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The Kingdom of Sand is the home and territory of the SandWings, the desert-dwelling dragon tribe. It occupies the southwestern portion of the continent, stretching from the Claws of the Clouds Mountains of the Sky Kingdom, to the edge of the Ice Kingdom, the previous NightWing Kingdom, and the bordering parts of the ocean. The Kingdom of Sand is currently ruled by Queen Thorn.


The Kingdom of Sand is a hot,[1] vast,[2] endless,[3] and empty[4] expanse of sandy desert, surrounded by open sky and rolling dunes as far as the eye can see in every direction.[5] It is large, wide, and flat,[6] and is dotted with many oasis towns[4][7] and small oasis ponds.[8] It is covered in warm sand,[9] and is dotted with several small desert pools[10] and oases that have been described as tiny springs.[11] The sand has been described to ripple like a pale ocean,[2] and it is large and empty.[4]

The Kingdom of Sand is full of brightsting cactus,[12] the only known antidote to SandWing venom, and has many of it sold by almost every merchant in the Scorpion Den.[13] There are several cities and oasis towns spread throughout the kingdom.[14]

Brightsting Cactus TBN

A brightsting cactus, as seen on the cover of The Brightest Night

Near Possibility, there is a sandstone arch that is located high on a butte to the west of the town. It loops out of the ground and back into in a shape like a RainWing tail,[1] and the ground below it is consisted of hard rock.[15]

The land in between the Kingdom of Sand and the Ice Kingdom is barren wasteland.[16]

Notable features[]

Disputed Tundra[]

The far side of the Ice Kingdom's tundra is disputed territory between the Ice Kingdom and the Kingdom of Sand.[17]

Jerboa III's hut[]

Jerboa III's hut is located on the northwest coast of the Kingdom of Sand.[18] It is the home of Jerboa III, daughter of the original Jerboa.

SandWing stronghold[]

Queen Thorn's stronghold is used as a palace for the SandWings. SandWing royalty lives in the stronghold. It is designed to be less vulnerable to attack more than beauty and appearance. The stronghold used to look more menacing, with enemy heads on spikes and Burn's weirdling tower, but these features were removed in Thorn's reign.

Scorpion Den[]

The Scorpion Den is a famous city in the Kingdom of Sand. It is inhabited by lowlife SandWings and SandWing hybrids. The Scorpion Den is known to be full of assassins, thieves, con artists, and more, making it a dangerous place to live. During the War of SandWing Succession, dragons came to the Scorpion Den to avoid being pressed into service or hunted down by Burn, Blister, or Blaze.

Prickle's hut[]

Prickle's hut is a hut where Prickle lived before the SandWing soldiers caught her and she got imprisoned in the SandWing stronghold.






The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Hidden Kingdom[]

Glory found an animus-touched tunnel in the Rainforest Kingdom that leads to the Kingdom of Sand. She described the desert as "always hot and clear with no rainy days." The tunnel was hidden by sand right outside of Burn's stronghold, and the wind blew sand to cover it up every single day, which was why Burn had not discovered the tunnel entrance. The NightWings had wanted the tunnel there so that when Blister became queen, she could help them seize the rainforest.

The Brightest Night[]

The Kingdom of Sand was where Sunny met Thorn and her Outclaws in the Scorpion Den, Smolder in Burn's stronghold, and where the next SandWing queen was chosen.

The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Escaping Peril[]

Peril flashbacked to the night she and Scarlet had fled from Burn's weirdling tower, where they temporarily settled in the wasteland in between the Kingdom of Sand and the Ice Kingdom. Later on in the story, Peril wandered around the border of the Kingdom of Sand while trying to find her meeting place.

Talons of Power[]

Darkstalker took his fellow NightWings past the Kingdom of Sand to the lost city of night.

Darkness of Dragons[]

When Qibli and Winter went to go and rescue Ostrich, they flew to both the Scorpion Den and Thorn's stronghold.

The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Poison Jungle[]

In the epilogue, Snowfall met Jerboa III at the edge of the Kingdom of Sand, close to the border into IceWing territory.

The Dangerous Gift[]

Snowfall and the other Pantalans flew across the Kingdom of Sand to get to Sanctuary. The vision about Jerboa I and Jerboa III was mainly set in the Kingdom of Sand.



Scorpion allowed the NightWings and IceWings to battle there, in return for large piles of treasure from both tribes. Later on in the story, Darkstalker followed Arctic into the desert along with Clearsight and Fathom in order to stop him from turning in Whiteout to Queen Diamond.


