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Wings of Fire Wiki

Unnamed characters are characters who have been mentioned or appeared in the books without their names being stated.


Click on the tabs to view each unnamed BeetleWing.

The lavender dragonet was a female BeetleWing dragonet who was introduced in the prologue of The Lost Continent.


The dragonet was tiny and had lavender scales. She had no wings, instead only wingbuds on her back.[1]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Lost Continent[]

After Clearsight arrived on Pantala, she saw the lavender dragonet clinging to a branch, and realized that the dragonet would have been killed in the hurricane if she had not arrived. Clearsight then noted that the dragonet would wake up the next morning, complain that she wanted blackberries for breakfast, and chase butterflies in the sunlight.


Click on the tabs to view each unnamed HiveWing.

The HiveWing citizen is an adult female HiveWing who was introduced in The Hive Queen.


The HiveWing citizen has summer-squash-yellow scales with flecks of red and black,[2] and black wings. She wore a long sea-green silk scarf that wound around her whole body and was pinned together with an enormous dragonfly brooch on her back. She covered herself with webs of garnets and diamonds.[3]


According to Cricket, the HiveWing citizen is all smiles and stories[3] and Blue said she seems nice. Cricket used her as an example for Sundew, talking about what the HiveWing citizen would do if Queen Wasp did not control her; she said that maybe she would have tried to help them.[4] Blue compared her to Cricket, however Sundew and Swordtail said she would not risk her easy, happy life, and that HiveWings only cared for themselves.[5]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Hive Queen[]

The HiveWing citizen was seen in the Glitterbazaar when she replied to Cricket's complaint about Jewel Hive. She told Cricket about Raindrop Scales and Pinacate while Cricket, Blue, Swordtail, and Sundew were headed to the Salvation Statue.

Katydid's father is an adult male HiveWing who was introduced in The Hive Queen. He raised both Katydid and Cricket, being Cadelle's ex-husband and Cricket's grandfather.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Hive Queen[]

Cricket thought about how her grandparents were always fighting. Katydid's father was first introduced in a flashback when he came home early to eat dinner with Cadelle. It was mentioned that the two of them were arguing.

Katydid's father was later seen in another flashback. He was shown to be confused, bowing to Lady Scarab when she came to visit Katydid and Cricket, and trying to offer her some tea. When Lady Scarab asked about Cricket's school, Terrarium Academy, he told her that it was a very "down-to-earth place." Lady Scarab commented on his pun.

Lady Scarab's great-great-grandmother was a female HiveWing queen who was mentioned in The Hive Queen.


Scarab described her as a "nightmare" and "horror show." She sarcastically called her charming.[6]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Hive Queen[]

Lady Scarab briefly mentioned her while talking to Cricket about the HiveWings being descendants of Clearsight. She said that when her great-great-grandmother was queen, she ordered the end of mingling bloodlines between HiveWings and SilkWings. Scarab also told Cricket that it was probably her great-great-grandmother's idea to leave that fact out of the HiveWing books.

Silverspot's mistress is an adult female HiveWing who was mentioned in The Lost Continent.


She is bad-tempered and insecure about her status and takes out her anger by being cruel to Silverspot.[7]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Lost Continent[]

When Silverspot promised Luna to try to come to the Cocoon, Luna consoled her, knowing that Silverspot's mistress would enjoy keeping Silverspot from attending her Metamorphosis.

Later, when Io and Blue were trying to escape, Blue noted that Silverspot's mistress has an impressive mansion on a higher level of Cicada Hive.

The HiveWings hunting for LeafWings were a group of an unspecified amount of HiveWings who were mentioned in The Poison Jungle. They were sent to search the Poison Jungle for any LeafWings.



The HiveWings tried to get into the Poison Jungle and search for LeafWings under Queen Wasp's mind control. They likely were not mind-controlled at the time, since one of them had to report back to Queen Wasp. Only one survived to warn others about the dangers of the jungle.

The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Poison Jungle[]

Sundew mentioned the HiveWings and told the story of what happened to them.

The uncontrollable HiveWing is an elderly male HiveWing who was introduced in The Hive Queen. He appeared in Cricket's flashback and resisted the hive mind. He was said to be a traitor.


Cricket described him as having red and black striped wings. He looks quite old, somewhere from sixty to a hundred by Cricket's guess. He was said to be quite big, and his scales were said to be dull.[8] He had dark eyes.[9]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Hive Queen[]

Appearing in Cricket's memory, he was resisting Wasp's hive mind. All the HiveWings, excluding Cricket, grabbed him under Queen Wasp's orders and took him to Wasp Hive. It is unknown what happened to him afterward.

Jewel's children are a group of an unspecified amount of HiveWings who are the dragonets of Lady Jewel. They were mentioned in The Hive Queen.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Hive Queen[]

Scarab mentioned Lady Jewel's children as her grandchildren. When protesting that she listened to Scarab all the time, Jewel hotly denies her mother's statement that her children are a disaster.

The Dangerous Gift[]

Jewel was worried about her children under the mind control. Scarab comforted Jewel by saying if they left, Wasp could not use them against Jewel.

The HiveWing soldiers were a group of five HiveWings who were introduced in The Lost Continent.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Lost Continent[]

Five HiveWing soldiers were seen escorting Blue to the flamesilk cavern.

Io's attacker is a HiveWing dragonet of unknown gender who was introduced in The Lost Continent.


They are no taller than Blue's wingbuds and are scarlet with black spots.[10]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Lost Continent[]

The dragonet was seen attacking Io as she and Blue were trying to escape.

The HiveWing guard at Silkworm Hall is an adult female HiveWing who was introduced in The Flames of Hope.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Flames of Hope[]

The HiveWing guard appeared in Luna's memory of Silkworm Hall. She was seen bullying a SilkWing dragonet named Glider. Luna yelled at the guard for bullying the young SilkWing, to which the guard reacted angrily. Swordtail got the guard's attention off of Luna by standing on the railing, taunting her. The guard yelled at Swordtail and ordered both the SilkWings to go to the headmaster.

The twenty mind-controlled HiveWings were a group of twenty HiveWings introduced in The Flames of Hope who were formerly mind-controlled by Wasp.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Flames of Hope[]

While on a mission to find the runaway LeafWings, they encountered the stealth team. During the ensuing fight, several of them were knocked out by blowdarts that Pineapple had with him. The HiveWings that were still conscious managed to knock out and capture Moonwatcher, Tsunami, Pineapple, and Qibli. They brought them back to the Hives, and left the unconscious HiveWings on the island.

Earwig's brothers are a group of an unspecified amount of male HiveWings who are the brothers of Earwig. They were mentioned in The Flames of Hope.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Flames of Hope[]

Earwig's brothers were mentioned by Wasp in the beginning of The Flames of Hope. She threatened Earwig by saying that she would have her brothers kill each other if she was not respectful toward the queen.

The two HiveWings searching for Blue are two HiveWings who were introduced in The Lost Continent.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Lost Continent[]

The two HiveWings were searching for Blue, who was suspected of being a flamesilk at the time. One of them suggested looking under the hole Blue and Cricket were hiding in, but the other one said they should skip it, since it was so creepy and smelly.

Weevil's friend is a female HiveWing who was introduced in The Lost Continent.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Lost Continent[]

Weevil's friend entered The Sugar Dream shop with Weevil. She ordered honey drops, sugar wasps, and apricot taffy before leaving.


Click on the tabs to view each unnamed IceWing.

The Animus IceWing twins were two adult IceWings of unknown gender who designed, built, and enchanted the IceWing palace to never melt and be immune to any outside attack.[11]



The animus IceWing twins created the gift of splendor together centuries prior to the modern era.

The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Winter Turning[]

Winter mentioned the animus IceWing twins when thinking about the palace.

Arctic's teacher was an adult male IceWing who was introduced in Runaway. He was killed by the spears Arctic enchanted.




He taught Arctic everything he knew about weapons. When Arctic and Foeslayer tried to escape, he and five other guards tried to rescue Arctic, thinking that he was being kidnapped. However, the prince used his animus magic on their spears during the escape and accidentally killed them all.

The IceWing prisoners were eight IceWings introduced in The Dragonet Prophecy.

IceWing prisoners

From The Dragonet Prophecy (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes



The IceWing soldiers fought in a battle between Burn and Blaze's armies and were captured by the SkyWings.

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

They appeared when Queen Scarlet pitted them against Tsunami and Starflight; but they never fought them. When Morrowseer and his NightWings appeared and demanded to take Starflight, Scarlet said she would not let him go until she saw the IceWings fight Starflight. In response to this, Morrowseer ordered his NightWings to kill them all, remarking that he "took care of [her] IceWing problem" before taking Starflight.

The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Winter Turning[]

The IceWing prisoners were mentioned by Winter when he said that the NightWings killed them while they were still chained up.

The IceWing soldiers were a group of an unspecified amount of IceWings who were introduced in The Dragonet Prophecy. They died in a battle before the dragonets of destiny arrived in the Mud Kingdom.


From The Dragonet Prophecy (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

Their bodies were shown in the river adjacent to the wreckage of the battle alongside numerous dead MudWings. They were burning and had spears lodged in them, and one was on a rock by a waterfall.

The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Moon Rising[]

They appeared in Sora's memory of the battle, and were fighting the MudWings.

The IceWing soldiers were a group of an unspecified amount of IceWings who were introduced in the prologue of The Dark Secret.


From The Dark Secret (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dark Secret[]

The IceWings made a surprise attack on Clay's sibs. They won the battle, and the SandWing generals called for a retreat. As the MudWings fled, Pheasant wondered what IceWings wanted with a scavenger den.

The IceWing messenger is a male IceWing who was introduced in the epilogue of Talons of Power.


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Talons of Power[]

The IceWing messenger arrived to tell Hailstorm of Glacier's death. He mentioned that Hailstorm's parents' health had become worse.

The IceWing scout is a male IceWing who was introduced in The Dangerous Gift.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Dangerous Gift[]

The IceWing scout told Snowfall that hundreds of unknown dragons were approaching the Ice Kingdom from the west. When she said that they were likely a group of RainWings and SeaWings, he said that he did not think those tribes would attack the IceWings, thus angering the young queen. Snowfall harshly dismissed him afterward.

The IceWing dragonets are a group of an unspecified amount of IceWing dragonets introduced in Winter Turning.

IceWing dragonets GN

From Winter Turning (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Winter Turning[]

The IceWing dragonets turned and stared at Winter when he was in their place in line.

Lynx's father is an adult male IceWing who was mentioned in The Dangerous Gift. He is the father of Lynx and was formerly in the Fifth Circle until the rankings were destroyed by Snowfall.[12]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Dangerous Gift[]

He was briefly mentioned when Lynx and Snowfall were going to the edge of the Ice Kingdom. Lynx was worried for him.

Stone's IceWing is an IceWing of unknown gender who was introduced in Dragonslayer. They were used by Stone for quick transportation in order to fly back to Valor.


Stone's IceWing has shiny, glimmering, purely white scales, a narrow face, and long, sharp spikes down their back. Ivy described their tail spikes to bristle like needles.[13]




Stone's IceWing was flying weirdly, constantly jerking and shaking themselves. After the IceWing crashed into the trees, Stone appeared, explaining how he rode the dragon to get back to Valor.

Winter's uncles are a group of an unspecified amount[14] of adult male IceWing princes who were introduced in Winter Turning.


