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"You think you're so smart, pathetic daughter. [...] But your love for that dragonet is a weakness. After I kill you, do you want to know what I'm going to do to him? I'm going to make him fear me. I'm going to make him so loyal to me that he'll forget your name. He'll obey my every command. [...] I'll use him until he becomes a dragon you wouldn't recognize. By the time I'm done with him, he'd kill you with his own talons if I tell him to. He'll be my adorable little weapon, and he'll forget all about you. I will be his everything."
— Scarlet to Ruby about Cliff, Escaping Peril

Scarlet was an adult female SkyWing who was introduced in The Dragonet Prophecy. Despite being challenged fourteen times for the throne, she reigned as the SkyWing queen for approximately twenty-nine years until she was killed by her daughter Ruby (originally Tourmaline, but decided to stay as Ruby) in a royal challenge. She was allied with Burn and later the MudWings during the War of SandWing Succession. Before her death, she resided in the SkyWing palace.


Scarlet was majestic[1] and strong,[2] with dark orange scales[3] and narrow,[4] slitted,[5] lidded,[6] bright yellow eyes[7] that were as sharp as talons,[8] often full of flames,[9] and contained a glimmer of menace.[10] Her orange[11] wings were enormous,[12] and their top side[13] had diamonds[14] and rubies embedded around the edges.[15] A row of tiny rubies[16] and diamonds[17] were also embedded between the scales over each of her eyes.[16] She had a serpentine grin.[18]

She was slightly bigger than Clay,[16] but smaller than Kestrel[19] and Dune.[20] She was usually wreathed[21] in white smoke that emitted from her nostrils in a steady stream that would coil thickly around her horns.[13] She also had a purring,[22] lilting,[14] deep,[23] slithering voice[8] and a laugh like a high,[24] strange, hollow cackle.[9] She spoke clearly and coldly, with iron[25] and ice in her voice.[26]

During her reign, she wore a fine coat of golden chain mail, hung with rubies and amber drops, around her torso,[16] as well as a circlet made of gold and diamonds,[27] medallions around her neck, and rings on her claws.[28] Occasionally, she would also wear a diamond-studded vest with small black chain links.[29] She glowed like a poisonous orange.[14]

After being severely injured by Glory's venom and being imprisoned by Burn, all of her earlier ornaments were gone[28] except for the rubies above her[28] left[30] eye. The other side[28] of her shimmering orange face[31] was melted into a hideous dark mess[28] of a scar[32] that misshaped her snout[33] and revealed a glimpse of her jawbone underneath. One eye was pulled down and out of proportion with the rest of her face.[28]

Scarlet became thin and ragged after she escaped Burn's clutches,[34] but began adorning herself with jewelry again once she briefly managed to regain the SkyWing throne.[26] She remained alight with fury, like a cold flame that would never go out.[34] Her entire body radiated fury and vengeance,[32] and she had strong wings capable of powerful strokes[12] that were slow and majestic.[35]


Scarlet was malicious,[36] dangerous,[37] imperious,[38] glowering,[26] grim,[39] scary, mean,[40] terrifying, monstrous,[41] power hungry, manipulative,[42] vengeful,[43] furious,[22] sinister,[14] insane, and murderous. Other dragons very rarely argued with her.[44] She would often examine her claws as if the dragons around her were exceedingly boring,[45] and she conveyed disdain in the tilt of her wings.[25]

Living in excess, Scarlet took pleasure in adorning herself and her throne room with gemstones and precious metals and would grow petulantly upset when she did not get her way.[16][46] She refused to let herself be uncomfortable,[47] and she often made things a spectacle.[14]

She also thought very highly of herself, and had portraits made in her image.[48] She was not above lying and manipulation and would go to great lengths to control dragons around her to do her bidding,[49][50][51] and she did not care for rules whatsoever.[52] She was a smooth liar, sly and cunning with her words,[53] as well as ruthless and unbothered by killing or having dragons killed, including her own daughters.[14] Upon returning to the Sky Kingdom, she set three innocent guards on fire, one of whom was unconscious.[1]

She used fear of her violent wrath to prevent her subjects from doing things she disliked,[54][page # needed] and she rarely lost challenges to her authority.[55] Chameleon also stated that she was usually very convincing.[56] She rarely trusted other dragons,[27] and Moonwatcher described her mind as loud, angry, and all over the place.[56] She was deliberately languorous, cold, and malicious,[14] and although she did not care much about what happened to dragons after death, but she allowed her tribe to follow whatever rituals they wanted.[57] Her favorite kind of power was fear,[58] and she smoldered with hatred.[59] She did not take orders from anyone and did not take threats seriously.[60]

Her self-indulgent need for 'thrilling' forms of entertainment meant that her violent arena, fed by the war, was very important to her.[61] She wished to continue the war, heedless of its impact on her subjects, for her personal entertainment and to keep her throne secure.[62]

After being scarred by Glory's venom, Scarlet grew even more bitter and vicious, plotting vengeance and violence against Burn, the dragonets of destiny, and Ruby.[63] She was less confident[9] and more willing to let other dragons carry out her murderous intentions.[64] Peril once observed that Scarlet's talons hovered over her scarred face, as if she wanted to tear it off.[26] However, her presence still evoked intense horror.[65]



Scarlet was "the worst" as a baby dragonet; the first thing she learned to do was point at things and scream until they were given to her. She learned that if she screamed for no reason, dragons would come running and give her random things to make her stop, something she utilized to see what she could get. She would scream any time she did not get her way. She also stole from any dragon in the palace, walking into their rooms and taking jewelry or rifling through treasure chests. She would stare blankly when confronted about it — even if she was wearing the stolen jewelry.

