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"It's not optimism, it's faith. There's a reason we're here. What we do today is part of it, but there's more, too, and we have to survive to make it all happen."
— Sunny to Starflight, The Dark Secret

Sunny is an adult female SandWing-NightWing hybrid princess and the main protagonist of The Brightest Night. In addition to being the main founder of Jade Mountain Academy and a former member of the dragonets of destiny, she was also primarily responsible for ending the War of SandWing Succession along with the other dragonets of destiny. She currently resides at Jade Mountain Academy.


Sunny has tawny,[1] unusually bright golden-yellow scales[2] for a SandWing that have been described to look like rippled sunshine.[3] She has golden wings,[4] talons,[5] and ears,[6] a small head,[7] snout,[8] and claws,[3] and moss-colored,[9] gray-green eyes.[1] Despite having scales that radiate warmth,[1] her tail lacks the venomous barb of normal SandWings and instead curls to an ordinary point.[1]

She is very small,[10] smaller than Qibli and Winter, and not much larger than Kinkajou and Moonwatcher.[11] Even standing on her hind legs, she was less than half of Kestrel's height,[6] and she is the smallest of the dragonets of destiny.[1] According to Darkstalker, her eyes are the same shape as Whiteout's.[12] Her voice sometimes squeaks[7] and has a cheerful lilt to it.[13] She also has a perpetually cheerful expression.[14] She sleeps like a peaceful chinchilla.[15]


Sunny often attempts to be stern,[16] but it is easy to make her laugh.[17] She is sympathetic,[18] optimistic, reassuring,[19] unambitious,[20] agreeable,[21] excitable, sweet, and wants to believe the best in every dragon.[22] She dislikes when her friends argue,[23] and she is passionate and disapproving of violence,[24] with a soul like a blaze of warm sunlight.[25] She believed that she and her friends would make it through anything bad that happened to them, because they had to survive to fulfill the prophecy. She does not memorize facts with ease or keep secrets all that well,[26] and is often seen by other dragons as cute,[27] sweet, simple, happy, and lovable.[28] She believes herself to be 'brave all the time.'[29] She does not like killing dragons, even when they harm her. Externally, it did not seem as though Sunny ever had negative thoughts; she did what she was told, and happily. She would never hurt or betray anyone: sentiments that sometimes make others doubt her judgement and intelligence.[30] She disliked the fact that her ideas were often less listened to than her friends' ideas, and in The Brightest Night, she wanted to stop Fierceteeth's group on her own partially to prove that she was competent. She is delighted when she is tasked with importance,[31] and often dislikes when someone calls her simple or sweet.[27] She truly cared about fulfilling the Dragonet Prophecy,[32] even after it was confirmed to be fake. She was extremely upset when Morrowseer told her the prophecy was fake and said that what Morrowseer said was fake and untrue.[33]


A SandWing named Dune, a former Outclaw, stole Sunny's egg from her mother, Thorn, after she had buried Sunny's egg in the sand near the Scorpion Den. Thorn took this as a sign of betrayal and had been searching for him for many years, hoping to capture and kill him. Thorn had even put up "wanted" signs for him during the years. However, it appeared that the two SandWings were once close friends, as Thorn mentioned discussing names for her egg with him. It seemed that she liked the name "Sunny" since that was what Dune named her. This could mean that Dune still respected, cared about, or was even loyal to Thorn, despite taking her egg to fulfill the dragonet prophecy. Although, in The Brightest Night, it was revealed that Thorn had nicknamed Sunny "Beetle" while she was in her egg, and had been continuing to call her that while searching for her.

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy

Sunny was brought as an egg to the cave where the dragonets were kept by Dune, the SandWing guardian, and a member of the Talons of Peace. Dune claimed he had found her egg alone and hidden in the sand. She was said to be the last hatched, and upon hatching, she was revealed to have neither a venomous barb on her tail nor pale, sandy, yellow scales as a normal SandWing should have. She also lacked the usual black SandWing eyes, as her eyes are a green-gray color, which was leading to the assumption she was taken from the sand earlier than the right time, but this was proven to be false upon the revelation that Sunny was a SandWing-NightWing hybrid, with her father being Stonemover, a NightWing animus.

While under the mountain, Sunny was first seen when the dragonets were acting out the death of Queen Oasis, with her playing the role of Queen Oasis. Clay and Tsunami decided not to tell her about their plans of escape, because they thought she was "absolutely terrible at keeping secrets." Clay thought back to when they were younger, before they could fly, they gathered rocks to try and build a pile up to the sky hole. Sunny had accidentally let the guardians find their stash of rocks. During her captivity by the guardians, Kestrel, Webs, and Dune, she was the only one that never complained about them.


