Wings of Fire Wiki
Wings of Fire Wiki

Me: Hello!

Subzero: *Growls then stopped growling when she realized it was me* Hi.

Me: I need to know your backstory.

Subzero: Okay.

Me: Tell me about your family and life.

Subzero: I will start with my family. My mother, Nightsnow, is a hybrid, nightwing-icewing. My father is Snakeroot, a leafwing with some icewing heritage. My father had a dragonet with another dragon before meeting mom: Snowdrop. Snowdrop's mother died in a battle, and her father, which is my father, married my mother afterwards. I have two other sibling: An elder sister named Icyshadows and a younger brother named Evergreen. Nightsnow, mother, whatever you want to call her, favors Evergreen because he is the youngest and sweetest. She often ignore the rest of us and when she didn't ignore's uasually because Icyshadows told mother something bad about me and tried to frame me...I usually have to lie in order to get out of trouble.

Me: so that's where your cunning and resourceful personality came from.

Subzero: Yes. Besides that, mother likes Icyshadows the most besides Evergreen, because Icyshadows seemed like a polite dragonet on the outside. Then, it's me. She doesn't really like me much, but at least better than Snowdrop. She hates Snowdrop and will try to drive her out of the family any chance she got. Snowdrop also rebel and defy her all the time, fighting her. Snowdrop is a nice dragon. The only thing is...Snowdrop likes plants better than dragons, and her leafspeak is so good, she spend 95%of her time talking with plants and really, talk really rarely. But the worst thing is, Snowdrop is the only one who will want to even talk to me so...Eventually I don't even like to talk anymore or be nice to dragons.

Me: What about Evergreen?

Subzero: I do like Evergreen, but he is young and prefer to hang out with dragonets his age instead of elder teenage dragonets like me so...

Me: Wow. Sad. Where did you grow up?

Subzero: I grew up in the ice kingdom, since all of my family members have some icewing heritage and is not afraid of the cold. I used to go to an academy called Icy Academy. I hated it there. The only good thing about it is having Snow as a BFF and seeing my crush, Ice Lime everyday.

Me: Do you have any pets?

Subzero: Yes. A dragon bite viper that is tamed by my animus magic. I found it wondering in the ice kingdom when I am five, and it's such a weird snake! It is snowy white with ice blue eyes, as if it is an icewing! I enchanted it to be able to talk and cannot harm me and have a mental bond with me.

Me: Oh okay. That's interesting. We will end here for now. See you next time.

Subzero: Bye.
