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"I think we should. I don't belong here, Mother. I wanted to, but — I'm only causing trouble, and I'm not doing what I was hatched to do. I don't speak the underwater language. I don't understand the Council. You have two daughters now who could be great queens one day. [...] But my destiny is somewhere else. I have to go stop the war. With my friends."
— Tsunami to Coral about leaving the Kingdom of the Sea, The Lost Heir

Tsunami is an adult female SeaWing and the main protagonist of The Lost Heir. Formerly a dragonet of destiny, she is also partially responsible for ending the War of SandWing Succession. She is a princess and the oldest living heir to the SeaWing throne. She is the headmistress of Jade Mountain Academy, where she currently resides and is in a long-distance relationship with Riptide.[event 1]


According to Webs, Tsunami's egg was of "the deepest blue", matching the description of the foretold SeaWing dragonet's egg in the Dragonet Prophecy.[3]

Tsunami has dark,[4] deep,[5] royal-blue scales[6] like sapphires[7] that have pale[8] emerald-green[9] flecks underneath them,[8] and shimmer like cobalt glass in torchlight.[10] She has sharp white teeth,[11] blue talons,[12] a long neck[10] and tail,[13] and large,[14] translucent green eyes.[15] She has azure-blue wings,[16] the color of the sea,[17] that have starbursts shaped like webbed talonprints[18] underneath them.[19] She is tall,[20] and is bigger than Turtle[21] and Sundew,[22] but she is still smaller than Clay,[11] and has a sleek, elegant form.[23] One of her wings has a cut near the edge[24] and she has a strong and powerful tail.[25]

She also wears several strands of pearls,[26] including a beautiful,[27] heavy, oddly shaped, cool, smooth,[28] long strand of shimmering pale purple pearls[27] draped around her neck,[28] as well as one wrapped around her chest and wings,[27] given to her by her mother. She has a brash voice.[29]


Tsunami is powerful, fast,[30] defiant,[31] noisy,[22] brave,[32] independent,[33] bossy,[34] fearless,[35] vengeful,[36] firm,[37] outspoken, bold,[38] impulsive, desperate to prove herself,[39] stout,[40] indignant,[41] fierce, determined,[42] snarky,[43] short tempered, brisk,[44] buoyant,[45] and does not usually wait for permission before acting on something.[46] She is angry,[47] ferocious,[48] and a formidable warrior.[49] She likes feeling powerful and dangerous,[50] is easily ruffled,[51] and has a short temper.[52] She is protective[53] and will fight for those she cares about.[54] She can be polite,[55] and has learned to better control her impulses,[56] although she is still willing to fight when necessary.[57] She considers protecting her friends to be her duty,[55] and she wants to be a dragon her friends can trust.[58]

Tsunami shouts a lot and is not very good at answering polite questions,[47] and she sometimes makes specific and detailed threats.[59] While she does enjoy reading, she would usually rather be fighting something.[60] She does not tend to appreciate advice.[61] She often ignores her exhaustion in order to complete her goals,[62] and does not like being caught by anything stronger than her.[63] Despite her brash exterior, she secretly feels very bad about killing other dragons; even though she believes that holding such a sentiment is ridiculous.[64] She feels that helping others is important,[65] and is adamantly against anyone being used.[66] She does not trust prophecies or animus magic, believing that prophecies are silly.[67]

Tsunami began to feel as though she should stop listening to all of her first instincts after she learned that Gill, a dragon that she had previously killed, was her father.[68] She was self-conscious about her actions and why she was "not a better dragon"[69] and felt very guilty after quickly becoming defensive around Riptide.[52] She later second-guessed her true intentions whilst taking Auklet's egg: was she doing the right thing, or acting on impulse? As a result of these past missteps, she has learned to operate more on logic and to think before she acts to make up for the wrongs of her past.[70]

She was considered to have potential by Morrowseer,[71] and Peril thought of her as a fireball that blazed at everything that made her mad.[72] Luna described her as even scarier than Sundew sometimes and thought that she would not even stop to think before rescuing members of the stealth team.[73]


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy

Tsunami was brought to the Talons of Peace by a SeaWing named Webs, one of the guardians, who had stolen her egg from the Royal Hatchery after drugging the guards. Her egg was stolen because of its shade of deep blue described in the prophecy, and she was brought to a cave located in the Claws of the Clouds Mountains, where she lived for the first six years of her life. She grew up with resentment and anger towards the guardians for keeping them locked away in what she saw as a prison, away from the world she and her friends had been longing to see, causing her to become understandably rebellious. At the beginning of the book, she interfered in a fight between Clay and Kestrel, one of their guardians, telling Kestrel to stop picking on Clay.

Eventually, she escaped with Clay through the river after they heard Morrowseer demand Glory's death, for being an unsuitable replacement for the unhatched SkyWing egg in the prophecy. Tsunami was chained to a rock column to keep her from preventing the murder of Glory because they were going to drown her, and Tsunami could swim and save her along with her being able to fight the guardians better than any of the other dragonets. She sang the bar song about the prophecy, like she always did to irritate their guardians, but submitted when Kestrel threatened to chain up her mouth and Clay as well.

After Clay managed to escape down the underground river that ended with a waterfall leading into the Sky Kingdom, she broke free of the chains with the help of Sunny and Starflight's combined fire and rescued Clay from the 'white substance' in the underground river that began to dissolve his scales.

Escaping the chains had dislocated her wing joint when they came over a waterfall out of the mountain. Clay was luckily able to save her, carrying her safely to the ground. After Clay forcibly fixed it by ramming into it, they crossed paths with a SkyWing who revealed herself to be Scarlet, from whom they escaped after Tsunami impaled her tail in the vulnerable spot into the ground with a scavenger claw. This later resulted in their capture and imprisonment in the cave, along with Kestrel and the rest of the dragonets. After that, they were taken to the SkyWing prison and got separated.

During their imprisonment above the SkyWing arena, Tsunami proved to be very temperamental and would lash out at the SkyWing guards, particularly with her strong tail. Due to this, Tsunami was given extra chains to protect the guards. After Clay denounced her as "just one more SeaWing" in front of Scarlet to protect her from the arena, he was forced to fight an IceWing named Fjord. To distract Fjord and save Clay's life, she willingly flung herself off her ledge/prison, nearly choking to death and dragging all the other nearby prisoners down with her. However, it gave Glory enough time to kill Fjord with her venom. The guards carried her and the other prisoners, who were later grumbling that she nearly killed them by jumping off, back up.