Sunny biting Morrowseer's tail to defend Tsunami

But later on, Morrowseer, the deliverer of the prophecy, came to the cave to evaluate them. When he attacked Tsunami, Sunny bit him on to the end of his tail to defend her. When Tsunami was chained, Sunny tried to get Dune to free her, claiming he could not be this mean. When hearing of Kestrel's plan to murder Glory, Sunny offered to fly up to the sky hole and squeeze out, but Starflight turned down the idea, stating even she could not fit through it. Eventually, Clay left via the underground river to save them, and Sunny aided in freeing Tsunami by breathing fire on her chains. However, due to Clay and Tsunami's actions, they were all captured by Scarlet.

During their time in the Sky Kingdom, Sunny was kept away from the others in a cage that was hung over the feasting hall so Scarlet could show Sunny off to Burn, who would take her back to her fortress as a gift. When Peril told Clay where Sunny was, Peril claimed she was just fine and was eating like a queen. She was also making friends with all the SkyWing guards, which Peril found disgusting, unnatural, and unnerving. This really showed just how nice and optimistic Sunny could be, even in tough situations.


Clay and the others freeing Sunny

Sunny was intended as a gift to Burn, because of her hobby of collecting oddities to put in her Weirdling Tower. She was subject to Clay befriending Peril, due to her isolation, and was not present during any of the fights, only to reappear after Peril burned through the bars of her cage. She was thrown off by Tsunami and Glory's trick to get Clay to apologize for what he had said, wondering why they would do "such a nasty, ugly thing." Sunny traveled with them towards the Mud Kingdom in the search for Clay's parents, and also left with the group to find Tsunami's mother, Queen Coral.
The Lost Heir
Sunny was with the other dragonets while searching for Queen Coral. She was the first to hear wingbeats of a passing SkyWing

Sunny, after Tsunami attacked the SkyWing guard

patrol and followed Starflight into the trees. When Tsunami attacked a SkyWing soldier, fearing he had seen Sunny just before she reached her hiding place, Sunny was upset and horrified at what the SeaWing dragonet had done, and following this, she was jumpy and nervous around her. They spent the night in a cave, and the next morning when they headed to the Summer Palace, Sunny and Clay were the only ones blindfolded. Sunny hated it because it was wet and slimy, though she did not complain. Sunny rode on Starflight's back in the tunnel. At the palace, she stayed with the other dragonets, excluding Tsunami. After the cave flooded and Tsunami arrived with Auklet's egg, she asked Sunny to keep it warm.

Sunny keeping Auklet's egg warm

She agreed, though she was clearly a little nervous after Starflight pointed out the assassin who had been killing off the heirs might come after her. Sunny showed that by this time she was no longer upset with Tsunami by nodding vigorously when Clay said she should stay with them in the cave, expressing delight when Tsunami asked her to keep the egg warm, and later leaning against her the way she used to. When they first met Blister, Sunny was frowning at her. After Tsunami revealed that Kestrel was dead, Sunny was distraught and extremely upset, but happy that at least Webs was still alive. Sunny and the other dragonets were imprisoned in the SeaWing's electric eel prisons. She was also unhappy about Whirlpool's death, covering her eyes when Whirlpool got electrocuted.
The Hidden Kingdom
Sunny traveled with the other dragonets and Webs through the muddy swamps of the Mud Kingdom to get to the Rainforest Kingdom in

Sunny, seeing Silver and worrying about Webs

hopes of both finding Glory's parents, and because the RainWings also had venom, the dragonets hoped that they might have a cure for SandWing venom because Webs had gotten slashed by Blister's tail. She was the first to disappear when the RainWings shot the dragonets with sleeping darts and was found soon after by Glory and Starflight, trapped and asleep in a net with Clay, Tsunami, and Webs. Later on, she was shown to be very fond of Silver, Glory's pet sloth, though Silver was more fond of Glory than Sunny. When the dragonets went to the Kingdom of Sand via Stonemover's tunnel, Sunny seemed to be right at home. After Blaze came to meet the dragonets, she remarked that she thought Sunny would be 'prettier'; Sunny asked her how to heal a SandWing's venom, and Blaze carelessly told her about the healing cactus juice, from the brightsting cactus, which was supposed to be a SandWing secret. Once the dragonets got back to the tunnel, Sunny went to retrieve a cactus arm for Webs but had trouble breaking one off due to her size. Glory remarked that it looked like she was "trying to tango with a cactus." Sunny did not participate in Glory's rescue from the NightWings but watched the RainWing royal challenge competition with Tsunami. She was holding Silver during the camouflage contest, in which Magnificent ran towards her to scare Silver.
The Dark Secret

Starflight thought about his love for Sunny and wanted to be reunited with her instead of stuck on the NightWing island. His wish came true when he along with Flame and Fatespeaker escaped from the NightWing island and Sunny met Fatespeaker for the first time. Fatespeaker and Sunny were really friendly with each other, making Starflight twitch with guilt surreptitiously.

Near the end, Starflight finally confessed to her, which surprised her. She told Starflight to kick some NightWings for her and free the captive RainWings.

