- "You know what makes me feel better? Thinking about the good dragons instead of the bad ones. I focus on how many dragons are out there trying to make the world better instead of worse. It's not only us — lots of other dragons are trying to fix things, too, right? We all keep going and keep trying and keep fixing what we can. And if you're tired or sad or need a break, that's OK. Because it's not all on you. There's lots of us doing this together."
- — Swordtail to Luna, The Flames of Hope
Swordtail is a male SilkWing who was introduced in The Lost Continent. Before the events of The Flames of Hope, Swordtail was employed as a construction worker under Grasshopper until he became a fugitive with Blue and Cricket. He was simultaneously a member of the Cicada Hive Chrysalis. He currently resides in the LeafSilk Kingdom and is in a long-standing relationship with Luna. He was formerly under the control of the othermind.
Swordtail is burly[1] and handsome,[2] with iridescent[3] dark blue scales and a small pattern of white triangles along his spine and snout.[4] He has beautiful dark blue eyes,[5] deep blue wings,[6] long blue antennae,[7] and a long orange-and-blue tail.[8] He is dotted all over[9] with orange splotches, as though someone melted a sunset in a cauldron and flung it over his wings. Around the time of Luna's metamorphosis, he normally wore a grim expression[9]. He is slightly bigger than Sundew.[10]
Swordtail is known for causing trouble, as he is a dragon with wild ideas who speaks a little too freely.[11] Blue considers his ideas as unpopular opinions.[12] He was placed in Misbehaver's Way several times before being assigned to a construction crew, a profession that is not highly regarded in Pantalan culture. Before becoming a fugitive, Blue often worried that Swordtail's rebellious ideas, such as believing that the SilkWings should have a queen of their own, or that the collapse of a Hive tower being caused by shoddy construction rather than LeafWing sabotage, were a bad influence on Luna. Blue described Swordtail to have "impulsive courage," and considers him one of the bravest dragons he knows. Other dragons often think Swordtail's ideas and plans to be long-winded and too optimistic. Swordtail does not care about what other dragons thought of him.[13] Under the noisy, loud, mischievous dragon most dragons see Swordtail as, is what Luna describes as the "true Swordtail".[14] He is quick to understand the things Luna saw wrong in the world,[15] unlike most dragons in Luna's life who were quick to accept how things were.[16] While he was still at school, Swordtail often created noise and and mischief to deflect the HiveWings' attentions from others to himself, in order to help the other students avoid getting into trouble.[17]
The Lost Continent Prophecy[]
The Lost Continent |
Swordtail was mentioned as someone known for being a troublemaker. He attended his girlfriend Luna's Metamorphosis, displaying his trouble-making skills. When Luna had woven her cocoon, and the HiveWing guards began to get closer, Swordtail jumped down from the balcony to attack the guards and protect Luna. He was put in Misbehaver's Way for this, where Cricket later freed him with a stimulant that inadvertently gave him super strength, extra energy, green eyes, green silk, and extremely hyper behavior. He and Cricket flew away to the safety of a sinkhole in the savanna not far from one of the Hives, while he carried a wingless Blue using his super strength. The symptoms wore off a little while later, so to get Blue out, he had to shoot silk webs under him. They then traveled towards Wasp Hive, where Swordtail suggested his "plan," in which he would storm in, knock over the guards, and demand to know where Luna is. They eventually agreed to hide in a greenhouse near Wasp Hive, which had a sign saying no one but the queen was allowed in. However, the three were captured by a trio of LeafWings, Belladonna, Hemlock, and Sundew, and to not be killed. They were forced to help steal the Book of Clearsight. They discussed whether or not to abide by their captors' wishes. Swordtail did not know of Cricket and Blue's idea to pretend to agree and escape later, so he voiced his own opinions. Cricket and Blue left him behind with the two older LeafWings while they traveled with Sundew to steal the book. Later, he teamed up with Cricket and Sundew to rescue Blue and Luna from the flamesilk cavern. The two were able to escape, and Swordtail reunited with his lover. They fled the Hives and ended up on a beach, where he flew with Luna to test out her new wings. Suddenly, a patrol group of HiveWings arrived and fought him, Luna, and Sundew. Luna tried to protect herself with her flamesilk but accidentally created a sail which allowed her to be blown out to sea. Swordtail flew after Luna, trying to rescue her, but was unable to find her. |