Tsunami was surprisingly cowed by Princess Burn. She was taken away after the prisoners sang about the prophecy, and when she encountered Peril, she was distrusting of her — preferring to stay a safe distance away. Later, she was forced to fight and kill Gill, who, to her horror, was later discovered to be her father. Then she was forced to fight Starflight, and to Scarlet's furious disapproval, they just proceeded to embrace each other gently. She and Starflight were then pitted against four scavengers, then some IceWings, only to be interrupted by Morrowseer, who saved Starflight after killing all of the IceWing prisoners.

She and the rest of the prophecy dragonets managed to escape with the aid of Peril, and they decided to search for their parents. After realizing Clay had unintentionally hurt Glory, she planned a trick to make him think she left for good and that Glory could watch his reaction, so she could realize that he had not meant it. When Glory and Clay returned from looking for his parents, they left for the Kingdom of the Sea to meet Tsunami's mother, Queen Coral, and her possible siblings.
The Lost Heir

After escaping from the SkyWing Palace, the dragonets sought refuge in a forest near the Kingdom of the Sea. They spotted a patrol of SkyWings flying overhead and were forced into hiding. Tsunami nearly killed a soldier (when she thought the SkyWing had seen Sunny and was about to bring in the rest of the patrol) who neared the dragonets, which angered the rest of the group. They then began to listen to Starflight's opinions more than Tsunami's, which made her think that her friends did not want her to save them from danger and that they would rather have the NightWing as their leader instead.

Eager to meet her tribe and get away from the other dragonets, she dove into the ocean. There, she spots two SeaWings (later revealed to be Riptide and Nautilus) communicating in Aquatic. After puzzling about this, she waited for one of the SeaWings to leave before coming up to the other, "more handsome" one, who was Riptide. He attempted to communicate with her in Aquatic but failed since Tsunami had never learned Aquatic. When he flashes his stripes at her, she takes it as a test, flashing her stripes back at him. She randomly flashed her stripes, mirroring what he did. After he flashed her stripes at her a second time, the other SeaWing suddenly lunged at her.

Tsunami assumed he was trying to attack her and slashed at the SeaWing's snout. Eventually, she surfaced and flew back toward Clay and the others, hoping for some backup. However, after a bit of arguing, Riptide accused her of saying she liked him and has a lot of explaining to do, the other dragon introduced himself as Riptide and offered to take Tsunami and her friends to the Summer Palace. The group then ran into a patrol led by Commander Shark. The commander ordered his guards to kill the dragonets, but Tsunami quickly stopped them by ordering them, as the princess, not to kill them. She immediately became distrustful of Shark, and Riptide is surprised that she dared to contradict Shark.

When they finally made it to the Summer Palace, Queen Coral welcomed her. Tsunami found out that she had a little sister, Anemone, and was slightly jealous of her. It seemed Coral was slightly suspicious of the other dragonets. They were locked up in a cave, but she assured Tsunami that they would be safe, though she protested. Her mother introduced her to a male SeaWing named Whirlpool, who was on her council. Tsunami immediately disliked Whirlpool, considering him boring, annoying, and ugly. Their conversation was interrupted by Moray, who reported that a dead dragon was found a few islands from The Summer Palace and glared at Tsunami. After finding out that the dead dragon was Kestrel, Tsunami debated about whether to tell her friends about their guardian's death.

They headed to the underwater chambers below one of the waterfalls to sleep. Tsunami immediately went to sleep, and when she woke up, Coral was still sleeping. She talked to Anemone, her little sister, and got to know her better for the first time. Because Tsunami did not know Aquatic, they first headed into a nearby air pocket under the waterfall. Anemone explained what happened to Princess Orca, who challenged Coral for her throne at the age of seven years. Coral killed her accidentally in the end but dearly missed her. Anemone explains how terrible her life had been growing up, as she had been attached to Coral at all times with a harness. Coral then woke up and invited them to come with her to the pavilion to eat with the Council. Tsunami accidentally embarrassed herself by eating when the queen has not given permission. A war party reported that the Sky Kingdom was trying to decide who should be the successor of Queen Scarlet. A possible candidate was Ruby, her eldest daughter. Tsunami revealed that they were in the Sky Kingdom not long ago. Coral asked if they saw her husband, Gill, who went missing. Tsunami regretfully told her that Gill was dead and discovered that he was her father. She did not tell Coral she killed him unknowingly. The Council was dismissed so that Coral could grieve.

Whirlpool found Tsunami and started her first lesson of Aquatic by making her recite a scroll, called The Tragedy Of Orca, written by her mother, Coral. Frustrated, Tsunami stormed off, as she did not learn anything due to the flashes she copied from him completely out of her comprehension and her not knowing anything from the actual scroll. She searched and found for Riptide, who then taught her a few basics of Aquatic, including "I will protect," a phrase she used multiple times later.

When she returned to the palace, someone or something attacked her in the tunnel and covered her face so she could not see. She distracted them by opening and closing her wings twice and flashing her stripes all at once. She then finds Coral to tell her about the attack; however, the queen was more concerned about her eggs than finding out who had attacked her daughter. When they arrived at the hatchery, Coral discovered one of her two eggs had been smashed. Coral blamed Tortoise, who was guarding the room but left to eat an octopus Shark offered to her. As a result, Tortoise was killed by Coral. Tsunami decided to protect the remaining egg, not realizing that she would be killed if anything happened to the egg. Using her limited Aquatic, she said, "I will protect" while holding Coral's last heir.