Scarlet was one of the longest-lived SkyWing queens, surviving fourteen challenges for the throne. She was also one of the most beautiful and powerful queens in all of Pyrrhia. No one had even tried to challenge her in almost nine years prior to The Dragonet Prophecy. This was mostly due to Peril because everyone was afraid of her.

In The Dragonet Prophecy, it was said that she used the arena to intimidate her challengers. Scarlet was also one of the richest queens. Her throne room almost completely plated with gold and other precious minerals. She decided to ally with Burn, perhaps because Burn offered her something in return, like the river that SkyWings and SandWings always fought over, and the MudWings in the War of SandWing Succession. She began to use the war to entertain herself.

Scarlet would place prisoners against each other in the SkyWing Arena, claiming that if they won enough fights, they would go free, using Peril as her champion. It also mentioned that no one had ever gone free before, because they died fighting Peril, the SkyWing who had the condition of firescales.


Kestrel having to abandon Peril

Over a year before the brightest night, Kestrel, one of her most loyal soldiers, entered the breeding program and yielded one large egg with twin dragonets. Because one of the dragonets was born with too much fire, and the other too little, Scarlet ordered Kestrel to kill her dragonets and stay out of the program for the rest of her life, a SkyWing tradition.

Despite this, Kestrel tried to flee with them, prompting Scarlet to change the order: if Kestrel killed one of the dragonets, she would be allowed to go free with the other. Kestrel "killed" the one with too little fire, her son, with her own claws, an act that haunted her for the rest of her life. Scarlet, however, revealed she had lied and ordered her guards to take Kestrel back for trial and kill the other dragonet. Kestrel tried to flee with the dragonet with too much fire, Peril, but was burned upon contact with her firescales, leaving burn scars. She was forced to flee alone, leaving her only daughter with Scarlet. For years, Kestrel feared that the hatchling had been killed by Scarlet.

Scarlet named the dragonet Peril, and, due to her invulnerability and blazing hot claws that were shown to be able to melt through metal, she trained Peril as a killer and to be the champion of the SkyWing arena. She made Peril burn most of the eggs that would be due to hatch on the brightest night. To ensure Peril's complete and utmost loyalty, she told her that Peril had killed her twin by burning him before they hatched and her mother attempted to kill her, but was thwarted by the SkyWing queen. Scarlet also told Peril she needed to eat black rocks to survive, which was a lie. When Peril got mad at Scarlet for not telling anything about her real mother and refused to eat her black rocks, Scarlet poisoned her real food without telling her what she had done to make Peril more loyal and easily controlled.

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy

Mushroom, a scavenger, stole treasure from Scarlet and fled. This led her to stumble across Clay and Tsunami, who had been escaping from their cave home in the mountain with the Talons of Peace. After finding the duo, Scarlet promptly ate Mushroom, before spitting him out, claiming he tasted like fish. She told them to come with her after Clay tried to explain what they had been doing in the SkyWing territory for six years. She thought they had been stealing the jewels from her. To escape, Tsunami impaled her tail into the ground with the scavenger's sword, infuriating her. This led to her following their smoke signal.

She captured the dragonets of destiny and Kestrel, killing Dune while Webs managed to escape through the river hole that Clay and Tsunami had used earlier to get out of the cave. Her guard came up to her and asked her if she wanted them to kill Webs, and she declined.

Scarlet had locked Sunny in a cage hanging above her hall, imprisoned Kestrel, used Glory as living "artwork," which Glory actually seemed to enjoy, and put Clay, Tsunami, and Starflight into the SkyWing arena to fight to their deaths. She wanted to pit Starflight against Tsunami first, but Clay talked Scarlet out of it by denouncing her as "just another SeaWing," which offended Tsunami greatly. Scarlet then pit Clay against Fjord, an IceWing.

When Fjord was about to kill Clay, Tsunami distracted everyone by launching herself off of her pedestal in an attempt to save Clay, tugging all the other prisoners with her along the wire connecting them. While everyone, including Fjord, was looking at the commotion, venom splashed onto Fjord's face and eyes and almost immediately killed him. Scarlet assumed Clay had killed him and declared him the winner. She held a dramatic trial the following day when Kestrel was sentenced to death, Osprey was killed, and Peril learned who her mother truly was and decided to defend her with the Champion's Shield.