When the volcano was about to erupt, Morrowseer was the last one to show up at the portal to the Rainforest Kingdom and told the dragonets that the prophecy was a fraud. Sunny at first chose not to believe him, because she believed that it truly was their destiny to stop the war. When she realized he was telling the truth, she furiously ran back through the portal, crying the whole way. Starflight thought he had never seen her so upset.

At the very end of the book, Starflight thought he felt her scales pressing against his before he was hit by a sleeping dart, though he was blinded and could not see her. However, this may have been Fatespeaker because Starflight thought he could hear her voice.
The Brightest Night

Sunny ran out of the portal from Morrowseer, upset the prophecy was not real and that her whole life was a lie. When she emerged, she watched as Clay and Starflight had arrived, and saw that Starflight had been badly burned. When the NightWings panicked, Sunny jumped forward, trying to get through, when Preyhunter, Fierceteeth, and Strongwings grabbed her and pulled her back into the foliage of the rainforest.

They planned on using Sunny for trade so they could steal the rainforest from Queen Glory. Sunny tried to stop their plans by making herself look useless, however, this plan did not work, due to their possession of the Obsidian Mirror. While the NightWings discussed which SandWing princess to auction Sunny off to, Sunny bit Fierceteeth on the vulnerable spot on her tail, and took off through the rainforest. Thinking she could solve the problem all by herself, Sunny followed the NightWings. When they took a rest stop, Sunny was able to steal the Obsidian Mirror and also managing to creep them out by writing with dark red mud that was thick and a blood-like color: TURN BACK. YOU FLY TOWARD YOUR DEATH. When the NightWings found the message and the mirror missing, Strongwings thought that it had been left by "the Darkstalker," making this the first time he was mentioned in the series, although Fierceteeth, being skeptical, turned this idea down. The NightWings were then much more careful to see if Strongwings's theory was right. Sunny then continued to follow the NightWings to the Scorpion Den.

The NightWings took many more stops during their journey, due to their lack of good health and stamina. When they finally got to the Scorpion Den, she met Six-Claws and Thorn and discovered that Thorn was her mother. However, after a short reunion, Thorn was forced to answer a call for help, and Sunny was left with Qibli and Six-Claws. When she awoke later that night, she and Six-Claws headed outside of her mother's tent, only to be stopped by Addax, who threatened to kill his hostage, Ostrich, Six-Claws' daughter, if Sunny did not come with him to Burn. After finding out that Addax was doing this to get his imprisoned family back, Sunny agreed to go with him in exchange for Ostrich.

While imprisoned in Burn's stronghold, she met Smolder, Burn's brother and ally, which she described to look horribly like his other sister, Blister (similar features included dark eyes, black diamond patterns on his scales, narrow face) who took her to the weirdling tower for her imprisonment, In there she met Smolder's pet scavenger, Flower, as well as Ex-Queen Scarlet. The Outclaws later rescued Sunny by risking their own lives, and Peril helped Thorn, then released Scarlet. Thorn demanded to see the stuffed NightWing, and told Sunny she is half NightWing. Sunny then left her mother to go back to the rainforest.

Along the way, a storm forced her to take refuge in the caves on Jade Mountain, where she met her father, Stonemover, and ended up telling him that she is his daughter. The next morning, Sunny returned to the rainforest and was reunited with her friends. She came up with a plan to end the war and everyone agreed to it.

After Tsunami and Sunny sent a message to Blister through the Talons of Peace, she and Clay then sent a message through the MudWings in their dreams to Burn. They also got word to Blaze via the dreamvisitor Sunny received from Holler and Fluffy, the scavengers.

While Blister and Blaze were fighting, Sunny found the Eye of Onyx, with Flower's help, located inside of Queen Oasis' skeleton's mouth and passed it to Thorn. Enraged, Blister snatched the Eye of Onyx from Thorn, but it shocked her to death on contact, where she burst into a pile of black dust. Sunny pronounced Thorn queen, and the main plot came to an end.

A month later, it was stated that Starflight had learned to fly blind with the help of Tamarin and that he and Sunny had discussed their relationship back in the rainforest. Sunny had told him that she did not love him like Fatespeaker did, which he reluctantly accepted. Then, along with the rest of the dragonets, she discussed plans for an inter-tribal school in Jade Mountain.

The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Moon Rising
Sunny was at the prey center to break up the conflict between Winter and Moonwatcher. Sunny later was in the library, reading a scroll to Starflight with Fatespeaker. There she helped suggest reasons to why Bandit, Winter's scavenger, was feeling depressed. After the history cave explosion, Sunny and Tsunami were shown discussing the cave explosion and about likely suspects. After Turtle told them about the dragonflame cactus, Sunny told Turtle and Moon to go to sleep and apologized for what had happened. The next day, she and the rest of the school staff gathered all of the students to the great hall to address what had happened the previous day. After Icicle's attempted murder on Starflight, she sat with Moonwatcher where the latter told her about her powers and experiences with it. Afterwards, Sunny thanked Moon for telling her, before whisking away.
Winter Turning

Sunny was first mentioned when Winter remembered how Scarlet asked for the dragonets of destiny's lives in return for Hailstorm's. Winter then thought to himself that Sunny had been one of the dragons who had confirmed that the NightWings had no more powers.