She left the Deep Palace and met Riptide. She requested his help, and he agreed. They swam to the Summer Palace cavern to check on her friends. The cave was filled with water, and her friends had been neglected and chained up. Furious, Tsunami confronted the guards who had the key. Instead of attacking them, she convinced them to give her the key. She freed her friends and slept with them in a dry cave until the storm passed. They soon met Princess Blister and Coral in the Summer Palace, hiding from the storm. While talking with Coral, Blister accidentally revealed that she murdered Kestrel by saying her throat was slashed even though she would not have known that. Tsunami discovered that Anemone was an animus, which runs in the royal family. Disobeying Whirlpool, Anemone refused to demonstrate her powers to Blister at first but eventually gave in. Blister noticed Webs spying on them in the canopy and threw him onto Tsunami. Coral recognized him as the one who stole Tsunami's egg and refused his plea for mercy. Shortly afterward, she slammed her tail into his head and left him to fall. Tsunami saved him with the help of Clay. She realized later that Webs had saved her from Orca's statue by stealing her egg before the statue could smash it. After seeing Riptide injured, Tsunami bargained with Coral to spare Riptide and Webs if she saved the last egg. Coral refused to let Webs go yet reluctantly agreed to save Riptide.

Tsunami decided to wait in the Royal Hatchery for the egg to hatch. However, since she was also an heir, Orca's statue came alive and attacked her. Tsunami used a spear to stab the statue through the mouth and pin it into the ground. She went to grab the egg, and when she got it, it hatched a small green dragonet who was soon named Auklet. She kicked open the door, and the statue went inactive, as it was enchanted only to kill when there was no one to see it. She found out that the statue was enchanted by her sister, Orca, secretly an animus. She then alerted her mother, who had the statue destroyed.

Blister encouraged the dragonets to choose her, but the dragonets refused to do so until they got the entire picture. Blister convinced Coral to throw them in her prison. Anemone arrived in the prison and used her animus magic to find out that Whirlpool was the one who had attacked Tsunami. Whirlpool revealed that he planned to kill Tsunami and marry Anemone, but since Blister planned to use her animus powers to win the war, she probably would not survive, and he said that he had changed his mind to choose Auklet. Anemone used a spear to hit Whirlpool, who then fell into the electric eel moat. The eels then promptly shocked and killed him. Tsunami and her friends used this opportunity to jump through the waterfall and escape. They escaped just in time to see the SkyWings and MudWings attack the Summer Palace. Tsunami and the others found and freed Riptide and Webs. They met Crocodile, who was revealed to be a traitor to the Talons of Peace. Glory spat her venom into her eyes, almost certainly killing her. However, Blister suddenly attacked and attempted to kill Webs by stabbing at his heart with the venomous barb on her tail, but she missed and scratched his tail instead. The dragonets decided to go to the Rainforest Kingdom, to see if the RainWings knew how to cure SandWing poison and meet Glory's family.
The Hidden Kingdom

The dragonets were traveling through the Mud Kingdom with Webs when they find two MudWing soldiers dead. Tsunami wanted to stop and investigate but was outvoted by the other dragonets. The MudWing soldiers had mentioned a monster that resides within the rainforest. They continue to the Rainforest Kingdom. However, all of them except Glory and Starflight are knocked unconscious with sleep darts by the RainWings. The RainWings take them to the village and insist that it is the best way to meet new visitors.

The dragonets soon wake up in the RainWing village, and Tsunami yells at Jambu for knocking them out. She then tells Sunny to stay still so she could kill and eat Silver (Glory's sloth), but Glory stops her, tells her that Silver was hers, and Tsunami asked her if she meant that Glory is going to eat the sloth. Glory tells her that Silver is her pet and not to make snide comments. Tsunami yells at Glory, saying, "Me? You're telling ME not to make snide comments?" then Clay and Sunny stop them from fighting.

She and the dragonets decide to meet with the current queen for advice on the Web's injury. Queen Magnificent advises them to ask the healers for advice, though it is unlikely they would be able to cure it due to the RainWings' lack of knowledge about curing SandWing venom.

She and the dragonets look for the monster who has been making several RainWings disappear. They find a strange, dark hole, and Mangrove quickly leaps through it to try to find Orchid. The dragonets, along with Jambu, Glory's older brother, also come through the tunnel to find and bring back Mangrove.

They arrive in the Kingdom of Sand and head to the Ice Kingdom to see if Blaze is holding the RainWings prisoner and to meet her. Soon, while Tsunami and the other dragonets are sleeping, Glory wanders off to investigate some smoke, disguised as an IceWing. She finds a NightWing named Deathbringer, who plans to kill her and most of her friends, the dragonets of the prophecy. She arrives back to warn the others, but she is still disguised as an IceWing and made Starflight jump up, and the other dragonets as well. Tsunami tells Glory severely that she nearly hit her with her tail, and Glory tells her that she nearly bit her snout when she was snoring. Then she and the dragonets finally decide that Jambu should accompany Glory to infiltrate Blaze's fortress to find Mangrove and (possibly) the prisoners. Glory, Jambu, and Mangrove bring back Blaze to meet the dragonets. Jambu and Mangrove head back to the Rainforest Kingdom. Suddenly, Deathbringer attempts to assassinate Blaze. He only scrapes her neck and injures Tsunami's wing, but he is then chased away by the dragonets. Queen Glacier and some IceWings are seen arriving at their location. They leave for the tunnel, leaving Blaze for the IceWings to tend to her neck wound.

The dragonets arrive in the Rainforest Kingdom again and hear a dragon stamping in the undergrowth. Tsunami attempts to attack the dragon but is distracted by Deathbringer whistling the dragonets' song. Glory decides to use herself as bait once her friends have left to tell the others. The monster is revealed to be the NightWing tribe (when Glory gets captured by them), who captured RainWings and took them to their secret island home to research their venom. With the help of Clay and Deathbringer, Glory escapes with Kinkajou. They return to the rainforest and go to alert the others while Deathbringer stays behind.

After seeing that Magnificent would not rescue the RainWings, Glory challenges to kill her for the throne. However, Handsome insists on following an old RainWing tradition, a series of RainWing competitions. Glory is forced to pick out her team when Magnificent states that Queen Exquisite, Queen Grandeur, Queen Dazzling, and Queen Fruit Bat are also queens and that they should participate as well. Glory selects Kinkajou, Jambu, Mangrove, and Tamarin for her team.

