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(This is the page for the graphic novel adaptation of "Moon Rising." You may be looking for the book instead.)

Moon Rising (graphic novel) is a comic adaptation of the sixth Wings of Fire book, Moon Rising, with art done by Mike Holmes. The book is written from the point of view of Moonwatcher. It was officially released on December 27th, 2022.


The graphic novel adaptations of the #1 New York Times bestselling Wings of Fire series continue to set the world on fire!

Peace has come to Pyrrhia... for now.

The war between the tribes is finally over, and now the dragonets of the prophecy have a plan for lasting peace: Jade Mountain Academy, a school that will gather dragonets from all the tribes and teach them to live together, perhaps even as friends.

Moonwatcher isn't sure how she feels about school, however. Hidden in the rainforest for most of her life, the young NightWing has an awful secret. She can read minds, and even see the future. Living in a cave with dozens of other dragons is noisy, exhausting―and dangerous.

In just a few days, Moon finds herself overwhelmed by her secret powers and bombarded by strange thoughts, including those of a mysterious dragon who might be a terrible enemy. And when someone starts attacking dragons within the academy, Moon has a choice to make: Stay hidden and safe? Or risk everything to save her new friends?

The #1 New York Times bestselling Wings of Fire series soars to new heights in the sixth graphic novel adaptation, with art by Mike Holmes.


For Addie, a great artist, writer, and friend - I can't wait to read your books one day!


For the librarians and the teachers - you help readers become writers and doodlers become artists.




Secretkeeper hurried off to the rainforest in anticipation of her egg hatching. She lied about hunting a boar for the queen to get past Preyhunter guarding the tunnel and found her egg hidden on the rainforest floor. As she noticed that her egg had turned a silver color, the egg cracked and Moonwatcher broke apart the eggshell. When Preyhunter called for Secretkeeper, she told Moon to stay hidden and left her in the rainforest.

Part One: Welcome to Jade Mountain[]

Moonwatcher was anxious about beginning school. If she revealed her powers, she thought everyone would react to her cruelly and despise her. Queen Coral was there, and Moon recognized her from what Secretkeeper saw of her with Anemone and Auklet. Anemone and another SeaWing named Turtle, who was one of Tsunami's thirty-two brothers, made Tsunami, who was greeting them, boom with joy. Tsunami appeared surprised to learn that she had thirty-two brothers. Turtle was placed in the Jade Winglet alongside Moonwatcher, while Anemone was placed in the Silver Winglet. Coral and Auklet then departed, followed by Secretkeeper. When Moon entered Jade Mountain Academy, Fatespeaker greeted her enthusiastically and remarked on how Moon's teardrop eyes scales were larger and shinier than her own.

She continued to say the NightWing's nickname as she searched for her cave on a scroll. You're going to love your clawmates, she exclaimed upon finding it. Moon read multiple minds as she searched for her lair and pondered how she would handle being continually barraged by other dragons' thoughts. A scroll rack on the wall and one beside the door were then brought to her attention. Free reading was stated on the sign that was placed over the door. I hope you approve. In her cave, she heard a voice in her head that she eventually came to know as Darkstalker and who would frequently speak to her throughout the day, while she slept, and even when she was seeing a vision.

Moon lived in a cave alongside Carnelian, a cranky SkyWing, and Kinkajou, a RainWing who quickly warmed up to her. Along with Turtle, his clawmate Umber, a MudWing, a SandWing named Qibli, and an IceWing named Winter, they were all in her winglet, the Jade Winglet. Later, when Moon borrows The Animus Histories from Starflight in the library, she learns who the mysterious voice is—Darkstalker.

Part Two: Stay Hidden[]

Six months before to the publication of the book, the bracelet that had put Darkstalker to sleep deeply and prevented him from waking up broke when the comet passed by. He requested assistance from Moonwatcher and informed her that he could see all potential futures. "The SkyWing!," someone shouted, and Moon heard it. Starflight exclaimed, "She's here to kill us all!" and instructed Kinkajou and her to hide since he thought it was Scarlet. Moon proceeded to the disturbance instead and discovered a SkyWing that wasn't Queen Scarlet. Icicle approached her from behind and recognized Peril.

