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Wings of Fire Wiki
"No. [...] All flying the same way. In formation. Exact wing movements. All in sync. [...] And they had white eyes."
— Hemlock to Bryony about the SilkWings under the control of the othermind, The Dangerous Gift

Hemlock is an adult male LeafWing who was introduced in The Lost Continent. He has leafspeak and formerly served as a soldier for the PoisonWings. He helped orchestrate the Burning of Bloodworm Hive, along with Pokeweed, Grayling, and Bryony. He currently resides on Pantala. He is Sundew's father and Belladonna's partner.


Hemlock has deep green scales that are dark enough to disappear into the shadows. He wears a small white seashell on a cord around his neck.[1] He is bigger than Bryony.[2]


Hemlock is bleak.[3] He appears to be understanding and not as brash or harsh as Belladonna, preferring to be more gentle, though still firm and serious. According to Sundew, he is terrible with words, which could be the result of following orders for most of his life.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Lost Continent

Hemlock was first introduced when he, Belladonna, and Sundew captured Blue, Cricket, and Swordtail while planning strategies to sneak into Wasp Hive. When Blue admitted they were there to rescue his sister Luna, Hemlock and the other two LeafWings thought of the idea to use them in their scheme to steal the Book of Clearsight. Hemlock untied Blue, Swordtail, and Cricket's muzzles so they could discuss whether or not to accept the LeafWing's offer. Once they accepted, Hemlock disguised Sundew so she could pass as a regular SilkWing to the guards in Wasp Hive. When Cricket came up with her plan to escape from the LeafWings, Swordtail did not see it, and they never got a chance to tell him about it when departing to steal the book, due to him being closely watched by Hemlock.

Later, Sundew mentioned how Hemlock and Belladonna disapproved of her revealing the old LeafWing tunnels to Blue, Cricket, and the others, even though the LeafWings had decided they could not use them anymore.
The Hive Queen
Hemlock and Belladonna gave Blue, Cricket, Swordtail, and Sundew two days to find a passive way to stop Queen Wasp before they go with their aggressive plan to start a larger, new Tree Wars and try to kill all the HiveWings, except Cricket. However, he and the rest of the tribe went through with their attack plan anyway, burning down Bloodworm Hive with flamesilk.
The Poison Jungle
Hemlock was in the prologue, preparing to burn down Bloodworm Hive along with Pokeweed, Bryony, and Grayling. Before Cinnabar and Io left to warn SilkWings in the other Hives, Hemlock was mentioned when Sundew told them to look out for him.
The Dangerous Gift
Hemlock was in one of Snowfall's visions, where she was seeing Bryony point of view. He guarded their hiding place and talked to her about Pokeweed and the othermind's control over LeafWings and SilkWings. He was later indirectly mentioned by Sundew in her argument with Cobra Lily when she referred to the dragons still stuck on Pantala.
The Flames of Hope
Hemlock was among the many dragons hiding in the underground caverns. Pokeweed brought Luna's group to Hemlock. He listened to Luna explain what happened in the Poison Jungle and Pyrrhia and the different types of flamesilk Luna could produce. Hemlock later offered to go to Lake Scorpion to meet Sundew and the rest of the stealth team himself. Hemlock was mentioned when Luna was guessing who the LeafWing at Lake Scorpion was.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World
Hemlock was mentioned by Sequoia in one of her letters to Linden when she asked if Linden was going to set up her daughter, Belladonna, with Hemlock in order to have a dragonet with powerful leafspeak.

Family tree[]



"We follow the plan."
― about what to do (The Poison Jungle, prologue)

"No. [...] All flying the same way. In formation. Exact wing movements. All in sync. [...] And they had white eyes."
― to Bryony (The Dangerous Gift, page 154)

"Stern face. Not grumpy. This is an intimidating face."
― to Bryony, about his expression (The Flames of Hope, page 119)




Present: HazelSequoia
Historical: Zelkova

Other Dragons

BelladonnaBryonyByblisCobra LilyHawthornHemlockMandrakeNettleOdollamPokeweedSundewWillowWolfsbane

Other Dragons



Eye of the jungleHawthorn's homeLeafSilk KingdomPoison JunglePoisonWing villageSapWing village


Dragon Ridge AcademySouthern forest palace


Book of ClearsightPoisonWingsSapWingsTree Wars