Glory ultimately wins the competition and becomes the new queen of the RainWings. Glory ask Tsunami to help her train her RainWings into becoming an army to help rescue the captured RainWings.
The Dark Secret
Starflight used a dreamvisitor to visit Tsunami's dream. There, he witnessed her having a nightmare about Anemone turning evil and killing their father. Glory had Tsunami train the RainWings for the upcoming war with the NightWings — a task that was nowhere close to easy because of their lazy behavior. She was overjoyed when Starflight returned to the group and aided in freeing the RainWings from the NightWing island.
The Brightest Night
Tsunami first appeared, bursting out of the tunnel to the volcano and yelling at everybody to back up as Clay hurriedly brings Starflight through. After Sunny was kidnapped, she is mentioned when Sunny notes that she could not hear Tsunami yelling orders anymore. She is later seen when the three NightWings use the Obsidian Mirror to spy on Glory, and she says that Sunny is way too cheerful to notice the prophecy was fake. This causes indignation from Sunny, who is automatically annoyed by her friends' lack of understanding. When Sunny returned from Burn's stronghold and Jade Mountain, Tsunami was battle training some RainWings. Once Tsunami sees Sunny, she hugs her and yells at her for worrying her. Sunny explains where she had been in the healer's hut with Starflight, Clay, Glory, and Tsunami, telling her entire adventure and eventually her official idea. Later, Tsunami comes with Sunny and Ochre to find the Talons of Peace to get through to Blister. Tsunami then meets Riptide again, and he says he will be at the stronghold. She appears at the final showdown, being one of the dragons to hold down Clay as Peril burned out the poison. In the epilogue, she was seen discussing the idea of Jade Mountain Academy with her fellow dragonets, suggesting to invite Anemone and Auklet.

The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Moon Rising
She was first seen when Moonwatcher arrived at the school with Secretkeeper, greeting Coral, Anemone, and Auklet as they come by to drop Anemone off. This was when she first met her brother, Turtle, and was briefly angry with her mother for failing to mention his existence, along with thirty-one of his brothers.[74] She was delighted to see them and bustles them back into the cave. She was later seen in the Jade Winglet meeting room, where she revealed that she was chosen by the other dragonets to be the headmistress of the school. She then claimed that no one should argue with her, refusing Winter's request to a separate cave, and declared they go hunting. When the topic of NightWings was brought up, she mentally agreed with their negative statements but tried to avoid the conversation for the sake of Moon, jumping up to take the Jade Winglet hunting.
Winter Turning

Tsunami was first mentioned when Winter remembers how Scarlet asked for the dragonets of destiny's lives in return for Hailstorm's. Winter then thinks to himself that Tsunami had been one of the dragons who had confirmed that the NightWings had no more powers.

Riptide later mentioned her when Winter, Moonwatcher, Kinkajou, and Qibli found the Talons of Peace, asking if Tsunami had a message for him.
Escaping Peril

Tsunami accompanied Clay and Sunny when Queen Ruby came to collect Carnelian's body. When one of Ruby's guards accused Peril of killing Carnelian, Tsunami firmly states that it was a fire that killed Carnelian, not Peril, even though she does not "like Peril any more than you do." When Ex-Queen Scarlet threw the false Glory head at the dragonets, she shot after Scarlet as fast as she could.

Later, Nautilus mentioned that Tsunami was hunting for Scarlet along with Riptide and his group. Turtle asked them to tell her that it was not Glory's real head and that Glory was fine.
Talons of Power
Tsunami has a conversation with Sunny, overheard by Turtle. They were talking about how Thorn lost some prisoners (confirmed to be Fierceteeth and Strongwings). She stated that she does not like prophecies, finding them complicated, unnecessary, and most of all, overly cryptic and mysterious. When Tsunami saw Turtle, she expressed her surprise and joy while Sunny told her to calm down. Later, Anemone mentioned Tsunami's name when she lists the dragons whom she thought were a threat to her to-be throne.
Darkness of Dragons
When it was revealed to the staff that Ostrich was missing, Tsunami began ranting about how disastrous the school has gone, saying it should not be so hard to sit in a classroom and learn. She yelled at Qibli for running off with the rest of his Winglet, and when he defended himself, bringing up the prophecy, she refused to listen. She argued that Qibli should not leave school and no one should be allowed to. She quickly and eagerly agreed with the idea to message Darkstalker for help while Qibli runs off to find Ostrich. She was also given one of Qibli's earrings. Later on, it was revealed in the Obsidian Mirror that she was captured by an unknown dragon and was trapped somewhere. Towards the end, Fatespeaker and Starflight went to rescue Tsunami. She was mentioned in the NightWing palace dungeons where Qibli and Foeslayer had met, with Foeslayer confirming Tsunami's location in a cave somewhere in the rainforest and handing him a scrap of paper which had Tsunami's location written on it. Foeslayer said that she had intercepted the SeaWing dragonet on her way to the rainforest and also mentioned that Tsunami had been a bit 'shouty.' In the epilogue, she was mentioned to have been rescued and was back at Jade Mountain.

The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Hive Queen

In the prologue, Qibli gets Tsunami and Turtle to meet Moonwatcher and Luna. Moon's prophecy is spoken, and Tsunami gets frustrated and says she wants nothing more to do with prophecies. Qibli then suggests that the two SeaWings can swim to Pantala.

She later appears in the epilogue alongside Turtle. They had just finished swimming to Pantala. Tsunami mentioned that the two of them had a small panic attack in the middle of the ocean. According to the décor, they had just arrived in the Poison Jungle. The siblings almost got attacked by a large poisonous snake, but they were saved by Willow, a LeafWing.
The Poison Jungle
Tsunami and Turtle are residing in the SapWing village in Sequoia's residence when Sundew first encounters them. Turtle has become ill from drinking too much river water, but Tsunami is still alert and active and is apparently on friendly terms with Willow. Later, when the threat of the imminent HiveWing invasion is announced, Tsunami is present to hear Sequoia recall the Legend of the Hive. While Sundew, Cricket, Bumblebee, Nettle, and Mandrake are sent to the Eye of the jungle to find Hawthorn, Tsunami stays behind to recount everything she has learned about the current situation to her friends in Jade Mountain Academy, using a dreamvisitor, which Cricket finds fascinating. Afterward, she also studied the Book of Clearsight with Turtle to see if they could find something on Pyrrhia but were unsuccessful. After Sundew and her friends return from the Eye of the jungle with Hawthorn, Hazel discovers a map by Clearsight that shows Pantala and Pyrrhia, as well as the islands between them. When the remaining LeafWings and SilkWings leave Pantala, she and Turtle go with them, guiding them to the islands on Clearsight's map as they make their way to Pyrrhia.
The Dangerous Gift
Tsunami was seen arriving with the Pantalan dragons as they landed in the Ice Kingdom, much to Snowfall's anger and suspicions. There, she met up with Snowfall and called her the queen of grumps, to which Lynx told Tsunami that she was a great queen, and that nobody invited her to come to the Ice Kingdom to insult Snowfall. When Hazel asked Tsunami to lead them elsewhere, she suggested going to Jerboa's hut, where Moon and Luna were, and shots Snowfall a disgusted look while saying that Thorn would have known "how to treat a group of harmless, tired, sad dragons." Tsunami was then mentioned to have gone back out to sea to retrieve their makeshift rafts, along with Lynx and a few other dragons. Upon arriving at Sanctuary, Tsunami and Riptide both tried to hug each other before Tsunami told Riptide about the new dragons in Sanctuary. Later, when all the queens arrived at Sanctuary, Tsunami stood up to silence the council, then proceeded to recount what had happened previously with Luna and her journey. When electing a dragon from each tribe to go on the journey from Pyrrhia to Pantala, Tsunami volunteered herself to be the SeaWing representative. Near the end of the book, it is said that the team had left for Pantala.
The Flames of Hope