Sunny was later mentioned to be dreamvisiting dragons.
Escaping Peril
Sunny was part of the group that welcomed Queen Ruby when she arrived to collect Carnelian's body. She defended Peril against accusations that she had, in fact, killed the young SkyWing, not the fire. After Scarlet hurled "Glory's" decapitated head at the group, Clay had to carry Sunny down from their previous perch to a rock shelf. There, Sunny sobbed so hard she did not notice Peril landing in front of her. When they discovered the decapitated head was fake, Sunny was overjoyed. Later that night, she dreamvisited Glory so that Kinkajou could be taken back to the Rainforest Kingdom from the town of Possibility.
Talons of Power

Sunny was heard having a conversation with Tsunami, which was overheard by Turtle. As Turtle listened to them, he did not notice them walking closer to him until the last second. When they see Turtle, they are surprised to see him back at Jade Mountain, stating that they were worried about Jade Winglet. Then Turtle warned Sunny and Tsunami that Darkstalker was coming. Sunny said something brief about Darkstalker, talking about how Fierceteeth and Strongwings had said something about Darkstalker when she was following them, trying to stop them from hurting her friends. Then she went after Mightyclaws, so he did not tell the school about Darkstalker.

Later, she came out to the landing area with Clay to protect the NightWings that attacked Darkstalker. Darkstalker joked around with Sunny before she told him to back away from his students. Darkstalker told Sunny that she was related to him due to her father, Stonemover, being an animus and that he was also her "great-great-great-a lot of greats-great uncle." After some talk, Sunny went back inside. The next day, she headed up the tunnel with a squirrel for Darkstalker. Moon told her someone was trying to kill Stonemover and she flew to this cave with the others. She felt heartbroken at her father's near-death and started sobbing. Then, she jumped on him to pin his talons down while Darkstalker freed him from the stone. After Stonemover was re-fossilized, Sunny hugged him, not caring about the blood. She was astonished when they found out that Flame was the attempted killer. She asked him why he did it and why his reason would matter. She also said they have to tell Queen Ruby what he did and that they did not have anywhere to lock him up for the time being. With all of the drama over, she slipped away into the tunnels.

Later she was mentioned by Darkstalker to have been dreamvisiting Queen Glory about his reappearance, despite his asking her not to.
Darkness of Dragons

Sunny pulled Qibli from history class to help search for Ostrich and Onyx. Qibli thanked her for freeing him from history class, and she sternly told him that history class with Webs was "awesome". After realizing Onyx and Ostrich may have been kidnapped, Sunny began to question whether Blaze was right about the school being doomed to fail. Sunny later used the dreamvisitor to try to find Onyx and Ostrich. After receiving an earring from Qibli, she was horrified to realize that Darkstalker had flown off with six of her students. She convinced Tsunami to also put on an earring. Sunny also hesitated about giving Qibli the weather bracelets, but eventually allowed him to use them. Sunny promised to dreamvisit with Glory about the earrings being sent to the Rainforest.

Toward the end of the book, Sunny was shown arguing with the IceWings, saying they should try to find a peaceful solution.

The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Hive Queen
Sunny was indirectly mentioned by Tsunami in the prologue, when Tsunami said she and her friends had solved plenty of problems without animus magic.
The Dangerous Gift
Sunny was indirectly mentioned when Queen Snowfall thought about how Tsunami's "gang of righteous do-gooders" would have used animus magic to help if it was working. Later, she was mentioned when Lynx was talking about the War of SandWing Succession and how the dragonets ended it.
The Flames of Hope
Sunny was in Tsunami's vision. In the vision, Tsunami and Glory were shown arguing about which kingdom was the largest. Starflight asked them to stop fighting as they may rip the map and make Kestrel angry. Sunny added that Clay may tell Kestrel that it was his fault and get punished as a result. Clay responded saying that it did not matter which kingdom was the largest, it only mattered which kingdom had the best food, which made Sunny laugh.



Sunny was the gold dragon who was shown playing with the other dragonets of destiny in a cave, being looked in on by Wren and Sky. Wren noted that she had never seen a dragon that color before. She was shown to breathe a spurt of fire on occasion on the small hearth heating up the cave. This saddened Sky, as he could not breathe fire. Once a large red dragon, likely Kestrel, entered the cave and roared at them, she abruptly stopped playing along with the other dragonets.

Sunny was later seen by Leaf in a birdcage above the table in the feast hall of the SkyWings. He noted that she looked sad and desperate, and then quickly contradicted himself, thinking that dragons could not feel an emotion other than hunger and anger.

