer fought. After this fight, she took off an earring that Arctic had enchanted to protect her, which allowed Queen Diamond's magic to get through to her. Darkstalker tried every enchantment he could think of, but nothing works. Later, when Queen Vigilance is with Clearsight, Vigilance sent an assassin after Darkstalker. When Darkstalker arrived, he shared some of his ideas for what they could do to the IceWings with his magic. Most of them were brutal, and Clearsight was horrified by all of his ideas that lead to the IceWings' genocide. Eventually, Darkstalker settles on the idea of a shield that killed only IceWings. Darkstalker continued to mourn the loss of his mother for a few weeks. Eventually, Darkstalker asked Fathom if he wanted to fly up to the Royal Tower and watch the lightning storm with him. Fathom gave Darkstalker a statue of a SeaWing that he had requested, which he took and offered Fathom a goblet made of shimmering sea-green glass. Indigo smashed it before Fathom could take it, fearing that it is enchanted. Still fearing Indigo's safety with Darkstalker around, Fathom decided that Wharf should come with him instead of Indigo. Later on, Clearsight and Listener went to a festival being held in the Great Diamond. Clearsight and Listener met up with Darkstalker, Fathom, and Whiteout, who were all playing a board game. They invited Thoughtful, who was playing alone, to join them. Before Listener could introduce herself to Thoughtful, Clearsight introduced Whiteout first, who took Thoughtful's talon and looked at his palm before saying, "Words and glass, spun in flutes and verse. Waterfalls of language in fire-blown claws," and then told him that he was the one who made the Cascade of Dreams. Thoughtful was surprised and amazed that she had noticed his art and said, "No one — you really saw the pieces of the scroll inside the waves?" Whiteout then confirmed this, and due to the strange grammar Whiteout was using and Thoughtful's ability to understand it, the whole conversation left Listener bewildered. However, before anyone could explain what happened to her, a spear was thrust into Darkstalker's heart. Thanks to his invincible scales, he survived the attack, although he told his friends that the assassin must have missed. Lionfish tackled the assassin, killing him quickly. The assassin turned out to be Quickdeath, an assassin for hire. Darkstalker wanted to find out who tried to assassinate him, and Fathom became suspicious of Darkstalker. Later on, Darkstalker went home and used his scroll to find out who tried to assassinate him. He found out and deemed that whoever did it "has to pay." Clearsight then encountered Queen Vigilance and Allknowing in the garden. Allknowing shared her vision, Hatched of ice and hatched of night. Cursed with moons all shining bright. Longs for power not his own. Comes to steal your very throne. Clearsight took off her earrings after the Queen accused her of being enchanted by Darkstalker. Visions, all of which were dark and bad, came rushing back to her, and she realized that Vigilance sent the assassin. The guards attempt to imprison Clearsight, but she escaped to stop Darkstalker before he reached the queen. When she found him, Darkstalker revealed that he enchanted her earrings to keep her focused on the bright, positive futures and block out any dark ones. Clearsight then had a vision that depicted Arctic taking Whiteout north to the Ice Kingdom. To track them down, Darkstalker enchanted a beetle to bite off Arctic's shielding earring, and then enchanted a dagger to lead them to Arctic and stab him in one of his legs to render him immobile. Darkstalker started to write something down in his scroll as Arctic explained that if he offered Whiteout's talons in marriage, Diamond would release Foeslayer. Whiteout claimed that she would be an "IceWing princess and have lots of baby IceWings." Whiteout then said that she wanted to go back to the Ice Kingdom before proclaiming that she did not like Darkstalker in perfectly normal, understandable, and coherent sentences, instead of her usual way of talking. Darkstalker, deeply suspicious and furious at his lying father, enchanted his father to obey his every command. He ordered him to stop talking and to release Whiteout from the spell he put her under. Arctic then crushed Whiteout's shell necklace in his talons, freeing her from his magic. Darkstalker ordered Arctic to follow him back to the Night Kingdom, where he made his father cut his tongue out after announcing how he had tried to betray the NightWings and was going to offer a detailed map of the kingdom so the IceWings could infiltrate it. Then, Darkstalker told Arctic to "take his talons, rip open your stomach, and show us all what you're really like on the inside. Pour out your life on this stage." Arctic killed himself with his own claws, fulfilling Clearsight's prophecy that "your claws will betray you in your final hour." While Darkstalker was distracted with Arctic, Clearsight stole his scroll. On her way to see Fathom, Clearsight warned Listener about