- "Those tribes would have attacked me first even if I hadn't attacked them. If everyone is evil, the only way to survive is to be the most evil. SilkWings and LeafWings are different from us and need to be controlled."
- — Wasp's thoughts about the LeafWings and SilkWings during one of Snowfall's visions, The Dangerous Gift
Wasp is an adult female HiveWing who was introduced in The Lost Continent. She formerly ruled as queen of the HiveWings until the end of The Flames of Hope where she was replaced by Jewel. During her reign, she started the Tree Wars in an attempt to exterminate the LeafWings and she successfully gained control of the SilkWings, later forcing them into second-class citizenship. For the majority of her period as queen, she controlled nearly all of her HiveWing subjects using the breath of evil. She is currently imprisoned in the flamesilk factory alongside her sisters.
Wasp has black and yellow stripes,[1] black horns,[2] and deep, glittering,[3] dark,[4] large, and completely black eyes that are surrounded by an oval of yellow scales.[1] She is enormous, radiating menace,[2] and she has a chilly voice.[5] Some of her many propaganda posters depict her with stingers extending from her claws.[6] She also has a long, needle-sharp stinger in her tail, unknown to nearly everyone,[7] and with the only known use being for injecting breath of evil into other dragons. She moves quickly, efficiently, and ruthlessly, like a cobra stalking its prey.[8]
Wasp is also mentioned to have dark green blood,[3] which may be due to her consumption of the breath of evil. Blue said that she is breathtaking and superior, and that after seeing her, Lady Cicada never seemed as scary as Wasp.[9] In The Flames of Hope, her face was melted by Pineapple's venom.[10]
Wasp is often simultaneously thrilled[11] and furious.[12] She is chillingly malevolent,[13] evil,[14] sharp,[15] dreadful,[16] and considers other dragon tribes to be dangerous, strange, and terrifying.[17] She has no sense of mercy or justice.[18] She believes the only way to be safe is through control, and her thoughts often spiral towards chaos, causing her to kill things in order to calm down. She thinks that everyone is evil and therefore she must be the most evil in order to survive.[19] She is vindictive and strikes back the moment she is struck.[20] The breath of evil describes her as all poison from the core out.[21]
According to Scarab, being perfectly nasty is Wasp's natural resting state.[22] Wasp had no qualms about working with the othermind, as she believes that in order to get the power she wanted, she would have to work with "monsters" to do it.[17] She displayed a complete lack of care towards her subjects, as she had no issue leaving Earwig to die on the island.[23] She preferred capturing dragons as opposed to killing them as she finds them more useful as soldiers than corpses.[24] Blue said that trying to imagine life as her was like trying to imagine life as the sun.[1]
Pre-Series |
Wasp was dangerous and power-hungry even before she had inherited the throne from her mother, Cochineal. She wanted all the tribes to bow down to her, and thus she started cutting down the LeafWings' trees as she believed they got their power from them. She made various excuses to explain the disappearances of the trees and lied to the LeafWings whenever they tried to compromise with her. She later started lying about the contents of the Book of Clearsight, using it to her advantage to try and convince the other queens that it was time for the three tribes to be ruled under one queen. While Queen Monarch gave in to her demands, Queen Sequoia refused, and asked to see the book herself, and Wasp denied her request. During this time, a LeafWing named Hawthorn had found a plant that could be used to mind-control other dragons, the aptly named breath of evil. At a peace summit held between the two sides, Hawthorn decided to slip some of the breath of evil into Wasp's food, in hopes that they could control her. It appeared that the breath of evil had no effect, as Wasp behaved exactly the same as she did before. Unbeknownst to the LeafWings at the time, the breath of evil had given Wasp the ability to mind-control other dragons instead. She used the breath of evil to her advantage and used it to control the HiveWings. After this, Wasp started the Tree Wars, a long brutal war which led to the near-extermination of the LeafWing tribe. During this, she had managed to deforest most of Pantala, with most of the wood being used in the creation of the Hives. |
The Lost Continent Prophecy[]
The Lost Continent |