While hiding in the ruins of the old city, Ivy and Leaf saw Sunny exploring the area, which was also a scene in The Brightest Night. She was thought to be a whole different type of dragon than any others by Ivy because of her oddly colored scales. Later, Ivy accidentally used the dreamvisitor to visit Sunny in her dreams. Ivy was unaware that it was a dream, and upon seeing Sunny's dream version of Rose, Ivy realized that Rose was still alive. She tried to ask Sunny about it, but after realizing that Sunny could not understand her and would probably realize the location of the burnt city, she broke the connection. This was a scene also shown in The Brightest Night, which lead Sunny to come back to the ruins a few days later. When she arrived, Sunny found Ivy and Leaf and asked them for the treasure, which they gave. Ivy tried to ask about news about Rose, but Sunny perceived this as Ivy wanting a ride. After riding on Sunny, Ivy watched as Sunny sorted through the treasure and realized she was looking for something specific. After Sunny got mad, which from her perspective in The Brightest Night was because she could not find the Eye, she took the treasure and left the ruins. Ivy hoped Sunny would return it to the SandWings so they would no longer be angry at the humans. At the end of the book, Sky, Ivy, Leaf, and Wren mentioned that they planned to find Sunny, calling her a "little golden dragon".


Sunny was indirectly mentioned by Fierceteeth when she wrote to Saguaro about how her plan should have went, with the dragonets of destiny dead.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World

Sunny's commentary was seen in the margins of the book's opening letter.

Sunny was mentioned in Kinkajou's creative writing project about Silver.

In the SandWing chapter, Sunny wrote a letter to Starflight about going through Burn's Weirdling Tower collection with Smolder. She then provided him with a list of things that were kept in the tower before it was destroyed.



Sunny cares deeply about Clay, confiding in him often, and relying on him to help fix problems she cannot solve on her own. Being the smallest of the group, Sunny sometimes climbs up Clay's back to get a better view of things. Starflight believes that Sunny trusts Clay the most out of their friends.[34] When no one else listens to her ideas, she will ask Clay to broadcast them because he cares, and everyone else will listen to him.[35] Sunny does not believe that anyone deserved Clay, referring to him as the kindest dragon in Pyrrhia.[36] Standing near him made her feel that anything was possible, and she believes Clay is dependable and kind.[37] When Clay was injured during the Battle of Jade Mountain, she ran to his side instantly to support him.[38] She relies on him to break up arguments between their friends,[23] and she is very physically affectionate towards him.[39][40] She is instantly willing to come to his rescue,[41] and she is fiercely protective of him when she believes he is in danger.[42] She trusts him[43] and leans into him when she is afraid.[44]


Sunny seemed to like Dune the best out of the guardians and called on him for help in times of need.[45] She was devastated when Scarlet killed Dune.[46] Tsunami stated that despite Dune hating everything, she could not believe that he would hate Sunny,[28] and she believed the best in him.[30] Despite knowing that Dune had never been particularly kind to the dragonets, she still missed him as he was the only parent she ever knew. She tried not to act upset about his death, but sometimes at night, she would let herself cry for him.[47]


Sunny was kind to Fatespeaker and became good friends with the NightWing the first time they met.[48] Sunny assumed she felt jealous of Fatespeaker when she had told Sunny she was taking care of Starflight, thinking that it felt like "she wanted Fatespeaker to shush and go away."[49] Sunny tells Starflight that she does not love Starflight the way Fatespeaker does, and says it is alright if he also loves her too. She encourages him to pursue Fatespeaker, calling her hilarious.[50]


Like Tsunami, Glory mostly thinks of Sunny as a naïve younger sister. However, Glory was very concerned about Sunny when she left the Rainforest Kingdom and seemed very determined to have her back. She also showed affection to Sunny (which Sunny states is very rare) when she got back from being kidnapped. Stated in The Hidden Kingdom, Glory wanted to hide her instead of Webs. When Queen Scarlet held up her severed head, Sunny was sobbing too hard to even notice Peril.[51]


Tsunami stated that despite Kestrel hating everything, she could not believe that she would hate Sunny.[28] She believed the best in Kestrel[30] and cried when she heard of Kestrel's death. Despite knowing that Kestrel had never been particularly kind to the dragonets, she still missed her as she was the only parent she ever knew. She tried not to act upset about her death, but sometimes at night, she would let herself cry for her.[47]


When Moonwatcher was on top of Jade Mountain with Sunny, Moon told her about her prophecy and mind reading powers. Sunny was kind and grateful for Moon telling her about her powers. Sunny was the first of the dragonets of destiny to know about this. Sunny and Moon silently reassured each other when Darkstalker appeared at the school.