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Winter Turning[]

One of Winter's royal uncles joined Hailstorm, Icicle, and Winter on a polar bear hunt. He looked disapprovingly at Winter when he let a polar bear get away.

Opal's queen was a female IceWing queen who was mentioned in The Dangerous Gift. She ruled as queen of the IceWings during Opal's time.



Opal's queen inherited the throne before she was ready, causing her to be anxious and paranoid. She ordered Opal to enchant a ring to be used for spying, but Opal instead enchanted it to help her become a better queen. After learning the true intention of the ring, Opal's queen locked Opal in the dungeons, but released her a few weeks later after having a change of heart.

The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Dangerous Gift[]

After Opal revealed the purpose of her ring to Snowfall, she acknowledged that her queen did not approve of her enchantment at first; however, she grew to forgive her.

Arctic's siblings were a group of an unspecified amount of IceWings who were the other children of Queen Diamond. Tui had confirmed their existence,[event 1] and stated that none of Arctic's siblings inherited animus magic from their mother, leading to the IceWings losing their animus bloodline.

The IceWing prisoner was a female IceWing introduced in The Dragonet Prophecy. She was kept prisoner by Queen Scarlet.


She had moon-silver scales[15] and a silvery head.[16]


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

She was on the rock spire next to Clay during his imprisonment in the Sky Kingdom, and was shown sleeping and singing. She was killed by a pair of NightWings after Morrowseer had them kill all of Scarlet's IceWing prisoners.

Battlewinner's attacker was an IceWing of unknown gender who tried to kill Queen Battlewinner.


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dark Secret[]

When Starflight and Fatespeaker finally found and spoke with Battlewinner, she explained that the reason she could not leave her cauldron was due to an IceWing that had attacked her and shot frostbreath straight down her throat.

The IceWings guards were a group of six IceWings who were introduced in Runaway. They tried to stop Arctic and Foeslayer from escaping the Ice Kingdom, but were unintentionally killed by Arctic while using his magic.




As Foeslayer and Arctic were escaping with the other NightWing diplomats, six IceWing guards flew down from the sky to try and stop them. After Snowflake convinced the guards that the NightWings were stealing their prince, the guards attacked the two, along with the other escaping NightWings. Arctic tried to use his magic to stop the guards from attacking them, but his spell instead killed the guards.

Snowfox's daughter was a female IceWing who was mentioned in Darkstalker.




When Darkstalker was considering killing Queen Diamond, Clearsight begged him to not kill her because Snowfox would take the throne which led to multiple possible timelines where she wiped out the NightWings. Clearsight told Darkstalker that Snowfox had a daughter who would be able to take the throne in seven years and until then, he could not kill Diamond.

Snowflake's parents were a pair of IceWings who was mentioned in Runaway.




Snowflake mentioned that her parents were ecstatic when she was chosen to marry Prince Arctic.


Click on the tabs to view each unnamed LeafWing.

Atala's partner is a male LeafWing who was introduced in The Dangerous Gift. He is currently in a relationship with Atala.


The LeafWing has green scales.[17]


Atala described him as gentle.[18]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Dangerous Gift[]

He was seen in one of Queen Snowfall's visions flying toward Pyrrhia while next to Atala and in a storm. Later, he was seen sleeping next to Atala and spending time with her.

Cobra Lily's sister is a female LeafWing who was mentioned in The Poison Jungle.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Poison Jungle[]

When Sundew returned to the PoisonWing village, she saw Cobra Lily guarding the entrance. She thought about how Cobra Lily had put a poisonous manchineel fruit into a dragon's lunch for insulting her sister.

Willow's father is an adult male LeafWing who was introduced in The Poison Jungle.


He was described to be a pale green color, with kind eyes and a nervous energy.[19]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Poison Jungle[]

Willow mentioned that she had gotten too close to the manchineel grove once when on a hunt, and he had dragged her back to the village and lectured her for a week about it.

Sundew only met Willow's father briefly, as Sequoia swept him into her entourage when he paused to wish Willow good luck.

Sundew's favorite teacher was a LeafWing of an unknown gender who was mentioned in The Poison Jungle. They were killed by a tsetse fly bite.


The Poison Jungle[]

When Sundew saw a tsetse fly while looking for Hawthorn, she thought about how there were no more of the flies near the PoisonWing village. After one had killed her favorite teacher, she told all the carnivorous plants to eat tsetse flies if they saw them.

The royal LeafWing twins were a pair of female LeafWing princess twins who were featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. They were the dragonets of Queen Zelkova and resided on Pantala.



The LeafWing twins hatched in the southern forest palace hatchery. Clearsight wrote a warning in the Book of Clearsight that the twins must stay together at all costs or the LeafWing tribe would enter a civil war.


Click on the tabs to view each unnamed MudWing.

The MudWing bigwings is an adult female MudWing who was introduced in The Dragonet Prophecy.


From The Dragonet Prophecy (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

When Clay and Glory entered the Mud Kingdom, they talked to the bigwings of a sib group. She told the others to keep practicing while she talked to them. She was shocked to hear an egg was taken from the MudWings, but after they reworded the question, she pointed them to Cattail's sleephouse.

The MudWing soldiers were a group of an unspecified amount of MudWings who were introduced in The Dragonet Prophecy. They died in the battle by Diamond Spray River before the dragonets of destiny arrived in the Mud Kingdom.


From The Dragonet Prophecy (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

Their bodies appeared when the dragonets were walking toward the Mud Kingdom. Two had been stabbed with spears; one in the neck, and one in the chest. Multiple of them were still on fire, and at least one had their wings ripped off or bent.

The MudWing guards were two MudWings of unknown gender who were introduced in Assassin.


Both the guards had brown scales.[20]




The guards were brought to Piranha by three SeaWings shortly after Tempest's death. The SeaWings said that they found them in the direction that the spear came from. The two MudWings claimed they had nothing to do with it, but Piranha said that if they really did not, then they were the worst guards in the Bay of a Thousand Scales. One of them responded, saying that she was a wet nose and knew nothing about guarding land. Piranha then demanded that they be executed. Swamp protested and blamed Blister for the murder. Piranha turned to Blister and told her to kill the two MudWings or risk losing their alliance.

The two MudWing citizens are two MudWings, one male and one of an unknown gender, who were introduced in The Dragonet Prophecy.


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The MudWing citizens were asked by a SandWing scout about the dragonets of destiny. When one of them said that he had not seen them, the SandWing left.

Clay's father is an adult male MudWing who was mentioned in The Dragonet Prophecy.



It was said that not even Cattail knew who he was. Clay's father met Cattail during a breeding night, which resulted in the birth of Clay, Sora, Crane, Umber, Pheasant, Marsh, and Reed. He returned to his own sleep house afterwards and was never seen or heard from by Cattail again.

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

As Clay and Glory left Cattail, Glory stated that she could have been wrong about Clay's father not wanting to know him.

Cattail and Asha's bigwings is a MudWing of unknown gender who was mentioned in The Dragonet Prophecy.


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

When Clay and Glory informed Cattail of Asha's status, the MudWing said their bigwings would be furious to hear of Asha's fate.

The two MudWing soldiers were two MudWings who were introduced in The Hidden Kingdom. They were killed by a NightWing.

MudWing soldiers

From The Hidden Kingdom (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Hidden Kingdom[]

While the dragonets of destiny were walking through the Rainforest Kingdom, they heard the pair coming. While the MudWings passed by them, they mentioned a rainforest monster that had been killing random MudWings. Glory eavesdropped on them after they mentioned the "SkyWing situation"; however, soon after she started to listen, she stumbled upon their corpses. They were mentioned when Glory discovered that whoever had been kidnapping the RainWings was also responsible for their deaths.

The Dark Secret[]

When Starflight, Fatespeaker, and Glory were on their way to Battlewinner's cave, they passed the council's chamber. Starflight overheard a conversation about how RainWings were easier to kill than MudWings. He realized that they killed the MudWings to scare dragons away from the rainforest; thus letting them take the kingdom without any complications.

The MudWing prisoner was a male MudWing who was introduced in Assassin.




The MudWing was held captive by the NightWings while living on the NightWing island. He was ordered to be killed by Deathbringer and he did so reluctantly, despite wanting to know more about him.

The decapitated MudWing head was the head of a female MudWing who was introduced in Escaping Peril.

MudWing head GN 1

From Escaping Peril (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes

MudWing head GN 2

From Escaping Peril (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The MudWing had brown scales[21] and brown eyes.[22]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Escaping Peril[]

When Scarlet flew over Jade Mountain Academy, she threw what was thought to be Queen Glory's severed head. After closer inspection by Turtle, the dragonets found out that the head was not Glory's, but rather that of an unknown MudWing. Queen Ruby offered to talk to Queen Moorhen about who the head could have belonged to, as she thought it could lead to where Scarlet was hiding.

The Talons of Peace MudWing is a female MudWing who was introduced in Escaping Peril. She is a member of the Talons of Peace.

ToP MudWing GN

From Escaping Peril (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Escaping Peril[]

While on one of many patrols sent out to look for Ex-Queen Scarlet, she attacked what the group thought was Scarlet; but they later found it was just Peril and Turtle. She had pinned Turtle for a majority of the encounter with the other two dragons before Nautilus told her to get off.

The MudWing siblings are a group of one male and two female MudWings who were introduced in Escaping Peril. They currently reside in Possibility.

Possibility MudWings GN

From Escaping Peril (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The youngest sibling is missing an arm.[23]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Escaping Peril[]

While Peril and Turtle were sneaking into Possibility underwater, they passed by the three siblings. The biggest one pointed to a crooked furrow and thwapped her brother. He threw a carrot at her in retaliation, and the youngest sibling, their sister, laughed at this until she almost fell over.

Kinkajou and Moon's clawmate is a female MudWing who was mentioned in Darkness of Dragons.


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Darkness of Dragons[]

Moon mentioned that she and Kinkajou had a new MudWing clawmate that she liked.

Moorhen's siblings are a group of one female and three male MudWings who are in the same sibling troop as Queen Moorhen. They were introduced in The Brightest Night.


From The Brightest Night (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


Moorhen's sister looks exactly like the queen.[24]


The Brightest Night[]

Sunny used a dreamvisitor to convince them to call off the potential siege of the Ice Kingdom in favor of the dragonets of destiny choosing the SandWing queen.

The Dangerous Gift[]

Snowfall nearly bowed to Moorhen's sister in Sanctuary, mistaking her for the MudWing queen.

Sepia and Newt's siblings are a group of an unspecified amount of MudWings who were introduced in A Guide to the Dragon World. They are in the same sibling troop as Sepia and Newt. The bigwings of the troop is an unnamed female MudWing.[25]


Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Sepia and Newt's siblings were featured in the MudWing chapter of the guide where they were mentioned in Sepia's notes on The Sluglike Qualities of the MudWings. They were later mentioned in Sepia's scroll titled A Few of the Many Noble Qualities of MudWings.

Moccasin's siblings were a group of four[26] MudWings, one male, one female, and two of unknown gender, who were introduced in A Guide to the Dragon World. They were the siblings of Moccasin, Taupe, and Warthog and resided in the Mud Kingdom.