Tsunami was first seen showing Cricket how to use a dreamvisitor on the beach near Jerboa III's hut. She then showed Luna how to use it. Then Tsunami, along with the rest of the stealth team, took off towards Pantala. She estimated that they will arrive on Pantala in around two days. The stealth team was then suddenly attacked by a group of mind-controlled HiveWings. While the rest of the stealth team stayed hidden with gift of stealth, Tsunami, along with Qibli and Pineapple, attacked the HiveWings. This, unfortunately, resulted in them getting knocked unconscious and dragged back to the Hives. The remaining members of the stealth team decided to split up into two groups as a result; one group would rescue the captured stealth team while the other group would wait on Pantala.

Tsunami later appeared again in Queen Wasp's throne room, along with Qibli and Pineapple, bound and gagged. When asked about Sundew's whereabouts by Cottonmouth, Tsunami refused to tell him anything. Qibli kept taunting Cottonmouth during their conversation, which annoyed Tsunami. While Wasp was distracted, Pineapple managed to hit Wasp with his venom, giving Tsunami and the others the chance to escape from Wasp Hive.

The group headed towards Lake Scorpion by Pineapple's (who was possessed by Cottonmouth at the time) suggestion. On their way, they spotted a fire on the ground. They went to investigate it when they were greeted by Sundew, Moonwatcher and Lynx. The six of them decided to go find the abyss to meet with their other friends. While the group were taking a rest, Moon discovered that Pineapple was being mind-controlled while she was reading his mind. The rest of the stealth team were alerted of this and immediately sprung into battle ready stances. Before they could leave, Cottonmouth threatened to kill Luna if they did not meet his demands. He offered to let Luna go, in exchange for one of the other stealth members. Tsunami, Lynx, and Qibli objected to the plan while Sundew agreed to it, offering to deliver herself to Cottonmouth. The stealth team eventually agreed to this, allowing Cottonmouth to lead them to the abyss.

During this, Luna had the idea to share the rest of the stealth team's memories with Freedom. Through Moonwatcher, they were able to share the memories with Freedom. In Tsunami's memory, a younger Tsunami and Glory were arguing over whether the Kingdom of Sand or Sky Kingdom was the larger kingdom. In order to stop their fight, Clay stated that it did not matter which kingdom was the bigger one; only the kingdom with the best food mattered.

After they reached Lake Scorpion, a fight then ensued between the stealth team and Cottonmouth's dragons.



Tsunami was the "blue" dragon that Wren and Sky saw with four other dragons.

Later in the story, she appears again, fighting Rowan, Cardinal, Cranberry, and Arbutus alongside Starflight in the SkyWing Arena. A little while after, she appears again as Leaf escapes the Sky Kingdom.


Tsunami was briefly mentioned by Fierceteeth in multiple notes. She does not appear in the book, but Fierceteeth states that she wants Tsunami and the other dragonets dead.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World

Tsunami was one of the authors of the guide's opening letter.

Tsunami was later mentioned in Coral's opening letter for the SeaWing chapter along with the description of The Missing Princess. She was mentioned several times in Coral's scroll about the War of SandWing Succession. She was later indirectly thanked in the introduction of the aquatic guide. Anemone mentioned Tsunami several times in her letter to Tamarin.

Tsunami was mentioned in Kinkajou's creative writing project about Silver in the RainWing chapter.

Tsunami was indirectly mentioned as one of the dragons Scarlet wanted dead. She wrote a comment about Scarlet's hatred for Glory on Scarlet's kill list.



When they first met, Tsunami was initially jealous of Anemone, thinking about how she would have had the same matching throne and pearls if the Talons of Peace had not stolen her egg.[75] She simply viewed her as a rival to the throne, someone who she could easily kill, though she felt guilty for thinking about something like that on her first meeting with her family.[76] Though, Tsunami quickly warmed up to Anemone. Anemone laughed at Tsunami mocking Whirlpool, a shared dislike they both have towards him. Tsunami is determined that no one will ever, ever hurt Anemone, not while she is around, and she feels nearly protective enough to protect Anemone in the same way that Coral did as the dragonet was growing up.[77] She is physically affectionate towards her younger sister, and would have accepted her into the dragonets of destiny without care for how much danger it would cause.[78] Tsunami believes that Anemone has all of Coral's good qualities and believes that she will be a good queen one day.[33] She deeply worries about the wellbeing of her sister, having nightmares about her going insane.[79] After Anemone used her weather bracelets to impress Darkstalker, Tsunami immediately grew worried for her soul[80] and defended her when Darkstalker said he knew what she did to Whirlpool.[81]


Tsunami vowed to protect Auklet's egg by any means,[77] and she was pleased when Clay stated they shared the same snout shape. She is proud of Auklet.[82] They have a good relationship. When Auklet came with Queen Coral to the school, Tsunami was overjoyed to see her.[83]


Clay is one of Tsunami's dearest friends.[84] Tsunami often defended Clay against Kestrel's harsh training and words.[10] Tsunami was not surprised by Clay's explanation of his attack on their eggs, as she never believed he tried to kill them in the first place.[85] Tsunami described Clay as being one of the most trustworthy of the dragonets of destiny.[86] She wants the best for him and would fight for his safety,[87] and she loves many things about him.[88] She considers him to be the heart of the dragonets of destiny, and believed that the prophecy could not be fulfilled without him.[89] He was happy to see her after they were separated in the Kingdom of the Sea, and she felt warm and happy to be with him again.[90] They are physically affectionate towards one another, and she feels happy[91] and calm around him.[92] She is very important to him,[34] and she considers him to be family.[93]


Coral is Tsunami's mother. While Tsunami mostly adores her mother, she often questions Coral's ruling and judgment. Tsunami believes that some of the queen's ways are scary and harsh, such as slaughtering her guards brutally and publicly to punish them. But overall, it is shown that they love each other and Queen Coral cares for her very much.


