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The PoisonWing village was the home of the PoisonWing faction of the LeafWing tribe.


The PoisonWing Village appeared as a huge, living emerald-and-chocolate-colored dome made of interlocking vines and shrubs that "soared up and between the trees," which was constructed via leafspeak.[1] Past the main gate, it had a detoxification chamber where water was dumped on entering dragons to wash away any seeds to stop the plants from invading the village.[2] Inside the dome, the light was murky green,[3] and had open air up to the roof of the dome. The dome itself was high enough for dragons to fly, and for dragonets to learn how to fly without the dangers of the Poison Jungle.[4] The dome contained woven nests where the dragons slept,[5] a weapons storehouse,[6] and food nets.[7]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Poison Jungle[]

It was mentioned that the barrier around the PoisonWing village was started by Linden, Belladonna, and Hemlock, but Sundew had finished it with her more powerful leafspeak.

Sundew and her group passed by the Snarling River while navigating the PoisonWing village. Later, after Belladonna yelled at Sundew for bringing Blue, Swordtail, Cricket, and Bumblebee into their village, she suggested for Blue and Swordtail to stay in Pokeweed's nest, while Sundew offered Bryony's nest to Cricket and Bumblebee. Later, after the feast, Sundew slipped out of the village through a secret gap she made to meet up with Willow.

Later, after escaping from the othermind's clutches, Sundew, Mandrake, Cricket, and Willow travelled to the PoisonWing village to warn them of the imminent danger.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

The making of the PoisonWing village was mentioned by Linden, Sequoia, and Belladonna in their letters to and from one another.




Present: HazelSequoia
Historical: Zelkova

Other Dragons

BelladonnaBryonyByblisCobra LilyHawthornHemlockMandrakeNettleOdollamPokeweedSundewWillowWolfsbane

Other Dragons



Eye of the jungleHawthorn's homeLeafSilk KingdomPoison JunglePoisonWing villageSapWing village


Dragon Ridge AcademySouthern forest palace


Book of ClearsightPoisonWingsSapWingsTree Wars