The Hive Queen |
Swordtail was mentioned briefly by Luna in the prologue, who stated that he must be losing his mind without her. Later, he was dragged into the cave unconscious by Sundew, who had Cricket crush reddish plants under his snout to wake him up. After he woke up, he flew all around the bay, stopping only for sleep in short bursts. He talked with Cricket and Sundew about the Chrysalis and shutting down mind control and gathers fruit and water for Blue once he breaks out of his cocoon. Swordtail watched as Blue came out and admired his wings, although scrutinizing them for being "not as handsome as mine, of course, but pretty cool." He flew with Sundew, Cricket and Blue to Jewel Hive, and spent the night in the Glitterbazaar with his friends. They stole capes and jewelry in the market, but Blue left behind some of his flamesilk to pay for it, much to Swordtail's disapproval. Later, at the Statue of Salvation, Sundew found a message inscribed with "Midnight. Library. 5.", and Cricket suggested for them to hide in a water tank to wait until midnight. Swordtail and the others remain put in the water tank until Sundew declared that it was time to go. When they go to the library, Swordtail introduced himself first to the Jewel Hive Chrysalis members, and later hide with Morpho in a book return compartment when HiveWings spoted them. Later on, he helped Cricket write out copies of Book of Clearsight, then went into hiding with Blue and Sundew, while Cricket had gone to vandalize messages all over Jewel Hive. After Cricket reunited with Blue, Swordtail gruffly told her that he was glad that she was alright. When the egg that Cricket saved hatched, Swordtail commented that she was cute and suggested to name the dragonet Bumblebee. He was present when Blue burned down Wasp's supply of the breath of evil, and he later flew with his friends to the Poison Jungle. |
The Poison Jungle |
Swordtail flew to the Poison Jungle alongside Sundew, Blue, Cricket, and Bumblebee, and shortly after arrival, was trapped and almost eaten by a dragon-trap. Blue attempted saving him by shooting flamesilk at the plant, but this only resulted in an immediate fire. Sundew had to use her leafspeak to put it out, which resulted in the freeing of Swordtail. Sundew had previously predicted Swordtail would be eaten first, as she had said to him: "Yeah, you will probably get eaten." After Sundew secretly helped Mandrake, with defeating a panther, Swordtail was introduced to him and his father, Wolfsbane, and Mandrake's sister, Nettle. He was described by Wolfsbane as "unnecessary" and retorted with the fact he was with the Chrysalis and was good company. When they had arrived at the PoisonWing village, he shared a nest with Blue for sleeping. Later on, when Swordtail, who went as a 'guest,' visited the SapWing village in the presence of Queen Sequoia, he sees the two dragons from Pyrrhia, previously revealed to be Tsunami, Turtle and a strange purple SilkWing that Swordtail identified as Io, his sister. They were reunited for a brief moment before the Queen told everyone about the mind-control plant, the breath of evil. Swordtail was also present to hear about the Legend of the Hive, the legend Queen Sequoia told Sundew, Cricket, Hazel, and everyone else present, including Swordtail, about the breath of evil. Swordtail was later seen arguing with Blue, and when the othermind spoke through Hawthorn, he was mentioned to have been taken over by the othermind. |
The Dangerous Gift |
Swordtail woke up in a haze of smoke, surrounded by many dragons. He was confused at first, the last thing that he remembered being him falling asleep in the jungle next to his friends. He then remembered how Blue was going to burn the "heart of salvation" to free the HiveWings, and looked around to try to find out what had happened. The smoke in the air suggested to him that there had been a large fire, larger than the pile of roots could have produced. He was still confused and stood up, but was in pain. His muscles and claws were bruised and sore. He then noticed that many of the dragons that surrounded him were HiveWings. He looked around, trying to find out where he was. He looked where the Poison Jungle was supposed to be and then began to remember being controlled by the othermind and burning the jungle. He then noticed Blue lying near him and attempted to walk over, but he was controlled and forced to stop. Later, when the LeafWings and SilkWings arrived at Jerboa III's beach, Luna asked Snowfall if Swordtail and Blue were with them, then realized that Snowfall was not a SilkWing and asked Sundew the same. Sundew told her that they were not, but promised that that they would get them back, even "that slugs-for-brains Swordtail." Blue later mentioned Swordtail in the vision of him, remembering how they escaped Cicada Hive not long ago. |