Tsunami distrusts Deathbringer, possibly because he once threw a sharp disk through her wing and threatened to kill the dragonets of destiny. Despite this, she has some respect for him. She rolled her eyes when she saw the look he gave Glory, possibly indicating that she does not approve of their relationship.


Tsunami snapped Gill's neck in the SkyWing arena, not knowing that he was her father until Coral told her. Before she learned Gill was her father, she tried to hide how rattled she was about his death.[64] Tsunami was somewhat sure that she had not wanted kill Gill initially, but believed she had no other choice. She found it easier to not think of Gill as a real dragon due to his loss of sanity.[50] When she found out that they were related, she was overcome with guilt. She tried to justify Gill's death in her head before realizing that she had killed Gill out of impulse and a want to prove something to Scarlet.[39] In The Dark Secret, Tsunami is shown to have a nightmare about killing him. She sadly thought of him as one of the dragons who did not make it to the end of the war.[94]


Glory is one of Tsunami's dearest friends.[84] Although Tsunami considers Glory to be the most dangerous and the least trustworthy of the dragonets of destiny,[95] Tsunami wants what is best for her and would fight for her.[87] She appreciates Glory attacking Scarlet to save them, but is bitter that the dragonets do not consider Tsunami's own violent actions to be in the same light.[95] She considers Glory family,[93] and Glory is often teasing towards her. They sometimes display physical affection, although not often.[58] Tsunami believes Glory is scary and tough like a real queen, though she would never admit it out loud to Glory.[96] As young dragonets, Tsunami slung one wing around Glory and joked that Clay would have to stop Tsunami from murdering her.[97]


When Sunny began crying after learning of Kestrel's death, Tsunami stated that Kestrel was unkind and did not deserve Sunny's grief. She was not a good parent, but she was one of the only parents that Tsunami ever knew.[98]


Tsunami was initially very wary and mistrusting of Peril, as she killed many dragons with her firescales, not bothering to stand up against Scarlet and fight back. When Peril tried to burn her chains, Tsunami was hesitant. She has also considered Peril as a maniac. In The Brightest Night, when Peril saved Clay by burning out the poison, Tsunami was speechless yet grateful. However, when Clay suggested they invited Peril to their school, Tsunami was worried about the idea. In Moon Rising, Tsunami suspected Peril of setting off the bomb that killed Carnelian and Bigtail. In Escaping Peril, Tsunami was still shown to lack trust towards Peril, admitting to Ruby that she did not like the SkyWing. Despite this, she does not wish harm to Peril.


Riptide is supportive of Tsunami,[99] and he is physically affectionate towards her.[100] Riptide's whole face lit up when Tsunami was mentioned, and Moonwatcher said that Tsunami thinks of Riptide all the time, and wants to hear from him.[101] She makes him nervous,[102] but she genuinely likes him,[103] and hoped to see him again after their initial meeting.[104] She likes having him around her,[63] and although her first instinct was to yell at him for lying about the identity of his father,[68] he looks at her without any expectation of her becoming queen or any judgement about her murder of Gill; he only sees her as a dragon whom he likes very much.[38] After she reassured him physically, Tsunami felt something tingle in the air between them.[54] He helped her to forget about Gill's death for a while, and he took her front talons in his before they parted. He told her to be careful and that he would be close, if she needed him.[105] Tsunami considered him to be someone that she could trust,[106] but after discovering that he had lied to her about his affiliation with the Talons of Peace, her trust was broken in him, and she wondered if she could believe anything he said.[107] After he apologized to her, she was unsure about her forgiveness towards her, but she still wanted a chance to decide. She wanted him to survive the War of SandWing Succession, and she wanted to meet him again after it was over.[108] When they saw each other in The Dangerous Gift, the two awkwardly tried to hug each other[45] and clearly have feelings for one another.


Starflight is one of Tsunami's dearest friends.[84] After being temporarily captured by Morrowseer, it seemed to Tsunami that Starflight wanted to argue with her about everything, despite her wanting what is best for him and her willingness to fight for him.[87] Most of the time, Tsunami felt bad for Starflight due to his lack of bravery, fighting skills and NightWing powers. However, Tsunami believed that he knew more than any other dragon on Pyrrhia.[86] She is physically affectionate towards him, and sometimes wishes that she were more like him. She believes in his efforts to be brave and helpful,[109] and considers him family.[93] She did not think Starflight would ever betray them and had argued with Glory for an entire day about it.[110] She was overjoyed when Starflight managed to escape the NightWing Island.[111]


Sunny is one of Tsunami's dearest friends.[84] Tsunami considers Sunny to be one of the most trustworthy of the dragonets of destiny,[86] and she would fight for and wants the best for Sunny.[87] She considers Sunny family, like a sister;[93] however, she is also sarcastic toward Sunny on occasion.[112][113]


Turtle is one of Tsunami's thirty-two brothers. Tsunami is surprised about this at first but quickly grows to love her brother, saying that he is "probably the best of them," since he was the only one who came to Jade Mountain Academy. He is one of the only brothers that she has actually met in person. Whenever she sees him, she seems to either be relieved or happy. The two of them swam to Pantala together in the epilogue of The Hive Queen.


Despite him being the only other SeaWing she knew as a dragonet, Tsunami was never close to Webs. While she appreciated that he was the only guardian who actually cared about the dragonets, she thought he should have tried harder to protect them. She was also angry with Webs for stealing her egg, as she believes he had cheated her of her life as a princess in the Sea Kingdom. She later learnt that she would never had her life as a princess because she would have been killed before she hatched by the assassin (Orca's enchanted statue) and that Webs had actually indirectly saved her.