Darkstalker and told her to escape far away with her family far away from the Night Kingdom. Then, she had Fathom enchant a bracelet for her, as they were too suspicious of the scroll to use it. When Clearsight left for Agate Mountain to meet Darkstalker one last time, Fathom took the scroll and held it over a candle. Fathom discovered spells written in invisible ink, one of which trapped Indigo in the wooden SeaWing statue Fathom had made. Fathom released Indigo from the statue with his magic. Meanwhile, Darkstalker sat next to Clearsight in front of a cave on the side of Agate Mountain. Clearsight told Darkstalker that an earthquake would make the whole side of Agate Mountain collapse and make Jade Mountain the tallest mountain instead. Clearsight mentioned that Darkstalker had gotten out of control and was turning out like Arctic. Furious, Darkstalker grabbed and twisted Clearsight's wrist painfully, and while he is doing so, she slipped the bracelet onto his arm. Before Darkstalker fell asleep, he saw how much Clearsight truly loved him and how much she worried about him. A simple sleeping spell on the bracelet had taken the invincible, immortal Darkstalker down, and as long as the bracelet remained on him, he would stay asleep. Clearsight moved him into the cave before covering the entrance with rocks before going to another mountain and waiting for an earthquake she predicted to bury him further. She then flew away from the mountain, heading towards Pantala, never to be seen again by the dragons of Pyrrhia. The book draws to a close as Fathom and Indigo were portrayed with their dragonets, Clearpool, Cowrie, and Ripple. Their dragonets at one point asked them to tell them a story about how bad guys became bad guys. This reminded Fathom and Indigo of Darkstalker. Indigo reassured Fathom that "it's safe to be happy," and he responded with, "I know.". Then, in the post-epilogue, the timeline skips 2,000 years; it describes another earthquake coming after the Orb in the Sky flashed by. The rocks shifted up against the bracelet, breaking the copper wires and awakening Darkstalker. |
Field Guides[]
A Guide to the Dragon World |
Darkstalker was indirectly mentioned in Fin's letter to Turtle as he noted how Turtle's time was taken up by school and occasionally having "to fight enormous ancient bad guys from thousands of years ago". In the RainWing chapter of the guide, Starflight mentioned Darkstalker when he explained that the RainWings used to have scrolls and libraries thousands of years ago. Darkstalker was mentioned in Moonwatcher's The Truth About NightWing Powers. Moon mentioned in her introduction letter to Starflight that most of the information she had about NightWing powers came from Darkstalker. He was also briefly mentioned when Mastermind described the prison in the Rainforest Kingdom that Darkstalker made. |
Darkstalker acted as a mentor to Anemone,[92] and she looked up to him as being wonderful and all-knowing.[93] He encouraged her to use her magic but tried restricting her only to use it with his permission, eventually putting in place a spell that told him whenever an animus cast a spell, as he feared other animus dragons as a threat to his power. Darkstalker stated that he believed Anemone could have been someone who he could have worked alongside had she not tried to mess with him.[94] Due to her naturally rebellious personality and hatred of Moonwatcher, he eventually sent her off to the Kingdom of the Sea.[95] Later on, once she and the other animus dragons of Pyrrhia were summoned to Darkstalker, he affirmed his view of her as a tool by suggesting he run tests on her and Stonemover to learn more about animus limits, even suggesting driving her insane.[96] Darkstalker secretly hated SeaWings, specifically Anemone's family, because of their ancestry linking them to Fathom.[97]
Arctic resented Darkstalker.[98] He often rudely asked his son if any part of him resembled an IceWing,[6] and was furious upon Darkstalker's hatching that the dragonet did not resemble him.[99] Arctic thought Darkstalker was a creepy name,[98] and he never looked Darkstalker in the eye, often glaring at him.[100] Darkstalker believed that Arctic was the most dangerous dragon in the lost city of night,[101] and when Clearsight observed Arctic and Darkstalker interacting, she noted that there were many giant, furious, unspoken thoughts and feelings that were not verbally expressed between them.[28] Darkstalker was dangerous, quiet,[102] angry, and crueler than necessary toward his father,[41] and the only slight liking he had for Arctic was due to his love for Foeslayer.[103] He was suspicious of[104] and bothered by Darkstalker's mind-reading abilities and was jealous of his son's knowledge of Foeslayer's thoughts.[105] They often tried to avoid one another as much as possible,[106] and Darkstalker was aware of multiple futures where Arctic attempted to kill him.[107] Despite his seething hatred toward Darkstalker,[108] Arctic refused to kill his own son.[109] Darkstalker never cared much about Arctic's hatred for him.