The Flames of Hope |
Swordtail first appeared in Luna's dream when she uses a dreamvisitor to communicate with him. He told her what was going on in Pantala and the two talked for a while before he was forced to wake up by Wasp. Swordtail later appeared in the end when he was freed from the breath of evil and reunited with Luna again. Swordtail was seen in the epilogue in the LeafSilk Kingdom alongside Luna and their friends. |
Field Guides[]
A Guide to the Dragon World |
Swordtail was depicted flying with Luna in the SilkWing chapter of the guide. |
Blue is one of Swordtail's closest friends, and they have known each other for a long time. They care for each other, despite having radically different views. Swordtail seems to be defensive of Blue, getting in trouble for the sake of him. Swordtail seems to have known Blue throughout his childhood, after meeting him at a club meeting.
Bumblebee seems to think that Swordtail is funny. When he told her to be quiet, she fell over giggling. More of this relationship is seen in The Poison Jungle. When she said "Snabble poof," she was likely referring to Swordtail disappearing in the Venus dragon-trap.
At first, Swordtail does not trust Cricket due to her being a HiveWing. However, once she proves to be on their side (and once he discovers she and Blue have feelings for each other), he begins to see her in a more positive light, complimenting her several times and listening to her points.
Io appears to love and support her brother, as she attended his girlfriend Luna's Metamorphosis on her own accord and helped his friend escape the HiveWings at her own risk. When they saw each other in the Poison Jungle, Swordtail bounded across the room to hug her and was overjoyed.[18] When Tsunami mentioned that Luna was alive and well on Pyrrhia, Io put her wing around him as he cried. She then told him that they would be reuntied soon.[19]
Swordtail and Luna have been in a long-time relationship. He looks to her for guidance and seems indecisive and anxious when she is not around, fretting about every decision and continuously saying that he wished she would help him. He cares deeply about her, fighting off multiple HiveWings on several occasions to protect her and her brother. He also refused to eat or sleep during his search for her. Swordtail believes that he will always find his way back to Luna.[20] Swordtail had even asked Luna if she wanted to be his girlfriend while sitting on a box of her favorite candy, honeydrops.[21] Swordtail was never impatient with Luna.[22] The three times Swordtail got sent to Misbehaver's Way, Luna would sit next to him for as long as she could, and read or sing to him. Swordtail has always been on Luna's side about everything since the moment they met.
Although initially distrustful of her, Swordtail grew to find that he and Sundew shared many ideals, including the destruction of the HiveWing tribe. Swordtail agreed to follow Sundew once she revealed her plan to burn the Hives, sometimes referring to her as "the boss." Even when he has not entirely thought it out yet, he is quick to take her side, such as agreeing to destroy the Hives before Cricket reminds him of all the SilkWings that would perish. Sundew thinks he is slightly slow.[23]
Family tree[]
Unknown | Unknown | ||||||||||||||
Swordtail | Io | ||||||||||||||
- "He didn't. I finished all my work and asked — yes, very politely, Blue, I promise — and he still said no. So I snuck off when he wasn't looking."
- ― to Luna and Blue, about Grasshopper (The Lost Continent, page 39)
- "Hey, GRASSHOPPER! Look how hard I'm working! Are you happy NOW?"
- ― to Grasshopper (who was not present) (The Lost Continent, page 123-124)
- "TO THE MOONS! [...] Get it? [...] Because Luna is like lunar, which means moons, so 'to the moons' is like 'to Luna' but in code, so, awesome. I thought that was clever."