Blue mentioned early in the book that he had seen the queen only once when she visited Cicada Hive to inspect Silkworm Hall. He claimed that she once paused and stared at him and Luna, giving him the distinct feeling that "she was trying to decide between adopting them or eating them." Later, when Blue and Io tried to escape Cicada Hive, Wasp used her mind-control ability on the HiveWing families in the park, including Katydid, Bombardier, Aphid, and more, to capture Blue and bring him to her. The attempt in capturing Blue proved ultimately unsuccessful with the help of Cricket. She kept the search for them going over several days, evidently sleeping during the nights. Outside of the Wasp Hive greenhouses, Swordtail, Blue, and Cricket saw one that was Queen Wasp's private greenhouse, and no one was allowed in. They decided it would make a perfect place to hide, as Wasp probably did not visit the greenhouse on a daily basis and no one else would be inside it. When Blue, Cricket, and a disguised Sundew entered Wasp Hive to steal the Book of Clearsight, they discovered that the Librarian, who occupied the greatest position in HiveWing history, was being constantly mind-controlled by Wasp. Sundew was able to take the mind control out of the Librarian momentarily by using a bullet ant to bite her because they are known for the most painful sting, and it gave her so much pain that Wasp's control over her broke. However, while the Librarian helped them escape with the Book of Clearsight, she suddenly became mind-controlled again, likely because Wasp did not want to lose her grip on the tribe by having the secrets of the Book spilled out by the Librarian, or because she saw that the Librarian was painless through another HiveWing's eyes. |
The Hive Queen |
When Blue, Cricket, Sundew, and Swordtail crept into Jewel Hive, Cricket suspected the helmeted guards were under Wasp's control. Later, more mind-controlled guards ambushed Jewel Hive's Chrysalis in the library, though Cinnabar and Tau covered for the others. Wasp later made her first actual appearance, searching for Katydid in Scarab's mansion. When Cricket vandalized Jewel Hive, she was caught by guards controlled by Wasp, and they threatened to "fix" Cricket. Wasp then "inspected" the eggs inside the Jewel Hive Nest, with Cricket secretly watching. There, Cricket found out how Wasp mind-controlled the HiveWings: by poisoning them with her tail stinger, which was unknown to the tribe, likely because she did not want dragons figuring it out and hiding their eggs. Cricket figured poisoning unhatched dragonets was faster and more effective than when they were grown. Later, Sundew determined the source of Wasp's poison through Bumblebee's eggshell: the breath of evil plant in the queen's restricted greenhouse, which Blue later burned down, possibly destroying Wasp's only source of the breath of evil vine. |
The Poison Jungle |
Queen Wasp indirectly appeared in the book when LeafWing guards appeared in the treetops carrying a HiveWing prisoner blindfolded and tied up, which prompted Hazel to note that they must be at the riverside of the jungle already, and Wasp confirmed it by speaking through the HiveWing's mind, claiming that she would kill them all and finish what they started. As the prisoner tried to break free, Wasp continued speaking through his mind, claiming she knew who Cricket's father was and subtly threatened to kill him. Later, when Hawthorn was revealed to be controlled by the othermind, at first, Sundew accused Wasp of controlling him, but the othermind revealed that in reality, Wasp was just controlled by them as well all along, confirming her to be controlled by the othermind, and not the other way around. |
The Dangerous Gift |
Wasp was mentioned several times throughout the book. She appeared in Snowfall's visions and revealed her thoughts and secret paranoia, thinking about how everyone is different from her, and thus needs to be controlled. Wasp knew in the vision she was not in control and yelled at the othermind to stay out of her head but it ignored her. The vision made Snowfall realize how similar she and Wasp were, with their shared paranoia and belief that everyone is out to get them, making Snowfall wonder if she would ever resort to what Wasp did. |
The Flames of Hope |