After Burn arrived, she imprisoned the three dragonets in Peril's room for causing the prisoners to sing The Dragonets are Coming. After Peril helped them escape, she betrayed them by telling the queen where they were, to keep Clay with her in the Sky Kingdom. The next day, which was Scarlet's hatching day, Tsunami was pitted against an insane, water-deprived SeaWing named Gill, later revealed to be her own father. Furthermore, Starflight and Tsunami had to fight against scavengers, after they refused to fight each other. They defeated two of the scavengers before Queen Scarlet decided to pit Starflight against a group of IceWings, a tribe that loathed NightWings. Before she could do so, Morrowseer came to Starflight's rescue and a large group of NightWings proceeded to slaughter all the IceWing captives. This offended and angered Scarlet to a huge degree.

Scarlet then pit Peril against Clay, knowing Peril was using the Champion's Shield in an attempt to save her mother, Kestrel, from death, and that Clay could not be harmed by her firescales. During the battle, Scarlet told Clay to use his venom, not knowing that it was Glory who possessed that ability. Ironically, upon asking him to do so, Glory reared up, easily broke her chain, and spat a stream of venom at Burn, who pushed Scarlet in front of her as a shield. As the venom took effect, Scarlet screamed in pain. She was then presumed to have been killed during the chaos, with her daughter, Ruby, succeeding her.
The Lost Heir
Scarlet was mentioned when two SeaWing soldiers reported to Queen Coral and her council that they had seen a group of SkyWings arguing while on patrol, some of them claiming that Scarlet was still alive and was the rightful SkyWing queen, while others were shouting, "For Ruby!" At this point, the tribe was split into these two groups, none knowing for certain what had happened to Scarlet.
The Hidden Kingdom
Scarlet was revealed to still be alive as she used a magical artifact created by an animus dragon, called a dreamvisitor, to talk to Glory in her dreams. Due to Glory's venom, Scarlet's face had become a "smeared mess." When Glory asked where she was, Scarlet said that she would tell her if the RainWing promised to free her. Glory refused to do so, and this caused the former queen to become angry because she believed Glory owed her for damaging her formerly good looks with her venom. She also said that she knew where the dragonets were. It was likely that she was bluffing, as she never attacked them.
The Dark Secret
Scarlet was mentioned several times by Starflight when he recounted what had happened in the Sky Kingdom. In the epilogue, Scarlet was mentioned by Burn when she was talking to Smolder. Burn discussed how she had kidnapped the ex-queen and was holding her prisoner in her stronghold because she "[was] in no condition to fight Ruby for the throne."
The Brightest Night
Scarlet was being held in Burn's weirdling collection and had destroyed as much of it as she could in her frustration, a stuffed NightWing, which Smolder mentioned would make Burn furious. Scarlet was found by Sunny in Burn's stronghold as Smolder led her past, revealing Burn and her forces had taken her away after Glory attacked her. She tried terrifying Sunny at night, but Smolder's pet scavenger, Flower, made her feel better. She later escaped with assistance from Peril during an Outclaw siege on Burn's stronghold. Sunny could see Scarlet and Peril's wings flying off, away from the fight. Before her rescue, she appeared in Peril's dreams. After the attack, she vanished again.

The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Moon Rising

Over the course of Moon Rising, Scarlet used a dreamvisitor to appear in the dreams of Princess Icicle, a student at Jade Mountain Academy and an heiress to the IceWing throne. Peril was also suspected to be Scarlet by Starflight. It was revealed that Scarlet was keeping Icicle and Winter's brother, Hailstorm, prisoner. Scarlet made a bargain with Icicle, telling her that if she killed the dragonets of destiny she would release her brother. After her failed attempt to kill Starflight, Icicle presumably fled to the Rainforest Kingdom to assassinate Glory.

In the epilogue, Scarlet was seen at her hideout with Chameleon in his NightWing form trying to get information on Icicle's assassination attempt with the dreamvisitor. She dreamvisited Peril and discovered that Icicle did not succeed in killing the dragonets and became frustrated. Scarlet then contemplated killing the dragonets herself, perhaps from a distance. Now annoyed, she shouted at Chameleon for making a tapping noise with an object and asked him to show her what it was. The object was Darkstalker's scroll.
Winter Turning

After Hailstorm was captured by a group of SkyWing soldiers, he was brought to Scarlet. She put a necklace around his neck and everything went black, and he became Pyrite.

Scarlet was then mentioned when Icicle failed to kill the dragonets of destiny. After Icicle escaped Jade Mountain and was hiding out at the volcano where the Night Kingdom was, Icicle refused to sleep because she knew if she did, Scarlet would dreamvisit her and she would lose the deal she had with Scarlet to get Hailstorm back. Whenever she got tired, she let the small rivers of lava wake her with the burning pains caused by the close proximity to the scorching heat. She was put to sleep by the RainWings's sleeping darts and taken back to the Rainforest Kingdom.

Afterward, she was seen dreamvisiting Winter when he and the rest of the Jade Winglet went and tried to find her secret base. She told him that she knew he was not really going to kill Glory and threatened to kill his brother in agonizingly painful ways as punishment. In a desperate attempt to get away from Scarlet, Winter ripped off his pouch carrying the skyfire to yell for help in his mind for Moonwatcher, and Scarlet disappeared along with the dream when Moon shook him awake.