Sunny tried to break the news to Peril about Kestrel's death as gently as she could to Peril, and comforted Peril over her mother's death;[52] she also offered to let Peril come with her instead of freeing Scarlet.[53] Sunny reassured to Peril that she believed she was not a monster and believed she could change, though with some hesitation, knowing Peril's reputation.[36] Sunny is the only one of Clay's friends that has attempted to be nice to Peril, but Peril still wants to push her off a cliff on a daily basis, although Peril knows this is bad. She views Sunny's soul as a blaze of warm sunlight, the type that is annoying and induces headaches, and is irritated by how much she smiles.[25] She is intensely jealous of Sunny whenever she is physically affectionate[40] or shares secrets[54] with Clay.


Smolder was respectful to Sunny as she was presented as a gift for his sister. Smolder was kind to her and cared about her, having taken her on midday walks when he noticed how miserable she was. In addition, he chose to let her live, but also did not want her escaping. She genuinely likes him,[55] and appreciated how he spoke directly to her.[56] She found it strange to admit, but she liked him and did not want to see him die.[55] She knew she should be mad at him for betraying them, but she could not. Sunny knew that he was not evil or mean and that he did what he did due to the terrible life he lived.[57]


Sunny is the only dragonet who does not mind Starflight's lectures, whereas the others are almost always annoyed by them. In The Dark Secret, Starflight confessed his love for Sunny, but Sunny was more surprised and unsure of the way she loved him. In The Brightest Night, Sunny thought more about Starflight's feelings towards her and dealt with confusion as to her feelings towards him. She did tell Starflight she did not know if she loved him or not and that her feelings were a mess. Sunny was not sure what her feelings were, describing them as, "I don't know what to do and somebody loves me and don't hurt him and really, right now? and imagine how happy you could make him and why me? really, me? and but it's Starflight." She had never thought of him in the same way he had, not once.[58] When Fatespeaker had told Sunny that she had been taking care of Starflight, she felt a "flash of something odd." Sunny had thought it was jealousy, and that would mean that she loves him back. She thought it would be nice if she could love him back, as it would make him happy, and she did care about him.[59] Sunny ultimately decides that she loves Starflight as a brother, which he reluctantly accepts. She encourages him to pursue a relationship with Fatespeaker if he loves her back.[50] He is comforting and reassuring towards her,[60] and she often feels pity towards him when he is ignored by the other dragonets.[61] When he became too tired to carry her through the ocean when the dragonets visited the Kingdom of the Sea, he seemed disappointed to be deprived of her contact.[62] He worries about her safety,[63] and she believes in his ability to know everything and to be right.[64]


Stonemover, Sunny's father, lives under Jade Mountain and is an animus dragon. When Thorn first told Sunny her father was a NightWing, she was disappointed and horrified because the other NightWings were malicious and cruel. She finds his pessimistic attitude annoying and thinks he sighs too much. She did not understand why Thorn even liked Stonemover, but was sympathetic to him, thinking about how sad his life must have been.[65] After Flame attempted to murder Stonemover for lying about how he could not fix Flame's scar, Sunny is shown sobbing for her father.[66] She was happy when Darkstalker healed him and hugged her father.


Sunny seemed very attached to her mother, Thorn, when they met. Thorn also thinks a lot of Sunny and tries to protect her from being injured. Thorn also saves her when she was kept captive in Burn's stronghold. Sunny thought she would be a worthy queen, as shown when she gave her the Eye of Onyx.[67] Sunny thinks she is the only dragonet of destiny lucky enough to know both of her parents.[68] She keeps drawings of Thorn pinned up in her office/bedroom in Jade Mountain Academy.[69]


Sunny is often annoyed that Tsunami thinks of her as just as a silly, naïve younger sister. However, she knows that Tsunami cares about her, and looks up to her as a sister figure. Tsunami says that Sunny is like a little sister to the dragonets. In The Brightest Night, Sunny was angry with Tsunami because she thought the SeaWing did not care that she was gone, believing her friend thought she was pouting and that she would come running in a few minutes. However, Tsunami showed lots of affection when Sunny came back. Tsunami said she would go through a whole army of SkyWings for her and the dragonets, showing that she cares for every one of them, including Sunny. Tsunami sometimes is skeptical of Sunny's beliefs and ideas, causing her to become dejected and hurt.[70][71] However, Sunny often leans on Tsunami trustingly,[72][73] despite Tsunami doubting her intelligence and judgement.[30] Sunny considered Tsunami the "good one", believing that if there was someone who could save the world, Tsunami would be the one to save it.[74]


Sunny is sympathetic towards Webs and was woeful when he learned of his wife's death.[18] After Webs got his tail injury, Sunny was the dragon who was most active in trying to find him a cure.[75] She was jubilant when she found that the cactus juice was working on his wound.[76] She believes he was a good history teacher.[50]

Family tree[]