Clearsight was Darkstalker's soulmate. Darkstalker loved her[110] without reserve or hesitation, mostly reciprocated. He was enthusiastic about their relationship and tried his best to make her feel happy and safe.[111] He disliked that she worried over their futures so much but loved her wholly.[112] However, the tragedy of Foeslayer's presumed death shattered him, and he became indifferent towards her free will and happiness, although later apologizing to her imagined presence.[113] He tried to keep her focused on the happy futures where they had dragonets, but ultimately manipulated Clearsight's ability against her will, even seeming defiant and indifferent when confronted.[25] Although Darkstalker lied to himself about this attempted manipulation of Clearsight being the best thing for her, it was really about keeping her from knowing about his schemes.[25] Their relationship ultimately failed due to Darkstalker's actions, and Clearsight is not to blame.[event 1] Clearsight loved Darkstalker very much, and tried her best to keep their futures bright,[114] but eventually had no choice but to betray her beloved by trapping him in a cave within Agate Mountain with a bracelet enchanted by Fathom.[115] She was sad enough about him that she considered staying with him until the mountain crushed her. She mourned him — and their possible future dragonets — for a long time after he was trapped, and never moved on, even after relocating to Pantala.[116] After he was set free, one of the first things he asked about was about Clearsight and what had happened to her.[117] Later, he cried for Clearsight, apologizing for putting that spell on her and promised to never do that again.[113] He believed Clearsight never wanted to betray him and was tricked into doing so by Fathom.[118] He became so desperate to have her back that he attempted to enchant Fierceteeth into a living version of Clearsight.[112] He refused to lose all of his memories and become a new dragon as he did not want to forget Clearsight.[119]
When Indigo initially attacked Darkstalker, Fathom protested, stating that Darkstalker did not seem dangerous, and admitting wistfully that he could be a friend.[120] Darkstalker wanted Fathom to trust him,[42] but internally was willing to enchant both Fathom's mind and his relationship with Indigo.[121] He genuinely wanted Fathom to be happy but ultimately controlled several important aspects Fathom's life without his knowledge or consent. He desperately wanted to safely like Darkstalker,[122] as well as badly wanting to trust him.[123] After Darkstalker laughed at Fathom's joke, he was delighted,[124] and Darkstalker spoke gently towards him.[125] Fathom was one of his best friends,[126] and he found himself so wrapped in warmth and attention around Darkstalker that he could forget, for hours at a time, about what he had been through during the massacre.[127] Darkstalker was attentive to Fathom's feelings,[26] and he made Fathom feel comforted.[128] He would have followed Darkstalker anywhere,[129] and Darkstalker was often irritated by Fathom's caution towards animus magic.[24] Darkstalker eventually was completely willing to transform Fathom's mind into a quieter, less anxious state with animus magic so that he would not have to listen to his worried thoughts. He also cared for Fathom's happiness,[51] and Fathom later discovered that Darkstalker had enchanted a bell that would ring whenever Fathom was feeling sad or lonely, and that was why he had always known when to show up and lift him from the worst loneliness. Darkstalker did truly care for Fathom,[39] but as Fathom grew more concerned for his friend's morality,[51] he was eventually forced to betray his friend.[68] When Darkstalker awoke from Fathom's enchantment, his hatred of his former friend was so strong that he despised all of Fathom's descendants.[97]
Foeslayer is Darkstalker's mother. Darkstalker loved his mother and wanted to protect her in every way possible.[130] He had an immense care for her and often enchanted everyday items to bring her more comfort in her life.[39] Foeslayer was one of the only dragons that he truly loved, according to Clearsight, along with Clearsight herself and Whiteout. When the IceWings took her, Darkstalker offered to kill every IceWing for revenge.[56] Darkstalker was willing to do anything to see his mother again after awakening from his enchantment,[131] and he appeared desperately hopeful at the prospect of seeing her.[132] He sobbed when they reunited.[15]
Clearsight foresaw the dislike between Darkstalker and Indigo, which spiraled into a future with no Indigo in it. She did not see a clear path to a future where she got Indigo and Darkstalker to trust each other.[133] Indigo's attack on him had deeply rattled him to the point of him turning himself invincible to all danger.[36] Darkstalker saw Indigo as a threat to his and Fathom's friendship,[121] so he turned her into a small wooden dragon so she would not turn Fathom against him.[134] However, she was later freed by Fathom, who turned against Darkstalker due to what he had done.[135]
The first dragon Darkstalker had talked to since his imprisonment was Moonwatcher; he seemed to be very fond of her, caring for her and not wanting anyone to harm her. During the time, she was the only dragon he could talk to, and he mentored her. He took a rather friendly approach, and it seemed that he enjoyed teaching her how to deal with her powers effectively without any problem. However, it is later revealed that he may have been manipulating her for his own benefit.[136] In Talons of Power, he cared very much for Moon and kept mentioning how similar she is to Clearsight.[137] He wanted her to trust him, and she was noted to be one of the very few dragons he truly cared about, not putting any spells on her and trying to convince her to understand him. Moonwatcher was Darkstalker's best friend when he emerged from Agate Mountain.[138] Darkstalker refused to enchant Moonwatcher's mind as he did for most of Pyrrhia, and she believed that he was not evil. She genuinely liked him, largely due to the fact that he genuinely liked her, and he was one of the only dragons he trusted to believe in him and enjoy his company of their own accord.[77] They were genuine friends,[139] and Darkstalker considered a party boring because Moonwatcher did not attend.[140] She believed wholeheartedly that he was good, would never kill her,[141] and that he wanted the most peaceful future for Pyrrhia.[142] He appeared genuinely wounded when she began using skyfire and protection spells against his magic.[143] She flinches whenever she hears his name.[144]
Throughout the books, Darkstalker showed signs of suspicion toward Qibli. He saw that the SandWing could get in the way of his plans, starting in Talons of Power when Turtle cast a spell in the room Qibli was in.[74] Later, when he saw Qibli destroying Jade Mountain (in a possible future), he laughed. Darkstalker likes Qibli, and is appreciative of how quickly his brain works to assess situations so that Darkstalker does not need to spend time on explanation.[145] He believed Qibli to be as smart as himself[146] and wanted him to be one of his genuine friends, as he considered him funny and interesting.[87] He was willing to enchant Qibli to be his best friend.