She was later heard yelling at Chameleon, in the form of Shapeshifter, who offered to go grab Pyrite so Scarlet could kill the one who was inside the SkyWing mask, which was Winter's brother, Hailstorm.
Escaping Peril

In the prologue, Scarlet ordered Ruby, Vermilion, Hawk, an unknown dragon nicknamed "Kidney breath," and more unknown SkyWings of importance into her throne room. There, she revealed to the dragons that she has secretly kept the dragonet with too much fire, now named Peril, alive in the hopes of creating her into a weapon. Scarlet then demonstrated Peril's power by making her burn all but one of the surviving eggs set to hatch on the brightest night. This act scared all of the dragons and made them realize and fear how powerful Scarlet has become as she has made the most dangerous creature imaginable: Peril.

Ruby visited Jade Mountain to collect the body of Carnelian and negotiate about the arresting of Sora and Umber with Clay. While there, Scarlet was spotted flying toward the school by a SkyWing guard. Ruby saw it too and spoke Scarlet's name which caused Peril, who was eavesdropping on the scene with Turtle, to have a flashback back to when she last saw Scarlet. The flashback was set the night after Peril rescued Scarlet from Burn's stronghold and they were hiding in the wastelands that make up the border of the Ice Kingdom and the Kingdom of Sand. Scarlet wanted Peril to kill Ruby for her, but Peril refused, saying that she was not killing another dragon anymore and that Clay said that she could be whoever she wanted to be. Scarlet got mad at Peril mentioning Clay and said that she will not be happy if Peril did not kill Ruby. Peril told Scarlet that she would not kill the SkyWing queen and that was her final answer. The next morning, Scarlet ditched Peril and disappeared.

When Peril came back to her senses, she saw Ruby and her guards getting ready to attack Scarlet. Peril fled her hiding spot and flew outside of the academy to go and protect Clay from harm. Before she reached Scarlet though, Scarlet stopped and screamed at the SkyWings, saying how they were all traitors and disloyal to their tribe, and hurled an object at the group before fleeing back to where she came from. The object Scarlet threw ends up being Queen Glory's severed head. While the guards and Tsunami chased after her, Turtle removed a slip of paper from the head and discovered that it was not actually Glory and that the paper was enchanted to make a MudWing's head look like hers. Ever since the incident, Peril decided that it was her responsibility to go find her old guardian and kill her for the safety of Clay and everybody else Scarlet intended to harm. Turtle decided to join her on the search for the old queen.

After accidentally harming Winter in Possibility and fleeing from Qibli, Moon, and Turtle, Peril ran into her long lost father, Chameleon. Chameleon (in his SkyWing shape, Soar) introduced himself and took Peril to Scarlet. Peril was surprised to see the Ex-Queen was there and realized that Chameleon betrayed her. Scarlet realized that Chameleon had not told her about his shapeshifting and she said to him "So you still haven't told her. I love it." Scarlet then leaped on Chameleon making Peril think that Scarlet was trying to kill her father. She almost tried to go and help him but stopped, wanting to know what her father did not tell her about. But Scarlet was not attacking Chameleon but instead trying to rip off his pouch containing his different dragon shapes. Chameleon transformed into his true, lime green RainWing self. Scarlet showed to her how he used magic to create his SkyWing form and that he enchanted a necklace made of thick metal for her that can take away Peril's firescales forever. Chameleon offered the necklace to Peril, which she took and places it around her neck. Suddenly, she lost her firescales, as well as losing her memories of Clay and becoming completely and forever loyal to Scarlet as part of the spell's secret side effects. Peril became happy and agreed to kill Ruby and get back Scarlet's throne.

They head to the Sky Kingdom to get back her throne and they started by kidnapping Ruby's son, Prince Cliff, from the palace wingery. Because of Peril, nobody wanted to attack Scarlet because they believe that Peril would kill. However, they did not know that she lost her firescales. Scarlet, Chameleon, Peril, and Cliff settled down in Scarlet's old throne room and waited for Ruby to arrive. Scarlet ordered Vermilion to come to her and she scolded her son for not following any of the orders she asked while she dreamvisited him in her weirdling tower cell, such as bringing an army back to rescue her or try to secretly assassinate Ruby. She assured to Vermilion that he will be punished.

