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"The kind who actually thinks for herself sometimes. The kind who wants you to be a better queen than the ones we've had before, because I know you and I know you can be. But feel free to keep living your life by the rules of that oppressive wall, if that's all you want, and feel free to move me down to the bottom of the list when we get home."
— Lynx to Snowfall, The Dangerous Gift

Lynx is a female IceWing dragonet who was introduced in Winter Turning. A former dragon of the First Circle, she is a member of Queen Snowfall's council and currently resides in the IceWing palace.


Lynx has soothing[1] silver[2]-and-white scales that gleam like diamonds[3] and are freckled with dark blue[4] in an unusual pattern across her white snout and wings.[5] She has cold,[6] strange rigid talons.[7] She is often described as pretty.


Winter thought of Lynx as very hardworking and smart, despite the fact that she was only the daughter of a Fifth Circle noble.[8] She had smiled and congratulated Winter when he reached the top of the Circle rankings.[9] Lynx's brain is often tired,[10] but she is intelligent, helpful, bright,[11] cheery,[12] excitable,[13][14] hopeful,[15] curious,[16] sarcastic,[17] sympathetic,[18] cautious,[19] worried,[20] practical,[21] and thoughtful.[22] She performs well academically,[23] and often speaks brusquely.[24] She seems like a dragon with no worries in the whole world,[25] and she is adventurous. Lynx faces challenges headfirst to figure out her wonderings, and she offered to tell Hazel about the War of SandWing Succession immediately after the latter inquired.[26] Lynx often speaks her mind.[27] Though Luna initially describes her as "too smiley",[3] she later describes her as fearless even in the face of danger.[28] Lynx can be quite fierce and defensive if she needs to.[29] Lynx is sometimes difficult with dragons like Snowfall, but only because she cares about them.


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Winter Turning

While scanning the dragons in the First Circle, Winter saw that Lynx was in second place behind Snowfall. He thought that this was much better news than the fact that Snowfall had moved to the top spot, since Lynx was both nice and the daughter of a minor noble. When Winter moved up, Lynx, unlike Snowfall, was kind to Winter and warmly congratulated him on his success.

Lynx had an unusual pattern of dark blue scales scattered along her white snout and wings. Winter thought they were pretty at first, but later they dreadfully reminded him of Moonwatcher's silver teardrop scales.

In the morning after Winter was summoned for the Diamond Trial, Winter found Lynx and trained with her outside of the IceWing palace. When they finished fighting and were cleaning themselves, Queen Glacier arrived with Icicle.
Darkness of Dragons
During the Battle of Jade Mountain between the IceWings and the NightWings, Fearless was seen attacking a young silver female IceWing with blue scales freckling her snout. Winter saved the IceWing by spraying frostbreath on Fearless's wing, making her crash-land and crawl into a nearby cave. Although the female IceWing's name is not stated, she might have been Lynx.

The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Dangerous Gift

Lynx was first seen talking to Snowfall about her problems in the beginning of the book. Snowfall's exaggeration and overreactions towards every incoming problem appeared to irritate Lynx, but she did not stop helping the young IceWing queen.

Lynx followed Snowfall throughout the book, insisting on coming along and facing the new challenges, and questioned her multiple times when she tried to react towards seemingly dangerous events. Lynx provided advice and suggested to follow the Pantalan dragons to Sanctuary, in which she constantly stayed by Snowfall's side from then on. Snowfall eventually considered Lynx helpful company by the end of the book, agreeing to helping Lynx join the Council and become one of the eleven representatives.
The Flames of Hope

Lynx was mentioned in Luna's thoughts, as the Pyrrhia-Pantala representatives had to wait for her to arrive, before they could head to Pantala. As the stealth team were on their flight to Pyrrhia, they had an encounter with a group of mind-controlled HiveWings. Lynx, along with Sundew, Moonwatcher, Cricket, Luna, Bullfrog, Wren and Sky all stayed hidden with gift of stealth. After the HiveWings took the rest of the stealth team, including Moon, back to the Hives, one of the HiveWings, Earwig, found the stealth team's map leading back to Pyrrhia. Before Earwig could call Queen Wasp back, Lynx knocked her out with one of the RainWing blowdarts. The remaining members of the team decided to split off into two groups; one group would go save the other stealth team members while the other waited on Pantala. Both Lynx and Sundew were in the former group, while the rest of the team was the latter.

Later when Cottonmouth was speaking to Wasp through Malachite, Wasp mentioned that someone had stolen the "invisible one" and Luna realized that Lynx and Sundew must have been able to rescue Moon. Lynx later appeared when she, Sundew and Moonwatcher reunited with Pineapple, Qibli and Tsunami. Lynx later shared her memories to Freedom through Moon.

Lynx was later in the fight against Pineapple, Belladonna, and a couple of HiveWings and LeafWings.



Lynx had been Snowfall's biggest competition all throughout school and training, and Snowfall had "wanted to strangle her more than a thousand times." After becoming queen, Lynx treated Snowfall the way she always had, challenging Snowfall to races around the palace or arguing over points of IceWing law during class.[30] In the beginning of their friendship, Snowfall was often annoyed by how Lynx lacked the proper IceWing etiquette when addressing a queen.[23] Lynx is often sympathetic towards[18] and worried for Snowfall,[31] and helps her calm down.[21] She defends Snowfall against insults from others.[32] When Snowfall woke from her first dream from the gift of vision, her first thought was to turn to Lynx for company.[33] Snowfall was at first hesitant to consider Lynx a true friend,[34] but Lynx is able to read her well[35] and wants to listen to Snowfall's worries.[36] Snowfall and Lynx became argumentative[37] and angry at one another's differing viewpoints on IceWing traditions,[38] and Snowfall accusingly thought of Lynx as being judgemental.[13] She was irritated by Lynx's suggestions and interjections,[27] but Lynx sounded genuinely full of joy when realizing Snowfall was safe after she fainted,[39] and covered for Snowfall against Cricket's questions.[40] Snowfall brought Lynx as her representative during a diplomatic meeting with the other Pyrrhian queens,[41] and Snowfall was conflicted when it is time to choose the IceWing representative for the journey back to Pantala. She wanted Lynx to come back to the Ice Kingdom, to keep Snowfall sane and join her new council, and she trusts Lynx more than any other IceWing. She began crying during the farewell ceremony, but assured herself that Lynx would have to come back.[11] After Lynx admitted that she was only coming back to the Ice Kingdom before the journey to hang out with Snowfall for a couple more days, Snowfall nearly beamed or burst into tears.[42] Lynx protected her from Tundra while Snowfall destroyed the gift of order, and the former supported Snowfall's decision fully, clapping immediately after Snowfall smashed the wall.[43]