Upon first meeting him, Darkstalker looked at Turtle with a flash of burning hatred in his eyes.[147] This caused Turtle to enchant a stick, making it so that he was entirely removed from Darkstalker's awareness. Darkstalker mistook Turtle for Fathom and blasted fire at him.[148] In the last chapter of Talons of Power, he thought Turtle was too unpredictable and enchanted him to lose his animus magic.[149]
Whiteout was Darkstalker's only sibling, and he was extremely protective of her. He made sure she was always content, which is shown when he used his magic to return her favorite scavenger toy to her whenever it got lost.[34] He thought she was the prettiest dragon in all of Pyrrhia[150] besides Clearsight, and he would stand up for her when others picked on her for her strangeness. Whiteout was also one of the only dragons Darkstalker truly loved, according to Clearsight, along with herself and Foeslayer.[57] He was extremely paranoid and furious when Prince Arctic tried to take her to the Ice Kingdom, causing Darkstalker to see his father as a threat so much that he forced him to mutilate himself publicly.[151] He thought that Whiteout was perfect the way she was.[152]
Darkstalker saw Winter as a threat[153] and cast a spell on him that would make him worship him and agree with everything he said.[154] However, Darkstalker promised not to hurt Winter[155] and spared him from the IceWing plague.[156] After Winter was freed from the enchantment, he swore that he would kill Darkstalker, and that it would be long-winded and bloody.[157]
Family tree[]
Royal IceWings | Animus IceWings | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unknown | Diamond | Prudence | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Snowfox | Unnamed | Swiftwings | Arctic | Foeslayer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unknown | Clearsight | Darkstalker | Whiteout | Thoughtful | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
More | More | More | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Known Enchantments[]
Phrasing | Target | Intention |
"So after that, I enchanted it to always return to her. No matter where I hide it, or where she loses it, it always turns up on her pillow by that night." [34] | Whiteout's scavenger doll | To return to her pillow every night if lost. |
"Phrasing unknown." [158] | A scroll | To contain his animus power, to be returned to him if destroyed. |
"Enchant this inkwell to fly up, touch the ceiling once, and fly back into my talons without spilling a drop, then return to normal." [159] | An inkwell | To fly to the ceiling and return to his talons without spilling a drop. |
"Phrasing unknown." [43] | A painting | To protect and hide his animus scroll. |
"Phrasing unknown." [160] | Telescope and golden hourglass | To evaluate one's soul when the telescope is pointed at someone, then show it in the hourglass: black sand representing good, and white sand representing bad. |
"Enchant this parchment to reveal the name of the dragon who hired Quickdeath to kill me tonight." [161] | Parchment scrap | To reveal who hired Quickdeath to kill him. |
"Enchant Darkstalker's scales to be invulnerable to harm of any sort, to heal instantly if injured, and to shield him indestructibly from any threat of death." [162] | His scales | To be invulnerable, heal instantly upon injury, and shield him indestructibly from any threat of death. |
"Enchant this dagger to lead us to Arctic and Whiteout, then stab Arctic once in the foot, injuring him enough that he has to stop, but not so badly that he bleeds to death. Above all else, stop him from crossing the Great Ice Cliff." [24] | A dagger | To injure Arctic to a disabling but not lethal degree. With greater priority, to stop him from crossing the Great Ice Cliff. |
"Enchant this beetle to find Prince Arctic as fast as possible and take off his shielding earring," [23] | A beetle | To swiftly remove Arctic's shielding earring. |
"Phrasing unknown." [44] | Three sapphires | To allow the holder to walk in the dreams of any dragon they know or have seen, when the target is sleeping. |
"Phrasing unknown." [163] | Himself | To make himself immortal. |
"Three spells of unknown phrasing." [164] | Unspecified | To bring Foeslayer home. |
"Phrasing unknown." [39] | Mountain range bordering the Night Kingdom | To kill any IceWing, excluding NightWing-IceWing hybrids, who crosses them. |
"Phrasing unknown." [39] | A weapon | To shoot fire ten times as far as a dragon could breathe. |
"[...] an enchantment that kept the dragon who wore them focused only on the brightest, happiest futures, hiding anything truly bad that might happen up ahead." [163] | A pair of moonstone earrings | To keep the wearer focused on bright, happy futures, oblivious to bad ones. |
"[...] enchanted to make everyone who met him think he was exceptionally handsome and charming." [17] | A snake earring | To have the wearer perceived as handsome and charming. |
"Enchant this dagger to fly into the Kingdom of Sand and kill one IceWing every full moon, in secret, under cover of darkness - and keep doing so for one year, or until I summon it back. Enchant it to leave messages carved near the body, warning that the Darkstalker is coming for all of them and soon they will all be dead." [40] | A dagger | To kill an IceWing deployed in the Kingdom of Sand under darkness and carve threatening messages nearby every full moon for one year or until recalled. |
"Phrasing unknown." [39] | A bell | To ring whenever Fathom felt sad or lonely. |