Tsunami would never marry Whirlpool,[114] a feeling that was mutual.[115] She considers him awful and annoying,[116] and stated that he was a horrible teacher.[117]

Family tree[]

MorayFinCeruleanTurtleOctopus28 Dragons
3 DragonsOrcaTsunamiAnemoneAuklet


"You'll regret this. [...] When we're free — when my family hears about this — when the rest of the world finds how you treated the dragonets of destiny—"
― to Kestrel (The Dragonet Prophecy, page 49)

"I've won. [...] You can all see that. We can end this now, without killing anyone. I ask you all to let him live!"
― to the SkyWing crowd (The Dragonet Prophecy, page 220)

"I. Will. Protect."
― to Coral, in Aquatic (The Lost Heir, page 151)

"But I do know this. [...] We can't fulfill the prophecy without Clay. He's the heart of our group. Without him, the rest of us will fall apart, and we won't be worthy of any destiny at all."
― to Herring and Snail (The Lost Heir, page 177)

"I know you don't trust MudWings. I know you obey Shark in everything. But we're talking about the end of the war. You thought nothing you ever did could bring peace or save the dragons you care about, but right now you could make all the difference. [...] Just give me the key."
― Tsunami, about saving Clay (The Lost Heir, page 177)

"I didn't think knowing who she was would explain anything. [...] I knew her, but I have no idea why she was out here or who killed her. [...] And I wanted to tell my friends first. Kestrel wasn't a good parent, but she was one of the only parents we ever knew. I thought they should know — I just haven't had a chance to tell them."
― to Coral, about Kestrel's death (The Lost Heir, page 201-202)

"Don't you have more important things to do? [...] I think they're awful dragons, yes, with a really misguided sense of how to raise dragonets to fulfill a prophecy. But all they want to do is end the war. Isn't that what everyone wants?"
― to Coral, about the Talons of Peace (The Lost Heir, page 220)

"We — I — yes — I think we should. [...] I don't belong here, Mother. I wanted to, but — I'm only causing trouble, and I'm not doing what I was hatched to do. I don't speak the underwater language. I don't understand the Council. You have two daughters now who could be great queens one day. [...] But my destiny is somewhere else. I have to go stop the war. With my friends."
― to Coral, about leaving the Kingdom of the Sea (The Lost Heir, page 249)

"I don't care. [...] I don't care if every dragon in Pyrrhia is searching for us. We'll keep you safe, a lot safer than you are here."
― to Anemone, about leaving with the dragonets of destiny (The Lost Heir, page 261)

"I will, [...] but not because I think I'm the greatest and everyone should listen to me. I'll keep trying to lead you because it's the only way I know to keep you safe. And sometimes I will have to listen, the way Mother listens to her council, and sometimes I won't be able to do exactly what I want."
― Tsunami's thoughts, after the destruction of the Summer Palace (The Lost Heir, page 291)

"Well, except she didn't tell me about the stealth RainWing bodyguards she put on me. That was pretty hilarious. Everyone should suddenly have the air turn into seven bright purple dragons yelling hysterically whenever she gets attacked."
― to Starflight when he, Fatespeaker, and Flame are "captured" by RainWings (The Dark Secret, page 222)

"Where have you BEEN? Do you know how WORRIED we've been? How could you DO that to us? I was so sure that the NightWings did something to you that I nearly threw them all back to the volcano! We've had search parties out every day, but not ONE SIGN of you ANYWHERE! Not even Deathbringer, well, he said he smelled you over to the west, but who trusts him, NOT ME IS WHO. I haven't slept in days, Sunny! DAYS!"
― to Sunny (The Brightest Night, page 209-210)

"I'm afraid if I go home, Mother will somehow get a harness on me, or at least watch me every moment of the day. And it'll be easier to learn Aquatic here than in the Deep Palace, where there would be a million eyes on me all the time and hardly any chances to come up the surface to talk. [...] Worse, no one could understand me. How would I boss anyone around?"
― to the dragonets of destiny (The Brightest Night, epilogue)

"I can make a stab at comforting! [...] Let me try ... um ... hey, it's only two dragons, right? Ah, they won't be able to do anything. Deathbringer will totally stop them if they go anywhere near her. I mean, that is his entire purpose in life, as far as I can tell. And if they kill him, Glory will take them down with her magical death spit. So don't worry, pat pat pat."
― to Sunny (Talons of Power, page 27)

"By all the moons, Sunny, look — a student from the Jade Winglet is actually HERE! At SCHOOL, where they're SUPPOSED to be! What a glorious honor. Is it my hatching day? Or am I hallucinating?"
― to Sunny (Talons of Power, page 27-28)

"We swam. [...] SeaWings can breathe underwater. So we'd swim until we got tired, take a nap at the bottom of the sea, eat some fish, and then keep going. It felt like heading off the edge of the world. For most of the trip, we couldn't see any land in any direction — maybe an island in the distance unless we were hallucinating those. But we were trying to stay on a course due west, following the stars if my brother has any idea what he's talking about. It took us about four days of almost nonstop swimming, but I bet I could have done it in three by myself. I'm not sure if Turtle is really sick or just still recovering from all that exercise."
― to Sundew and Willow, explaining how she and Turtle got to Pantala (The Poison Jungle, page 122-123)

"Luna, I'm going to share another Pyrrhian secret with you. Because I think it will help and I think it's important and, you know what, it's my thing- well, the Jade Mountain Academy's thing- and I'm the headmaster, basically, and so I don't need any queens' permission is what I've decided, so there."
― to Luna (The Flames of Hope, page 9)


  • Tsunami's gills flutter when she is angry.[118]
  • Tsunami is described as tone-deaf, as she is unable to sing well.[119]
  • On the cover of The Lost Heir, Tsunami has blue eyes,[120] although she is described to have green eyes.[15] She is also missing the patterns of spirals under her wings, which is a characteristic of the royal family.[19] This is a mistake made with Anemone on the hardcover for Talons of Power, as well.
  • Tsunami likes her name because she considers it to be fierce and scary. She likes Riptide's name for the same reason.[121]
  • Tsunami had brief crushes on Clay and Starflight when she was younger, but she quickly grew out of it since she realized Starflight was too annoying and Clay treated the other dragonets of destiny like siblings.[68]
  • Tsunami only likes reading if the scroll is exciting or has female warrior dragons in them.[60]
  • Tsunami dislikes rain.[122] This is a feeling she shares with her brother, Turtle, and several other SeaWings.
  • In The Flames of Hope, Tsunami was described as having blue blood multiple times,[123][124] despite IceWings being the only tribe with blue blood. This was corrected in later printings.
  • When she and her friends still lived underground, Tsunami's solution to everything was "jump in the river".[125]
  • Tsunami's favorite scroll is The Missing Princess because it would make her think about returning home.