Moccasin's siblings hatched in the Mud Kingdom where they lived together. When Moccasin began to sneak out to see her eggs, they followed Moccasin and Taupe to see the blood-red egg Moccasin was concerned about. During the eggs' hatching, Moccasin's siblings were all present and hidden behind a boulder so that they could see if there was anything wrong with the dragonet from the egg.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Moccasin's siblings were featured in the MudWing chapter of the guide where they were mentioned in The Mysterious Egg.

Moccasin's dragonets were a group of seven[26] MudWings, one male, one female, and five of unknown gender, who were introduced in A Guide to the Dragon World. They were the dragonets of Moccasin and resided in the Mud Kingdom. The bigwings of the troop was an unnamed male MudWing.[27]


Moccasin's third largest egg[28] was an unusual red color,[26] as if it had been rolled in blood.[29] The dragonet from the red egg had brown-gold scales.[27]

The bigwings of the dragonets was described as gigantic and had a funny bossy expression all the time.[27]


Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Moccasin's eggs and the dragonets inside were featured in the MudWing chapter of the guide where they were mentioned in The Mysterious Egg. In her diary, Moccasin recounted the events of the eggs before they hatched.

Moccasin's dragonets' father was an adult male MudWing who was introduced in A Guide to the Dragon World. He was the father of Moccasin's dragonets and resided in the Mud Kingdom.


Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

In her diary, Moccasin recounted Taupe asking her if the father of her eggs could have been a SkyWing due to the unusual red color of one of her eggs. Moccasin hesitantly noted that she was pretty sure the father was a MudWing as she believed that a SkyWing would have smelled different than a MudWing.

The royal tutor was an adult male MudWing who was featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. He was the tutor for Queen Anhinga's dragonets.



The tutor taught the royal MudWing dragonets in a classroom in the MudWing palace.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

The tutor was mentioned by Sawgrass in But Who Shall Wear the Crown?

Coypu's siblings were a group of five royal MudWings who were featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. They were the siblings of Queen Coypu, the dragonets of Olive, and the adopted dragonets of Prince Sawgrass.



Olive had a clutch of six eggs which she gave to Sawgrass in order to find a resolution to the MudWing Succession Crisis. One of the female dragonets, Coypu, became queen after Olive and the others became royals.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Sawgrass mentioned Olive's five other eggs in But Who Shall Wear the Crown?

Anhinga's brothers were two adult male MudWings who were featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. They were the brothers of Queen Anhinga and both died in skirmishes with SkyWings before any of them could have dragonets.[30]


Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Anhinga's brothers were mentioned in Sawgrass's But Who Shall Wear the Crown?

Olive's siblings were a group of MudWings who were featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. They were the siblings of Olive and worked in construction around the MudWing palace.


Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Sawgrass mentioned Olive's siblings in But Who Shall Wear the Crown?

Coypu's granddaughter was an adult female MudWing who was featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. She was Coypu's granddaughter and ruled as queen of the MudWings.


Coypu's granddaughter was beloved enough by the MudWings that the information that she was not from the original royal bloodline would not damage her image as queen.[31]


Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Sawgrass mentioned Coypu's granddaughter in But Who Shall Wear the Crown?

The weirdling tower MudWing was a male MudWing who was introduced in The Brightest Night. He was stuffed and kept in Burn's weirdling tower until the tower was destroyed by Thorn.


The weirdling tower MudWing from The Brightest Night (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The MudWing had no claws or teeth, with striated red lines along his wings.[32]


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Brightest Night[]

When Sunny was being led by Smolder to her spot in the weirdling tower, they came across the MudWing. Smolder told Sunny that the MudWing's egg was supposedly animus-touched according to the seller.

The bandaged MudWing is a male MudWing who was introduced in Winter Turning. He resides in Possibility.

Bandaged MudWing GN

From Winter Turning (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


He has bandages on one of his legs.[33]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Winter Turning[]

Winter saw the MudWing while traveling to Mayfly's clinic.

The MudWing in the Sky Kingdom is a male MudWing who appeared in Escaping Peril. He is one of Ruby's soldiers who arrived with her to the SkyWing palace to confront Scarlet. Tui confirmed that the MudWing is not a character previously introduced.[citation needed]

Sky Kingdom MudWing GN

From Escaping Peril (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


Peril described the MudWing as skinny, tired-looking, and spattered with dirt.[34]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Escaping Peril[]

When Ruby told Scarlet that she would give her back the Sky Kingdom to protect Cliff, the MudWing shouted and jumped forward from Ruby's soldiers. He asked Peril what she was doing, saying that no one wanted Scarlet to be queen. He asked Peril what Clay would think, which caused Peril to be confused as the spell she was under removed her memories of Clay. After Ruby was taken away to the prison, Ruby's soldiers cleared out and the MudWing asked Peril to try to remember Clay.


Click on the tabs to view each unnamed NightWing.

The history teacher is an adult male NightWing who was introduced in Prisoners. He is nearly blind.[35]




Fierceteeth mentioned that the history teacher on the NightWing island was nearly blind which allowed her to sneak out of his class.

Clearsight's father was an adult male NightWing who was introduced in Darkstalker. He was the partner of Swiftwings and the father of Clearsight.


Clearsight's father was very kind, gentle, sweet, and ordinary,[36] caring greatly for his family and supporting Clearsight despite his concerns about her obsession with the future. Clearsight described his idea of cooking as "setting a fish on fire and swallowing a lemon with it."[37]




He visited Clearsight in the library, stating that she was too focused on her visions of the future and not enough on her education. They argued about this, and Clearsight used her precognition to see what bad things could happen if she attended school and everything went awry. Eventually, her father agreed, but only after convincing her that she had to go to school after turning three. She agreed, thinking that it was the best she could do.

Starflight's daughter is a female NightWing dragonet who was introduced in Moon Rising. She is the possible daughter of Starflight and appeared in Moonwatcher's vision of a peaceful future.

Starflight's daughter (moon's vision (gn 6))

From Moon Rising (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


Starflight's daughter is described as small and black.[38]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Moon Rising[]

Starflight was seen in Moon's vision in the library of Jade Mountain Academy behind the desk when a small black dragonet raced into the cave. She leapt onto the desk, kissed the side of Starflight's head, took a scroll, and flew down another tunnel, calling "Thank you, Father!" Starflight scolded her for flying in the tunnels, but was shown smiling.

Mindreader's father is an adult male NightWing who was introduced in Talons of Power. He is the father of Mindreader.


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Talons of Power[]

Darkstalker asked Mindreader's father what kind of power he would like. He said that he would like to be an animus, as well as wanting to heal instantly from any wound. Due to his slight mistrust, Darkstalker gives him a temporary spell. Mindreader's father instantly heals, looking younger and healthier. This causes surrounding NightWings to also ask for powers.

Icicle's victim was a male NightWing who was introduced in Winter Turning.

Icicle's victim

From Winter Turning (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Winter Turning[]

The NightWing was killed by Icicle before she fled to the NightWing island. His body was found near a tree when Glory, Winter, Moonwatcher, and Qibli went to search a sighting of frostbreath.

Fierceteeth's father was an adult male NightWing who was mentioned in The Dark Secret. He was the partner of Farsight and stepfather of Starflight.


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dark Secret[]

Fierceteeth mentioned on the NightWing island that she had a different father than Starflight.



When reminiscing her dragonethood, Fierceteeth mentally notes how Farsight remarried Mastermind after the father of the former died.

The NightWing librarian was an adult male NightWing who was introduced in Darkstalker.




The NightWing librarian had given Clearsight a study room of her own. However, Clearsight suspected that the librarian had only done this because he thought she was insane and wanted the option to lock her in if necessary.

The NightWing followers were a group of a dozen NightWings who were introduced in The Dragonet Prophecy. They served under Morrowseer who came to save Starflight at the arena in Queen Scarlet's palace.

NightWing followers

From The Dragonet Prophecy (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

When the dragonets of destiny were captured, Morrowseer and the NightWings flew down and killed all the IceWing prisoners after taking Starflight.

The Lost Heir[]

Morrowseer's followers were once again brought up when the dragonets arrived at the Kingdom of the Sea. One of the dragonets called them Starflight's NightWing friends, however, he denied that the NightWing followers were his friends.

Mightyclaws's sister is a female NightWing who was mentioned in The Dark Secret. She is the sister of Mightyclaws.


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dark Secret[]

Mightyclaws mentioned his older sister to Starflight when introducing Fierceteeth.



Fierceteeth mentioned Mightyclaws as the only dragon she knew who had a sibling.

Mightyclaws's mother is an adult female NightWing who was introduced in Talons of Power. She is the mother of Mightyclaws and currently resides in the NightWing village.


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Talons of Power[]

When Darkstalker convinced most of the NightWings to leave with him to the lost city of night by granting them special powers, Mightyclaws and his mother were persuaded by Moonwatcher to stay in the rainforest.

The tribe blacksmith is a NightWing of unknown gender who was mentioned in Darkness of Dragons.


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Darkness of Dragons[]

Moonwatcher had a vision of Peacemaker, who is mentioned to marry the tribe blacksmith and have two dragonets with them, who will be with them when he dies quietly in his sleep.

The three rude NightWings were a group of one female and two male NightWing dragonets who were introduced in Darkstalker.




The three NightWings were playing a game with marbles at the NightWing school courtyard. They started insulting Whiteout after the hybrid had walked over their game. Darkstalker came to his sister's aid and asked for them both to apologize to each other. Whiteout innocently explained that she did not mean to "disrupt their faith in controllable outcomes." The other NightWings reluctantly apologized to Whiteout before Darkstalker spilled what each of the three NightWings were thinking to them, which left the three dragons to glare at each other.

Fathom's potential wife was a female NightWing who was mentioned in Darkstalker. She was noted to be a potential future wife of Fathom.




Before Darkstalker carried out his execution of Arctic, he asked Clearsight where Fathom had gone. She replied saying that he had gone back to the palace as he had seen enough violence from the dragons he trusted. Darkstalker responded by saying that he will be fine and stated that he was going to get a Fathom a nice NightWing to marry in a few years. Clearsight stated that she did not like Fathom's potential bride and that her laugh made her itch.

The fifteen Darkstalker followers were a group of fifteen NightWings who were introduced in Darkness of Dragons.


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Darkness of Dragons[]

While Qibli, Anemone and the rest of the Jade Winglet were flying back to Jade Mountain Academy, the NightWings flew past them. Three were holding something white; a piece of a scroll or cloth, and a few of them threw the dragonets a smirk before they quickly flew away.

Preyhunter's mother is an adult female NightWing who was mentioned in The Brightest Night. She is the mother of Preyhunter.


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Brightest Night[]

Preyhunter mentioned his mother while sleeping. In his dream, she was trying to make him eat prey after it had been infected by NightWing bacteria.

Comet and Mindhealer's queen is an adult female NightWing who was featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. She is a fictional character from Tales of the NightWings who ruled as queen of the NightWings. She resided in the NightWing palace.


Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

The queen was mentioned in Comet's story from Tales of the NightWings. When Comet and Mindhealer traveled to the palace to warn the queen of a coming hurricane, she laughed and ignored them.

Fierceteeth and Strongwings's dragonets are a group of at least three NightWing dragonets who were featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. They are the future dragonets of Fierceteeth and Strongwings, and will hatch and reside in Renewal.


Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Fierceeth and Strongwings's dragonets were mentioned in a letter Fierceteeth sent to Starflight, inviting him to their hatching ceremony in a year.

Comet's parents are two adult NightWings who were featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. They are the parents of Comet, the main character of a story from Tales of the NightWings, and reside in the Night Kingdom.


Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Comet's parents were mentioned in the beginning of his story where it explained how they named Comet after the bright shooting star that was in the sky the night he hatched.

The stuffed NightWing was a male NightWing who was introduced in The Brightest Night. He was killed and stuffed by Burn, who kept him in her weirdling tower until he was destroyed by Scarlet.


From The Brightest Night (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes



The NightWing came to Burn boasting that he had a dreamvisitor, but refused to give it to her, causing her to kill and stuff him. Before he died, he swallowed the sapphire in order to keep Burn from getting it which was later found by Scarlet after she ripped apart his stuffed body.

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Brightest Night[]

When Sunny and Smolder were talking to Scarlet in the weirdling tower, Smolder mentioned that Burn would be upset that Scarlet destroyed the stuffed NightWing.

Later, when Thorn arrived at the SandWing stronghold to rescue Sunny, she demanded to see the stuffed NightWing, afraid that it was Stonemover. However, found that it was a NightWing she did not know.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Sunny mentioned the NightWing in her collection of items she remembered from the weirdling tower.

The timid NightWing dragonet is a male NightWing dragonet who was introduced in Winter Turning.


From Winter Turning (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The dragonet has black scales[39] and is small, with a leaf bandage wrapped around one of his forearms.[40]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Winter Turning[]

The timid NightWing was seen when Winter and the other members of the Jade Winglet were sent to the RainWing wingery. The other dragonets told Winter and his friends that the dragonet had nightmares about the NightWing island.

The female NightWing dragonet is a female NightWing dragonet who was introduced in Winter Turning.


From Winter Turning (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The dragonet is sleek and glossy, like a seal,[40] with black scales.[39]


The dragonet appears to be prideful of her tribe.[41]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Winter Turning[]

The dragonet was seen when Winter and the other members of the Jade Winglet were sent to the RainWing wingery.

The female NightWing caretaker is an adult female NightWing who was introduced in Winter Turning.


From Winter Turning (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


She appeared to be suspicious and worried of outside dragons entering the RainWing wingery, and takes her job seriously.[39]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Winter Turning[]

The NightWing was seen when Heliconia escorted Winter and the other members of the Jade Winglet to the wingery. When they arrived, the NightWing inspected each of them carefully before allowing them inside. She showed particular distrust upon seeing Qibli's tail barb, but reluctantly let them in upon Queen Glory's orders.

The four NightWing musicians are four NightWings of unknown gender who were introduced in Darkness of Dragons. They were providing the music for Darkstalker's party.


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Darkness of Dragons[]

Qibli saw them while he and Winter were sneaking through the lost city of night. He also noticed that they were playing instruments he'd never seen before.

The NightWing gardener is a NightWing of unknown gender who was introduced in Darkness of Dragons.


They are dark purple.[42]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Darkness of Dragons[]

While using the obsidian mirror, Qibli, Winter, and Thorn saw Darkstalker talk to the gardener. When Darkstalker suggested giving them the power to be a skilled gardener, they asked for foresight, but Darkstalker assured them that they only needed one seer and gave them the gardening power.

The RainWing prison guard is an adult female NightWing who was introduced in The Dark Secret.

RainWing prison guard GN

From The Dark Secret (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dark Secret[]

When Starflight was trying to escape the false dragonets, the guard was annoyed and asked why he was here. When he gave the excuse for having a school project, she relaxed and said that Mastermind's plans drive her daughter crazy and allowed Starflight in. When Ochre and Flame showed up, the guard hit a gong and called for help. After Flame said that they're supposed to kill a NightWing dragonet, she hit him over the head with the gong.


Click on the tabs to view each unnamed RainWing.

The RainWing dragonet is a male RainWing dragonet who was introduced in The Hidden Kingdom.


From The Hidden Kingdom (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The dragonet is small.[43]


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Hidden Kingdom[]

He was being taken by a RainWing to be punished for putting berries inside the other RainWings' nostrils during their sleep.

The RainWing citizen was an adult female RainWing who was introduced in The Hidden Kingdom.

RainWing citizen

From The Hidden Kingdom (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The RainWing citizen was tall, with pale orange scales.[43]


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Hidden Kingdom[]

The RainWing citizen brought a RainWing dragonet to Queen Magnificent to face punishment for putting berries up other dragons' noses.

The nine captured RainWings were a group of nine RainWings who were mentioned in The Hidden Kingdom. They were formerly prisoners on the NightWing island.


From The Brightest Night (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Hidden Kingdom[]

They were first mentioned in a conversation between Mangrove and Glory. This sent Glory on a mission to find the missing RainWings before she had found out that they were captured by the NightWings.

The Dark Secret[]

Starflight ran into one of the captured RainWings while he was trying to hide from the false dragonets of destiny. Later, Glory, with the help of the dragonets and the other RainWings, managed to free their captured comrades and brought them back home to the Rainforest Kingdom.

Tsunami's copycat is a male RainWing who was introduced in The Hidden Kingdom.


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Hidden Kingdom[]

He was with Magnificent and Handsome in the queen's hut when Glory entered to ask for Magnificent's help. Glory noticed that he was trying to copy Tsunami's colors, even putting small white spots on his neck to match her pearl necklaces. When Glory was furious with Magnificent when for refusing to help her free the RainWing prisoners, he replied that he never "had seen someone in that shade of red."

Jerboa's RainWing friend is a RainWing of unknown gender who was introduced in The Dangerous Gift.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Dangerous Gift[]

The RainWing is described by Jerboa III to have been building sand castles with her. The next day, they were gone, and so were Jerboa's memories of them.

The RainWing peddler was a RainWing of unknown gender who was introduced in Darkstalker.




Darkstalker bought giant tomatoes, roasted nuts, cheese, bear paws, camel jerky, and several other mystery fruits from a RainWing peddler.

Grandeur's daughters are a group of an unspecified amount of female RainWings who were mentioned in The Hidden Kingdom. They are the daughters of Grandeur.


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Hidden Kingdom[]

Grandeur mentioned her daughters several times during the RainWing Royal Challenge when she explained to Glory why she had to split the throne between five other dragons.

Anaconda's daughter was an adult female RainWing who was featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. She ruled as queen of the RainWings after challenging her mother for the throne and was later challenged and killed by Jacaranda, her daughter.


Python described her as spineless.[44]



Anaconda's daughter challenged and killed her mother for the throne. During a war under her reign, she "failed" the RainWings. She was eventually challenged and killed by Jacaranda.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Anaconda's daughter was mentioned by Python in her letter to Jacaranda.

Copperhead's partner was an adult male RainWing who was featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. He fell in love with Copperhead and brought the MudWing to the Rainforest Kingdom where they resided.


Sawgrass described the RainWing as handsome.[45]



Copperhead's partner met the MudWing prince and they fell in love. In order to be together, Copperhead left the MudWing palace to go to the Rainforest Kingdom.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Sawgrass mentioned Copperhead's partner in But Who Shall Wear the Crown?

The nine RainWing queens were nine adult female RainWings who were featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. They all ruled as queen of the RainWings for a period of time, eight of them within a single moon cycle. The ninth queen invented the RainWing royal challenge in order to stop unnecessary bloodshed of strong, royal RainWings.



The first eight RainWing queens vyed for the throne, all being challenged within a single moon cycle. In order to keep the strongest RainWing royals from being killed, the ninth queen created the RainWing Royal Challenge so that royal challenges could be determined by skill without violence.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Handsome mentioned the nine RainWing queens when he told Queen Glory about the history of the RainWing royal challenge.

Python's daughters were a group of an unspecified amount of RainWing princesses who were featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. They were the daughters of Princess Python.


Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Python mentioned her daughters in her letter to Queen Jacaranda, saying that if Python had challenged Queen Anaconda, one of her own daughters could have challenged her for the throne.

The Male RainWing dragonet is a male RainWing dragonet who was introduced in Winter Turning.


From Winter Turning (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The dragonet was energetic and upbeat.[46]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Winter Turning[]

The dragonet was seen when Winter and the other members of the Jade Winglet were sent to the RainWing wingery. He mimicked Winter's coloration, refining it with Kinkajou's help.

The female RainWing dragonet is a female RainWing dragonet who was introduced in Winter Turning.


From Winter Turning (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The dragonet was energetic and upbeat.[46]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Winter Turning[]

The dragonet was seen when Winter and the other members of the Jade Winglet were sent to the RainWing wingery. She mimicked Qibli's coloration almost perfectly, including his freckles and scar.


Click on the tabs to view each unnamed SandWing.

Blaze's soldier was a female SandWing who was mentioned in Winter Turning. She was killed by the Great Ice Cliff when she tried to explore the Ice Kingdom.


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Winter Turning[]

Winter mentioned the SandWing when he reflected on the last time the wall had gone off and killed a dragon.

The two SandWing guards are two SandWing guards, one male and one of unknown gender, who were introduced in the prologue of The Dragonet Prophecy. They appeared with Burn while chasing Hvitur.


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

Alongside Burn, the two SandWings attacked and chained Hvitur's snout with burning chains under Burn's orders. While one was chaining Hvitur, the other brought Burn the SkyWing egg he was carrying. They carefully moved the chain from Hvitur's snout so Burn could question him, before later holding him down while Burn threw the egg off the cliff.

Six-Claws's sisters are two adult female SandWings who were introduced in Deserter.




Six-Claws's sisters are mentioned at the beginning, where it is said that Ostrich and Quicksand's lives were devoted to Queen Oasis first and their dragonets second. The two sisters taught their brother not to tell them who he had a crush on if he did not want everyone to know about it.

Deathbringer's associate is a female SandWing who was introduced in Dragonslayer.


She has a sly, furtive way of moving and a few frostbreath scars along her tail.[47]




Deathbringer was shown outside of the town of Possibility, reading a scroll. He hid in the shadows when a dragon approached, coming out again when he recognized her as his associate. She gave him a scroll, telling him that he received a new assignment from Battlewinner and Morrowseer. When Deathbringer asked for her to clarify about the assignment, she snapped that she was only the messenger, and he was only the assassin, so they should both do their jobs without being annoying about it. She then slithered away.

Oasis's sisters were two female SandWings who were mentioned in Deserter.


Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Darkness of Dragons[]

Qibli mentioned that Cobra was likely the culprit behind the deaths of Oasis's sisters.



One was mentioned by Ostrich, who stated that she would likely be killed by Queen Oasis after Blaze had hatched. The day after that, she was mentioned to have "vanished into thin air." According to Six-Claws, no-one ever said her name again.

The male patrolling SandWing is a male SandWing who was introduced in The Dragonet Prophecy.


He was described as burly, with missing teeth and a missing ear.[48]


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The patrolling SandWing asked two MudWings in the Mud Kingdom if they had seen the dragonets of destiny. When they responded that they had not, he left to continue searching.

The SandWing criminals were a group of SandWings who were introduced in Talons of Power.


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Talons of Power[]

They were associates of Fierceteeth's during her escape from the SandWing stronghold. One of them was killed by Darkstalker for fighting back when he tried to bring them to Queen Glory, but it is possible that he did not kill the SandWing, but instead sent him to Vulture and lied that he had killed him. One was later sent to Vulture by Darkstalker to tell him it was not the right time to kill Thorn.

The SandWing general is a male SandWing who was introduced in The Dark Secret.