Wasp was mentioned when Luna thought about how unfair it was that she got to decide everything that happened to the SilkWings. She was mentioned during Luna and Swordtail's conversation when he told her how Wasp was having him guard the SilkWings until there was enough of the breath of evil to infect them. He told her how she sent him back to Cicada Hive. As the stealth team continued on their flight to Pantala, they got attacked by a group of mind-controlled HiveWings with Wasp inside them. Wasp spoke through a mind-controlled SilkWing that also came with the HiveWings. Wasp used the SilkWing's antennae to search for the invisible members of the stealth team. By doing this, she managed to find and knock out Pineapple and Moonwatcher. Wasp wondered if she could control the knocked out members of the stealth team, before one of the unconscious HiveWings, Earwig, woke up. Wasp tried to get useful information out of her. Earwig, however, did not give her any useful information on any sighting of the invisible stealth team. Wasp carried the unconscious members of the stealth team back to the Hives, leaving Earwig and the rest of the unconscious HiveWings behind. Later, Wasp appeared in front of Qibli, Tsunami, and Pineapple. Cottonmouth mind-controlled Malachite and requested to interrogate the three prisoners. At first, Wasp did not agree, but after Cottonmouth threatened her she allowed him to interrogate them. Pineapple sprayed venom into her face, causing her to mind control the HiveWings in the room at that time, as she was too distracted by the pain. Cottonmouth switched between mind-controlling Wasp and then leaving her mind due to the pain. Eventually, Cottonmouth was able to bear the pain and mind-control her. Despite Cottonmouth's efforts, the captured dragons from the stealth team still escaped. While Luna flew to Cicada Hive to meet up with Swordtail, Sundew and some other members of the stealth team went to make sure someone imprisoned Wasp. In the epilogue, Wasp was mentioned to be imprisoned in the flamesilk cavern alongside her sisters, while Queen Jewel replaced her as queen of the HiveWings. |
Field Guides[]
A Guide to the Dragon World |
Wasp was mentioned several times in Io's Rules for Happiness and Prosperity in the Hives. She was also mentioned by several times in Monarch's final writing. Wasp was depicted in a portrait at the beginning of the HiveWing chapter of the guide. She was later mentioned in Cricket's guide to the HiveWing school curriculum along with the Official Guide to the Hives. She was briefly mentioned in Cricket's notes about potential HiveWing abilities. In the LeafWing chapter, Wasp was mentioned several times in the letters between Sequoia, Linden, and Belladonna. |
Wasp sees Cricket as a traitorous HiveWing for stealing the Book of Clearsight alongside Blue and Sundew, and for Wasp's inability to mind-control her.[25] After Cricket vandalized Jewel Hive, she threatened to "fix" Cricket.[26]
Wasp thought Jewel was stupid, annoying, and weak, and not a threat to her power, despite the fact that she could not be controlled. Scarab mentioned that Wasp has threatened to add Jewel to her hive-mind,[27] and said that Jewel acted like a "vapid banana slug" whenever Wasp was around to make Wasp think she was harmless.[28] After Jewel managed to escape with the Jewel Hive SilkWings, Wasp noted that she knew should have killed Jewel, along with Scarab, years ago.[11]
Wasp controlled Malachite and paraded him past Scarab whenever she could, as punishment.[29] In The Poison Jungle, she threatened Cricket by saying that she would kill him.[30]
Wasp and Scarab have an intense mutual dislike for each other.[29] Wasp threatened to kill Scarab in The Hive Queen.[31]
Family tree[]
Cicada | Unknown | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Several Generations | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unknown | Cochineal | Scarab | Unknown | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bloodworm | Cicada | Hornet | Mantis | Jewel | Unknown | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tsetse | Vinegaroon | Wasp | Yellowjacket | Unnamed Dragons | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- "What strange treason is this? [...] Why can't I get inside your mind, worm?"
- ― to Cricket, speaking through the Librarian (The Lost Continent, page 211)
- "No, [...] it's all true. I can control all of them. That's why every dragon in the Hive is on their way to surround the temple right now. I can't move the guards you paralyzed, but I can reach everyone else. The moment you step outside this temple, they will kill you all."
- ― to Sundew, about her mind control through the Librarian (The Lost Continent, page 215)
- "Oh, I see your game, [...] I can take a lot more pain than a broken arm, though. I'm not afraid of anything you can do to this body."
- ― to Sundew, through the Librarian about the bullet ants (The Lost Continent, page 216)
- "Come out, you sniveling cowards! I know there are dragons hiding in this library! Show yourselves, or I will burn all the books until you die choking on the smoke."
- ― to Cricket, Blue, Sundew, and Swordtail through a HiveWing (The Hive Queen, page 160)
- "Nice try, Lady Scarab. [...] I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon."
- ― to Scarab through Katydid (The Hive Queen, page 160)
- "Then we'll have to throw you into it to slow the flames. You are a tedious talonwringer. I'll do it myself."