Moon discovered that Darkstalker had enchanted himself to be immortal, which is how he lived for two thousand years, and that the comet appeared to have awakened him out of a magical slumber. In an effort to discover more about NightWing abilities, Moon next headed to Mightyclaws in the art cave. Then, Moon discovered that the NightWing's powers originate from the three moons, and Darkstalker discovered that rumors about him had been greatly exaggerated. Darkstalker begged Moon to liberate him from his underground prison; he said he was unable to use his animus powers because he did not want to risk losing his soul. He had invested all of his might in an object—later identified as a scroll—out of this anxiety. Then, after seeing a vision of dragons perish in an unknown fire, Moon attempted to block Winter, Qibli, Kinkajou, and just about anybody else from entering the history room. However, Carnelian was too obstinate to comply and was murdered in the subsequent explosion. The explosion also killed Bigtail, a NightWing student, and injured Tamarin and Moon. When the explosion occurred, Winter had a suspicion for Moon and gave her till the end of the following day to explain how she knew. Turtle made an educated predict about her abilities, and Moon confirmed it to Turtle, Qibli, and Kinkajou (Winter had stormed off and was not present to learn about her abilities). Dragonflame cacti, which explodes when it comes into touch with fire, was the cause of the explosion, according to Moon. Over the course of the night, Moon overheard the dreamvisitor conversation once again, a strange, menacing voice warning that there would be consequences if no one was slain in Jade Mountain Academy.

Part Three: The Darkness of Dragons[]

Moon and Qibli made the choice to use Moon's mind-reading abilities to help track down the murderer. Moon learned that Onyx wore a stone called skyfire that prevented mind-reading. She couldn't read their minds because Onyx and Turtle both had them. Someone tried but failed to kill Icicle by causing a jagged stalactite to fall on her as she and Qibli returned to the prey center. The vengeful IceWing understood that she was the intended victim and that Sora, a MudWing designated to be her clawmate, was the one who attempted to kill her and was responsible for the explosion. Icicle was aware and wanted to kill Sora, Qibli and Moon hurriedly informed him. As a result, Sora and her brother Umber fled the academy.

Moon realized that Icicle was the one who had dreamed about the odd, terrible voice, and that she intended to murder one of the dragonets of destiny. She and Qibli hurried to the library before Icicle could assassinate Starflight after realizing that he would be her first target because he was the most exposed. Before Icicle could kill the blinded NightWing and escape detection, Qibli rushed to stop her. He tried to stab her with his barbed tail but was struck out by the massive IceWing. Icicle then charged at Moon, strangled her, and declared she would die. Winter appeared out of nowhere and tried to convince her to release Moon. Winter stumbled when Icicle said he should be supporting her because she was attempting to save their brother. He and his tribe hated NightWings, yet he crushed his tail over Icicle's head to save Moonwatcher from his older sister. He questioned how Icicle could cooperate with Queen Scarlet considering she was the one who had first kidnapped their sibling. Icicle fled to the rainforest in an effort to kill a dragonet of destiny named Glory further as a result. Winter's older brother, Hailstorm, was kidnapped after an encounter with the SkyWings while they were both searching for scavenger dens, causing Winter to despise himself more than anybody else. When the NightWings attacked the SkyWing arena in an effort to defend Starflight, Winter had suspicions that Hailstorm had been murdered. Later that day, using Turtle's bracelet, which included the skyfire stones, Moon distributed the skyfire to her friends. Icicle had said that Winter's brother, Hailstorm, was still alive when Qibli realized that Winter had departed to find him. He was pursued by the Jade Winglet. Icicle was told by Winter that he was returning to the Ice Kingdom. They chose to go with Winter to stop Icicle despite his objections since Qibli reasoned that Icicle most likely traveled to the jungle to kill Glory. The Jade Mountain Prophecy occurred with Moonwatcher prepared to tell Winter about herself and her abilities.