SandWing General TDS GN

by Mike Holmes


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dark Secret[]

The general led a battle on Burn's side against IceWings, but told the SandWings and MudWings to retreat.

The male SandWing guard is a male SandWing who was introduced in Dragonslayer.




The SandWing guard was first seen twitching and stamping his talons at the gate of the SandWing stronghold along with a female SandWing guard. He kept looking back at the palace, as though he was more afraid of what might come from there than he was of anything out of the desert. He previously had a fight with the female guard, which Ivy made much worse by throwing sand on both of them, making them think that the other had thrown sand at themselves. Ivy continued distracting the two guards until the male guard roared and opened the gate to get a different guard in his place.

The female SandWing guard is a female SandWing who was introduced in Dragonslayer.




The female SandWing guard is first seen twitching and stamping her talons at the gate of the SandWing stronghold along with a male SandWing guard. She kept looking back at the palace, as though she was more afraid of what might come from there than she was of anything out of the desert. She previously had a fight with the male guard, which Ivy made much worse by throwing sand on both of them, making them think that the other had thrown sand at themselves. Ivy continued distracting the two guards until the male guard roared and opened the gate to get a different guard in his place.

The SandWing cook is an adult female SandWing who was introduced in Dragonslayer. She owns the kitchen in the SandWing stronghold.




The SandWing cook was first seen hunched over the counters, taking notes on a scroll, absorbed and quiet. When Ivy, Stone, and Leaf entered the room, she looked up with a hiss and dumped Stone into a bag. Roaring in anger, she pounded on Smolder's door, and Smolder came out to tell her that the scavenger she caught was not Rose. The SandWing cook nearly "jumped out of her skin" when she noticed that she had caught a wild scavenger instead of Rose, throwing the bag onto one of the pillows and arguing with Smolder about keeping scavengers out of her kitchen. Rose explained that the cook despised her for always messing with the food in the kitchen, and that she had mistook Stone for Rose.

The SandWing patrol guard is a female SandWing who was introduced in Deserter.




The guard appeared when Six-Claws and Kindle were taking Dune away and fleeing to the Scorpion Den. Six-Claws lied to her that they were taking him to Burn's stronghold for more medical assistance, and she offered to take him. Six-Claws denied and, while he was flying away, thought of an apology to her and the soldiers he was leaving behind.

The hungry dragonet is a male SandWing dragonet who appeared in The Brightest Night.

Hungry dragonet

From The Brightest Night (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The dragonet was tiny, with pale yellow scales and ribs sticking out of his chest.[49]


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Brightest Night[]

As Six-Claws brought Sunny to Thorn, the hungry dragonet stumbled onto their path. Sunny apologetically told the dragonet that she did not have food. Six-Claws pinned the dragonet's tail and asked him where his guardian was. A female SandWing rushed in and furiously apologized to Six-Claws for the dragonet's sake. Six-Claws recommended to the dragonet's guardian to send him to the oasis in order to get a free meal. The dragonet's guardian was hesitant at first, before Six-Claws reassured her that her dragonet would not be stolen. The guardian obliged, taking her dragonet with her.

The hungry dragonet's guardian is a female SandWing who appeared in The Brightest Night. She is the guardian of the unnamed hungry dragonet.

Hungry dragonet's guardian GN

From The Brightest Night (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Brightest Night[]

After the hungry dragonet begged Sunny and Six-Claws for food, his guardian rushed over to apologize. When Six-Claws told her she could send him to the oasis at first, she admitted she heard it was a trick, but Six-Claws assured her the Outclaws just wished to feed the hungry.

The male SandWing is a male SandWing who was introduced in Darkness of Dragons.


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Darkness of Dragons[]

Once Qibli's sandstorm was spotted by a guard, the male SandWing flew up to see it, but he was swept away by the strong winds.

The unfit queen was a female SandWing who was mentioned in Darkness of Dragons. She was a descendant of Scorpion.


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Darkness of Dragons[]

She was mentioned when Oasis was revealed to be a descendant of a commoner chosen by the Eye of Onyx to replace the unfit queen.

The SandWing envoy was a SandWing of unknown gender who was mentioned in Darkstalker. They lived during the time of Queen Scorpion.


They had two gold teeth.[50]




The SandWing envoy was mentioned when Darkstalker was thinking of how to stay safe without his scroll.

Camel's family is a group of SandWings who were mentioned in The Brightest Night. They are the family members of Camel, including his parents, partner, and three eggs.[51]


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Brightest Night[]

Camel mentioned his family to Sunny when the dragonet asked about his parents and whether he had dragonets.

Viper's parents are two adult SandWings who were mentioned in The Dark Secret. They are the parents of Viper and members of the Talons of Peace.[52]


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dark Secret[]

Viper mentioned her parents while fighting Fatespeaker, claiming that if it were not for the NightWings, she would be back with her parents at the Talons of Peace camp.

The SandWing librarian is an adult male SandWing who was featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. He works in the SandWing stronghold library.


Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Smolder mentioned in his observations on Rose that the SandWing librarian told him Rose was a female scavenger.

The SandWing prisoner is an adult male SandWing who was introduced in The Lost Heir.


From The Lost Heir (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


He was scrawny, had a raspy voice, and a dark glitter in his eyes.[53]


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Lost Heir[]

The SandWing was seen when Tsunami was making her way to free Webs and Riptide from the electric eel prison. The SandWing begged Tsunami to set him free, but she ignored him, as she didn't know why he was there and if he deserved it or not.

Darkstalker's messenger is an adult male SandWing who was introduced in Darkness of Dragons.


He has several bleeding wounds and has a bloody stump instead of a tail barb.[54]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Darkness of Dragons[]

Alongside four other SandWings, he was captured by Darkstalker in the rainforest. He was enchanted to relay his instructions to Vulture and not to rest until he was finished. After fighting his way into Vulture's compound, he told Vulture that Darkstalker said not to kill Thorn or Glory until he sends further instructions. He then fainted and was carried out by some of Vulture's Talons.


Click on the tabs to view each unnamed SeaWing.

Indigo's mother was an adult female SeaWing who was mentioned in Darkstalker.




Fathom mentioned that Indigo's mother had been in Queen Lagoon's army and became close friends with Manta before her death.

Indigo's father was an adult male SeaWing who was mentioned in Darkstalker.




Fathom said that Indigo's father curated the museum at the Island Palace, and was happy to leave Indigo's upbringing in the talons of Fathom and Pearl's caretakers.

Albatross's wife was a female SeaWing mentioned in Darkstalker.




Lagoon mentioned her when telling Fathom how much of a chore it was to choose a match for an animus dragon. She later said that it was a shame Albatross's wife had died, as he was too stubborn to marry again.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Albatross's wife was mentioned in one of Lagoon's letters to Albatross in the SeaWing chapter of the guide.

The SeaWing musician was a female SeaWing who was mentioned in Darkstalker.




Fathom mentioned her as one of the victims of the Royal SeaWing Massacre who died while trying to stop Albatross.

The arena SeaWing was a SeaWing of unknown gender who was introduced in The Dragonet Prophecy. They were a prisoner of Scarlet.


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

After Clay's fight with Fjord, Scarlet had an afternoon fight featuring the SeaWing and a scavenger she had found in the woods. The SeaWing quickly won and, after the fight, they devoured the scavenger.

Webs's wife was an adult female SeaWing who was mentioned in The Lost Heir. She was the wife of Webs and Riptide's mother. She died in a battle.


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Lost Heir[]

Queen Coral said that Webs's wife was a royal chef before she was sent into a battle, where she was heavily implied to have met her end. Her death was intentional on Coral's part, which served as a punishment for having assisted Webs in stealing Tsunami's egg.

The war party members were two male SeaWings who were introduced in The Lost Heir. They were soldiers under Queen Coral.

Herring's brother

From The Lost Heir (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


From The Lost Heir (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Lost Heir[]

The two soldiers visited Coral's SeaWing Council to report on a battle. Tsunami saw that both were terribly wounded, and tried to encourage her mother to get them help. Queen Coral eventually agreed, and they were both flown to the healers.

Later, when Tsunami went to the Summer Palace in order to save her friends and get the key to Clay's chains from the guards, Herring told her that one of the party members she had saved was his brother. When she asked about the other guard, Herring told her that it was "too late," and that he had died from his wounds.

The two SeaWing guards were two SeaWing guards who were introduced in The Lost Heir. They were guarding the dungeons where Webs, Riptide, the dragonets of destiny, and an unnamed SandWing prisoner were kept.

SeaWing prison guards

From The Lost Heir, by Mike Holmes


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Lost Heir[]

While the Summer Palace was under attack, Tsunami told them that defending the palace was more important than guarding the dungeons, and they then left.

The SeaWing worker was an elderly male SeaWing who was introduced in The Lost Heir.


Tsunami described him as old.[55]


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Lost Heir[]

After Tsunami decided to protect Auklet's egg, Coral brought her to get fitted with a harness. This dragon was interrupted from his marble carving and was then ordered to make Tsunami a harness.

The royal cousins were a group of an unspecified amount of SeaWings who were mentioned in The Lost Heir.


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Lost Heir[]

They were briefly mentioned by Anemone while she was talking to Tsunami.

The twenty-eight SeaWing princes are twenty-eight male SeaWing princes who were mentioned in The Lost Heir. They are sons of Coral and Gill, and several of them have partners.[56]


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Lost Heir[]

They were mentioned by Anemone when she said she has many brothers, but she could not play with them, due to Coral believing that they played too rough.

The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Moon Rising[]

Turtle mentioned them when he told Tsunami that she has thirty-two brothers.

Talons of Power[]

Turtle suggested that Fin take their brothers with him on his mapping excursion, to which he said "It'll be more like an invasion than a scouting trip."

Coral later mentioned them in her letter to Turtle, noting that the princes believed he played a prank on them last time he visited the palace, and warning him to check his bed for lobsters if he visited again.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Fin mentioned his and Turtle's brothers in his letter to Turtle about their hatching day celebration.

The eight dead SeaWing princesses were eight female SeaWing princesses who were mentioned in The Lost Heir.


From The Lost Heir (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Lost Heir[]

They were mentioned to be the other victims of Orca's statue. One, Auklet's clutchmate, was later found dead in the Royal Hatchery during Coral's unsuccessful attempt to catch the assassin.

The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Talons of Power[]

Two were killed by Orca's statue in the prologue.

Nautilus's partner was an adult SeaWing of unknown gender who was mentioned in The Hidden Kingdom.


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Hidden Kingdom[]

They were indirectly mentioned when Squid wondered why his parents let him get taken away.

The Possibility SeaWing was a SeaWing of unknown gender who was introduced in Winter Turning. They reside in Possibility.


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Winter Turning[]

While Hailstorm was talking to Eagle in Possibility, Winter struggles to look over the SeaWing carrying a cart of fish.

The orca-raised SeaWing was a female SeaWing who was mentioned in Talons of Power. She was said to be an abandoned dragonet who was raised by a pod of orcas.


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Talons of Power[]

Turtle briefly recalled a tale of a dragonet who was raised by a pod of orcas.

The SeaWing from the Talons of Peace was a SeaWing of unknown gender who was introduced in Escaping Peril.

ToP SeaWing GN 2

From Escaping Peril (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Escaping Peril[]

The SeaWing was part of Nautilus's group, which was one of the patrols sent by the Talons of Peace to look for Scarlet. They attacked who they thought was Scarlet, but was only Peril and Turtle. After Turtle asked the Talons of Peace to tell Tsunami that Glory was not dead, the SeaWing offered to go find their patrol.