Ruby arrived early the next day with a squadron of SkyWings. Her plans to defeat Scarlet were foiled, for Scarlet was holding Ruby's beloved son, Prince Cliff, hostage, and would make Peril kill him if she took another step. Ruby surrendered to her and was imprisoned. Scarlet ordered Peril and Chameleon to watch Cliff on the highest tower in the palace. After Cliff escaped and reunited with his mother, Scarlet appeared and told Peril to burn them. She refused, finally realizing she was done with Scarlet and her games and Peril took off her necklace and regained her old self. Ruby, then, officially challenged Scarlet to a fight for the throne. Ruby was beaten down by Scarlet and was losing the fight until Peril learned from Chameleon that Ruby was Tourmaline all along and when she destroyed Ruby's earring, Ruby transformed into the long lost SkyWing princess, Tourmaline. Scarlet said she made up Ruby because Tourmaline was becoming too dangerous. Tourmaline then finished the duel by snapping Scarlet's neck and shouting "For the SkyWings!", ending Scarlet's life and her reign as queen of the SkyWings.
Talons of Power

Darkstalker stated that he guessed that part of Moon's prophecy was about Scarlet, adding that was "chock-full of darkness." Peril later said that she was going to tell Clay what she and Ruby had done to Scarlet, and Turtle later saw Clay and Peril gathering the SkyWing students to tell them about the duel, and when they all came back, all of them looked relieved to know that Ruby was safely their queen. When Qibli asked Peril how her meeting was with Clay, she stated that he had been pleased to hear about Scarlet. Later, when Turtle was thinking about how he wished Peril could come with him to the rainforest, he reflected on how he had been able to think of their previous adventure after Scarlet as Peril's quest, and not his, so nobody expected much from him.

When Turtle used his enchanted coral to find Glory, he realized he should have used it to help Peril find Scarlet. When Turtle got Anemone to heal Kinkajou, he told Kinkajou that she had stopped Scarlet and saved Hailstorm. He then explained everything that happened, including what had happened with Peril and Scarlet. When Kinkajou stated to Moon that Darkstalker was evil, Moon said that he was not — not like Scarlet was. Turtle later thought again about his and Peril's adventure together, including setting out to stop Scarlet, remembering how it had felt a lot safer than what he was doing now. When Darkstalker asked Moon which tribe was the wealthiest, and she said that the SkyWings might have a lot of treasure because of Scarlet.
Darkness of Dragons
It was revealed that when Scarlet was getting married, several guests at her wedding were mysteriously assassinated (most likely by Cobra).

The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Dangerous Gift
During the council, Ruby mentioned how her dragons have not recovered from Scarlet's rule as "the Super-Murdery Queen of the Mountains."



Queen Scarlet was first shown among the other SkyWings chasing down Mushroom for stealing her treasure. She touched down and ambushed the scavengers Leaf, Rowan, Cranberry, and Thyme. She presumably ordered her dragons to seize them and shot down the ravine after the thief.

She was later seen in the feast hall by Leaf, at the head of the table. When music was heard outside, she slammed her fist angrily on the table and went outside to stop the music along with Burn and a few guards.

While Leaf was escaping, he noticed Scarlet stumbling in her throne room alone, leaning over her throne and breathing heavily, trying to deal with the pain of Glory's venom attack. She then collapsed into unconsciousness, and Leaf thought about killing her. Burn and four other SandWings came into the throne room, and Burn ordered the four to take her away.


Six-Claws mentioned that Burn sent Smolder to the Sky Kingdom to forge an alliance with Scarlet near the beginning of the War of SandWing Succession.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World
Scarlet was depicted in a portrait at the beginning of the SkyWing chapter of the guide. Later in the chapter, a scroll of dragons she wanted dead was featured. She was also mentioned in Cliff's SkyWing anthem. Tailwind mentioned Scarlet many times in This is Why We Don't Marry Psychopaths.



Scarlet allied with Burn during the War of SandWing Succession and found that the war was a useful source for fighters in her arena. She would occasionally give Burn gifts for her weirdling tower and Burn usually liked them.[66] Later, after being wounded by Glory, Burn locked her up in her stronghold, changing their relationship drastically. During her time in Burn's stronghold, she spent most of her time destroying a part of Burn's collection and threatened to destroy the rest of her collection once she was free.[67] Burn was on Scarlet's list of enemies she wanted to kill.[68]


Scarlet was engaged and married to Canyon before throwing him in her arena.[69] Scarlet became fed up with his vanity after twelve years of marriage and thought it was thrilling when Canyon died.[70] She found him to be a bore, and he was on Scarlet's list of enemies she wanted to kill.[68]


As a form of manipulation, Scarlet was quick to state that nobody besides herself wanted Chameleon anywhere,[71] and Chameleon believed that as soon as Scarlet did not need him, she would kill him. He knew that Scarlet would make him do terrible things if she knew that he harnessed unlimited power through Darkstalker's scroll.[72] He was on Scarlet's list of enemies she wanted to kill. She believed that he was annoying and barely helpful.[68]


Firestorm was Scarlet's mother. She found Scarlet amusing, and permitted her to steal things and encouraged her to be vicious, cruel, and dramatic. The worse she behaved, the more her mother laughed. Scarlet met Firestorm's standards of beauty, and was allowed to remain in the palace.[73] She was on Scarlet's list of enemies she wanted to kill.[68]


Scarlet initially saw Glory as a typical useless and lazy RainWing and displayed her as a piece of art in the arena. She said she had big plans for her. While Glory was captive in the Sky Kingdom, Scarlet quite liked her and considered their time together as "thrilling".[74] After Scarlet was injured by her venom, Scarlet loathed the RainWing for ruining her looks. She wanted Glory dead more than all the other dragonets of destiny. Scarlet said that Glory gave her a sickening feeling, which she would not call fear.[75] She was on Scarlet's list of enemies she wanted to kill, as she was furious that Glory managed to become queen of two tribes after her fall.[68]