Wren followed Sandstorm's army to the Kingdom of Sand in order to rescue Sky. Later, Ivy, Leaf, and Stone travelled to the Kingdom of Sand in attempt to bring Rose back to Valor.



Fierceteeth was imprisoned in the SandWing stronghold.


Six-Claws grew up in the Kingdom of Sand. Oasis's death occurred sometime after, causing the three SandWing heirs to compete for the throne and begin the War of SandWing Succession. Blister also stole the majority of the SandWing treasure when Oasis was away.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

The Kingdom of Sand was featured several times in the SandWing chapter of the guide. It was mentioned in the SandWing treasure poster and served as the main setting of Smolder's Strange Time for a New Pet.


  • If Blaze had won the war, the Kingdom would be smaller, as the IceWings would now own the disputed northern land; Blaze promised them that piece of land if they won the war.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Escaping Peril, page 120
  2. 2.0 2.1 Darkstalker, page 314
  3. Dragonslayer, page 57
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Darkstalker, page 315
  5. The Winglets Quartet: Deserter, page 87
  6. Dragonslayer, page 56
  7. Talons of Power, epilogue
  8. 8.0 8.1 Escaping Peril, page 119
  9. The Dangerous Gift, page 266
  10. Darkness of Dragons, page 202
  11. The Dangerous Gift, page 132
  12. 12.0 12.1 The Hidden Kingdom, page 144
  13. The Brightest Night, page 55
  14. Darkness of Dragons, page 86
  15. Escaping Peril, page 127
  16. 16.0 16.1 Escaping Peril, page 19
  17. The Dangerous Gift, page 83
  18. Darkness of Dragons, epilogue
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Dragonslayer, page 433
  20. Winter Turning, page 197
  21. Dragonslayer, page 340
  22. Darkstalker, page 316
  23. 23.0 23.1 Darkness of Dragons, prologue
  24. 24.0 24.1 Escaping Peril, page 118
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 The Lost Continent, epilogue
  26. The Dangerous Gift, page 267
  27. 27.0 27.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 131
  28. 28.0 28.1 Darkness of Dragons, page 7
  29. 29.0 29.1 Winter Turning, page 206
  30. 30.0 30.1 The Winglets Quartet: Deserter, page 88
  31. The Winglets Quartet: Deserter, page 112
  32. 32.0 32.1 Dragonslayer, page 425
  33. Dragonslayer, page 248
  34. Winter Turning, page 208
  35. Dragonslayer, page 341
  36. 36.0 36.1 Winter Turning, page 200
  37. Dragonslayer, page 254
  38. The Brightest Night English cover
  39. The Brightest Night, page 96
  40. The Brightest Night, page 105
  41. Dragonslayer, page 251
  42. The Dangerous Gift, page 271
  43. 43.0 43.1 The Winglets Quartet: Deserter, page 89
  44. Dragonslayer, page 303
  45. The Winglets Quartet: Prisoners, page 7
  46. Dragonslayer, page 211
  47. The Brightest Night, page 118
  48. 48.0 48.1 The Hidden Kingdom, page 92
  49. The Brightest Night English cover
  50. The Brightest Night English cover
  51. Escaping Peril, page 95
  52. Dragonslayer, page 343
  53. The Dangerous Gift, page 272
  54. 54.0 54.1 54.2 Winter Turning, page 211
  55. Dragonslayer, page 255
  56. 56.0 56.1 Dragonslayer, page 307
  57. Escaping Peril, page 98
  58. The Brightest Night English cover
  59. Dragonslayer, page 373
  60. Winter Turning, page 204
  61. Dragonslayer, page 304
  62. Dragonslayer, page 374


Present: OasisThorn
Historical: Scorpion



Jade Mountain


Other Dragons

AddaxAgaveArmadilloCamelCapybaraCereusCobraDuneHorizonJerboa IIIKindleMeerkatNeedleOcotilloOstrichPalmParchPrickleQuicksandRattlesnakeSaguaroSandstormSiroccoSix-ClawsTawnyTorchViperVulture

Other Dragons

JerboaJerboa II




Blaze's fortressBlister's hideoutGreat Five-Tail RiverJerboa III's hutNorth BeachPossibilitySandWing strongholdScorpion Den


OutclawsTalons of PowerWar of SandWing Succession