The SeaWing family is a group of three SeaWings, two dragonets and a father, who were introduced in Escaping Peril.

SeaWing family GN

From Escaping Peril (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


They have blue scales.[57]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Escaping Peril[]

While Peril and Turtle were sneaking into Possibility underwater, they passed by the family. They were splashing in the shallows, with the two dragonets wrestling each other. The father watched them with a smile on his face.

Jerboa III's SeaWing friend was a SeaWing of unknown gender who was mentioned in The Dangerous Gift. They were a friend of Boa.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Dangerous Gift[]

They were said to have been "swimming in the ocean with her, then the next day they and her memories of them were gone." Upon regaining her memories, Boa briefly considered seeking them out, but due to being scared by the notion of them being dead, she decided against it.

The animus SeaWing was an adult female SeaWing who was mentioned in The Dangerous Gift.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Dangerous Gift[]

While going over the list of animus dragons who were alive during that era of Pyrrhia, Jerboa mentally noted how this SeaWing died shortly after she bore her clutch. The status of her eggs is currently unknown.

The SeaWing detective is an adult female SeaWing who was featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. She is a fictional character in Queen Coral's scrolls The Claws of Murder and A Tail of Blood.


Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

The detective was mentioned in the descriptions of Coral's scrolls.


Click on the tabs to view each unnamed SilkWing.

Aphid's Caretaker is a male SilkWing who was introduced in The Lost Continent.


The caretaker is young, with pale blue and pink wings.[58]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Lost Continent[]

Aphid's caretaker panicked and tried to help Aphid when the young dragonet was infected by the othermind. An older SilkWing stopped him, saying that the young HiveWing dragonet was not himself. As he backed away, Aphid's head turned in unison with the other HiveWings who were searching for Blue.

Dusky's mother is an adult female SilkWing who was introduced in The Flames of Hope. She is the mother of Dusky.


Dusky's mother has dark blue scales.[59]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Flames of Hope[]

Dusky's mother was mentioned by Whitespeck while talking to Luna about Dusky's past. Whitespeck said that she had been shipped to Vinegaroon Hive before Dusky had hatched. She later appeared at the end of the book, and cried when she first got to see her son.

Dusky's father was an adult male SilkWing who was mentioned in The Flames of Hope. He was the father of Dusky.


He had lavender-and-silver scales.[60]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Flames of Hope[]

He was first mentioned by Whitespeck who said that Dusky's father had died in a treestuff construction accident. Dusky's father later appeared in Dusky's vision where he was shown trying to make the dragonet say his own name.

Tau's stepbrother is a male SilkWing who was introduced in The Hive Queen. He was a member of the Jewel Hive Chrysalis.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Hive Queen[]

As Cricket returned from the Nest to report Wasp's actions to Sundew, she noticed a male SilkWing trying to patch the roof in the Glitterbazaar stall with Tau and Sundew. Tau mentioned that he was her stepbrother and a member of the Chrysalis.

Tussock's uncle is an adult male SilkWing who was mentioned in The Lost Continent.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Lost Continent[]

In the first part of The Lost Continent, Blue has an argument with Luna over whether the LeafWings were extinct. Tussock's uncle supposedly saw a LeafWing a few years back, though Luna believed he had only seen a green SilkWing.

Grayling's brother is a male SilkWing who was mentioned in The Poison Jungle. He was sent to Tsetse Hive by the HiveWings.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Poison Jungle[]

Grayling mentioned him in the prologue.

Grayling's father was an adult male SilkWing who was mentioned in The Poison Jungle. It is said that the HiveWings of Bloodworm Hive let him die.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Poison Jungle[]

Grayling mentioned him in the prologue.

The pale pink SilkWing is a male SilkWing who was introduced in The Lost Continent. He was a prisoner on Misbehaver's Way.


He has pale pink scales and long, rose-petal wings.[61]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Lost Continent[]

Blue and Cricket spotted him on their trip to Misbehaver's Way. His talons were outstretched as though he had been pleading for mercy, and his snout was still wet with tears.

The SilkWing servants were a group of an unspecified amount of SilkWings who were mentioned in The Hive Queen.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Hive Queen[]

They are brought up when Cricket had sudden pangs of regret for not being more grateful to her SilkWing servants.

Another servant was mentioned when Cricket remembered Cadelle's venomous fangs, and how she bit the servant when he accidentally burned her favorite food. He would not have survived if not for Cricket's grandfather.

The SilkWing dragonets are a group of three SilkWing dragonets who were introduced in The Flames of Hope.


One dragonet was lime-green, one was pink, and one was orange.[62]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Flames of Hope[]

They were a few of many SilkWings hiding in the underground caves. When Luna entered the cavern, the pink and orange dragonets started arguing about who should get the "fire hat" (the flamesilk woven around Luna's horns). The lime-green dragonet interrupted their argument and said that it was not a "fire hat", but rather a "fire crown", and that Luna was the "fire queen." The pink and orange dragonets later argued about who should get a pet human.

The possessed SilkWing was a male SilkWing who was introduced in The Flames of Hope.


He has gold wings dappled with lavender and gray, and long, pale purple antennae.[63]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Flames of Hope[]

The possessed SilkWing was formerly under the control of the othermind. Wasp used his antennae to locate the stealth team and catch Pineapple during the brief fight on the island in beginning of The Flames of Hope. Cottonmouth used the SilkWing to search for any signs of Sundew before leaving Wasp.

The SilkWing prisoner was a male SilkWing who was introduced in The Hive Queen.


The SilkWing prisoner has light purple talons.[64]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Hive Queen[]

The SilkWing prisoner was listening in as Lady Jewel and Lady Scarab interrogated Cricket after she had been caught. He helped her escape by agreeing to say that Blue broke in and saved Cricket.

Monarch's brothers are a group of an unspecified amount of adult male SilkWings who were featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. They are the sons of Diadem and the brothers of Monarch.


Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Monarch mentioned her brothers when she reflected on being chosen as the next queen of the SilkWings.

Silverwash's princes were a group of an unspecified amount of male SilkWing princes who were featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. They were relatives of an unspecified nature to Queen Silverwash.


Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

In the Book of Clearsight, Clearsight left a section dedicated to Queen Silverwash about covering up large cenotes and silkholes within a two days' flight of the SilkWing palace. She gave a note to the queen to remind her princes to not use the silk coverings as trampolines.

The two Chrysalis members were a male and female SilkWing who appeared briefly in The Lost Continent. They were members of the Cicada Hive Chrysalis.


The female SilkWing is gray-blue with speckles of yellow across her scales.[65]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Lost Continent[]

As Blue was running from the HiveWings after Luna's metamorphosis, the two SilkWings pulled him away from chasing HiveWings up into a residential level. They recognized Io as part of the Chrysalis after she said "the seeds will grow again", and helped Blue and Io escape by blocking the road behind them.


Click on the tabs to view each unnamed SkyWing.

Blaze's attacker was a male SkyWing who was mentioned in The Hidden Kingdom.


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Hidden Kingdom[]

Blaze briefly mentioned him when suggesting that Deathbringer should leave before Queen Glacier arrived, saying that he had ambushed her while she was having some sun and that Glacier had almost "ripped his wings off" before she killed him.

The SkyWing dragonet was an unhatched female SkyWing dragonet who was introduced in the prologue of The Dragonet Prophecy. She was originally supposed to be a dragonet of destiny. However, after her egg was destroyed by Burn, she was replaced by Glory, a RainWing.



In the prologue of The Dragonet Prophecy, Hvitur was caught by Burn after stealing the SkyWing egg from Queen Scarlet's palace. Burn toyed with the egg while the chained Hvitur, kept from using his frostbreath, as he pleaded for its safety. She feigned consideration, then dramatically dropped the egg over a tall cliff before gruesomely killing Hvitur. Kestrel, the SkyWing guardian, later found the corpse of Hvitur and some fragments of the eggshell at the base of the cliff. Kestrel would not have minded if they had this SkyWing, saying she should have stolen it herself, claiming, "They wouldn't have caught me a second time."

The prophecy could not have been fulfilled without five dragonets, so Webs, the SeaWing guardian, stole a RainWing egg to fulfill the prophecy. However, the guardians always viewed Glory as a replacement.

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The SkyWing dragonet was mentioned frequently as the dragonets talked about how Glory replaced them. Kestrel mentioned that a SkyWing would have been better than Glory many times before her death, and Glory frequently wondered whether a SkyWing would have actually been better. Kestrel mentioned the SkyWing when Glory speculates that Peril was the missing dragon in the prophecy.

The Hidden Kingdom[]

Glory describes the SkyWing as "some nameless SkyWing who died six years ago."

The Brightest Night[]

Sunny wondered why everyone was so mean to Glory about not being the SkyWing dragonet if the prophecy was false.

The runty SkyWing is a female SkyWing who was mentioned in the prologue of Escaping Peril. She hatched on the brightest night. Tui confirmed this dragonet would be important later on.[event 2][event 3]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Escaping Peril[]

Scarlet ordered her guards to bring in all the eggs that were due to hatch on the brightest night so that she could have Peril burn them. When she noticed that one was missing, one of the guards reassured her that it "won't get far" and that it was a "runty one, anyhow."

The eight SkyWing guards were a group of eight SkyWings who were introduced in The Dragonet Prophecy.


From The Dragonet Prophecy (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

They appeared alongside Scarlet to take the dragonets of destiny, Kestrel, Dune, and Webs to the SkyWing palace. The guards spread around the cave, each one taking a dragon, although since Dune was killed by Scarlet, two went after Kestrel instead. When Webs escaped in the river, one asked if they should go after him, but Scarlet said that he was long gone.

The three SkyWing guards were a group of three SkyWings who were introduced in The Dragonet Prophecy.

Three SkyWing guards

From The Dragonet Prophecy (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

When Queen Scarlet was wounded by Glory's venom, the guards quickly attempted to assist her. They shouted for a medic, asked if anyone saw the culprit, and wondered if the queen was dying.

Kidney Breath is an elderly male SkyWing who was introduced in the prologue of Escaping Peril. He currently resides in the Sky Kingdom. "Kidney Breath" is not his real name, but a nickname that Ruby gave him when she was young. He served as an advisor to Queen Firestorm.[66]


Ruby described him as squat and rust-colored. It was also mentioned that he was one of the oldest dragons in the palace.[66]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Escaping Peril[]

Kidney Breath appeared in the prologue and was one of the dragons who saw Peril burn the SkyWing eggs.

The attacked SkyWing was a male SkyWing who was introduced in The Lost Heir.


From The Lost Heir (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Lost Heir[]

The SkyWing first appeared flying over the dragonets' hiding places as part of a SkyWing patrol. He glanced at the place where Sunny was hiding, making Tsunami think he had seen her. When he opened his mouth, Tsunami thought he would alert the rest of the patrol, although the other dragonets later agreed that he had just been yawning. Tsunami attacked him, and with Clay's help, knocked him unconscious. The dragonets then brought him to the shore and pinned him down with a tree.

Scarlet's sisters were a group of three female SkyWing princesses who were first mentioned in Escaping Peril.


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Escaping Peril[]

In the prologue, Ruby mentioned that Scarlet had killed all three of her sisters during a talk with Tourmaline.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Scarlet's youngest sister was mentioned to be exiled to one of the northern outposts by Firestorm when she was three years old because her appearance offended the queen.

