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"I understand that someone's been lying to us! And keeping things from us! I may not understand what those exact things are, but I know that I'm angry about it!"
— Nettle to Hawthorn, The Poison Jungle

Nettle is an adult female LeafWing who was introduced in The Poison Jungle. She is the daughter of Wolfsbane, the older sister of Mandrake and was a member of the PoisonWings. She was formerly under the control of the othermind.


Nettle has green scales.[1]


Nettle is often arrogant,[2] bossy,[3] and rude,[4] often believing her opinion to be the best.[5] Like most of the other PoisonWings, she hates the HiveWings for almost wiping out the LeafWings.[6] She seems to think very highly of herself and believes that she is a natural leader,[7] which is eventually contradicted multiple times when she fails to save other dragons, even herself.[1] Sundew described her yelling as unproductive, vicious, and constantly out of control.[8]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Poison Jungle[]

Nettle was with her father, Wolfsbane, watching her brother, Mandrake, attempt to kill a panther via leafspeak. When the panther was killed, she was the first to guess Sundew's involvement, calling into the trees for her to come out. When Sundew's friends appeared, Nettle was visibly angry and threatened to have them executed.

Nettle was mentioned when Cobra Lily stated that she nearly murdered Nettle to make something interesting happen.

Later, Belladonna assigned Nettle to a mission with Sundew, Cricket, Bumblebee, Willow, and Mandrake to travel to the Eye of the jungle, where all of the breath of evil was quarantined. On the journey, she started many arguments with Sundew and insisted on being in the lead, which eventually lead to her falling off a cliff into a pitcher plant. Even after being rescued, Nettle remained uncooperative and arrogant about her own abilities, making fun of Sundew when the latter was caught in an actual sundew plant.

When Hawthorn described the secret behind Wasp's rise to power, she was furious and called him and Sequoia cowards. She helped Hawthorn carry the 'heart of salvation' "antidote" back to the SapWing village and participated in the front lines for capturing a HiveWing as a test subject. She overheard Cricket and Sundew talking about Willow and commented that, although she did not understand how Sundew could ever fall for a SapWing, she was glad that Sundew would not be her sister-in-law. Nettle was ecstatic to be on the front lines, which ultimately got her under the othermind's control when Blue burned all of the breath of evil roots with his flamesilk.

The Dangerous Gift[]

Nettle was mentioned by Swordtail when he remembered how the breath of evil took over the LeafWings. Later, Cobra Lily was shown to be unconcerned about the fate of Nettle.



Nettle and Bumblebee dislike each other. Nettle dislikes Bumblebee for being a HiveWing, while Bumblebee dislikes Nettle since she is mean and complains.[9] She was very mean to Bumblebee saying she was a nasty dragon, even suggesting feeding her to the dragon-traps.[9] In return, Bumblebee often mocked Nettle's complaining.[2]


Nettle hates Cricket for being a HiveWing,[6] though by the end of the The Poison Jungle, her hateful remarks have ceased slightly. She refers to Cricket as "kind of an ex-HiveWing" while talking to Hawthorn.[10]


Mandrake is Nettle's younger brother. She often bosses him around, and gets annoyed with him easily. She seems to think that he does not deserve his leafspeak, and that she could do better even without it.[11] During the trip to the Eye of the jungle, Nettle asked for his support when she wanted to be the leader of the group[12] and threatening that if Mandrake didn't stand up to Sundew now, she would walk all over him when they were married.[9]


Nettle and Sundew dislike each other. She believes that others respected Sundew because of her mother's political power and her leafspeak, not because she earned it.[4] Throughout The Poison Jungle, Nettle takes every opportunity to tell Sundew that she can do whatever Sundew is doing better than her; they constantly argue and tried to humiliate each other on every small mistake they made.[13] Nettle also does not understand how Sundew could fall for a SapWing, but was glad that they would not be sisters-in-law.[14] She seemed to suspect her and Willow's relationship before it becomes obvious to the others, and has tried to get Mandrake more involved with Sundew.[15]


Nettle teams up with her father to pick on Mandrake, and were first seen together.[11] She often talks over him, loudly suggesting ideas, possibly trying to please him, which he almost always turns down. They seem to have a slightly better relationship than Sundew does with her parents.

Family tree[]



"That doesn't make it all right! HiveWings in here?! What is wrong with you? Queen Wasp will be right behind them!"
― to Sundew after seeing Blue, Cricket, Swordtail, and Bumblebee come out of hiding (The Poison Jungle, page 32)

"ExCUSE me. WHY are we taking a HATCHLING with us? A nasty HIVEWING hatchling, no less? Oh, is it because we're hoping something will eat her? A snack for the dragon-traps, what a good idea."
― asking why Bumblebee is traveling with them through the Poison Jungle (The Poison Jungle, page 158)

"Oh, REALLY. Leave the jungle once and suddenly you're a HiveWing-loving traitor to the tribe. I should have seen this coming. I always ―"
― to Sundew (The Poison Jungle, page 160)

"I didn't need saving! I was about to kill it myself!"
― about being saved from the viper (The Poison Jungle, page 200)

"I understand that someone's been lying to us! And keeping things from us! I may not understand what those exact things are, but I know that I'm angry about it!"
― to Hawthorn (The Poison Jungle, page 209)

"I figured it out, too. I don't understand falling for a SapWing at all or when that could have possibly happened, but I also don't care, and as far as I'm concerned, not having you for a sister-in-law would be a stellar development."
― to Sundew, about Willow (The Poison Jungle, page 241-242)



  1. 1.0 1.1 The Poison Jungle, page 166
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Poison Jungle, page 157
  3. The Poison Jungle, page 192
  4. 4.0 4.1 The Poison Jungle, page 34
  5. The Poison Jungle, page 199
  6. 6.0 6.1 The Poison Jungle, page 168
  7. The Poison Jungle, page 154
  8. The Poison Jungle, page 167
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 The Poison Jungle, page 158
  10. The Poison Jungle, page 203
  11. 11.0 11.1 The Poison Jungle, page 26
  12. The Poison Jungle, page 155
  13. The Poison Jungle, page 177
  14. The Poison Jungle, page 242
  15. The Poison Jungle, page 187


Present: HazelSequoia
Historical: Zelkova

Other Dragons

BelladonnaBryonyByblisCobra LilyHawthornHemlockMandrakeNettleOdollamPokeweedSundewWillowWolfsbane

Other Dragons



Eye of the jungleHawthorn's homeLeafSilk KingdomPoison JunglePoisonWing villageSapWing village


Dragon Ridge AcademySouthern forest palace


Book of ClearsightPoisonWingsSapWingsTree Wars
