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Wings of Fire Wiki
"I don't care what you don't want to do! I am not going to let your dragons die. [...] You may have been apart from us for fifty years, but you're still my tribe. If we don't work together now, we don't stand a chance."
— Sequoia to Belladonna about working together as one, The Poison Jungle

Sequoia is an adult female LeafWing who was introduced in The Poison Jungle. Prior to the Tree Wars, she ruled as queen of the LeafWings but later fled to the Poison Jungle with her tribe to avoid extinction. Her tribe diverged into two groups, with Sequoia continuing to lead the half known as the SapWings. She currently resides on Pantala and was formerly under the control of the othermind. She is the great-grandmother of Hazel.


Sequoia is depicted as dark green in a mural within the Mosaic Garden.[1] Her tail is scarred with claw marks and drags behind her, and she is missing one ear and half of one of her horns.[2] She is enormous and long-necked,[2] and has been alive for a very long time.[3]


Sequoia once had an angry personality,[4] though this may likely have been caused by many of her subjects' deaths. After the Tree Wars, she resolved to become a calmer and more tranquil dragon. She uses a counting-to-ten strategy to control her temper, especially during meetings with Belladonna.[5] She has a royal aura surrounding her.[3] She cares deeply for all of the LeafWings in her tribe, no matter if they are PoisonWings or SapWings.[6] Despite what the HiveWings had done to her tribe, Sequoia was still furious when she heard about how Belladonna had been responsible for an entire Hive being destroyed.[7]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Lost Continent
While Blue and Luna were visiting the Mosaic Garden, Luna came across the Salvation Wall, which was a giant mural depicting the end of the Tree Wars. Blue noticed a dark green LeafWing who was supposed to resemble Queen Sequoia, and he wondered why she refused to accept Queen Wasp's rule as Ex-Queen Monarch did. Blue then attempted to imagine himself as Sequoia, leading her tribe into a single-outcome war. Later, when reading the Book of Clearsight, Sundew said that Queen Sequoia would have only agreed to Queen Wasp's demands if she saw it written in Clearsight's handwriting.
The Poison Jungle

Queen Sequoia was revealed to still be alive. She ruled the SapWings and when Sundew and Willow were first reunited, she found them and took them both back to the SapWing village. There, she learned about the PoisonWings and their plan to burn down the Hives. While they are in the Poison Jungle, Queen Sequoia told the PoisonWings and the SapWings about the "Legend of the Hive," where groups of mind-controlled insects and animals attacked the first dragons on Pantala. She explained that the plant Queen Wasp used to mind-control the HiveWings was the breath of evil. She sent Sundew, Willow, Mandrake, Cricket, Bumblebee, and Nettle on a mission to find Hawthorn, who was supposedly sent to research the breath of evil because he might have found a cure.

When Sundew, Willow, Mandrake, Cricket, Bumblebee, and Nettle found Hawthorn, they discovered that Queen Sequoia did not object to Hawthorn's plan of mind-controlling Queen Wasp. Sundew then decided to be mad at Sequoia after Wasp had been defeated.

After they returned from their quest, Sequoia aided in the preparations to defend the Poison Jungle from invading HiveWing forces and left her great-great granddaughter, Princess Hazel in command.

At the end, when Sundew and the remaining dragons of Pantala, who were not mind-controlled by the othermind, had to journey to Pyrrhia to escape from Queen Wasp and the breath of evil with the aid of a map hidden in the Book of Clearsight, Queen Sequoia became mind-controlled by the othermind and could not come with Sundew and the others, and Hazel had to act as queen of the LeafWings, in her place.
The Dangerous Gift
Sequoia was mentioned by Swordtail when he remembered how the breath of evil infected the LeafWings. Later, when Queen Snowfall asked Hazel about what happened to the earlier queen, Sequoia was mentioned to be possibly still alive. She was also mentioned by Blue that Queen Wasp wanted her dead but the othermind did not allow Wasp to do so.
The Flames of Hope
Sequoia was mentioned by Cottonmouth while listing dragons that wanted to use the othermind's power to control others.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World

Sequoia was first mentioned in the SilkWing chapter by Monarch in her reflection on her reign as queen.

Sequoia was depicted with Princess Hazel in a portrait at the beginning of the LeafWing chapter of the guide. Later in the chapter, she shared her favorite book. Her letters to and from Linden, and later Belladonna, were featured.



Sequoia and Belladonna often get into fights, as they lead contradicting organizations. Despite their arguments, she believed Belladonna would never endanger the rest of tribe with her mission.[8] Even though she would rather not talk to Belladonna ever again, she was still willing to work with Belladonna for the good of the tribe.[6]


Sequoia seems to love her great-granddaughter very much, treating her like her own daughter by fussing over her and worrying about her.[9] Sequoia has great faith in Hazel and believes she will make a good queen.


Sequoia referred to Linden as her best general[10] and the bravest dragon she ever knew, and she truly loved her.[11] Sequoia still trusted and worried about Linden after she left to start the PoisonWing village.[10]


"Hello, Belladonna's daughter. [...] Willow is correct that I need to know everything. I think it is high time you joined the real LeafWings."
― to Sundew upon first meeting her (The Poison Jungle, page 95)

― to Hazel (The Poison Jungle, page 107)

"I don't care what you don't want to do! I am not going to let your dragons die. [...] You may have been apart from us for fifty years, but you're still my tribe. If we don't work together now, we don't stand a chance."
― to Belladonna (The Poison Jungle, page 129-130)

"I know Wasp. She strikes back the moment she's struck. I estimate we have a day, maybe two, while they put out the fire, tend to their wounded, and relocate their eggs and dragonets. Then perhaps a day to gather her horde and travel here ― more likely less. If they're not on the border of the Poison Jungle by tonight, they will be by tomorrow morning."
― about Queen Wasp (The Poison Jungle, page 136)

"No. [...] I won't be able to think clearly with you there. I need to know you're safe here, and that the rest of the tribe is safe, too, because you'll be in charge of them. If Wasp gets past us, you'll need to decide what to do ... fight her, or run."
― to Hazel (The Poison Jungle, page 149)




Present: HazelSequoia
Historical: Zelkova

Other Dragons

BelladonnaBryonyByblisCobra LilyHawthornHemlockMandrakeNettleOdollamPokeweedSundewWillowWolfsbane

Other Dragons



Eye of the jungleHawthorn's homeLeafSilk KingdomPoison JunglePoisonWing villageSapWing village


Dragon Ridge AcademySouthern forest palace


Book of ClearsightPoisonWingsSapWingsTree Wars