Kestrel disobeyed Scarlet's orders when she hatched Peril and Sky. When Scarlet captured her, she maliciously revealed Peril was alive, much to Kestrel's shock.[49] She was on Scarlet's list of enemies she wanted to kill and was annoyed that somebody had killed her before she could.[68]


Scarlet had always been afraid of Peril, even when she was a young dragonet. Peril often worried that Scarlet might be angry with her, and when Peril questioned her decisions as a tiny dragonet, Scarlet coldly told her "You are my champion. You do as I tell you to." After following Scarlet's orders to burn several SkyWing eggs, she looked at Scarlet with a hungry look in her eyes, described as a "do you love me now?" look.[14]

Later in Peril's life, Scarlet's treatment towards her remained similar. She disliked when Peril spoke to other dragons,[76] and often spent her time scolding Peril for whichever new thing she had done wrong.[1] Before the events of The Dragonet Prophecy, Peril did whatever Scarlet told her to,[77] and was indignant on Scarlet's behalf when insulted.[78] She was eager to please the queen, and became afraid whenever she disappointed Scarlet,[79] despite the fact that Scarlet rarely had time to talk to her[80] and was typically angry with her. [80]

She believed that Scarlet was generally right about everything.[81] Scarlet was the closest thing to a mother that Peril ever had, as she thought Scarlet saved her egg from being destroyed. However, she ordered Peril to kill dragons in horrible ways each day,[82] and she was dismissive towards Peril's distress after Scarlet killed Osprey.[83] Peril believed that if Scarlet discovered that Peril enjoyed Clay's company, she would do something awful to him in order to punish her.[84] Peril later discovered that her obligation to eat black rocks was merely Scarlet trying to keep Peril under her control, as Scarlet poisoned her regular food when she did not eat them, fooling her into believing she had to eat the black rocks to survive.[50]

After Peril had risked her life to rescue Scarlet from Burn's weirdling tower, Scarlet threw a reindeer hoof at Peril's head before calling her annoying and disobedient, as well as implying that she was not a good daughter. Peril still, however, felt that Scarlet was somehow her responsibility, compelling her to free Scarlet from the SandWing stronghold. Additionally, Scarlet had slithered through Peril's dreams when she was asleep until she had been rescued.

Peril became slightly vindictive[85] towards Scarlet during a conversation in Escaping Peril, and was consciously aware that she wanted to hurt Scarlet the way that she had been hurt.[9] Scarlet told Peril directly that she would not like her anymore unless she followed her orders,[86] a statement that made Peril feel suddenly and horribly desperate to be Scarlet's favorite pet again. She tried to beat this care for Scarlet's approval back, and when she refused to kill Ruby for Scarlet, she called Peril useless and disappeared overnight.[22]

When Scarlet became very angry, she refused to speak to Peril for weeks, forcing the young dragon to figure out how to make Scarlet happy again.[87] Upon seeing her later, Scarlet's presence created a bloodbath of fear and awe for Peril.[35] She stated that only Scarlet cared about Peril,[88] nobody would care if Peril had died, and that the only dragon to ever love Peril was Scarlet. She also stated that she thought every part of Peril was perfect, to which she retorted "As long as I do what you want. The minute I have a thought of my own, you hate me."[24] She had set out with the intention to kill Scarlet, but began doubting herself, remembering that Scarlet had kept her alive when everyone else had wanted her dead, and worrying that maybe nobody besides Scarlet really would love her.[89] She stated that nobody besides herself wanted Peril anywhere,[71] and while Peril was aware of the terrible things that Scarlet had done, she was still reminded of the fact that Scarlet liked her firescales and had kept her alive.[41] She spoke acidly to Peril[10] but Peril later thought "That's me. She does love me!" when Scarlet referred to her as "darling."[90]

When Cliff stated that Ruby made everything better, Peril felt a vast chasm in her chest. Scarlet kept Peril alive and gave her a purpose, but her days were usually made worse when they interacted.[91] Scarlet fully believed that Peril would do anything once she gave her the order,[38] and she stated that Peril was her most loyal subject.[92] Although Scarlet never physically hit her, however, she had always heralded scorn, shouting, and severe punishments for Peril, ultimately making her life miserable.[11]

Upon hearing Scarlet threaten Ruby with ways she would control Cliff, Peril realized that Scarlet had manipulated Peril in a very similar way.[93] She declared her loyalty to Queen Ruby, and offered to kill Scarlet in order to maintain her throne.[94] She considered Scarlet to be the worst dragon she had ever met.[95]

Peril was on Scarlet's list of enemies she wanted to kill, noting her to be an ungrateful untrustworthy backstabber.[68]


