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Jerboa III's hut is located on the northwest coast of the Kingdom of Sand. It is a hut belonging to Jerboa III.


Jerboa III's hut is made of wood and has a palm frond roof,[1] and is tucked into a small cove where the water is calm and clear.[2] The territory surrounding the hut is consisted of pebbly beaches that slowly give way to a coastline of yellow-white sand, and the temperature is typically fairly warm.[2] In the shallows of the cove live seaweed,[3] small[4] and silvery[5] fish, and crabs, and the hut is surrounded by palm trees bearing dates[6] and coconuts.[7] The cove is also studded with rocks that protrude out of the water.[8] The beach has a space where bonfires can be lit, and the hut is surrounded by several jars that contain palm oil.[4] There is a large boulder that rests in a shaded space near the tree line.[9] Under the hut, Jerboa is frozen in a block of ice.[10] The wooden flooring above Jerboa is weathered due to Jerboa III replacing the floor several times.[11] It contains a bed of palm fronds, and has a dark interior.[12]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Darkness of Dragons[]

Jerboa's hut was first seen in the epilogue when Qibli and Moonwatcher travelled there due to Moon's vision and meet Luna.

The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Lost Continent[]

Luna was seen in Jerboa's hut, where Moon and Qibli met her.

The Hive Queen[]

In the epilogue, Luna and Moon resided in Jerboa's hut, discussing her visions of Pantala.

The Dangerous Gift[]

Before going to Sanctuary, the LeafWings, SilkWings, and other Pyrrhian dragons stopped by Jerboa's hut for a day.

The Flames of Hope[]

The Pyrrhia-Pantala Representatives briefly stayed at Jerboa III's hut waiting for Lynx before heading to Pantala to fulfill The Lost Continent Prophecy.



Present: OasisThorn
Historical: Scorpion



Jade Mountain


Other Dragons

AddaxAgaveArmadilloCamelCapybaraCereusCobraDuneHorizonJerboa IIIKindleMeerkatNeedleOcotilloOstrichPalmParchPrickleQuicksandRattlesnakeSaguaroSandstormSiroccoSix-ClawsTawnyTorchViperVulture

Other Dragons

JerboaJerboa II




Blaze's fortressBlister's hideoutGreat Five-Tail RiverJerboa III's hutNorth BeachPossibilitySandWing strongholdScorpion Den


OutclawsTalons of PowerWar of SandWing Succession
