- "Completely useless. Yes. Just like I've always wanted."
- — Jerboa's thoughts, The Poison Jungle
(Not to be confused with her mother Jerboa, who lived in the time of Darkstalker, or Jerboa II, Jerboa's first attempt at creating a dragonet.)
Jerboa III, also known as Boa, is an adult female SandWing animus dragon who was introduced in Talons of Power. She resides in her hut beside the sea, near a border shared by the Ice Kingdom and the Kingdom of Sand. She is responsible for preventing all current animus dragons from casting new spells.
Jerboa has pale yellow scales.[1] She is tall, long necked, and graceful, with wide black eyes and a dappled light[1] brown triangle pattern on her wings.[2] She wears a pale, fan-shaped seashell edged with darker pink[3] on a coconut fiber cord around her neck, which is enchanted[4] to hide her missing six claws[5] and missing tail barb due to her mother's animus curse.[6] Jerboa enchanted Jerboa III to stop growing at the size of a normal dragon, although she would stop growing at a size that was slightly smaller than Jerboa's.[7] She has frown lines on her face,[8] and moves in an odd way, as though she is secretly in pain, or her bones do not fit together quite right.[9]
Jerboa III wants to be her own dragon, and was bad-tempered around her mother who often re-wrote her personality.[10] She tends to be lazy, and although she had a lot of energy as a young dragonet, Jerboa's spells made her more placid, less argumentative, and more likely to say yes to everything likely resulted in her laziness. She was enchanted to be sweet,[3] serene,[11] and talks and thinks extremely slowly;[12][7] she avoids arguing with her mother,[7] with the love for her tripled by Jerboa to make Jerboa III appear extra cute and affectionate.[13] Jerboa III is desperately curious about animus magic despite her mother's memory spells, implanted nightmares, and personality adjustments; rewinding her age made her a faster thinker, but her mind began to slow again with each new spell cast on her.[3] She is often confused, and her mother described her brain to be uncommonly stupid.[11] After reversing the enchantments made by her mother, Jerboa III felt terrified by animus magic and what other dragons might force her to do, causing her to disable its power across all animus dragons.[14] She is quiet,[15] thoughtful,[16] easily amused,[17] sarcastic, and prefers to be ignored.[2] Luna ventured a guess that Jerboa III really wanted to connect to other dragons, but was easily overwhelmed by normal dragon interactions. She was not interested in discussing her feelings or making facial expressions; either looking bored or mildly annoyed.[18] She is pessimistic towards the future, believing that something will always go wrong.[19]
The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]
Talons of Power |
Jerboa was first introduced in Darkstalker's palace for just a few seconds by Turtle when she was summoned along with all other existing animus dragons. Jerboa then disappeared with a surprised expression, leaving Turtle to believe he imagined her. |
Darkness of Dragons |
Jerboa III made another appearance in the epilogue when she led Moonwatcher and Qibli into her hut to meet her. She then confirmed to the two dragonets that she was the daughter of the first Jerboa, and that she was immortal. Jerboa showed them an injured dragon, who she had been taking care of. This dragon was Luna, a SilkWing from Pantala. |
The Lost Continent Prophecy[]
The Lost Continent |
Jerboa was in the epilogue when she found Luna, lost and severely injured on one of the Kingdom of Sand's beaches. Jerboa said that it was lucky Luna spoke Dragon. She introduced herself to Luna, and Luna does the same. Jerboa brought the lost SilkWing to her home and offered her fish stew, but Luna declined, saying that she does not eat meat. Jerboa welcomed Moon and Qibli when they first arrived and brought them to Luna, as seen in the epilogue of Darkness of Dragons. |
The Hive Queen |
Her hut was mentioned twice in the prologue. She was also mentioned when Tsunami asked if she could enchant something for Luna to get back to Pantala, but Moonwatcher said that she was an animus, who does not use her magic. |
The Poison Jungle |
In the epilogue, Jerboa III flew to the edge of the Ice Kingdom to meet Queen Snowfall. It was revealed that Jerboa III knew the current queen's late mother as Jerboa thought about how Queen Glacier usually arrived after she did when they met up. Queen Snowfall, already traumatized by Darkstalker's return and paranoid about getting attacked, was panicking about the sight of hundreds of dragons flying in from across the ocean. She wanted Jerboa to expand the Great Ice Cliff, but Jerboa stopped her, proving that her animus magic did not work anymore, also stating that no one else's animus magic was working either. She proved this by grabbing a frozen twig and saying: "I hereby enchant this twig to turn anything it touches green." She then holds it out to Snowfall, who snappishly denies it, so Jerboa taps herself with it, and nothing happened. Then she gave it to Snowfall. Still nothing happened. It was also said that after Queen Snowfall flew away in a fit of rage, Jerboa thought to herself: "Completely useless. [...] Yes. Just like I've always wanted." |
The Dangerous Gift |