"Enchant this goblet so that the first time Fathom drinks from it, he will stop loving Indigo, forget about his oath, and decide to freely use his animus magic again." [163] | A goblet | To make Fathom forget his animus oath, stop loving Indigo, and use his magic freely after his first sip from it. |
"Enchant this pebble so that when it rolls into the same room as Indigo the SeaWing, she shall be instantly trapped inside the small wooden carving of a dragon made for me by Fathom." [40] | A pebble | To trap Indigo inside the SeaWing carving Fathom made for Darkstalker when rolled into the same room as her. |
"Phrasing unknown." [39] | A plate | To keep food warm for Foeslayer when late for dinner. |
"Phrasing unknown." [39] | A blanket | To grant Foeslayer peaceful sleep when in the desert with the army. |
"Phrasing unknown." [39] | A set of paints | To never dry or run out. |
"Enchant Arctic the IceWing to obey my every command." [62] | Arctic | To obey his every command. |
"Phrasing unknown." [163] | Darkstalker's animus scroll | To send him a mental twinge whenever someone else used it. |
"Enchant this history scroll to read itself aloud whenever a dragon says, "Bore me to sleep!" and stop reading whenever someone says, "Spare me!"" [165] | A history scroll | To read its contents aloud in Truthfinder's voice when a dragon says "Bore me to sleep!" and stop when someone says "Spare me!" |
"Phrasing unknown." [120] | A silver tail band | To kill anyone he touches with it. |
"Enchant this paper to show me where Foeslayer is right now." [130] | A piece of paper | To show him Foeslayer's location, relative to the Ice, Sand, and Night Kingdoms, along with NightWing and IceWing troop deployments. |
"Various spells of unknown phrasing." [40] | Various classmates | To torment them in small, creative ways. |
"Phrasing unknown." [40] | Queen Diamond | To haunt her with all the ways Darkstalker planned to kill her. |
"Enchant this piece of paper to look like a note written in Indigo's handwriting, with a short, believable message saying she's leaving Fathom and not coming back." [135] | A piece of paper | To look like a short, believable note written in Indigo's handwriting, detailing that she is leaving Fathom and not returning. |
"Phrasing unknown." [166] | A bone earring | To make dragons he likes trust and like him. |
"I enchant this bracelet to protect my soul from the effects of animus magic forever." [167] | A metal bracelet | To protect Darkstalker's soul from the effects of animus magic forever. |
"I enchant this necklace to protect Anemone's soul from the effects of animus magic forever," [168] | A silver banded necklace | To protect Anemone's soul from the effects of animus magic forever. |
"Phrasing unknown." [169] | Unspecified | To send Darkstalker a mental twinge whenever a new animus spell is cast. |
"Phrasing unknown." [170] | Mindreader's glass bead and wire bracelet | To grant her the ability of mind-reading while worn. |
"Phrasing unknown." [171] | Mightyclaws' earring | To grant him the ability to bring drawings into reality while worn. |
"Phrasing unknown." [172] | Fearless' makeshift wire bracelet | To grant her superstrength while worn. |
"Phrasing unknown." [173] | An unidentified SandWing | To deliver a message to Vulture without stopping or resting: "He sent me back to tell you it's not the right time to kill Queen Glory. He said he knows about your plan to replace Thorn and he'll help you if you help him. He said he'll be in touch soon and not to do anything until he sends instructions." |
"I enchant this flower to heal Flame the SkyWing, without pain, erasing his scars and returning his face to the way it was before the accident with the SandWing." [174] | An indigo flower | To heal Flame's face. |
"Enchant this stalactite to heal the wounds of any dragon it touches," [175] | A stalactite | To heal Stonemover. |
"Phrasing unknown." [2] | A talonful of rock dust | To re-petrify Stonemover when blown on him. |
"Phrasing unknown." [176] | Flame's library card | To transform into a manacle binding Flame's forearm to the cave floor. |
"Phrasing unknown." [177] | A length of vine | To heal future and preexisting wounds and ailments. |
"Phrasing unknown." [178] | Unspecified | To grant the ability to catch any prey. |
"Phrasing unknown." [179] | Unspecified | To grant flight speed faster than any dragon on Pyrrhia. |
"Phrasing unknown." [178] | Unspecified | Grant advanced warrior skills. |
"Phrasing unknown." [178] | Unspecified | Grant ability to go days without sleep. |
"Branch, [...] grow into a fine, strong, indestructible prison, with room for at least ten prisoners, that no dragon could ever break out of." [180] | A branch | To transform into an indestructible, inescapable prison. |
Phrasing | Target | Intention |
"Phrasing unknown." [180] | Unspecified | To create a ring of metal keys for said prison. |
"Phrasing unknown." [181] | Unspecified | To turn into chains. |
"Phrasing unknown." [182] | A painting of Clearsight | To expel the centuries of accumulated dust and other damages. |
"Phrasing unknown." [183] | The mop enchanted by Anemone | To remove its enchantment. |
"Phrasing unknown." [184] | Moonwatcher and Kinkajou | To freeze Moonwatcher and Kinkajou in time. Kinkajou was not afflicted due to her immunity. |
"Multiple spells of unknown phrasing." [185] | Fierceteeth | To transform into multiple iterations of Clearsight, then back to herself. |