  1. Talons of Power, prologue
  2. The Lost Heir, page 103
  3. The Lost Heir, page 218
  4. The Poison Jungle, page 121
  5. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 125
  6. Moon Rising, page 74
  7. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 241
  8. 8.0 8.1 The Dragonet Prophecy, page 29
  9. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 98
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 The Dragonet Prophecy, page 5
  11. 11.0 11.1 The Dragonet Prophecy, page 4
  12. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 38
  13. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 18
  14. The Lost Heir, page 204
  15. 15.0 15.1 The Dragonet Prophecy, page 9
  16. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 83-84
  17. The Hidden Kingdom, page 54
  18. The Lost Heir, page 67
  19. 19.0 19.1 The Lost Heir, page 52
  20. The Hive Queen, prologue
  21. The Poison Jungle, page 112
  22. 22.0 22.1 The Flames of Hope, page 22
  23. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 274
  24. The Hidden Kingdom, page 147-148
  25. The Flames of Hope, page 36
  26. The Hidden Kingdom, page 57
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 The Lost Heir, page 107
  28. 28.0 28.1 The Lost Heir, page 84
  29. The Dangerous Gift, page 69
  30. The Lost Heir, page 173
  31. The Flames of Hope, page 216
  32. Escaping Peril, page 19
  33. 33.0 33.1 The Lost Heir, page 290
  34. 34.0 34.1 The Lost Heir, page 269
  35. The Lost Heir, page 156
  36. The Lost Heir, page 139
  37. The Lost Heir, page 137
  38. 38.0 38.1 The Lost Heir, page 128
  39. 39.0 39.1 The Lost Heir, page 123
  40. The Lost Heir, page 45
  41. The Lost Heir, page 17
  42. The Lost Heir, page 14
  43. The Dangerous Gift, page 147
  44. The Dangerous Gift, page 145
  45. 45.0 45.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 139
  46. The Dangerous Gift, page 252
  47. 47.0 47.1 Darkness of Dragons, page 279
  48. Darkness of Dragons, page 200
  49. Darkness of Dragons, page 199
  50. 50.0 50.1 The Lost Heir, page 120
  51. The Lost Heir, page 140
  52. 52.0 52.1 The Lost Heir, page 35
  53. The Lost Heir, page 131
  54. 54.0 54.1 The Lost Heir, page 130
  55. 55.0 55.1 The Lost Heir, page 159
  56. The Lost Heir, page 203
  57. The Lost Heir, page 260
  58. 58.0 58.1 The Lost Heir, page 291
  59. Darkness of Dragons, page 280
  60. 60.0 60.1 The Lost Heir, page 91
  61. The Lost Heir, page 110
  62. The Lost Heir, page 15
  63. 63.0 63.1 The Lost Heir, page 95
  64. 64.0 64.1 The Lost Heir, page 2
  65. The Lost Heir, page 162
  66. The Lost Heir, page 225
  67. Darkness of Dragons, page 52
  68. 68.0 68.1 68.2 The Lost Heir, page 127
  69. The Lost Heir, page 141
  70. The Flames of Hope, page 255
  71. The Lost Heir, page 296
  72. Escaping Peril, page 8
  73. The Flames of Hope, page 57
  74. Moon Rising, page 7
  75. The Lost Heir, page 77
  76. The Lost Heir, page 78
  77. 77.0 77.1 The Lost Heir, page 146
  78. The Lost Heir, page 261
  79. The Dark Secret, page 173-174
  80. Talons of Power, page 43
  81. Talons of Power, page 51
  82. The Lost Heir, page 244
  83. Moon Rising, page 4
  84. 84.0 84.1 84.2 84.3 The Lost Heir, page 195
  85. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 296
  86. 86.0 86.1 86.2 The Lost Heir, page 165
  87. 87.0 87.1 87.2 87.3 The Lost Heir, page 24
  88. The Lost Heir, page 47
  89. The Lost Heir, page 177
  90. The Lost Heir, page 180
  91. The Lost Heir, page 186
  92. The Lost Heir, page 187
  93. 93.0 93.1 93.2 93.3 The Lost Heir, page 281
  94. The Brightest Night, epilogue
  95. 95.0 95.1 The Lost Heir, page 166
  96. The Brightest Night, page 210
  97. The Flames of Hope, page 287
  98. The Lost Heir, page 201
  99. The Dangerous Gift, page 192
  100. The Dangerous Gift, page 193
  101. Winter Turning, page 144
  102. The Lost Heir, page 71
  103. The Lost Heir, page 85
  104. The Lost Heir, page 86
  105. The Lost Heir, page 132
  106. The Lost Heir, page 179
  107. The Lost Heir, page 278
  108. The Lost Heir, page 284
  109. The Lost Heir, page 268
  110. The Dark Secret, page 110
  111. The Dark Secret, page 221-222
  112. The Brightest Night, page 222
  113. Talons of Power, page 28
  114. The Lost Heir, page 104
  115. The Lost Heir, page 265
  116. The Lost Heir, page 197
  117. The Lost Heir, page 223
  118. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 51
  119. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 198
  120. The Lost Heir English cover
  121. The Lost Heir, page 40
  122. The Lost Heir, page 167
  123. The Flames of Hope, page 44
  124. The Flames of Hope, page 222
  125. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 6
  1. Stated by Tuisource 


Present: Coral
Historical: LagoonPearl





Jade Mountain


Other Dragons


Other Dragons







Bay of a Thousand ScalesDeep PalaceSummer Palace


Island Palace


AquaticRoyal SeaWing MassacreSeaWing CouncilTalons of Power ceremony