Snowfall mentioned Jerboa when she was deciding to find out more about the approaching mysterious dragons. She later travelled with the Pantalan refugees on a journey to Sanctuary, passing the island Jerboa's hut is in in the meanwhile. Snowfall blames Jerboa for not using her magic to help Snowfall, leading to how she took treasure from the Forbidden Treasury with no choice and therefore getting stuck with Opal's ring. Jerboa appears to be exasperated, and continued to talk about how animus magic is not working in the first place. She even promised Snowfall that if magic ever comes back, removing her ring would be first priority. Jerboa is not mentioned much after her encounter with the Snowfall. Later, Snowfall had a vision in Jerboa's point of view. In the vision, it is shown that her mother created her and would always edit her to be exactly how she wanted. Jerboa the first also erased many of Boa's memories, including arguments they had and discussions on whether Boa should have a brother. When Boa found the scroll her mother used to edit her, she froze her with enchanted quills and interrogated her mother about all the spells used on her. Feeling betrayed by her mother's controlling over her existence, she uses the scroll to turn herself into an animus dragon. She also uses the scroll to return all her missing memories. Before Jerboa is completely frozen, she casts one last spell on Boa, making her lose a part of her body every time she cast a spell, as well as making the damage irreversible, even with magic. Boa does not finds out about the spell until she buries her frozen mother under her hut, losing her first claw. Over the course of the years, she loses five more claws, three trying to heal her wounds from the curse, one from enchanting a scroll to truthfully answer any question it is asked, where she finds out about her mother's curse, and one from enchanting a necklace to make her look normal to other dragons. When Darkstalker summons all animus dragons to his room, Boa quickly returns to her hut using her necklace. She asks her information scroll what Darkstalker wants. It tells her he wants to use other dragon's magic to preserve his soul, as well as making sure they cannot be threats to him. Terrified, Boa asks why he needed the animus dragons at that moment, finding out he can detect animus magic. She brainstorms ideas on how to stop him and keep herself safe, but eventually decides to stay hidden in her hut, having accepted there is little she can do. While recovering her fishing nets, Boa spots Luna being washed up on the shore. She runs back inside to talk to her scroll, finding out about the absence of animus magic on Pantala. Realizing dragons cannot be trusted with a power like animus magic, Boa enchants her candleholder to get rid of animus magic once and for all, thus losing her tail barb. Despite the agony she is in, Boa is at ease knowing she has finally fulfilled her purpose, and will never have to be afraid of magic again. |
The Flames of Hope |
Jerboa III first appeared on the beach near her hut. Luna gave Jerboa a crude project she made as a thank you gift. She nearly instantly regretting giving Jerboa the gift, but Jerboa insisted that Luna did not take it back. Luna and Jerboa then talked about the trip to Pantala and some practical outcomes of the situation. Later, Luna remembered how when she was staying with Jerboa, she had practiced making different kinds of flamesilk, and Jerboa had touched one of the strands, not knowing it would burn her. |
Jerboa and Glacier met before Glacier became queen and were good friends. When the SandWing took off her glamour, Glacier cried, telling her that it wasn't fair what she had gone through.[20] The IceWing queen never asked Jerboa for a spell, knowing what the cost was. Jerboa misses Glacier greatly after her death.[21] She wished that she had met Snowfall in time to save Glacier from the plague, even at the cost of part of her physical body.[22]
Jerboa III was often grumpy around her mother, and Jerboa viewed her daughter as ungrateful.[10][23] Jerboa used memory wipes, personality adjustments, and implanted nightmares within her daughter to try and suit her own needs.[3] Jerboa III tried to run away from her several times,[23] and Jerboa was often impatient and snappy towards her.[24] Jerboa III was entertaining for Jerboa, and she made promises easily to her daughter, safe in the knowledge that she could erase them from Jerboa III's mind with ease.[25] When Jerboa III tried to get someone to rescue her, Jerboa thought of this as nonsense and tended to avoid other dragons from then on.[26] She was manipulative and psychologically abusive towards Jerboa III, pouring honey through her voice instead of hissing at her to get what she wanted.[26] She lied often to her daughter,[27] and Jerboa III was convinced that all the love she felt for her mother was the result of Jerboa's enchantments. Jerboa stated that she loved her daughter when she is agreeable, but when Jerboa III angrily confronted her mother about her enchantments, Jerboa stated that she was exceptionally unlovable in that moment.[27] Before Jerboa III encased her mother in ice, Jerboa cast a spell on her daughter out of revenge, and to ensure that Jerboa III was not as triumphant as she thought and that she would never forget Jerboa.[28]
After Snowfall discovered that animus magic was not working, she considered Jerboa to be useless[29] and was furious when Jerboa seemed only annoyed rather than guilty when Snowfall confronted her about consorting with Luna, Moonwatcher, and Qibli.[30] She is acid,[8] flat, and withering towards Snowfall,[30] and she often seems amused when Snowfall is annoyed.[17] However, after experiencing Jerboa's life through the gift of vision, she could not imagine being angry at her anymore, and thought that she might soon visit Jerboa, just to check on her, because it seemed like she needed a friend.[31]