Scarlet was Ruby's mother. As a younger dragon, Ruby agreed that killing Scarlet would be good for the kingdom. Scarlet also did not hesitate to publicly insult Ruby in front of her court. She was impatient with her daughter, and deliberately used Peril to threaten Ruby; if she were ever to try and challenge Scarlet, her mother would surely have Peril kill her.[14] She always followed Scarlet's orders,[96] and Scarlet believed that Ruby was hapless,[18] weak,[5] and a mouse.[9]

Scarlet placed an animus spell on Ruby to keep her docile and calm, so that she would never try to challenge her for the throne. However, it did not work perfectly and over time, Ruby gained back snippets of her former self, Tourmaline.[97] After briefly regaining the SkyWing throne, she planned to have a grand, public, ceremonial execution for Ruby.[37] In the meantime, she placed her daughter in the lowliest prison available.[98]

Ruby was on Scarlet's list of enemies as Tourmaline. Scarlet remarked that she couldn't live without her but wouldn't live with her.[68]


Smolder took care of Scarlet while she was imprisoned in the Sand Kingdom. However, Scarlet despised Smolder, and uselessly threatened and insulted him. She did not believe Smolder treated her with the respect she deserved.[67] He was on Scarlet's list of enemies she wanted to kill.[68]


Vermilion was loyal to his mother during her reign, which helped him maintain a stable relationship with Scarlet. She entrusted him with announcing the arena battles and arguing for persecution during trials. While Scarlet was scheming to take the throne back, she dreamvisited Vermilion multiple times, commanding him to kill Ruby. After Scarlet returned to the Sky Kingdom, he threw himself into a bow before her[99] and stammered that he was so relieved to have her back. When Scarlet addressed her son, however, her voice was full of fury. He was sure that he would be killed for disloyalty, especially since Scarlet ordered him to help Scarlet regain her throne.[100] He spoke to her weakly and miserably after she scolded him,[101] and he once tensely warned Hawk not to question Scarlet.[14] He was on Scarlet's list of enemies she wanted to kill. She noted that he was suddenly disobedient when she was not in front of him.[68]

Family tree[]

Several Generations
CanyonScarlet3 Dragons
VermilionHawk11 Dragons2 Dragons


"Now really, this is getting insulting. [...] You're in my territory. Apparently you're living under my mountain. I am only the most important dragon for hundreds of miles. How dare you not recognize me?"
― to the dragonets of destiny (The Dragonet Prophecy, page 110)

"Oh, that's my new toy. [...] Pretty, isn't she? I bet I'm the only queen with my very own RainWing."
― to Burn, about Glory (The Dragonet Prophecy, page 216)

"You think Burn is what you have to worry about right now. She's not. I am. I'll be free soon ... free ... and I'll be coming for all my enemies ... think about that while you try to fall asleep ... what I'm going to do to your friends when I get my claws on them ... how messy and thrilling it's going to be ..."
― to Sunny (The Brightest Night, page 113)

"I know what you want, and it's not going to work! [...] He's never going to love you! You can keep trying to save his friends, but no one will ever love you except me! I'm the only one who accepts you the way you are! You'll always be a monster to everyone else!"
― to Peril, about Clay (The Brightest Night, page 147)

"What use are diamonds to me? If I want something, I don't pay for it; I take it. And right now, groveling prince, I only want two things: my throne back — and vengeance."
― to Winter (Winter Turning, page 171)

"So you're his only hope. [...] Or at least, you were. It's all over now, though. I can see that you're far too useless to kill anyone for me. My only remaining pleasure is watching your face as I tell you your brother will be dead by morning."
― to Winter, about executing Hailstorm (Winter Turning, page 172)

"Oh, really? You think you've changed so much? I know you. You like killing dragons. You've always liked it. It's one of the things I can stand about you-none of the simpering, moaning guilt another dragon might have. You were born to burn your enemies. And mine. Mostly mine."
― to Peril (Escaping Peril, page 22)

"Friends? [...] Is that what you think Glory is to you, darling? I'm sure she cares about you so very much. Do you think anyone would cry if I'd dropped your decapitated head in their talons? Admit it: nobody loves you the way you are except me. That's always been true and it always will be true."
― to Peril (Escaping Peril, page 148)

"You think you're so smart, pathetic daughter. [...] But your love for this dragonet is a weakness. After I kill you, do you want to know what I'm going to do to him? I'm going to make him fear me. I'm going to make him so loyal to me that he'll forget your name. He'll obey my every command. [...] I'll use him until he becomes a dragon you wouldn't recognize. By the time I'm done with him, he'd kill you with his own talons if I tell him to. [...] He'll be my adorable little weapon, and he'll forget all about you. I will be his everything."
― to Ruby, about Cliff (Escaping Peril, page 220)

"When you win? How thrillingly hilarious. After all the challengers I've killed, you think you stand any chance at all? My mousy daughter who can barely speak in a room with more than two other dragons in it."
― to Ruby (Escaping Peril, page 224)