Ruby's eleven sisters were a group of eleven female SkyWing princesses who were mentioned in Escaping Peril.


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Escaping Peril[]

In the prologue, Ruby mentioned that Scarlet had killed all eleven of her daughters during a talk with Tourmaline.

Ruby's two brothers are a group of two male SkyWing princes who were introduced in Escaping Peril.


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Escaping Peril[]

They appeared in the prologue, sitting next to their brother, Hawk, at Queen Scarlet's throne room.

The SkyWing chef is an adult female SkyWing who was introduced in Dragonslayer. She is the owner of the kitchens in the SkyWing palace.


The SkyWing chef is crimson red, the color of fresh blood, with a slash across her face that had taken out one of her eyes. A thin gold chain winds around her horns and neck.[67]




The SkyWing cook jabbed her claw and snarled at two SkyWings to grab prey for Scarlet's feast. She then barked at the SkyWings to carry Thyme and Leaf to the party.

The hunting SkyWing is a SkyWing of unknown gender who was introduced in Dragonslayer.


The hunting SkyWing has red-gold scales that glittered like dragonfly wings[68] and shimmered crimson under the sun.[69]




The hunting SkyWing was first shown with two other SkyWings, darting across the blue sky and searching for prey. They whipped around and dove into the trees, chasing a human later revealed to be Leaf. They roared, lashed their tail, and dove around the forest in attempt to catch the human. Ivy distracted the dragon by throwing an apple, and she ran away with Leaf quickly.

The female SkyWing guard is a female SkyWing who was introduced in The Dragonet Prophecy.

Female SkyWing guard

From The Dragonet Prophecy (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The SkyWing guard has red and gold scales, along with orange eyes.[70]


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

While Tsunami, Clay, and Peril were saving Kestrel, she and the male guard tried to stop them. She fought with Clay, but the MudWing let her escape after Peril attacked the other guard, ultimately sparing her life.

The male SkyWing guard was a male SkyWing who was introduced in The Dragonet Prophecy.

Male SkyWing guard

From The Dragonet Prophecy (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dragonet Prophecy[]

While Tsunami, Clay, and Peril were saving Kestrel, he and the female guard tried to stop them. He managed to pin Tsunami down but was slashed across the throat by Peril, and presumably died as a result.

The SkyWing citizen is a male SkyWing who was introduced in Escaping Peril. He is a citizen of Possibility.

Possibility SkyWing GN

From Escaping Peril (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


He has a scar that nearly ran the entire length of his tail.[23]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Escaping Peril[]

While Peril and Turtle were sneaking into Possibility underwater, they passed by the SkyWing citizen. He was showing a smaller dragon how to fix a broken doorframe.

Ruby's advisor is a male SkyWing introduced in The Dangerous Gift.


He has orange scales.[24]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Dangerous Gift[]

Ruby's advisor was the dragon Queen Ruby brought as backup. He spent the entire time writing notes on a miniature scroll.

The three SkyWing guards was a group of three SkyWings who were introduced in Escaping Peril. They were killed by Scarlet after they tried to resist her.

Three SkyWing guards GN

From Escaping Peril (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Escaping Peril[]

After Scarlet, Peril, and Soar arrived at the SkyWing palace, three guards tried to stop them from entering the throne room. Peril stepped toward them, causing one of them to faint and left the other two distracted long enough for Scarlet to kill them. She then proceeded to light the three guards on fire, waking the guard who had lost consciousness. They proceeded to scream, though they died almost immediately afterward.

Flame's replacement is a male SkyWing who was mentioned in Darkness of Dragons. He is currently attending Jade Mountain Academy as a member of the Gold Winglet.


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Darkness of Dragons[]

Peril mentioned that she liked the student Ruby sent to replace Flame as he was not completely terrified of her.

Tailwind and Canyon's parents are two adult SkyWings, one male and one female, who were featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. They are the parents of Tailwind and Canyon, and they reside in the SkyWing palace.



Tailwind and Canyon's parents were too busy to choose their own partners and had Queen Firestorm set them up with each other. They had a traditional SkyWing wedding and then had Tailwind and Canyon. They raised their dragonets until they were old enough to get jobs in the palace.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Tailwind mentioned their parents in This is Why We Don't Marry Psychopaths.

Scarlet's nieces are a group of an unspecified amount of female SkyWings who were featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. One of Scarlet's nieces died in a royal challenge against her aunt.


Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Tailwind mentioned that one of Scarlet's nieces challenged her for the throne and was defeated by Scarlet.

The SkyWing general is a male SkyWing who was featured in A Guide to the Dragon World.


Tailwind considered the general to be hilariously optimistic and staggeringly stupid.[71]


Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

In Tailwind's This is Why We Don't Marry Psychopaths, they explained how their brother Canyon had been killed by the SkyWing general in the arena, who, according to Tailwind, likely wished to take Canyon's place as Queen Scarlet's husband.

The SkyWing librarian is an adult SkyWing of unknown gender who was mentioned in Darkness of Dragons. They currently reside in Possibility.


They have a pinched voice.[72]


They were described to be stern.[72]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Darkness of Dragons[]

When Moonwatcher excitedly showed Qibli the archive in the NightWing library, he was reminded of when they found the old RainWing scroll while visiting the library in Possibility. Moon had screamed so loudly in excitement that the librarian bustled over and grumped that getting overexcited about scrolls was strictly forbidden. This caused Moon to collapse into giggles once the librarian left.

The SkyWing guard is a female SkyWing who appeared in Escaping Peril. She and Harrier were left in charge of guarding Chameleon (disguised as Soar) before he used his Shapeshifter mask to escape.

SkyWing guard (EP) GN

From Escaping Peril (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Escaping Peril[]

The SkyWing guard was seen during Ruby's party when she raced to let the queen know that Soar had escaped and injured Harrier in the process. Ruby send the guard back to check on Harrier before Peril and Turtle left to search for Chameleon.


Click on the tabs to view each unnamed hybrid.

Darkstalker and Clearsight's dragonets are three NightWing-IceWing hybrids who were mentioned in Darkstalker. They never existed in the series because Darkstalker was trapped under Agate Mountain by Clearsight.

The SkyWing-NightWing dragonet is a SkyWing-NightWing hybrid dragonet of unknown gender who was introduced in The Dangerous Gift. They reside in Sanctuary.


The dragonet is orange and has a scattering of black scales across their nose.[73]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Dangerous Gift[]

They were seen in Sanctuary while Queen Snowfall was exploring it. They were seen listening to a SkyWing reading them a scroll.

The SandWing-SkyWing dragonets are a group of an unspecified amount of SandWing-SkyWing hybrid dragonets introduced in The Dangerous Gift. They reside in Sanctuary.


Some have bright red scales, SandWing tail barbs, SandWing-colored scales, and each of the hybrids' features look very different.[73]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Dangerous Gift[]

The hybrid dragonets were in Sanctuary while Snowfall was looking around. They were shown running and playing together.

The SeaWing-MudWing dragonet is a SeaWing-MudWing hybrid dragonet of unknown gender who was introduced in The Dangerous Gift. They currently reside in Sanctuary.


The dragonet has mahogany brown scales speckled with phosphorescent bluish scales along their spine and wings, and has webbed talons.[73]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Dangerous Gift[]

They were seen in Sanctuary while Queen Snowfall was looking around. They were shown playing and jumping enthusiastically.

Whiteout's granddaughter was a female NightWing-IceWing animus dragon who was mentioned in The Dangerous Gift. She was the granddaughter of Whiteout and resided on the NightWing island.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Dangerous Gift[]

The hybrid was mentioned by Jerboa when she was going over the animus dragons she had been tracking.

Whiteout's great-great-great-grandson was a male NightWing-IceWing animus dragon who was mentioned in The Dangerous Gift. He was the descendant of Whiteout and resided on the NightWing island.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Dangerous Gift[]

The hybrid was mentioned by Jerboa when she was going over the animus dragons she had been tracking.

Characters of unknown tribe[]

Click on the tabs to view each unnamed dragon.

The blue dragonet is a dragonet of unknown gender and tribe who was introduced in Moon Rising during Moon's vision. They are a future student of Jade Mountain Academy.

Seawing dragonet (moon's vision (gn 6), wings of fire)

From Moon Rising (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The dragonet has blue scales.[38]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Moon Rising[]

After Moon foretold the Jade Mountain Prophecy, Darkstalker showed her a vision of a future where the dragonet was seen studying a scroll with Firefly and an orange-brown dragonet.

The orange-brown dragonet is a dragonet of unknown gender and tribe who was introduced in Moon Rising during Moon's vision. They are a future student of Jade Mountain Academy.

Mudwing-skywing dragonet (moon's vision (gn 6), wings of fire)

From Moon Rising (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The dragonet has deep orange-brown scales.[38]


The Jade Mountain Prophecy[]

Moon Rising[]

After Moon foretold the Jade Mountain Prophecy, Darkstalker gave her a vision of a future where the dragonet was seen studying a scroll alongside Firefly and a blue dragonet.

Rover's owner is an adult male dragon of unknown tribe who was mentioned in Dragonslayer. He had a pet scavenger named Rover who was eaten by his friends.[74]




After meeting Wren, Deathbringer mentioned that he had met a dragon who had a pet scavenger named Rover.

The white dragon was a dragon of unknown gender and tribe who was introduced in The Brightest Night. They were stuffed and kept in Burn's weirdling tower until the tower was destroyed by Thorn. They were supposedly an IceWing-SandWing hybrid, though Sunny and Smolder believed that they were not.[75]

White dragon GN

The white dragon from The Brightest Night (graphic novel), by Mike Holmes


The dragon was wingless with white scales.[76] They had two wingbuds on their back where their wings would have been.[75]


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Brightest Night[]

Sunny saw the white dragon while Smolder led her through the weirdling tower.

Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

Sunny mentioned the white dragon in her recount of the items she saw in Burn's weirdling tower.

Nautilus's spy is an adult dragon of unknown gender and tribe who was mentioned in the epilogue of The Dark Secret. They came across Squid after he was banished from the false dragonets by Morrowseer, then rescued him and sent him back to the Talons of Peace.


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Dark Secret[]

They were mentioned by Nautilus when he was presenting his son to Blister.

Pre-Scorching Dragons[]

Click on the tabs to view each unnamed Pre-Scorching dragon character.

The orange dragon was an adult female pre-Scorching dragon who was introduced in a memory in The Flames of Hope. She lived in the time of the Scorching.


She was not much bigger than Luna. She had two wings, and her scales were orange with lemon-yellow underscales. Small flames flickered in her snout. She seemed muted, like an undercooked version of a dragon.[77]


The Lost Continent Prohpecy[]

The Flames of Hope[]

She was the first dragon shown to have her eggs be stolen from by Cottonmouth's empire. They found the orange dragon inside the cave, and Luna (inside the memory) tried to warn the dragon about the humans, to no success. After the orange dragon went hunting, Cottonmouth and his group stole all three of her eggs.

The tail-barbed dragon was an adult female pre-Scorching dragon who was introduced in a memory in The Flames of Hope. She lived in the time of the Scorching.


