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Wings of Fire Wiki
"That's how I felt about NightWings when they first came to the rainforest. They'd done all these terrible things, and they thought they were the only dragons worth caring about, and that everything should belong to them and they should get to decide how all other dragons lived their lives. I thought they were too different from us and they'd only cause trouble. I didn't see how we could even start forgiving them. But they're more like us than I expected. They wanted to live somewhere safe and take care of their families."
— Pineapple to Luna about the NightWing Exodus, The Flames of Hope

Pineapple is an adult male RainWing who was introduced in The Dangerous Gift. He was a member of the stealth team on the journey to Pantala and was briefly under the control of the othermind. He currently resides in the RainWing village and is in a relationship with Jambu.


Pineapple is serious-looking,[1] but his scales change color often.[2] While he was flying to Pantala, he had iridescent gold and rose scales with cyan all over, which was almost too pretty to look at directly.[3] He is bigger and heavier than Luna.[4]


Pineapple is curious, mild, polite,[5] agreeable,[6] and appeared to be rested and happy whilst in the RainWing village.[7] Although Luna questioned why he kept falling asleep during their flight to Pantala, he was not at all embarrassed, and simply explained suntime to her.[3][8] He apparently has no enemies;[5] he was anxious when he was sent before Wasp,[9] and felt guilty about using his venom on her.[10] He accepted a drink from one of the HiveWing guards while he was imprisoned,[11] and he later watched Cottonmouth with a faraway expression, as though he was trying to unravel a tapestry, knot by knot, with his mind.[12] He likes to be helpful,[13] and did not let on that he was missing Jambu back at home, instead acting cheerful and even-keeled around his companions.[14] He was kind[15] and sympathetic towards Freedom, even after she was rude towards him.[16]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Dangerous Gift
Pineapple was first mentioned when Snowfall was describing the chosen dragons for the stealth team. She mentioned that Queen Glory had to chose two dragons for the journey to Pantala, one of which who was Pineapple, who would be the RainWing representative.
The Flames of Hope

Pineapple was searching for marine life underwater with Sky and Wren on the beach near Jerboa III's hut. He was close to falling asleep several times during the flight to Pantala. When the stealth team was attacked by a group of mind-controlled HiveWings, Pineapple, along with Tsunami and Qibli, fought against the HiveWings. Pineapple was knocked out by the HiveWings during the fight and was brought back to the Hives, unconscious.

He appeared when Freedom, Luna, and Dusky were watching the events taking place at Wasp Hive. Cottonmouth interrogated Tsunami, Pineapple, and Qibli about Sundew's whereabouts. Qibli was able to distract Cottonmouth enough to give time for Pineapple to shoot Queen Wasp with his venom. While Wasp was incapacitated, Pineapple, Qibli and Tsunami were able to escape the Hive and then Cottonmouth revealed that one of the three had accepted a drink containing the breath of evil, who was later revealed to be Pineapple.

Pineapple later appeared in the mindspace after Cottonmouth possessed his real world body. Luna convinced Pineapple to allow Freedom to see his memories, in return for Luna and Dusky being freed from the vines in the real world. In his vision, Pineapple was shown napping with his partner, Jambu. Glory suddenly appeared to wake Jambu up as sun time had ended already. Glory came to ask whether or not Jambu would come with her to Sanctuary as dragons from Pantala have arrived there, but he refused. Pineapple offered to go in his place, which Jambu happily agreed to as he went back to sleep in his hammock. The vision ended here.

Moon appeared in the mindspace and found Pineapple there. She kept checking in on Pineapple regularly, and Pineapple told her about giving Freedom one memory from each dragon. After Cricket was injected by Carabid, Pineapple left to go take care of her and left Luna to deal with the othermind. After Luna defeated the othermind, she met up with Pineapple, Cricket, Qibli and Sundew outside of the abyss.

In the epilogue, Luna mentioned that Pineapple and Jambu promised to visit Pantala soon.



Jambu is Pineapple's partner. Pineapple appears rested and happy while they are together,[7] and Jambu calls their time together "Pineappletime". Pineapple laughed with him and reassured Jambu that he would always be there for him, and they joke with one another quite often. He grins at Jambu[17] and is physically affectionate towards him.[13] He was quick to assure Jambu that he does lots of helpful things, and was willing to take Jambu's place on the stealth team so that he could rest. They love one another[13][14] and often spend lots of time together cuddling, eating chocolate, and making up songs about pandas.[5]


Luna describes Pineapple as her new favorite Pyrrhian friend,[3] and he is physically affectionate towards her.[18] Luna would often find reasons to fly with him during their journey to Pantala,[3] and he smiles at her.[19] She was desperately worried when Pineapple was attacked by HiveWings.[20] and wondered frantically how they could rescue him.[21] She felt oncoming tears after he was captured.[22] She understood perfectly how Pineapple felt after using his venom on Wasp, and wanted to tell him that it was necessary and that she deserved it.[10] When they were finally reunited, she jumped to catch him before he fell, and patted his face gently before asking if he was all right.[4] After seeing a memory between Pineapple and his partner Jambu, Luna wished that Pineapple had told her if he was missing his partner; Luna thought that she could have given him a hug or said thank you for coming on the journey and risking so much to help save Swordtail. She then promised him that they were going to get him home, and that he would see Jambu again, causing Pineapple to smile and for little rays of yellow to bloom all around his scales.[14] She felt even closer to him after experiencing one of his memories.[23]


Pineapple seems to find Sky a very delightful dragon, and he smiles at him.[24] Sky asked if Pineapple was all right after he was captured by HiveWings.[25] Sky was determined to rescue him, despite Wren's protests, and considers Pineapple a friend.[26]


"That's how I felt about NightWings when they first came to the rainforest. They'd done all these terrible things, and they thought they were the only dragons worth caring about, and that everything should belong to them and they should get to decide how all other dragons lived their lives. I thought they were too different from us and they'd only cause trouble. I didn't see how we could even start forgiving them. But they're more like us than I expected. They wanted to live somewhere safe and take care of their families."
― to Luna, about the NightWing Exodus (The Flames of Hope, page 267)

"It was like ... that feeling when you're holding up a huge bunch of bananas while someone saws them free, and then suddenly the last fiber is cut, but you weren't paying attention, so the whole thing plummets out of your talons and it's like, ack! oops! but wow, you feel so much lighter. Sad about the bananas, though. Hmmm. Maybe that wasn't the best analogy."
― to Luna, about the othermind being gone (The Flames of Hope, page 313)

"There was an odd in-between time when I felt like myself but still sort of ... tethered, maybe? And then I felt her and the plant go, and I was all me again."
― to Luna, about Cottonmouth and Freedom (The Flames of Hope, page 313)


  • Luna's vision of a tapestry for Pineapple included him holding a pineapple, and she used this to try and remember his name.[27]




Present: DazzlingExquisiteFruit BatGloryGrandeurMagnificentSplendor
Historical: AnacondaJacaranda





Jade Mountain


Other Dragons





Rainforest KingdomRainWing healer's pavilionRainWing royal pavilionRainWing village


RainWing Royal Challenge