- ― through a HiveWing to a guard that asked what to do if the fire spreads (The Hive Queen, page 161)
- "That was easier than I expected. You really were a fool to come back into a Hive. And for what? A little bit of graffiti, a few pamphlets that will be ash by evening? Poor naive little dragonet. As though anyone would believe you over their queen. It must have been so hard for you. Feeling so different, so alone. Watching everyone else come together in my Hive mind, but always left out. But I have good news for you, little dragon. You don't have to be different anymore. I can fix you. I'm on my way right now. And when I get there ... I can make you just like everybody else. Aren't you lucky? See you soon, little problem dragon."
- ― through some guards to Cricket (The Hive Queen, page 215-216)
- "That little worm Cricket is here, isn't she? [...] The one who thinks she's so very clever, with her pamphlets and graffiti and rumors. Guess what, Cricket? I figured it out. I know who your father is. And he's mine, all mine, and I could kill him in a heartbeat if I wanted to. Or I could let you meet him. Would you like that? Wouldn't you like to come back to Wasp Hive so I ... can ..."
- ― through Inchworm to Cricket (The Poison Jungle, page 233)
- "Everyone was out to get me but I showed them, and now they are all mine. This is what it means to be a true queen: complete control. Nothing to fear. No one to stop her or argue with her or complain about her. They fear HER, and that is how it should be."
- ― thinking about being a queen (The Dangerous Gift, page 178)
- "She's only a puppet who can control some of the other puppets because she eats the plant and it combines with her venom in a useful way. [...] Anyway, she's only in charge of the HiveWings when he lets her be. She thinks she's his equal, but she is basically one of his big toes."
- ― Freedom, about Wasp's relationship with Cottonmouth (The Flames of Hope, page 234)
- "There's someone else we can't see. [...] One with fire. [...] A lost flamesilk, perhaps? Luuuuuuna. Little flamesilk, are you here?"
- ― through a SilkWing about an invisible member of the stealth team (The Flames of Hope, page 42)
- "Earwig ... ah, yes, of Tsetse Hive. I'm inside your brothers now. I could have them kill each other so easily. Or perhaps this one could rip off the other's ears. That would be entertaining. Perhaps if you ever want to see them again, you could try addressing your queen with more respect."
- ― through a SilkWing to Earwig (The Flames of Hope, page 47)
- Tui jokingly hinted in a Scholastic thread that her downstairs bathroom was once like the continent of Pantala, because "there was a wasp in there and so the room now belonged to the wasp forever."[event 1]
- Tui stated in a Home Base Q&A that Wasp is her favorite villain.[event 2]
- It was rumored that Wasp ate as rarely as possible, and only ate predators.[1]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The Lost Continent, page 6
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 The Hive Queen, page 243
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 The Flames of Hope, page 219
- ↑ The Lost Continent, page 13
- ↑ The Hive Queen, page 236
- ↑ The Lost Continent, page 18
- ↑ The Hive Queen, page 244
- ↑ The Hive Queen, page 244-245
- ↑ The Lost Continent, page 6-7
- ↑ The Flames of Hope, page 219-220
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 176
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 175
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 244
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 184
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 183
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 121
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 The Dangerous Gift, page 177
- ↑ The Hive Queen, page 231
- ↑ The Dangerous Gift, page 178
- ↑ The Poison Jungle, page 136
- ↑ The Poison Jungle, page 262
- ↑ The Hive Queen, page 227
- ↑ The Flames of Hope, page 50
- ↑ The Flames of Hope, page 56
- ↑ The Lost Continent, page 211
- ↑ The Hive Queen, page 162
- ↑ The Hive Queen, page 143
- ↑ The Hive Queen, page 169
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 The Hive Queen, page 147
- ↑ The Poison Jungle, page 233
- ↑ The Hive Queen, page 135
HiveWings | |
Queens | |
Royalty |
Bloodworm • Cicada • Hornet • Mantis • Scarab • Tsetse • Vinegaroon • Yellowjacket |
Other Dragons |
Aphid • Bombardier • Bumblebee • Cadelle • Carabid • Chafer • Cricket • Dragonfly • Earthworm • Earwig • Inchworm • Grasshopper • Hawker • Glowworm • Katydid • Librarian • Lubber • Malachite • Midge • Pinacate • Rootworm • Sandfly • Treehopper • Weevil |
Kingdom |
Bloodworm Hive • Cicada Hive • Hornet Hive • Jewel Hive • Mantis Hive • Tsetse Hive • Vinegaroon Hive • Wasp Hive • Yellowjacket Hive |
Society |