She was bigger than the orange dragon, with sandy-tan flecked with black scales, a tail barb, and fire.[78]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Flames of Hope[]

She returned after her eggs were stolen by Cottonmouth's group, and killed all the soldiers that were left on the cliff. Later, she was one of the three dragons shown burning down villages, along with Freedom's mother and another unnamed dragon.

The young dragonet was a pre-Scorching dragonet of unknown gender who was introduced in a memory in The Flames of Hope. They hatched from one of the eggs stolen by humans in the time of the Scorching.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Flames of Hope[]

The dragonet hatched in a stone pyramid with a sand pit in the center of it, with human soldiers lining the walls. The human in front of it immediately put a wire circle at the end of a stick around the dragonet's neck. The dragonet tried to look for a comforting figure, and then snapped its teeth at the human.

Freedom's mother was an adult female pre-Scorching dragon who was introduced in a memory in The Flames of Hope. She was the mother of Freedom and lived during the Scorching.


Freedom's mother was five times larger than the orange dragon, and was an orange, rusty copper-green color.[79]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Flames of Hope[]

She had her one egg, Freedom, stolen from her by Cottonmouth's empire, despite her hiding the egg carefully. She was one of the first three dragons shown burning down the human empires. Later, Luna told Freedom that her mother had loved her enough to burn down an entire civilization, which Freedom responded with doubt, saying that her mother was just angry that she had been stolen from.

The black dragon was a pre-Scorching dragon of unknown gender who was introduced in a memory in The Flames of Hope.


They were described as a black dragon speckled with red scales, and had a face set with grim determination.[80]


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Flames of Hope[]

They were one of the three dragons shown burning down the human civilization, along with Freedom's mother and another unnamed dragon.

The group of ten dragons were a group of ten pre-Scorching dragons who were introduced a memory in The Flames of Hope.


The Lost Continent Prophecy[]

The Flames of Hope[]

The group of ten dragons appeared in the memories of the Scorching that Luna saw. They were burning down human settlements, and the humans in those settlements spoke a different language from Cottonmouth's empire. It was also implied to be colder there, as the humans wore more layers of clothing.

The first dragon queen was an adult female pre-Scorching dragon who was featured in A Guide to the Dragon World. She was the first queen of the first dragon tribe.


In The Legend of the Scorching, the dragon was described as older than most dragons, with immense strength.[81]


The dragon was described as cunning, being wiser and more dangerous than most dragons.[81]


Field Guides[]

A Guide to the Dragon World[]

The first dragon queen was mentioned in The Legend of the Scorching as one of the last dragons to have her egg stolen by humans. Enraged, she gathered other dragons, forming the first army, and they burned the human empires.


Click on the tabs to view each unnamed human.

Butterfly's mother is an adult female human who was introduced in Dragonslayer. She is the mother of Butterfly.


She is a pompous teacher who values herself above others. She believes Rowan's "level of scholarship" is too low to be helping Leaf study.


Rowan describes her as an "old toad."




Butterfly's mother was a teacher at Leaf's school. She said that Rowan carrying a large book was unusual, though Leaf and Rowan eventually convinced her that Rowan was trying to help Leaf study. She then told Leaf to remember her if he ever becomes a dragonmancer.

Leaf's father is an adult male human who was introduced in Dragonslayer. He is the father of Leaf, Rowan, Bluebell, Camellia, and Wren. He has heartburn.[82]


He has thin hair.[83]




He was first seen with his wife while taking Wren up the mountain to be sacrificed. He did not look back once at Wren as he left with the dragonmancers. Leaf remembered him warning his son of the dangers of dragons, and he reminded Leaf to be grateful and listen to the dragonmancers. He also said that he hoped Leaf would be one someday. He was "over the moons with joy" when Leaf received his dragonmancer invitation. He was last seen calling to Wren, Leaf, and Rowan as they left Talisman.

Leaf's mother is an adult female human who was introduced in Dragonslayer. She is the mother of Leaf, Rowan, Bluebell, Camellia, and Wren.




She was first seen with her husband while taking Wren up the mountain to be sacrificed. She was the first to lie to Leaf that Wren was eaten by dragons, and stated that it was Wren's fault. She tried to prevent Rowan from telling Leaf about the dragonslayer and warned her not to put ideas in her brother's head. When Leaf was made a dragonmancer's apprentice, she was "over the moons with joy." Rowan later said that she was the one who found the books Wren stole from the dragonmancers while saying what had actually happened to Wren. She was close behind her husband when Wren and Leaf returned to Talisman, calling out to Leaf and Rowan after Wren flew away on Sky.

Wren's sister is a female human who was mentioned in Dragonslayer. She is the sister of Wren, Rowan, Bluebell, Camellia, and Leaf.




Leaf indirectly mentioned her when he stated that he had four older sisters. She was also mentioned when Rowan noted that she never paid much attention to her five younger siblings.

Violet's fathers are two adult male humans introduced in Dragonslayer. They raised Violet.




Violet's dads worked on "laws and orders" with Heath, and they had been to the old village. They brought Violet back a half-burned doll and told her that maybe she could fix it and make it pretty. They later arrived at the Wingwatcher welcome ceremony, and were confused as to why Violet was becoming a Wingwatcher.

Ivy later mentioned them to Stone when she was guessing why the dragons had not eaten Rose yet, saying that they had a parakeet for a while.

The human captive is a male human who was introduced in Dragonslayer. He was one of human captives imprisoned in the SkyWing palace. His current status is unknown.




The unnamed human captive first appeared alongside Cardinal and Arbutus when Leaf, Thyme, Rowan, and Cranberry woke up in the SkyWings' prey center. He was described to have always been whimpering, screaming nightmares every time he had fallen asleep, and refusing to communicate with anyone. On the fourth day of Leaf's imprisonment, he was taken away by the SkyWings.

Grove's father is a male human who was mentioned in Dragonslayer. He is the father of Grove and works as a farmer in Talisman.




Grove's father was mentioned when Leaf recalled the reason Grove moved to Talisman. Two years prior the events of Dragonslayer, Grove and his father had fled from their burning village. The two had not talked about the incident ever since, or about any other family member they had lost.

He was later mentioned when Leaf recalls how the dragonmancers had requested him to cut down his small farm.

Daffodil's grandmother is an elderly female human who was mentioned in Dragonslayer. She is Petal's mother, Daffodil's grandmother, and the oldest human in Valor.




According to Daffodil, when she went to see her grandmother, her grandmother wanted to know where Daffodil's yellow ribbons were and that her new Wingwatcher uniform did nothing for her complexion. She also told Daffodil to sit still, "like, eight hundred thousand times." She was alive in the dragon attacks and told Daffodil that Heath had came riding home at first, and that all the humans were cheering, but then everything was suddenly on fire. Apparently, Daffodil's Aunt, Petal, had saved her by getting her into an escape tunnel. She also said that Petal was the very best of her children, and no one else would ever measure up.

The Wingwatcher recruit is a young human of unknown gender who was introduced in Dragonslayer. They are a member of the Wingwatchers.




The Wingwatcher recruit appeared at the Wingwatcher welcome ceremony alongside five other recruits.

The humans in the Kingdom of the Sea are two humans of unknown genders who were introduced in The Lost Heir.


One of the humans has green eyes like Glory's and skin the color of Clay's scales, with tangled brown hair snarling from their shoulders.


The Dragonet Prophecy[]

The Lost Heir[]

When Tsunami was searching for Riptide she came across the two humans. They looked terrified after seeing Tsunami. After their boat was picked up and instantly dropped they shrieked, even more when Tsunami picked them with her claws. After they were dropped in the beach they staggered to their feet and fled to the trees without looking back.

The fourth dragonmancer was a human of unknown gender who was mentioned in Dragonslayer. They were one of four dragonmancers with Trout, Crow, and Gorge before being sacrificed by the three.[84]




The fourth dragonmancer was mentioned as stealing SkyWing treasure alongside Trout, Crow, and Gorge and then being sacrificed so that the others could increase their share of stolen treasure.


  1. The Lost Continent, prologue
  2. The Hive Queen, page 87
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Hive Queen, page 88
  4. The Hive Queen, page 89
  5. The Hive Queen, page 90
  6. The Hive Queen, page 183
  7. The Lost Continent, page 8-9
  8. The Hive Queen, page 5
  9. The Hive Queen, page 6
  10. The Lost Continent, page 59
  11. Winter Turning, page 240
  12. The Dangerous Gift, page 60
  13. Dragonslayer, page 178
  14. Winter Turning, page 1
  15. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 121
  16. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 192
  17. The Dangerous Gift, page 98
  18. The Dangerous Gift, page 94
  19. The Poison Jungle, page 155
  20. The Winglets Quartet: Assassin, page 76
  21. Escaping Peril, page 32
  22. Escaping Peril, page 39
  23. 23.0 23.1 Escaping Peril, page 95
  24. 24.0 24.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 200
  25. A Guide to the Dragon World, page 14
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 A Guide to the Dragon World, page 17
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 A Guide to the Dragon World, page 20
  28. A Guide to the Dragon World, page 18
  29. A Guide to the Dragon World, page 19
  30. A Guide to the Dragon World, page 25
  31. A Guide to the Dragon World, page 29
  32. The Brightest Night, page 106
  33. Winter Turning, page 208
  34. Escaping Peril, page 197
  35. The Winglets Quartet: Prisoners, page 21
  36. Darkstalker, page 40
  37. Darkstalker, page 137
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 Moon Rising, page 294
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 Winter Turning, page 71
  40. 40.0 40.1 Winter Turning, page 73
  41. Winter Turning, page 74
  42. Darkness of Dragons, page 197
  43. 43.0 43.1 The Hidden Kingdom, page 58
  44. A Guide to the Dragon World, page 82
  45. A Guide to the Dragon World, page 28
  46. 46.0 46.1 Winter Turning, page 72
  47. Dragonslayer, page 308
  48. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 286
  49. The Brightest Night, page 57
  50. Darkstalker, page 212
  51. The Brightest Night, page 129
  52. The Dark Secret, page 187
  53. The Lost Heir, page 270
  54. Darkness of Dragons, page 104-105
  55. The Lost Heir, page 158
  56. A Guide to the Dragon World, page 54
  57. Escaping Peril, page 94
  58. The Lost Continent, page 58
  59. The Flames of Hope, page 326
  60. The Flames of Hope, page 237
  61. The Lost Continent, page 113
  62. The Flames of Hope, page 116
  63. The Flames of Hope, page 40
  64. The Hive Queen, page 230
  65. The Lost Continent, page 53
  66. 66.0 66.1 Escaping Peril, prologue
  67. Dragonslayer, page 224
  68. Dragonslayer, page 321
  69. Dragonslayer, page 319
  70. The Dragonet Prophecy, page 247
  71. A Guide to the Dragon World, page 173
  72. 72.0 72.1 Darkness of Dragons, page 237
  73. 73.0 73.1 73.2 The Dangerous Gift, page 138
  74. Dragonslayer, page 311
  75. 75.0 75.1 A Guide to the Dragon World, page 114
  76. The Brightest Night, page 99
  77. The Flames of Hope, page 178
  78. The Flames of Hope, page 183
  79. The Flames of Hope, page 186
  80. The Flames of Hope, page 187
  81. 81.0 81.1 A Guide to the Dragon World, page 3
  82. Dragonslayer, page 28
  83. Dragonslayer, page 31
  84. Dragonslayer, page 482
  1. Stated by Tuisource 
  2. Stated by Tuisource 
  3. Stated by Tuisource 