"Enchant this dragon to obey my every command. Now shut up." [96] | Anemone | To obey his commands and stop talking. |
"Bring them here. [...] Every animus dragon in all the seven tribes. Bring them here to my throne room right now." [186] | Unspecified | To bring every Pyrrhian animus dragon to his throne room. |
"I enchant this room so that no one can cast any spells while they're in here except me," [187] | NightWing throne room | To make animus dragons other than Darkstalker incapable of casting spells in the throne room. |
"Bring me a dragon our hidden animus cares about very much. Alive, for now." [188] | A sword | To bring a dragon the hidden animus (Turtle) cares about to the throne room alive. |
"HEAL, by all the snakes!" [189] | His eyeball | To regenerate. |
"Enchant this dragon to lose all his animus power right now, [...] so that he shall never be able to cast a spell again." [149] | Turtle | To remove Turtle's animus magic. |
"Phrasing unknown." [190] | IceWings, excluding Winter and hybrids | To contract a contagious, lethal plague. |
"Phrasing unknown." [191] | Unspecified | Grant ability to sprout any seed. |
"Many spells of unknown phrasing." [81] | Silver bracelets | Grant super strength and invulnerability upon wearer(s). |
"Phrasing unknown." [22] | A talonful of pebbles | To transform into various gemstones. |
"Phrasing unknown." [192] | Unspecified | To teleport Vulture into the canyon with himself and Qibli. |
"Enchant this dragon to obey my every command. [...] Stop talking and stay where you are." [192] | Vulture | To obey his commands; to stop talking and stay where he is. |
"Enchant this dragon to have the mind of a new-hatched dragonet. You may speak." [193] | Vulture | To have the mind of a newly-hatched dragonet; to be able to speak. |
"Go back to the way you were before the last spell, [...] Now I enchant this dragon to feel guilt for all the terrible things he's done." [193] | Vulture | To return to his previous state; feel regret for his actions. |
"Let's see - now be a grandfather who loves Qibli more than anything else in the world," [193] | Vulture | To love Qibli more than anything else. |
"Shush," [194] | Vulture | To stop talking. |
"Phrasing unknown." [195] | Floating gemstones | To form a floating crown. |
"Phrasing unknown." [196] | Gemstone crown | To vanish (total fate unknown.) |
"Starting over. [...] When this soul reader is pointed at a dragon, I enchant it to measure the good and evil in that dragon's soul and reveal it in the drifts of sand. Black sand to mark the amount of good, white sand to show the amount of evil or damage to that dragon's soul." [197] | Soul reader | To fix it. |
"Phrasing unknown." [198] | Vulture | To vanish (total fate unknown.) |
"Phrasing unknown." [85] | Himself | To be immune to enchantments by all other animus dragons. |
- "This is my mother. Those are my full moons. This is my world now."
- ― some of his first thoughts (Darkstalker, page 17)
- "Don't worry about it. She was cheating anyway, all he can think about is his crush on her sister, and he is thoroughly sick of both of them and wishes he knew anyone interesting. Have fun with your marbles, friends."
- ― to the NightWing group after they yelled at Whiteout for messing up the marbles game (Darkstalker, page 105)
- "Don't worry about the future. Just be here, with me, in this moment, when we are both as happy as we've ever been in our whole lives so far."
- ― to Clearsight (Darkstalker, page 108)
- "Don't be mad at me for things I might do one day, all right? I'm not evil now. I haven't done any of that. And I probably won't. Will you focus on that, please? Stay in the present with me?"
- ― to Clearsight about his future (Darkstalker, page 118)
- "It was just — this toy of Whiteout's. It's a little carved scavenger. She loves it in kind of an obsessive way. Once it got lost and she cried for a whole day, until we finally found it again. So after that, I enchanted it to always return to her. No matter where I hide it, or where she loses it, it always turns up on her pillow by that night. It's just a little thing."
- ― to Clearsight about his first spell, (Darkstalker, page 119)
- "Oh — that's a drawing of you. I drew it before we met, from my visions, so it's not very good. I didn't want my father to see it or know about you ... but I needed to have it, to look at. You know, to remind myself that things were going to get better."
- ― to Clearsight (Darkstalker, page 139)
- "Now. Take your talons, rip open your stomach, and show everyone what you're really like inside. Pour out your life on this stage."
- ― commanding Arctic to kill himself (Darkstalker, page 333)
- "I'm nothing like my father. I don't need saving. I can choose my own future, and I like the one I see, and you're going to learn to like it too. Where is my scroll?"
- ― to Clearsight (Darkstalker, page 354)
- "I could see the future, but not just any future — all the possible futures. Do you understand what that means? I could have guided the tribe along the best path to safety and glory and power and everything else. At each crossroad, I would have known the right thing to do. I loved my tribe, Moonwatcher. I would have been the best ruler they'd ever had. I know it; I saw the futures where I was king, benevolent and beloved, married to Clearsight with six little dragonets of our own. Those were possible. They could have happened, if anyone had had faith in me."
- ― to Moonwatcher (Moon Rising, page 129)
- "Things can change. We're dragons, not ants. We can do things differently if we choose to."