"Um, [...] Right. Here I go, la la la, Queen Oasis of the SandWings. I'm so very important and, uh — royal — and stuff. [...] I've been queen for ages and ages, [...] No one dares challenge me for my throne! I am the strongest SandWing queen who ever lived! [...] It's probably because of all my treasure! I have so much treasure because I'm such an important queen!"
― acting as Queen Oasis (The Dragonet Prophecy, page 18-19)

"Even Sunny? [...] What's that supposed to mean? I'm brave! I'm brave all the time!"
― to Glory (The Hidden Kingdom, page 12)

"Glory, you have a cute furry thing! Can I hold it, please please?"
― to Glory about Silver (The Hidden Kingdom, page 49)

"It's not optimism, [...] It's faith. There's a reason we're here. What we do today is part of it, but there's more, too, and we have to survive to make it all happen."
― to Starflight (The Dark Secret, page 239)

"Tsunami wants to believe Morrowseer. She's never wanted to fulfill the prophecy. She doesn't understand how important it is. Clay would be just as happy if nobody ever noticed how wonderful he is. Then he could sleep and eat and take care of us instead of fighting. Starflight would love to stop worrying about the prophecy. And Glory has enough to do here, now that she's queen. None of them will fight for our destiny. They certainly won't listen to me if I try to explain that Morrowseer must have been lying. They'll give me that look I always get, the one that says: 'Oh, silly little Sunny and her crazy dreams, isn't she cute and harmless."
― thoughts about the Dragonet Prophecy (The Brightest Night, page 3-4)

"As if acting happy means I don't really care about anything. As if I just need to be distracted and I'll forget about the whole point of our existence and all the dragons who are counting on us. As if my brain were the size of a blueberry, three MOONS."
― thoughts (The Brightest Night, page 19)

"Oh, [...] Your parents were feeling pretty creative."
― to Six-Claws about his name (The Brightest Night, page 59)

"That's not true, [...] You can be whatever you want to be. I mean, I could say, well, I have no barb on my tail, I guess I'm just harmless and useless and should sit in the corner covering my head whenever there's a fight. But I don't want to be useless and I'm not going to do that, not if dragons I care about are in danger."
― to Peril (The Brightest Night, page 135)

"Don't let her make you hate yourself. I can't promise you anything about Clay, but I think — I mean, if I know him at all, I can tell you the way to his heart is by helping his friends."
― to Peril (The Brightest Night, page 147)

"There's more to his story. There's always more to everyone's story, if you bother to find out what it is."
― thoughts about Addax (The Brightest Night, page 90)

"I get it! You're menacing! [...] Now what are you going to do about Queen Scarlet? You should send more guards to watch her right now. She's the one you should worry about escaping. At least I won't murder everyone on my way out!"
― to Smolder about Scarlet escaping (The Brightest Night, page 141)

"This is a suicide mission. Suicide or genocide, those are your only two outcomes. Clay, we can't let this happen."
― to Clay about the MudWings' planned attack on the IceWings (The Brightest Night, page 242)

"Clay's heart, Tsunami's courage, Glory's determination, Starflight's loyalty ... I think the wings of fire are inside all of us, inside every dragon."
― thinking about the meaning of "wings of fire" in the prophecy (The Brightest Night, page 284)

"This is your fate — to accept your new queen."
― to Blister about choosing Thorn as the new SandWing queen (The Brightest Night, page 296)

"No, please don't go attack the NightWings! [...] They're all under his spell, don't you see? It's not the tribe who tried to hurt you — it's just Darkstalker. We'll find a way to stop him, but IceWings and NightWings killing each other isn't the answer."
― to Hailstorm, Narwhal, and Snowfall (Darkness of Dragons, page 294)


