Wings of Fire Wiki
Wings of Fire Wiki

This is an overview of the various covers of The Dangerous Gift.

Wings of Fire 14 US

The Dangerous Gift
Wings of Fire cover galleries
First Arc The Dragonet ProphecyThe Lost HeirThe Hidden KingdomThe Dark SecretThe Brightest Night
Second Arc Moon RisingWinter TurningEscaping PerilTalons of PowerDarkness of Dragons
Third Arc The Lost ContinentThe Hive QueenThe Poison JungleThe Dangerous GiftThe Flames of Hope
Legends DarkstalkerDragonslayer
Winglets PrisonersAssassinDeserterRunaway
Graphic Novels The Dragonet ProphecyThe Lost HeirThe Hidden KingdomThe Dark SecretThe Brightest NightMoon RisingWinter TurningEscaping PerilDarkstalker
Other A Winglets CollectionWinglets Flip BookThe Winglets QuartetForge Your Dragon WorldOfficial Coloring BookA Guide to the Dragon WorldHow to Draw