Family tree[]
Jerboa | |||||||||||||||
Jerboa II | Jerboa III | ||||||||||||||
Known Enchantments[]
Phrasing | Target | Intention |
"I hereby enchant this candleholder. When I shatter it, I shatter the power of all current animus dragons. From now on, no new spells cast by any animus dragon alive today will ever work again. Also, from this point forward, I will grow old and die, like any normal dragon. I make this spell irreversible by any animus, including myself." [6] | A glass candleholder | To prevent new animus spells from being cast by any of the current animus dragons and make her age normally when she shattered it. This spell is irreversible. |
"Phrasing unknown." [32] | Porcupine quills | To smooth back into one piece. |
"Phrasing unknown." [5] | A scroll | To answer any questions she asks. |
"Phrasing unknown." [4] | A shell necklace | To make her look normal and intact to any dragons who see her. |
"Phrasing unknown." [5] | Herself | To heal her wound from her mother's curse. |
"Phrasing unknown." [32] | Herself | To reverse and/or fight her mother's curse. Cast twice. |
"I enchant this block of ice to bury itself under this hut and stay frozen there forever." [33] | A block of ice | To bury her mother under her hut. |
- "When the world is all fixed. Hrm. Don't get your hopes up. Every time you think you've fixed something, something else always goes wrong."
- ― to Luna (The Flames of Hope, page 8)
- "Yes. My mother cast a spell to make sure nothing could ever harm me. I've been waiting a long time to fulfill my purpose."
- ― to Qibli (Darkness of Dragons, epilogue)
- "Well, you're not going far on these wings today. But help is coming. I have a feeling it'll be here soon."
- ― to Luna (The Lost Continent, epilogue)
- "It's too cold for anyone to do that. The truth is, other tribes are not the slightest bit interested in stealing your kingdom."
- ― to Snowfall (The Poison Jungle, epilogue)
- "Completely useless. Yes. Just like I've always wanted."
- ― thoughts (The Poison Jungle, epilogue)
- "How would we know? Is any of it really me anymore? I only love you because of magic. Right? You've been enchanting me to love you."
- ― to Jerboa (The Dangerous Gift, page 276-277)
- "It's not fair to make me love you when you don't love me at all."
- ― to Jerboa (The Dangerous Gift, page 277)
- One of her first lines, "I've been waiting a long time to fulfill my purpose," is a reference to what Queen Glacier told her years ago.[20]
- Jerboa III was one of the candidates that were considered to be the main protagonist of The Dangerous Gift.[event 1]
- Jerboa III is an excellent cook.[34]
- Jerboa III loves gathering firewood, though this is one of the personality adjustments made by Jerboa.[24]
- Jerboa III has been a talented musician and storyteller throughout her life.[25]
- For her last animus spell, she lost her tail barb when she shattered the candleholder, activating the enchantment, instead of when she actually cast the spell.[6]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Lost Continent, epilogue
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Darkness of Dragons, epilogue
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 The Dangerous Gift, page 271
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 285
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 The Dangerous Gift, page 283
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 The Dangerous Gift, page 292
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 The Dangerous Gift, page 269
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 111
- ↑ The Flames of Hope, page 6
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 265
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 267
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 268
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 270
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 295
- ↑ Darkness of Dragons, page 384
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 112
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 129
- ↑ The Flames of Hope, page 7
- ↑ The Flames of Hope, page 8
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 286
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 296
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 290
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 272
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 273
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 274
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 275
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 277
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 279
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 24
- ↑ 30.0 30.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 86
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 238
- ↑ 32.0 32.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 284
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 282
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 266
SandWings | |
Queens | |
Royalty |
Blaze • Blister • Burn • Char • Scald • Singe • Smolder • Sunny • Onyx |
Jade Mountain | |
Other Dragons (Present) |
Addax • Agave • Armadillo • Camel • Capybara • Cereus • Cobra • Dune • Horizon • Jerboa III • Kindle • Meerkat • Needle • Ocotillo • Ostrich • Palm • Parch • Prickle • Quicksand • Rattlesnake • Saguaro • Sandstorm • Sirocco • Six-Claws • Tawny • Torch • Viper • Vulture |
Other Dragons (Historical) |
Hybrids | |
Kingdom |
Blaze's fortress • Blister's hideout • Great Five-Tail River • Jerboa III's hut • North Beach • Possibility • SandWing stronghold • Scorpion Den |
Society |