- ― to Deathbringer (Talons of Power, page 126)
- "If you come back to me, I promise I'll never enchant your mind again. I promise I'll listen to you this time. We can choose the best future together. I could use your help with what you've left me. A ruined city, a weak and broken tribe. You'd be their Queen Clearsight — doesn't that sound all right now? When you can have the crown without anyone having to die? It was just waiting for us, Clearsight."
- ― to Clearsight (Talons of Power, page 209)
- "Clearsight. I — I keep looking at all my new possible futures. Millions of possibilities, but they're all empty. They're empty without you. I have no one, Clearsight. All I can see around me, as far as the future unrolls, are slaves and soldiers."
- ― to Clearsight (Talons of Power, page 209)
- "Hello. Oh, very nice work clearing the weeds. Smart thinking. We should get these gardens going again so we can feed ourselves. You haven't received a gift yet, have you? I could give you the power to sprout every seed you plant — some kind of master gardener skill. Wouldn't that be useful?"
- ― to a NightWing subject (Darkness of Dragons, page 197)
- "I promised your friends would always be safe. What if you get attacked and I need to heal you, like I healed Stonemover? What if Qibli gets kidnapped and I can't get him back for you? And all the beautiful magic I've made. No more dreamvisiting? I was going to fly you to one of the moons — dragons standing on an actual moon, can you imagine?"
- ― to Moonwatcher (Darkness of Dragons, page 243)
- "But I've seen good in him. And I've heard it in his thoughts. He has this vision of a peaceful future where everyone in Pyrrhia is safe and happy ... he wants to make sure it happens. I believe that's what he really wants."
- ― Moonwatcher to Winter about Darkstalker (Darkness of Dragons, page 256)
- "Be Clearsight, exactly as I knew her but without any nagging or worrying or pessimism or telling me what to do and what's wrong with me all the time! By all the shining moons, Go on, be her!"
- ― attempting to enchant Fierceteeth (Darkness of Dragons, page 268)
- "Such as the fact that he killed his father; the fact that his seer girlfriend thought he was so dangerous he had to be hidden under a mountain for all eternity; he can enchant dragons to do anything he tells them to, or turn them into other dragons entirely if he wants; the fact that he just tried to kill the entire IceWing tribe with magic; and the fact that he's so charming and sincere that smart dragons tend to like him even when they're not enchanted to; Also, I'm not sure there's anyone who can stop him. I'm not sure there's anyone he cares about enough that he'd listen to them — or anyone who's willing to try."
- ― Qibli to Foeslayer about Darkstalker (Darkness of Dragons, page 279)
- "There's one crucial difference between us. You want to be loved so desperately. I think it lies underneath everything you do. Will this make that dragon like me better? What should I do now to turn all these dragons into friends? If I can convince this cold, standoffish IceWing to like me, surely that'll prove that I'm a dragon worth liking."
- ― to Qibli (Darkness of Dragons, page 324-325)
- "They couldn't think big. Not like you and me, Qibli. They couldn't imagine all the wonderful things we could do with our magic. They would have been content with small, meaningless lives — clearly that's what they chose; look how they vanished from history after I was gone. They didn't want to take the hard steps to get to the best futures. But you can imagine it. You know what you would do with unlimited power — you've thought about it enough. Your big secret dream: to be an animus. So what if you could be? What if I made you an animus, too?"
- ― to Qibli (Darkness of Dragons, page 325-326)
- "Let me tell you about the best future. You'll adore it. Everyone loves us. We share the continent and rule all the tribes with benevolent wisdom — you and Moon, me and Clearsight, once I get her right. Our dragonets play together in the palaces of Pyrrhia. There's no more war. There's no more sickness, thanks to us. No more sadness or worry, no more hunger, no more starving dragonets scrabbling for food in back alleys. No more terrible parents, because we can fix them. You could make your mother a dragon who loves you. I could have healed the scars on my father's soul. I know that's what I should have done, to make him a father that Whiteout and I could love."
- ― to Qibli (Darkness of Dragons, page 327-328)
- Darkstalker's name can be perceived two ways: one is of a hero's perspective, that he "stalks" away the darkness, while the other is that he stalks through the darkness as a villain.[98]
- Darkstalker once took an after-school cooking class.[199]
- Darkstalker feels as though he is missing something when he sleeps and dislikes sleeping as a result.[35]
- Darkstalker was associated by Tui with the song I Love Me by Meghan Trainor.[event 2]
- In the original ending of Darkness of Dragons, Darkstalker was going to try and fail to talk Qibli out of "something."[citation needed]
- Darkstalker was based on Tui's ex-boyfriend from when they were both sixteen years old.[event 4]
- Darkstalker's Obsidian Mirror shape was described as taller than anyone else's, with movements that were slow and purposeful.[20]
- Despite being of NightWing and IceWing descent, Darkstalker's horns are curved, or twisted, while both IceWings and NightWings have straight horns.