  • Both Sunny and Darkstalker dislike sleeping; they both feel as though they are missing something when they sleep.[77][78]
  • On the cover of The Brightest Night, Sunny's tongue is not forked and is pink.[79] However, neither SandWings nor NightWings have pink or non‐forked tongues.[80]
  • When Sunny was still an egg, Thorn called her Beetle and still did in her mind before meeting her.[81]
  • Sunny is shown with amber eyes once in the graphic novel.[82]
  • Sunny has a fear of statues due to the encounter with Orca's statue.[83]
  • Sunny held the Eye of Onyx for a short time, meaning that she is a worthy candidate for the SandWing throne,[84] despite her being a hybrid dragon.
  • Sunny is shown with a tail barb two times in the graphic novels.[85][86]
  • Sunny was named after Sunshine, Tui's dog.[event 1]
  • Out of all the Wings of Fire characters, Tui considers Sunny to be the most like herself.[event 2]
  • There is a dragon Tui has previously introduced who would be perfect for Sunny; however, she said it was a matter of getting them both in the same place. It is unknown who this dragon is.[event 3]
  • Tui compares the name "Sunny" to the name "Quicksand," saying that she would not seem as bright and bubbly without her current name.[87]
  • Sunny uses her small size to slip out of any hold other dragons may try to put her in.[88]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 The Dragonet Prophecy, page 13
  2. Dragonslayer, page 367
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Dark Secret, page 105
  4. The Hidden Kingdom, page 231
  5. Dragonslayer, page 414
  6. 6.0 6.1 The Dragonet Prophecy, page 41
  7. 7.0 7.1 The Lost Heir, page 169
  8. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 12
  9. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 39
  10. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 49
  11. Moon Rising, page 49
  12. Talons of Power, page 38
  13. Escaping Peril, page 9
  14. Escaping Peril, page 98
  15. The Hidden Kingdom, page 33
  16. Darkness of Dragons, page 27
  17. The Lost Heir, page 260
  18. 18.0 18.1 The Lost Heir, page 219
  19. The Lost Heir, page 182
  20. Darkness of Dragons, page 104
  21. Darkness of Dragons, page 49
  22. Darkness of Dragons, page 52
  23. 23.0 23.1 The Lost Heir, page 4
  24. Darkness of Dragons, page 294
  25. 25.0 25.1 Escaping Peril, page 18
  26. The Lost Heir, page 8
  27. 27.0 27.1 The Lost Heir, page 245
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 The Lost Heir, page 129
  29. The Hidden Kingdom, page 12
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 The Lost Heir, page 165
  31. The Lost Heir, page 171
  32. The Lost Heir, page 44
  33. The Dark Secret, page 282
  34. The Dark Secret, page 233
  35. The Dark Secret, page 232
  36. 36.0 36.1 The Brightest Night, page 147
  37. The Brightest Night, page 253
  38. Darkness of Dragons, page 299
  39. The Lost Heir, page 5
  40. 40.0 40.1 Escaping Peril, page 39
  41. The Lost Heir, page 38
  42. The Lost Heir, page 41
  43. The Lost Heir, page 48
  44. The Lost Heir, page 258
  45. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 52
  46. The Brightest Night, page 115
  47. 47.0 47.1 The Brightest Night, page 31
  48. The Dark Secret, page 229
  49. The Brightest Night, page 207
  50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 The Brightest Night, epilogue
  51. Escaping Peril, page 29
  52. The Brightest Night, page 134-136
  53. The Brightest Night, page 147-148
  54. Escaping Peril, page 34
  55. 55.0 55.1 The Brightest Night, page 139
  56. The Brightest Night, page 94
  57. The Brightest Night, page 288
  58. The Brightest Night, page 12-13
  59. The Brightest Night, page 207-208
  60. Darkness of Dragons, page 37
  61. The Lost Heir, page 2
  62. The Lost Heir, page 59
  63. The Lost Heir, page 186
  64. The Lost Heir, page 267
  65. The Brightest Night, page 179
  66. Talons of Power, page 75
  67. The Brightest Night, page 295
  68. The Brightest Night, page 189
  69. Darkness of Dragons, page 46
  70. The Lost Heir, page 43
  71. The Lost Heir, page 74
  72. The Lost Heir, page 46
  73. The Lost Heir, page 243
  74. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 50
  75. The Hidden Kingdom, page 52
  76. The Hidden Kingdom, page 159-160
  77. The Brightest Night, page 80
  78. Darkstalker, page 211
  79. The Brightest Night English cover
  80. A NightWing Guide to the Dragons of Pyrrhia
  81. The Brightest Night, page 76
  82. The Dragonet Prophecy (graphic novel), page 110
  83. The Brightest Night, page 97-98
  84. The Brightest Night, page 293-295
  85. The Dragonet Prophecy (graphic novel), page 184
  86. The Dragonet Prophecy (graphic novel), page 188
  87. Forge Your Dragon World, page 34
  88. The Lost Heir, page 134
  1. Stated by Tuisource 
  2. Stated by Tuisource 
  3. Stated by Tuisource 

Present: OasisThorn
Historical: Scorpion



Jade Mountain


Other Dragons

AddaxAgaveArmadilloCamelCapybaraCereusCobraDuneHorizonJerboa IIIKindleMeerkatNeedleOcotilloOstrichPalmParchPrickleQuicksandRattlesnakeSaguaroSandstormSiroccoSix-ClawsTawnyTorchViperVulture

Other Dragons

JerboaJerboa II




Blaze's fortressBlister's hideoutGreat Five-Tail RiverJerboa III's hutNorth BeachPossibilitySandWing strongholdScorpion Den


OutclawsTalons of PowerWar of SandWing Succession


Present: BattlewinnerDarkstalkerGlory
Historical: Vigilance



Jade Mountain


Other Dragons


Other Dragons





CometMindhealerThe Prophetess


NightWing island: NightWing tunnels
Lost city of night: Renewal
Rainforest Kingdom: NightWing village


Lost city of night: Borderland MountainClearsight's homeDarkstalker's homeGreat DiamondMuseumNightWing libraryNightWing palaceNightWing schoolNorth Beach


NightWing Exodus