  • One of Tui's favorite words is "thrilling," just like Scarlet.[event 1]
  • Scarlet firmly avoided dragonets.[102]
  • In Scarlet's character profile, the word written in big letters at the top is "VAIN." Tui determined that vanity would be Scarlet's defining characteristic while searching for traits that are unusual to find in a villain.[event 2]
  • Scarlet had been challenged fourteen times, the most out of all known queens.[19]
  • During her thirty-year reign, Scarlet replaced almost all of her mother's collected art with statues of herself.[73]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Escaping Peril, page 180
  2. The Lost Heir, page 118
  3. Winter Turning, page 163
  4. Escaping Peril, page 221
  5. 5.0 5.1 Escaping Peril, page 184
  6. Escaping Peril, page 149
  7. Escaping Peril, page 173
  8. 8.0 8.1 Winter Turning, page 170
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Escaping Peril, page 21
  10. 10.0 10.1 Escaping Peril, page 169
  11. 11.0 11.1 Escaping Peril, page 219
  12. 12.0 12.1 Escaping Peril, page 27
  13. 13.0 13.1 The Dragonet Prophecy, page 91-92
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 Escaping Peril, prologue
  15. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 179
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 The Dragonet Prophecy, page 91
  17. Winter Turning, page 169
  18. 18.0 18.1 Escaping Peril, page 185
  19. 19.0 19.1 The Dragonet Prophecy, page 94
  20. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 113
  21. Moon Rising, page 117
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Escaping Peril, page 23
  23. Moon Rising, page 69
  24. 24.0 24.1 Escaping Peril, page 148
  25. 25.0 25.1 Escaping Peril, page 117
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 Escaping Peril, page 191
  27. 27.0 27.1 Winter Turning, prologue
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.5 The Brightest Night, page 107
  29. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 174
  30. The Dragonet Prophecy (graphic novel), page 163-164
  31. The Hidden Kingdom, page 243
  32. 32.0 32.1 Escaping Peril, page 25
  33. The Hidden Kingdom, page 245
  34. 34.0 34.1 Escaping Peril, page 147
  35. 35.0 35.1 Escaping Peril, page 146
  36. Escaping Peril, page 237
  37. 37.0 37.1 Escaping Peril, page 200
  38. 38.0 38.1 Escaping Peril, page 192
  39. Escaping Peril, page 178
  40. Escaping Peril, page 176
  41. 41.0 41.1 Escaping Peril, page 155
  42. Escaping Peril, page 82
  43. Escaping Peril, page 76
  44. The Lost Heir, page 105
  45. Escaping Peril, page 116
  46. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 146
  47. Escaping Peril, page 121
  48. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 145
  49. 49.0 49.1 The Dragonet Prophecy, page 181
  50. 50.0 50.1 The Dragonet Prophecy, page 253
  51. Moon Rising, page 276
  52. Escaping Peril, page 195
  53. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 196
  54. The Dragonet Prophecy, page ??
  55. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 232
  56. 56.0 56.1 Winter Turning, page 180
  57. Escaping Peril, page 14
  58. Escaping Peril, page 33
  59. Escaping Peril, page 97
  60. The Brightest Night, page 146
  61. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 195
  62. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 150
  63. The Brightest Night, page 113
  64. Moon Rising, page 298
  65. Escaping Peril, page 19
  66. The Hidden Kingdom, page 100
  67. 67.0 67.1 The Brightest Night, page 108
  68. 68.0 68.1 68.2 68.3 68.4 68.5 68.6 68.7 68.8 68.9 A Guide to the Dragon World, page 159
  69. A Guide to the Dragon World, page 173
  70. A Guide to the Dragon World, page 172
  71. 71.0 71.1 Escaping Peril, page 152
  72. Escaping Peril, page 211
  73. 73.0 73.1 A Guide to the Dragon World, page 167
  74. The Hidden Kingdom, page 244
  75. Moon Rising, epilogue
  76. Escaping Peril, page 15
  77. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 125
  78. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 176
  79. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 133
  80. 80.0 80.1 The Dragonet Prophecy, page 139
  81. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 137
  82. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 175
  83. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 185
  84. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 200
  85. Escaping Peril, page 20
  86. Escaping Peril, page 22
  87. Escaping Peril, page 41
  88. Escaping Peril, page 199
  89. Escaping Peril, page 150
  90. Escaping Peril, page 170
  91. Escaping Peril, page 189
  92. Escaping Peril, page 198
  93. Escaping Peril, page 220
  94. Escaping Peril, page 223
  95. Escaping Peril, page 240
  96. Escaping Peril, page 4
  97. Escaping Peril, page 239-240
  98. Escaping Peril, page 218
  99. Escaping Peril, page 181
  100. Escaping Peril, page 182
  101. Escaping Peril, page 183
  102. Escaping Peril, page 216
  1. Stated by Tuisource 
  2. Stated by Tuisource 


Present: RubyScarlet
Historical: CarmineFirestorm





Jade Mountain


Other Dragons

AvalancheCardinalCinnabarEagle (WT)Eagle (L1)HarrierJasperKestrelOspreyPyriteSoarSkyTailwind


Claws of the Clouds MountainsDiamond Spray DeltaDiamond Spray RiverGreat Five-Tail RiverPossibilitySkyWing palace