- Darkstalker was apparently not good at painting.[200]
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 354
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Talons of Power, page 81
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 37
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Darkstalker, page 142
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 321
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Darkstalker, page 115
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 116
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 257
- ↑ Moon Rising, page 128
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Escaping Peril, page 285
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 301
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 7
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 320
- ↑ Escaping Peril, page 286
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Darkness of Dragons, page 344
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 54
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 Darkstalker, page 173
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 13
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 Darkstalker, page 221
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 Darkness of Dragons, page 196
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 353
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 Darkness of Dragons, page 326
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 Darkstalker, page 317
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 24.2 Darkstalker, page 316
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 Darkstalker, page 311
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 Darkstalker, page 231
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 215
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 Darkstalker, page 148
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 139
- ↑ 30.0 30.1 Darkstalker, page 108
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 Darkstalker, page 106
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 54
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 102
- ↑ 34.0 34.1 34.2 Darkstalker, page 119
- ↑ 35.0 35.1 Darkstalker, page 211
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 Darkstalker, page 212
- ↑ 37.0 37.1 Darkstalker, page 216
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 193
- ↑ 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 39.5 39.6 39.7 39.8 Darkstalker, page 343
- ↑ 40.0 40.1 40.2 40.3 40.4 Darkstalker, page 346
- ↑ 41.0 41.1 Darkstalker, page 149
- ↑ 42.0 42.1 Darkstalker, page 187
- ↑ 43.0 43.1 Darkstalker, page 213
- ↑ 44.0 44.1 Darkstalker, page 239
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 310
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 312
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 323
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 325
- ↑ 49.0 49.1 Darkstalker, page 353
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 338
- ↑ 51.0 51.1 51.2 Darkstalker, page 326
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 314
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 266
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 45
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 287
- ↑ 56.0 56.1 Darkstalker, page 254
- ↑ 57.0 57.1 Darkstalker, page 253
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 261
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 262
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 264
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 269
- ↑ 62.0 62.1 Darkstalker, page 322
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 270
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 287
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 319
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 333
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 339
- ↑ 68.0 68.1 Darkstalker, page 340
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 279
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 26
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 1
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 50
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 24
- ↑ 74.0 74.1 Talons of Power, page 98
- ↑ Escaping Peril, page 278
- ↑ 76.0 76.1 Darkness of Dragons, page 269
- ↑ 77.0 77.1 Darkness of Dragons, page 240
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 203
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 195
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 273
- ↑ 81.0 81.1 Darkness of Dragons, page 221
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 220
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 243
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 291
- ↑ 85.0 85.1 Darkness of Dragons, page 351
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 292
- ↑ 87.0 87.1 Darkness of Dragons, page 328
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 332
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 338
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 346
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 339
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 49
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 212
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 232
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 233
- ↑ 96.0 96.1 Talons of Power, page 279
- ↑ 97.0 97.1 Darkness of Dragons, page 208
- ↑ 98.0 98.1 98.2 Darkstalker, page 15
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 14
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 51
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 125
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 169
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 167
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 300
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 171
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 174
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 296
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 324
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 320
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 245
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 233
- ↑ 112.0 112.1 Darkness of Dragons, page 268
- ↑ 113.0 113.1 Talons of Power, page 209
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 259
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 354
- ↑ The Lost Continent, prologue
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 34
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 211
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 350
- ↑ 120.0 120.1 Darkstalker, page 186
- ↑ 121.0 121.1 Darkstalker, page 188
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 210
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 223
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 224
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 227
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 228
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 229
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 237
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 315
- ↑ 130.0 130.1 Darkstalker, page 244
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 340
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 343
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 227-228
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 346-347
- ↑ 135.0 135.1 Darkstalker, page 347
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 9
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 53
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 87
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 241
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 242
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 263
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 256
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 270
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 135
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 322
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 323
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 2
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 282
- ↑ 149.0 149.1 Talons of Power, page 287
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 48
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 332
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 49
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 91
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 153
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 11
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 158
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 150
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 140, 142
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 140
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 225
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 302
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 214
- ↑ 163.0 163.1 163.2 163.3 Darkstalker, page 345
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 258
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 146
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 55
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 57
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 58
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 101
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 66
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 70
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 72
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 105
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 62
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 77
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 85
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 132
- ↑ 178.0 178.1 178.2 Talons of Power, page 133
- ↑ Talons of Power, page ToP
- ↑ 180.0 180.1 Talons of Power, page 166
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 176
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 205
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 230
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 231
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 274
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 275
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 276
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 278
- ↑ Talons of Power, page 283
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 257, 332
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 197
- ↑ 192.0 192.1 Darkness of Dragons, page 329
- ↑ 193.0 193.1 193.2 Darkness of Dragons, page 330
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 331
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 333
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 334
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 337
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 341
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 134
- ↑ Darkstalker, page 190
IceWings | |
Queens | |
Royalty (Present) |
Crystal • Hailstorm • Icicle • Mink • Narwhal • Permafrost • Tundra • Winter |
Royalty (Historical) |
Jade Mountain | |
Other Dragons |
Cirrus • Caribou • Caribou • Caribou • Caribou • Caribou • Caribou • Fjord • Hvitur • Igloo • Ivory • Lynx • Snowflake • Snowstorm • Snowstorm • Snowstorm • Polar Bear |
Hybrids |
Darkstalker • Whiteout • Eclipse • Fierceclaws • Shadowhunter • Typhoon |
Kingdom |
Notable Features: Great Ice Cliff • Moon Globe Tree • IceWing palace • Diamond Caves |