Lynx and Winter are friends.[15][31] When she encountered him in Sanctuary, she cried out in delight,[14] and before Winter faced the Diamond Trial, he trained with Lynx in familiar combat patterns.[44] Winter protected a dragon that was most likely Lynx from Fearless during the Battle of Jade Mountain.[2] Snowfall states that they always were too friendly with each other.[31]


"Congratulations. [...] You must have had such an adventure."
― to Winter when he returns to the Ice Kingdom and gets top of the First Circle (Winter Turning, page 259)

"No, no. I'm not agreeable at all. You'd be like, 'fetch me a narwhal!' and I'd be all, 'urrrgggh, whyyyyy, narwhals are heaaaaavy and I'm reeeeeeading,' and you'd say, 'but I want one! right now!' and I'd say 'then go GET one, bossytail,' and you'd bellow, 'I AM YOUR QUEEN!' and I'd be like, 'yes, but this book is at a really exciting part though,' and theeeeen you'd probably have to have me executed. I'd be so irritating! You already know this about me."
― to Snowfall (The Dangerous Gift, page 30)

"The kind who actually thinks for herself sometimes. The kind who wants you to be a better queen than the ones we've had before, because I know you and I know you can be. But feel free to keep living your life by the rules of that oppressive wall, if that's all you want, and feel free to move me down to the bottom of the list when we get home."
― to Snowfall (The Dangerous Gift, page 110)

"I think it might mean all of us. I mean, it starts off talking to us — 'turn your eyes to the land across the sea,' right? And then 'face a great evil with talons united' — that sounds like it's talking about all the tribes, here and there."
― to Snowfall about the meaning of the Lost Continent Prophecy (The Dangerous Gift, page 136)

"Sounds like maybe you were being extremely paranoid and anxious about nothing, then? And possibly that might apply to other things you are extremely paranoid about?"
― to Snowfall about her suspicions regarding Crystal (The Dangerous Gift, page 168)

"Sky, I know how you feel. [...] My heart says rescue them, too. But my head says we'll only get ourselves caught or worse, and the most logical way to save them is to get to the abyss. If we can defeat the othermind, Wasp won't have an army to control anymore. Right? That's our theory?"
― to Sky, about rescuing their captured friends (The Flames of Hope, page 59)




  1. The Dangerous Gift, page 166
  2. 2.0 2.1 Darkness of Dragons, page 305
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Flames of Hope, page 21
  4. The Dangerous Gift, page 26
  5. Winter Turning, page 259
  6. The Flames of Hope, page 33
  7. The Flames of Hope, page 35
  8. Winter Turning, page 249
  9. Winter Turning, page 258
  10. The Dangerous Gift, page 30
  11. 11.0 11.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 253
  12. The Dangerous Gift, page 249
  13. 13.0 13.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 125
  14. 14.0 14.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 140
  15. 15.0 15.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 89
  16. The Dangerous Gift, page 63
  17. The Dangerous Gift, page 60
  18. 18.0 18.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 59
  19. The Dangerous Gift, page 57
  20. The Dangerous Gift, page 108
  21. 21.0 21.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 40
  22. The Dangerous Gift, page 39
  23. 23.0 23.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 31
  24. The Dangerous Gift, page 36
  25. The Dangerous Gift, page 41
  26. The Dangerous Gift, page 137
  27. 27.0 27.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 136
  28. The Flames of Hope, page 288
  29. The Flames of Hope, page 273
  30. The Dangerous Gift, page 27
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 The Dangerous Gift, page 28
  32. The Dangerous Gift, page 74
  33. The Dangerous Gift, page 96
  34. The Dangerous Gift, page 97
  35. The Dangerous Gift, page 106
  36. The Dangerous Gift, page 107
  37. The Dangerous Gift, page 127
  38. The Dangerous Gift, page 110
  39. The Dangerous Gift, page 180
  40. The Dangerous Gift, page 181
  41. The Dangerous Gift, page 200
  42. The Dangerous Gift, page 257
  43. The Dangerous Gift, page 304
  44. Winter Turning, page 267
  45. The Dangerous Gift, page 59-60
  1. Stated by Tuisource 


Present: GlacierSnowfall
Historical: Diamond





Jade Mountain


Other Dragons

CirrusCaribouCaribouCaribouCaribouCaribouCaribouFjordHviturIglooIvoryLynxSnowflakeSnowstormSnowstormSnowstormPolar Bear




Notable Features: Great Ice CliffMoon Globe TreeIceWing palaceDiamond Caves
Villages: Among-the-EvergreensHamlet-That-Worships-the-Whales-Who-Sing-at-NightVillage-of-the-Plentiful-SealsWe-Remember-and-Venerate-CaribouWhere-No-Dragon-Goes-HungryWhere-the-Terns-FlyWhere-the-Whales-Leap-at-Dawn