Scarlet was talking about how the dreamvistor was not working with a mysterious dragon, Shapeshifter, as he told Scarlet that to try it on a different dragon that was asleep with the dreamvistor. Scarlet then got in contact with Peril who was in a dream surrounded in fire. Scarlet then asked Peril who died today with her replying "No one! I didn't kill anyone! I swear!" The Ex-SkyWing queen continued to push her as Peril just told her that Clay was safe and no one's dead. With Scarlet leaving the dream furiously claiming she's going to kill the IceWing, Shapeshifter then replies "She failed? How surprising. Should I kill your prisoner?" Scarlet then talked about her plan to kill the dragonets but feared being near Glory and her venom. Shapeshifter then showed Scarlet what he was holding and it was shown to be Darkstalker's scroll.

Variations from the Novel[]

  • After dropping Turtle and Anemone off at Jade Mountain, Coral was verbal about her uncertainties about letting Anemone to attend the school.[2]
  • Tsunami greeted Auklet after being tackled by the latter.[2]
  • Winter is seen wearing a tiara and an armband made from a pelt. There is no indication of him wearing these attires in the novel.[3]
  • Hailstorm and Icicle are depicted with tiaras.[4][5]
  • Onyx is depicted with headwear with onyx gemstones set into them, though never being depicted with such in the novels.[6]
  • Instead of Darkstalker first talking to Moon after Pike and Carnelian fought, he talks to Moon before this event.[7]
  • After Moon gives back Bandit from the prey center to Winter, there is no mango on Bandit.[8]
  • Farsight and Mastermind are not seen in the prologue.[9]
  • The music cave scene[10] was excluded from the graphic novel.
  • In the novel, Fatespeaker says "second tunnel to the left, fifth cave to the right";[11] however in the graphic novel, she says "second tunnel to the left, third cave to the right".[12]


  • The labels for the MudWing and SandWing silhouettes are flipped. This was later corrected in the newer copies. However, the colors are still flipped.[13]
  • Qibli's underbelly is missing.[14]
  • The black gems on Onyx's neck are not colored in.[6]
  • Moon is shown to have three silver teardrop scales instead of one.[15][6]
  • Darkstalker is missing his silver teardrop scales during Moon's nightmare.[16]
  • Tamarin's normal scale colors were briefly shown, when they should be pale after losing consciousness from the explosion.[17]
  • Qibli's scar on his snout is missing in many panels.[18][14][19]
  • Moon says Starlight instead of "Starflight".[20]
  • Icicle's fish changes color from blue[21] to green.[22]
  • Winter is missing his armband.[23]


Click here to see the cover gallery.


  2. 2.0 2.1 Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 12
  3. Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 40
  4. Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 41
  5. Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 161
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 107
  7. Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 25-26
  8. Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 47
  9. Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 4-5
  10. Moon Rising, page 160
  11. Moon Rising, page 15
  12. Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 22
  13. Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 65
  14. 14.0 14.1 Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 83
  15. Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 9
  16. Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 119
  17. Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 135
  18. Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 42-49
  19. Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 165-166
  20. Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 147
  21. Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 182
  22. Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 183
  23. Moon Rising (graphic novel), page 198
Wings of Fire books
First Arc The Dragonet ProphecyThe Lost HeirThe Hidden KingdomThe Dark SecretThe Brightest Night
Second Arc Moon RisingWinter TurningEscaping PerilTalons of PowerDarkness of Dragons
Third Arc The Lost ContinentThe Hive QueenThe Poison JungleThe Dangerous GiftThe Flames of Hope
Legends DarkstalkerDragonslayer
Winglets PrisonersAssassinDeserterRunaway
Graphic Novels The Dragonet ProphecyThe Lost HeirThe Hidden KingdomThe Dark SecretThe Brightest NightMoon RisingWinter TurningEscaping PerilDarkstalker
Other A Winglets CollectionWinglets Flip BookThe Winglets QuartetForge Your Dragon WorldOfficial Coloring BookA Guide to the Dragon WorldHow to DrawOfficial Stained Glass Art Book