- ― to Blue and Cricket, about Luna (The Lost Continent, page 125-126)
- "I just want to hurt them. [...] I want them to feel what it's like to be powerless. I want them to be stabbed with nerve toxins and have their loved ones ripped away."
- ― about the HiveWings (The Hive Queen, page 37)
- "Oooooo. [...] That sounds super dangerous! Touch me not — or you will DIE!"
- ― to Sundew and Cricket, about Touch-me-nots (The Poison Jungle, page 10)
- "You're like a monkey. I mean — in a good way — like a — very fast — jumps — good jumps — not foodishly — I mean, not in a dinner way — just, so fast."
- ― to Sundew, about how she climbs (The Poison Jungle, page 11)
- "I wouldn't say you have a flamesilk. [...] I mean, he is a flamesilk and he's here, but he has himself. No one else has him, I mean. He is not for having. He's his own dragon!"
- ― to Nettle, Mandrake and Wolfsbane about Blue (The Poison Jungle, page 33)
- "I am useful. [...] I have many uses. I am smart and I know things and I can fight HiveWings and I am in the Chrysalis, hello, which everyone seems to forget, secret revolutionary over here, and I am also, by the way, extremely good company."
- ― to Sundew, about himself (The Poison Jungle, page 34)
- "No. [...] You guys burned down Bloodworm Hive, and good riddance. Good riddance to all of them."
- ― to the LeafWings (The Poison Jungle, page 41)
- "This is where I'm supposed to be. [...] I'm always here. Remember? You come and sit with me. You should weave a hammock and live here because I'll probably be here more and more as we get older"
- ― to Luna during their talk with the dreamvisitor (The Flames of Hope, page 13)
- "I was all right. [...] And then YOUUUUUUUU squished the honey drops!"
- ― to Luna (The Flames of Hope, page 314)
- "I still think they're the worst, and if it were up to me, I'd take every HiveWing soldier and merchant and teacher and snob who was mean to us and put them on Misbehaver's Way for a year. But after having someone in my own head like that... I mean, it was pretty terrible."
- ― Swordtail, about HiveWings (The Flames of Hope, page 315)
- Swordtail is weirdly great at charades.[24]
- Swordtail is horrible at weaving but he does not notice.[25]
- ↑ The Flames of Hope, page 392
- ↑ The Lost Continent, page 142
- ↑ The Lost Continent, page 42
- ↑ The Lost Continent, page 38
- ↑ The Flames of Hope, page 314
- ↑ The Lost Continent, page 159
- ↑ The Lost Continent, page 41
- ↑ The Poison Jungle, page 14
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 The Lost Continent, page 39
- ↑ The Hive Queen, page 22
- ↑ The Lost Continent, page 15
- ↑ The Lost Continent, page 40
- ↑ The Flames of Hope, page 29
- ↑ The Flames of Hope, page 11
- ↑ The Flames of Hope, page 12
- ↑ The Flames of Hope, page 2
- ↑ The Flames of Hope, page 81
- ↑ The Poison Jungle, page 131
- ↑ The Poison Jungle, page 133-134
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, prologue
- ↑ The Flames of Hope, page 16
- ↑ The Flames of Hope, page 95
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 85
- ↑ The Flames of Hope, page 324
- ↑ The Flames of Hope, page 84-85
SilkWings | |
Queens |
Present: Monarch |
Other Dragons |
Admiral • Argus • Atala • Blue • Burnet • Clorinde • Cinnabar • Clubtail • Danaid • Dusky • Festoon • Fritillary • Glider • Grayling • Heliconian • Io • Lappet • Luna • Morpho • Pierid • Silverspot • Swordtail • Tau • Temora • Tussock • Whitespeck (TLC) • Whitespeck (TFoH) • Xenica |
Kingdom |
Bloodworm Hive • Cicada Hive • Hornet Hive • Jewel Hive • LeafSilk Kingdom • Mantis Hive • Tsetse Hive • Vinegaroon Hive • Wasp Hive • Yellowjacket Hive |
Kingdom (Historical) |
Society |
Book of Clearsight • Chrysalis • SilkWing Assembly • Tree Wars |